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Anti-imperialist, anti-war, and anti-establishment podcast.
The podcast Colonial Outcasts is created by Colonial Outcasts. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
It will be if insane if this totally reasonable interview gets taken down...
We are going to be focusing more on domestic issues today - your healthcare, your declining material conditions, and how both the democrats and republicans will come together to stamp down on any working class dissent.
To that end, we are joined by James from Comrade Workwear. He runs Comrade Workwear which recently got into hot water with nearly every major corporation and the NYPD for a deck of playing cards he designed in the wake of the assassination of Brian Thompson which featured the CEOs of prominent companies and information about their misdeeds. He runs comrade workwear and recently launched Means workwear with the means co-op.
You can follow James here:
So what we are talking about today is the state of the Democratic Party and how much they love to lose. If y’all took a break from the news cycle over the weekend you may have missed the story broken by politico about this DNC operative retreat where a bunch of democratic “strategists” gathered at an east coast resort to talk about how to win mid terms in 2026 and to take the Whitehouse in 2028 by doing the exact same thing they’ve been doing since 2015….
You can follow Blakeley at: https://x.com/_iamblakeleyhttps://www.instagram.com/_iamblakeley/
In the end, the shrieking chain-rattling ghost of Henry Kissinger is always right “It may be dangerous to be America enemy, but to be America’s friend is fatal.” He also said “America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests.” Ukrainians and to a lesser extent Europeans are figuring out what it means to be Kurdish, and they are spiraling.
Western Europeans, liberal elites and establishment figures are seeing the face the US presents to nations of the global south, and the truly shocking thing is they’re now getting the same treatment in a humiliating public way.
We are joined today by Nick from Revolutionary Blackout Network: https://x.com/SocialistMMA
I Won’t be recording from this crappy internet location again. Also get ready for run-on sentences.
Anyways, hello and welcome to Colonial Outcasts - the anti-Imperialist podcast that that your problematic Uncle will be increasingly confused by… because we are going in pretty deep on this one, discussing the European Union and the rise of fascism in the modern Era! We’re going to be bringing in Ukraine, potential trade wars with Europe, Frau Genocide, aka Ursula Van Der Leyen, more sanctions on Russia, the militarization of Europe… fun times… but we’re mostly going to be focusing on the great Leader of Europe - Germany… Germany because no one fascists like my people. Round three - here we go!
Check us out of Patreon for more of this content: / colonialoutcasts That bizarre pneumatic human mouth sound you just heard was President Elon Musk shouting with masculine elation while wielding a chain saw gifted to him anarcho-capitalist, officially libertarian, Argentine President Javier Milei in front a cheering sycophantic MAGA horde at the CPAC conference yesterday, February 20th. This is generally Patreon-only episode, but I didn't want to paywall this one...
The Gaza ceasefire stands on the edge of a knife. This political and military reality brings back into focus, though it’s never gone away, the humanitarian situation in Gaza in the wake of the Israeli state policy of systematically dismantling medical infrastructure with the use of US weaponry and clumsily orchestrated direct action IDF raids on hospitals and hospital staff in the name of “finding Hamas.”
To that end, we are joined by Dr. Mimi Syed, a board-certified emergency medicine physician. She is an assistant clinical professor at University of Washington and Washington State University.
She is a fellow of the American College of Emergency Physicians.Dr.Syed served in Gaza from August 8 to September 5, 2024, and December 3 to December 31, 2024, at both al-Aqsa Hospital and Nasser Hospital.
Follow her on instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/drmimier/
Hello and welcome to Colonial Outcasts, the Anti-imperialist podcast that has way too much crap to talk about and not enough time to do it. It is February 18th and we are seeing titanic policy shifts in Europe, and West Asia - East Asia as well, but we won’t have too much time for that as the Trump Administration takes a more aggressive diplomatic stance towards Taiwan Independence as the Island Nation, territory, whatever you consider it to be, explores $10bn US arms deal to secure Trump’s support. Trump being obsessed with countries paying their own defense budgets to his satisfaction. Anyways, today will be Lebanon, some developments in Syria, Palestine as Always, A brief post mortem on the Munich Security council that signals a landmark shift in European security architeure and a breaking of the trans Atlantic world, and the current peace talks in Riyadh between the US and Russia regarding the termination of the War in Ukraine. It’s a lot - and we a joined for our weekly geo-political round-up by Regular contributor Elina Xenophontos, no longer coming to us from Cyprus, instead the more inhospitable realm of Albion, specifically London.
We are going to be talking about music, revolutionary ideology, the precarious position of empire within the context of this Dark American Experiment, and whatever else we feel like talking about.
Because I am Joined today by Immortal Technique - rapper and activist who you, if you are into rap and have any sort of robust left-wing politics, probably know about. This is a long one. Join Us!
