Coin Concede is a podcast about Hearthstone. Hosts Edelweiss, WickedGood and Magesa cover everything Hearthstone related from Hearthstone News to laddering in ranked play. While integrating their personal experience playing Hearthstone, they converse over news topics, decks, meta shifts, tournaments, and emails. If you’re a casual player just starting out, or a competitive legendary player, there are many things to enjoy about this podcast.
The podcast Coin Concede: A Hearthstone Podcast is created by Edelweiss, WickedGood and Magesa. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
We are so back! We break down the biggest Hearthstone esports announcement in years, and give you all the information you need to know to start preparing for open qualifiers. (Yes, you read that right!) Plus, more new Into the Emerald Dream cards, shop updates, and more!
News – 13:00
Tournaments – 43:28
Decksplanations – 1:08:26
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We take you on a guided tour Into the Emerald Dream, which also happens to be the next Hearthstone expansion! We cover everything you need to know, including the new Imbue and Dark Gift keywords, and WickedGood and Edelweiss try to figure out if Druid or Rogue will abuse more of the new legendary minions.
News – 18:22
Decksplanations – 54:33
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Happy New Year! The crew breaks down everything you need to know about Year of the Raptor, including what's rotating, what's changing in the Core set, and what new features you'll have to look forward to in the coming months.
News – 13:30
Decksplanations – 34:47
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We discuss the ramifications of this week's small balance patch, and then help you learn how to play one of the decks that benefitted from Fizzle's infinites going to the great beyond, Location Warlock!
News – 14:28
Decksplanations – 37:59
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The Zerg Rush dominated the first few days of the recent meta, so we take some time to discuss two of the Shaman decks that are doing their best to stem the tide, whether you want to just hit the opponent faster than they can hit you, or win as slowly as Terranly possible.
News – 29:03
Decksplanations – 32:26
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Heroes of Starcraft has landed, and we've braved the front lines of battle with tales of all of the decks you might come across in the early days of the new meta.
News – 24:02
Decksplanations – 53:00
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It's time to blast off into Heroes of Starcraft! We break down all the cards from the new miniset and tell you where to invest your valuable minerals and vespene gas.
News – 16:05
Decksplanations – 44:00
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We're about to go into the future with the Starcraft mini-set on the horizon, so before we go there, we decide to take a trip into the past and review the year 2024 in Hearthstone.
News – 18:51
Decksplanations – 28:00
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It's a very light news week, so Professor Magesa calls class to session to teach you how to win more games of Hearthstone by managing your cognitive load better.
News – 23:46
Decksplanations – 26:13
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They say the holidays are always hectic, and that's extending even into the world of Hearthstone! There's a balance patch to discuss, we have a new World Champion, and then we take some time to break down one of the new decks to benefit from the recent nerfs, Discover Hunter!
News – 17:12
Tournaments – 51:18
Decksplanations – 1:14:49
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It's World Championships week! We break down all the decks and lineups you'll see this weekend, and then Magesa teaches you how to get a little bit closer to that level of play by focusing on playing more aggressively (even if you're a degenerate control player).
News – 15:52
Tournaments – 25:14
Decksplanations – 41:25
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We're back from the holiday break (well, most of us, anyway), and there's a lot to talk about, from a new Twist season, to actual news about the upcoming World Championships, to how to play one of the new decks from The Great Dark Beyond, Libram Paladin!
News – 21:56
Tournaments – 55:16
Decksplanations – 1:00:34
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If you weren't over the moon for the Great Dark Beyond meta at launch, you'll be happy to know that nearly thirty cards were changed in this week's balance patch. We break down what got better, what got worse, and what you should play in this brand new universe of decks.
News – 25:28
Decksplanations – 49:08
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There was so much news released from the Warcraft 30th Anniversary Direct that we spend most of the episode covering it! We map out everything that we found out is happening over the next year, starting with a Starcraft mini-set and taking us through all three expansions in the Year of the Raptor and big changes coming to Arena. Plus: China Worlds quallifiers, new Hearthstone merch to look out for, and more!
