Note: Our most sincere apologies for the audio during our conversation with Amy Ratcliffe. This is through no fault of Ms. Ratcliffe, and is completely due to an error in production; we hope you will bear with us, as Amy has some awesome things to say!
In today’s show, we talk with Amy Ratcliffe about our topics for Show # 65, Celebration Orlando questions and tips. We also look back at Cory’s contributions to Coffee With Kenobi over the last four years, as he hosts his last podcast in the CWK studio, as co-host. We also look at Season 2 of Lego Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures, and Topps General Manager and VP David Leiner joins us to talk Star Wars Authentics.
Nick DiCo is back to discuss Star Wars video games and Jason Brame brings us an update on the Star Wars canon. In Collector News, we look at recent finds, including info on the Coffee With Kenobi podcast studio. So, pull up a chair, grab your favorite coffee mug and let’s have some Coffee With Kenobi!
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