Links for Immortal Technique: https://www.instagram.com/techimmorta... https://www.immortaltechnique.com/
For an extended discussion, check us out on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/c/ColonialOutcasts
One Health is an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems. It recognizes that the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the wider environment (including ecosystems) are closely linked and interdependent.
It Applies everywhere except the Global South, especially to Palestine.
Stick around for the end of the episode to learn how you can stand against genocide as an animal lover.
This episode was structured off of the article "Imperialism in Crisis: Gaza, Trade Wars and Trump's Geopolitical Mayhem" by Elina Xenophontos, joining us tonight from London, England.
An unstable West Asia security situation has global ramifications and this talk about a voluntary mass exodus of Palestinians from Gaza is unworkable, stilly, and as detached from reality as anything else the United States has done in the Levant over the past 20 years. Why is this scheme doomed to fail: well, we are going to do a whole geopolitical and economic round-up from “the periphery to the metropole." Lets get into it...
Article: https://www.patreon.com/posts/imperialism-in-121608917?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link&fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAabi0sZtPJRUQBZbv6bDk_UFUJDJhDhOm0-n6F6UAl_6YBFlFPRhy3i8gEM_aem_IhiEoMf1RJopZORO1yEG6g
We weren’t going to do an episode today. They take a lot of research and prep, but we felt that we couldn’t not do an episode because President Orange Blob (aka Donal Drumpf) has said some completely asinine things, which he always does, but this instance is about Gaza.
I spent a lot of last night talking to people who were rightly terrified by Trump’s remarks about the US occupying and controlling Gaza, but now is not the time to freak out - yet. So we are going to have a free-form conversation about it so allay some fears. Join us!
"Whiteness” is being used as it always has been: to separate exploited working class white people from intersectional solidarity and serve as buffer between marginalized peoples and the Elites.
Today we are going to be talking about the new Trump administration and the driving force behind all their policies, its blitz of executive orders, the perverse need to control women’s bodies and their obsession with nativism - ie the policy of protecting the interests of native-born or established inhabitants against those of immigrants.
Now that American Nativism is extending to South Africa as President Trump Takes of the Cause of Elon Musk, child of South African Apartheid, who is upset that white Akfriaaners are being dispossessed of their lands (they’re really not) and threatens to cut funding to South Africa over an Issue that really has nothing to do with us. Just kidding, newsflash, Israel is involved.
Mother Jones Article: https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2025/02/elon-musk-trump-white-genocide-south-africa-aid-white-land-removal-twitter-x/
The thing I appreciated about the IOF is that they name their operations after their actual objectives: Operation Iron Wall = Operation increase apartheid.
Today we discuss the new West Bank operation and the Palestinian Authority, which is neither Palestinian nor an Authority. Also we mention tech oligarchs. Cheers!
It's 2025 and Imperialism will now turn localize in the American continent and turn in on its own citizens, boomerang style. Today we are gonna be talking about oligarchy, Corporate liberal media enabling far-right politics, and the potential resurrection of the global war on terror in this new American Dark age. Gonna be fun!
Welcome to Colonial Outcasts for an impromptu Ceasefire episode. We may repost segments of this to MintPress News but for right now we are going to dive right in because there is a lot to talk about. What is this ceasefire? Is it viable? Why is it happening now? I know a lot of people are confused right now, and we also need to talk about how this ties into the Lebanese presidential elections, and the US Iran policy under the Trump administration, to that end we are joined by Batool Subeiti, energy engineer and political analyst based out of London UK. You can follow Batool here: https://x.com/_batsub / batoolsubeiti
Check us out on Patreon for exclusive content: https://www.patreon.com/c/ColonialOutcasts Hello and welcome to Colonial Outcasts the bi-weekly podcast where we demonstrate that the next fifty years are fixing to be really stupid… eh hopefully its only 20, but regardless it is Monday January 13th and we are only two weeks into 2025 - we’ve got disturbed veteran attacks in New Orleans and Las Vegas, unprecedented wildfires in LA, it’s Snowing in Texas, Trump is about to Start a trade war with Canada, Greenland and the Panama Canal are now on the Imperialist annexation Hitlist, Elon Musk is using his social media platform X to rewrite history to assert old Adolf and the National Socialist party were not fascists, but in fact Communists which is ridiculous - but you know, if a billionaire techno feudal anarch-capitalist oligarch says its true, it must be.
Cops, war, the climate crisis, capitalism...