News – 28:26
Tournaments – 1:18:10
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We've explored the farthest reaches of the Great Dark Beyond to bring you back a star chart to the new Standard meta! Will we encounter any starships in our travels? Will we get sucked into a Quasar, never to be seen again? The answers to these questions and more await you!
News – 29:31
Decksplanations – 39:52
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Who's ready to go to space? We're fresh off a string of prerelease Tavern Brawl runs to give you our final thoughts on The Great Dark Beyond ahead of its release on Tuesday, including what we're excited for and what has us spooked!
News – 26:44
Decksplanations – 44:37
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We've travelled to the depths of theorycrafting and have transmissions of our extraterrestrial encounters! We talk about what decks we liked, what could have potential, and what didn't, so that you can prepare for next week's prerelease Tavern Brawl!
News – 15:22
Decksplanations – 31:28
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There's too much news this week, so we're going at warp speed to cover it all! There's a major constructed balance patch, upcoming changes to quests, and five classes' worth of cards to discuss, so there's no time to drift off course!
News – 15:36
Decksplanations – 1:01:47
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We're going to spaaaaaaaace! Blizzard just announced the next Hearthstone expansion, The Great Dark Beyond, and we have everything you need to know, from how to build a starship, to how to train your demons, and everything in between!
News – 18:40
Decksplanations – 51:28
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It's a light news week this week, so we take the opportunity to do a deep dive on one of the more unique decks currently in the format, Pipsi Paladin!
News – 15:40
Decksplanations – 21:54
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Now that we've seen the latest balance changes, we take you on a guided tour of the latest big deck to play, Big Shaman! Plus upcoming Twist season news, a recap of the finals of the Coin Concede Listener Series, and more!
News – 27:18
Tournaments– 1:02:42
Decksplanations – 1:09:51
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Magesa's getting married this weekend! So Edelweiss and Wickedgood hold down the fort with advice for how to beat the most popular deck in Standard, Big Spell Mage.
News – 21:47
Tournaments– 24:40
Decksplanations – 27:47
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We're all back together to talk about The Traveling Travel Agency, and everything that's happened since its release. Even if you can guess which card we're all scared of, we've got a lot of thoughts on the rest of the miniset that you'll want to hear!
News – 30:01
Tournaments– 49:54
Decksplanations – 54:02
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Magesa and WickedGood were both so into the theme of The Traveling Travel Agency miniset that they got too overwhelmed with day job things to record this week, so Edelweiss is joined by podcaster and Masters Tour caster Dragonrider to talk about all the new cards that are coming our way next week!
News – 14:04
Decksplanations – 42:06
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We got another set of balance changes this week, for both Standard and Wild! Will Druid still be all over ladder? Is Ryecleaver playable now? What on Earth did Sorcerer's Apprentice do this time? We'll answer these questions and more!
News – 23:14
Tournaments – 33:08
Decksplanations – 37:00
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One of the best ways to improve at Hearthstone is by watching the best players in the world compete in a Masters Tour. Since those don't come around as often as they used to, we picked out several games from the most recent tournament that we can all learn from, to make sure you can make the most of this opportunity.
News – 21:47
Tournaments – 33:07
Decksplanations – 57:33
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Happy Masters Tour Weekend! We have full analysis of all of the decks brought by the competitors this weekend, and then go deep on both flavors of Rainbow Death Knight that have gotten popular on ladder since the balance patch.
News – 18:21
Tournaments – 37:58
Decksplanations – 1:04:58
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It's such a huge news week that that's all we have time to discuss, between the announcement of Battlegrounds Season 8 and a massive constructed balance patch with both nerfs and buffs. If you're unsure what to play now that the meta has completely changed, we're here to help!
News – 19:06
Decksplanations – 29:58
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Now that we've had some time to settle into Paradise with all of its Perils, we have some suggestions of what to play if you've had your fill of action packed perfection, your lamps have already been lit, and you don't want to stop by the Concierge desk again. Plus, Hearthstone returns to China, first look at the next Masters Tour, and more!
News – 21:22
Tournaments - 47:18
Decksplanations – 52:52
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The crew has been feverishly jamming games in the post-launch meta to give you an early overview of what to expect when you queue into ladder, and see how far we can bend a rock-paper-scissors analogy without breaking it entirely in the process!
News – 39:38
Decksplanations – 49:25
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The crew is fresh off of Theorycrafting with early impressions of the new cards releasing this week from Perils in Paradise! We'll tell you what cards are being slept on, which we're scared of, and what you'll be able to play when the expansion launches!
News – 29:48
Tournaments – 49:41
Decksplanations – 52:10
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Who could have predicted that we’d have even more cards from Perils in Paradise to discuss this week? (Well, maybe some of the Priests, as it turns out!) Plus, the Splish Splash Whelp ban, Coin Concede Listener Series updates, and more!
News – 17:58
Tournaments – 24:27
Decksplanations – 26:53
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We heard you like Shaman cards, so we have four from Perils in Paradise to reveal to you! (Big thanks to the Hearthstone community team for including us in reveal season!) Plus we have in-depth analysis of all of this week's reveals of the Warlock, Death Knight and Shaman classes from the new expansion!
News – 11:56
Decksplanations – 16:31
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It's a big week, with standard balance changes, long awaited Twist hero adjustments, and a whole bunch of new cards from Perils in Paradise to discuss! Don't forget your sunscreen (but if you did, Paladin has extra for you)!
News – 17:55
Tournaments – 35:38
Decksplanations – 41:10
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School's out, so we're going on vacation to the Spiral Isles! We have all the details about the new Perils in Paradise expansion and the cards we know about so far, plus a breakdown of major changes in patch 29.6, and multiple tournaments to discuss!
News – 22:02
Tournaments – 1:03:51
Decksplanations – 1:12:15
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We're losing our minds waiting for news about the next expansion, so we decided to channel that energy into learning how to play Insanity Warlock so you don't have to drive yourself mad when you play with or against it. Plus, Buddies are back in Battlegrounds, Coin Concede Listener Series updates, and more!
News – 26:20
Tournaments – 42:24
Decksplanations – 50:38
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The first week of the Whizbang's Heroes season of Twist has been a bit of a wild ride! After testing out a bunch of heroes, we've collected a set of tips and tricks for the best performing heroes to help you climb this month.
Note: This episode was recorded just before the latest set of Twist health changes, but most of the advice still applies.
News – 25:28
Tournaments – 31:04
Decksplanations – 38:10
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The new Twist season just started, and we have everything you need to know to get started out strong! Plus, all three hosts climbed in Standard in May with Handbuff Paladin, and we have tips and tricks for you to do the same this month.
Also, don't miss our new "Unity, Precision, Perfection" designs at!
News – 15:37
Tournaments – 54:20
Decksplanations – 1:01:13
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With Magesa out sick, WickedGood and Edelweiss take time to reflect on the latest balance patch, and faced with the prospect of starting over with another new meta, discuss how they approach learning new decks when the meta inevitably shifts.
Also, don't miss our new "Unity, Precision, Perfection" designs at!
News – 19:26
Decksplanations – 49:54
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Dr. Boom's Incredible Inventions is live, and we're all living our best lives: Magesa is in top 500 with an aggro deck, Edelweiss is jamming Good Shaman, and WickedGood is starting to believe in Reno Priest again. But what is the right deck for you? We're here to help!
News – 19:51
Decksplanations – 44:00
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Dr. Boom is bringing us a miniset! But which of his new inventions are actually incredible, and which ones are, well, less credible?
News – 27:20
Decksplanations – 38:36
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It's been a week since the big balance change, and the meta is definitely different, but is it better? We talk about what "player agency" means, how close we think the patch got to restoring it, and what you can play in the meta if you don't want to endure Reno Warrior mirrors.
News – 28:40
Decksplanations – 37:18
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One of the biggest balance patches ever just dropped! We're here to break down what changed, what didn't change enough, and what to do now that everything is completely changed.
News – 16:23
Decksplanations – 1:43:33
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It's the day Magesa has been waiting for, since Demon Hunter was nerfed, it's Zarimi Priest's time to shine, and we're going to help you learn how to climb with it! Plus, we have a recap of last weekend's Masters Tour, and we dust off the economy bumper to talk about all of the upheaval with weekly quests that's happened since 29.2 went live.
News – 19:16
Tournaments – 58:22
Decksplanations – 1:18:00
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It's a big week, with a Battlegrounds patch coming (with a bonus Demon Hunter nerf), Blizzard returning to China, and a Masters Tour this weekend. Once we get through all the news, we talk about keeping your rank healthy by countering Virus Rogue.
News – 24:29
Tournaments – 1:05:53
Decksplanations – 1:25:09
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Battlegrounds Duos is coming! We discuss the changes coming in Battlegrounds Season 7, give a preview of the upcoming Masters Tour, and then spend some time helping you figure out the best deck to climb with on ladder in any meta.
News – 21:18
Tournaments – 43:16
Decksplanations – 54:53
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We got our first set of balance changes in Year of the Pegasus! We analyze all of the changes and what they mean for the metagame, before going deep on Rainbow Death Knight, an up and coming deck that dodged all of the nerfs. Plus tournaments, more bot bans, and more!
News – 20:26
Tournaments – 53:24
Decksplanations – 58:47
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We all played a whole lot of games during the first few days of the Whizbang's Workshop meta, and we have a whole lot of thoughts about the decks we all played, as well as what decks you should be playing to start off!
News – 26:28
Decksplanations – 51:43
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We come back from Theorycrafting with a ton of thoughts about the cards and decks we'll be playing with from Whizbang's Workshop next week! Plus, we have potential news about China, a new Tavern Brawl, and a Frankenmeta to discuss!
News – 27:21
Decksplanations –59:59
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Edelweiss is feeling better, and just in time to keep Magesa and WickedGood from getting so amped up about the new Priest cards revealed from Whizbang's Workshop that they forget that there are six other classes to discuss.
Make sure to catch our upcoming streams on WickedGood's Twitch channel:
News – 18:09
Tournaments – 33:06
Decksplanations –36:22
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Edelweiss is out sick, but WickedGood and Magesa hold down the fort to talk about all the sick Whizbang's Workshop cards that were revealed over the past week, including neutrals, Warrior, Druid, and some interesting legendaries!
News – 16:09
Decksplanations –23:06
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With Year of the Pegasus only a month away, it's time to take a deep dive into the Standard that we'll be left with after rotation, including what's in the sets leaving Standard and all the changes to the next Core Set. Plus, this week's balance changes, new cards from Whizbang's Workshop, and more!
(Note: We had some audio issues toward the very end of the show, we're aware of them and it's been corrected for next week's episode. Thanks for understanding!)
News – 12:30
Decksplanations –56:36
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The Year of the Pegasus is coming! There's a lot of news to discuss, with gift cards in constructed, anniversary events, reveal of the new Whizbang's Workshop expansion, and entirely new Core Set, and a whole lot more!
News – 19:31
Decksplanations –1:07:34
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With the new Hearthstone year set to be announced any minute now, the crew takes advantage of the calm before the storm to talk about the Standard year we're leaving behind: What we liked, what we didn't, and what we hope is coming. Plus, news on the big bot ban wave and more!
News – 32:33
Decksplanations – 47:28
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We got the long-awaited balance patch! We take you through what's changed, and then talk in depth about what hasn't changed, which is Sludge Warlock, the deck you're either playing or playing against right now. Plus a new Blizzard president, the Lunar New Year event, and more!
News – 25:09
Decksplanations – 1:14:56
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Not a lot of strategy talk this week, as we take the time to process the layoffs at Blizzard and the details of the 2024 Hearthstone esports program, how we feel about them, and what they mean for the future.
News – 41:00
Tournaments – 1:13:13
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Delve Into Deepholm is out, and we have a lot of thoughts about the new cards we just started to play with!
News – 20:53
Decksplanations – 49:33
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It's miniset time, and we have new cards to discuss from Delve Into Deepholm before it releases next week! Plus, some 2024 esports news and more!
News – 26:36
Decksplanations – 41:05
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Edelweiss decides to start the new year by trying to help WickedGood and Magesa learn to love Excavate Rogue. (Spoiler: It doesn't go well.) Plus: The end of Duels, the spike in Asia Legends, Heroic Tavern Brawl, and more!
News – 25:53
Decksplanations – 1:07:07
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We're joined by 2023 Hearthstone World Champion PocketTrain for an extended interview, discussing his path to a world championship, his approach to the game, what he'd like to see in next year's competitive system, and more!
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Edelweiss is sick this week, so WickedGood and Magesa are on their own in a week with a lot to talk about, including the results of Worlds, prospects for esports in 2024, core set polls, changes at Blizzard leadership, and, oh, one of the biggest Standard balance patches we've had in a while.
News – 20:49
Tournaments – 44:02
Decksplanations – 1:01:34
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It's Worlds weekend! So this seems as good a time as any to talk about how to use tech cards, why there are going to be a lot of them in the decklists for the tournament, and why you shouldn't be doing the same on ladder.
News – 21:33
Tournaments – 30:02
Decksplanations – 43:44
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It's a big week in Hearthstone, with two major patches, a new Battlegrounds season, big changes to the client, and more to talk about. However, there's still time to say goodbye to an old friend.
News – 22:55
Tournaments – 1:13:40
Decksplanations – 1:17:41
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We're back from Thanksgiving break, and there's a ton of news to talk about, including balance changes, a new Battlegrounds season, and Twist's winter break update. Even with all that, we manage to find time to break down Reno Shaman, one of the hot new decks in the post-nerf meta.
News – 19:53
Tournaments – 1:05:53
Decksplanations – 1:11:03
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We're no longer scared of The Azerite Snake, because it's already been nerfed. But there are a lot of other new decks in the Showdown in the Badlands launch meta to talk about to figure out what will take the snake's place! That is, if a certain Twitter poll doesn't tear the crew apart...
News – 18:30
Tournaments – 1:01:16
Decksplanations – 1:04:00
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We're still coming down from our theorycrafting stream, and we have a whole lot of impressions about the cards in Showdown in the Badlands! But first, we still have a Masters Tour to recap, and a bunch of big news to discuss!
News – 13:17
Tournaments – 52:15
Decksplanations – 1:02:21
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We're live from Blizzcon, and we're all in the same room! We break down all of the big announcements from Blizzcon Opening Ceremonies and the What's Next panel, including the reason you'll want to play highlander decks in Showdown in the Badlands, everything you want to know about catch-up packs, and hands-on impressions of Battlegrounds Duos!
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We've got three new Paladin cards from Showdown in the Badlands to reveal to you! Big thanks to Blizzard and the Hearthstone community team for providing this opportunity!
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There's a lot going on, and we haven't even gotten to Blizzcon yet! The crew breaks down this week's balance changes, previews the lineups of this weekend's Masters Tour, and then reviews all the Showdown in the Badlands cards that were revealed this week, including the slimiest set of Warlock cards we've ever seen.
News – 20:57
Tournaments – 51:37
Decksplanations – 1:02:41
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Edelweiss and Magesa hold down the fort with a big patch and the announcement of the new expansion, Showdown in the Badlands! After discussing the highlights of the patch, we break down all the new cards and mechanics, including cards Edelweiss is scared of, Magesa’s favorite meme card in Hearthstone so far, and our own spin on wildly speculating about Control Priest.
News – 23:41
Tournaments – 42:29
Decksplanations – 1:03:48
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With the meta in a rare stable state, we take a break from talking about balance changes and meta decks to talk about our feelings. Specifically, how to work on your mental game and keep your feelings from getting in the way of your climb.
News – 23:41
Tournaments – 42:29
Decksplanations – 49:56
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Now that the Jailer's been sent to jail, the crew discuss how Druid got here and what needs to happen to fix it for good. Plus, we break down how to play Enrage Warrior to counter all the people who are trying to counter the Druids on ladder!
News – 18:39
Decksplanations – 53:47
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The crew breaks down one of the biggest balance changes in recent memory, and how it affects Standard, Wild, and the upcoming Twist season.
News – 17:15
Decksplanations – 24:50
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There's a lot of new stuff in the Fall of Ul'duar patch, and the crew talks about the new decks we've played, and how we feel about anomalies in constructed now that we've gotten to play with them.
News – 25:05
Decksplanations – 1:26:10
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Yogg's busted out of prison, so the gang previews all the chaos that's set to come with the release of Fall of Ulduar, including new card reviews and how anomalies will affect your ladder climb.
News – 17:51
Tournaments – 48:10
Decksplanations – 1:04:50
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The gang regales each other of stories from the first official week of Twist, pours one out for Fireside Gatherings, and then goes deep on how to play Control Warlock, the new king of the Standard meta.
News – 26:50
Decksplanations – 1:04:50
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We take a trip down memory lane to try to figure out what to play in the new Wonders format for Twist, but not before discussing everything that changed in the recent balance patch, including Hunter nerfs and Battlegrounds changes.
News – 23:34
Decksplanations – 1:05:42
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Battlegrounds streamer Sway_Bae joins us this week to talk about Season 5 of Battlegrounds, and what you should do if you're trying to get better at the mode but don't know where to start.
News – 29:43
Tournaments – 55:40
Decksplanations – 1:12:11
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Patch 27.2 was announced this week, and it's so big that we're spending the entire show talking about it. Everything you need to know about Battlegrounds Season Five, the Caverns of Time Wild-exclusive expansion, Standard balance changes, and more!
News – 18:30
Tournaments – 1:28:45
Decksplanations – 1:37:01
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With Edelweiss on maternity leave, SendMeYourArms joins WickedGood and Magesa to discuss her takeover of the Hearthstone podcasting world, the post-TITANS balance changes, and how to play (and not play) Nature Shaman.
News – 31:22
Tournaments – 53:52
Decksplanations – 1:00:19
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It's the first week after TITANS release, and everything is upside down! WickedGood is playing aggro! Magesa is playing slow control decks! And Edelweiss, well, some things don't change. Come with us on a guided tour of the post-TITANS meta, it's sure to be a wild ride! (Well, a Standard ride, really.)
News – 24:14
Tournaments – 50:22
Decksplanations – 58:55
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We're joined by Cora "Songbird" Giorgiou and Edward "Gallon" Goodwin from the Hearthstone design team to discuss the behind the scenes of developing TITANS, what they're excited for players to get their hands on, and who would be the protagonist of a TITANS anime. Then, we recap the decks we played during theorycrafting, and one Titan card threatens to drive a permanent rift between the cast forever.
Life and Ladder – 30:15
News – 58:07
Tournaments – 1:16:56
Decksplanations – 1:29:21
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It's a big week! Magesa joins the Coin Concede cast, we reveal a batch of Paladin cards from TITANS (including new Core cards), and then try to figure out what the classes will be doing when the new set arrives.
Paladin Card Reveals – 3:42
News – 38:21
Decksplanations – 43:04
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We've got more cards from TITANS to figure out, and some of them look sick! (Or could make you feel sick, depending on who's playing them?)
News – 17:39
Tournaments – 30:13
Decksplanations – 33:42
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Lorinda joins the show to talk about his casting career and recent foray into streaming full time, the field of competitors for the next Masters Tour and Lobby Legends, and the rest of the Titan cards revealed this past week.
News – 43:00
Tournaments – 57:51
Decksplanations – 1:09:57
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Magesa returns to the show for a debrief on the launch of Twist and the announcement of the new TITANS expansion.
News – 21:59
Tournaments – 1:30:48
Decksplanations – 1:32:26
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A new constructed format?! We're joined by guest ClarkHellscream to talk about all things Twist so you're prepared to hit the ground running when the beta launches next week. We also go deep into a recap of the Hellscream Cup, Clark's inaugural tournament!
News – 32:56
Tournaments – 1:07:42
Decksplanations – 1:21:34
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It's been a little (OK, a lot) longer than we would have liked to put out a bonus episode, but the second best time is now! For this bonus, we open up the mailbag to discuss our thoughts on the past, present and future of Hearthstone, which classes are canonically evil, and what it would take to change our sandwich orders.
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It's Coin Concede's 400th episode! After breaking down the gift of balance changes from the Hearthstone team, Edelweiss and WickedGood look back on their time on the podcast and how it's changed them for the better.
News – 16:42
Tournaments – 56:23
Decksplanations – 1:04:18
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Guest Rizen joins Edelweiss and WickedGood to talk about how a poker mindset can apply to Hearthstone, how the Audiopocalyse meta is shaking out, and what we'd like to see in the next set of balance changes.
News – 40:42
Decksplanations – 57:18
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Guest Magesa joins Edelweiss and WickedGood to talk about all the new cards released in this week's Audiopocalypse mini-set.
News – 31:23
Tournaments – 55:06
Decksplanations – 1:00:28
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Hunter expert Sidisi joins Edelweiss and WickedGood to discuss the past, present, and future of the Hunter class, and how to improve your Steady Shot game.
News – 27:57
Tournaments – 41:27
Decksplanations – 46:17
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Guest WorldEight joins Edelweiss and WickedGood to discuss the 26.2.2 balance patch, and figure out what to play in this shaken up meta.
News – 24:48
Decksplanations – 1:35:18
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FunkiMonki joins Edelweiss and Wickedgood to discuss the new Battlegrounds patch, the upcoming Heroic Brawliseum, and how to approach a wide open meta.
News – 16:15
Decksplanations – 1:10:04
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It's Hat's last episode and we all try to keep it together. There's some BGs talk and a lot of reflecting.
News – 22:19
Hatsplanations – 49:18
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There was a huuuuuuge balance patch! But a day after it was released, there's already been some community feedback that things haven't changed enough. Does the cast agree? (No)
News – 30:26
Tournaments – 1:37:43
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Hat's got some big personal news to share and will be stepping off the show in a couple weeks to start a new job with Blizzard. But don't worry, CC isn't going anywhere and we have a lot of Hearthstone to talk through, including how to beat Blood DK.
News – 28:39
Tournaments – 1:01:33
Decksplanations – 1:09:06
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Between us, we've played everything! We're having fun and want to share as much information with you all as we can. This was recorded before Friday's super fast balance patch.
News – 28:47
Tournaments – 57:16
Decksplanations – 1:00:12
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Theorycrafting, that is! We all played the theorycrafting stream and have lots to talk about before the set drops on Tuesday. Join us for one last episode in the Year of the Hydra!
News – 13:16
Tournaments – 39:02
Decksplanations – 43:36
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JUST KIDDING! It's not light at all, but there's a cool mage card. Actually there are a lot of cool cards coming in Festival and it's time to talk about them all!
News – 16:40
Tournaments – 36:18
Decksplanations – 39:18
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