Basically here’s the scoop: The general public still hasn’t grasped the climate crisis that is now upon us and we are nearing the brink of complete societal collapse is certain areas of the country, perhaps even the whole country within the next years - hopefully its at least ten because I am still trying to enjoy my thirties and have enough time for a midlife crisis in my early 40’s but it’s coming…
Anyways, you can follow Mea Here:https://www.instagram.com/spacebunnynews1/Check out
Habibi House podcast at @habibihousepodcast
Hello and welcome to a new year with Colonial Outcasts. It is 2025 and as I’ve been saying, if you loved 2024 you’re absolutely going to love 2025, and boy are we starting out with a bang. Literally. George Orwell’s 1984 warned of a future where big brother watches every move. Today, modern technology is making that vision a reality, and Oracle founder Larry Ellison - the world’s second richest person - sees a growing opportunity for his company to help authorities analyze realtime data from millions of surveillance cameras...
Hello and welcome to or welcome back to Colonial Outcasts, the anti-imperialist podcast where we generally discuss the dirty work our governments are doing overseas. However, today we are bringing it back to the homefront, Imperial Boomerang style, to talk about this stupid drone media frenzy and how the real threat isn’t an Independence Day-esque Alien invasion, but our own government.
I guess the intense emotions swirling around are a mixture of elation that Assad is deposed and despondency that the Axis of Resistance and the state of the Palestinian cause look to be in a pretty bleak state right now. Things looked like they were going well in terms of the Israeli state destroying itself and the US losing massive influence in the Region, and then within a week all this pressure that was building got released and the entire situation has taken a 180.
Literally the Empire Strikes back, which you know happens before the fall. Let's talk about the new Geopolitical reality.
Repost from my @MintPressNews episode. Last time I will b e dual posting, so follow us there if interested! Following its new attacks on Syria, Israel’s leaders and much of its media tout the creation of a new Middle East. Is this possible? Israel and the collective West have had little success in controlling the region. Join us Tonight on State of Play to discuss the volatile dynamics of Syria and the infeasibility of a messianic “Greater Israel.”
We platform different voices and perspectives on this Podcast. This is a repost from the MintPress Show "State of Play." Hope you enjoy. It will be controversial...
No one predicted the rapid pace of events in the most recent iteration of the Syrian Civil war, beginning with the rapid advance of HTS and other forces from Idlib province into the to city of Aleppo, the unanticipated stand down orders given to the Syrian Army, and the rapid collapse and flight of Assad’s government. Rumors of backroom deals, internal corruption, and Western interference abound, so we may not have a clear picture for some time. What remains then is the potential fates of Syria and the Axis of Resistance.
The situation is balanced on a knife’s edge, and to help us unravel the complexities of this multi-faction, multi-ethnic socio-political development we are joined by Afeef Nessouli, journalist with years of experience, both in the UN and the Carter Institute, reporting on Syria
Repost from @MintPressNews subscribe for more content like this. Hey! After many requests I have decided to focus on a primer for this incredibly complex, painful, and divisive conflict from a great-power politics perspective. I will soon be platforming Syrian analysts to give a more balanced perspective to this intractable conflict that is now taking center stage in the Geopolitical forum and is indelibly connected to the US and Israel.
This is a repost of my interview with Ghadi Francis and Batool Subeiti - follow @MintPressNews for more content like this!
Many out there are confused by the sudden Ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon, given that one of Hezbollah’s initial early operational imperatives was to not relent its military pressure on Israel until a ceasefire was reached in Gaza.
That prospect, one of a ceasefire, seems more unlikely now, though some hold out hope that this ceasefire in Lebanon will snowball into others throughout the region. With the IDF on the brink, low on munitions and manpower, why relent now?
Is the ceasefire in Lebanon a strategic blunder for the Axis? Who benefits more from breathing room to rearm and replenish? Also Trump is coming into office. Join us tonight for a deep dive into this developing story.
This is a repost of my episode on MintPress News. Subscribe @MintPressNews for more content like this! Today we are joined by Major General Dennis Laich, US Army Retired - who had a distinguished 35-year career in the Army Reserve. The last 14 of those years were spent in various command positions; most recently as commander of the 94th Regional Readiness Command in Ft. Devens, MA. Laich holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from Lafayette College, and Master’s degrees from West Virginia University and St. Francis College in business administration and labor relations. He completed post-graduate studies at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, and is a graduate of the Army War College. Areas of Expertise * All Volunteer Force (AVF) demographics & tradeoffs * Conscription & national military service * Senior-level military leadership & General Officer Experience * Army Reserve & National Guard force structure & operations * Iraq wars: Persian Gulf to present This episode is on how we cannot solve the recruiting crisis.
Hello and welcome to or welcome back to Colonial Outcasts, the anti-imperialist pod cast that has released way too many episodes this week. Sorry, don’t want to go the way of Star Trek in the 90’s and give y’all franchise fatigue, but I’ve just been getting too many questions about what the International Criminal Court arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and former Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, actually means.
Check us out on Patreon for exclusive content: https://www.patreon.com/c/ColonialOutcasts As the global order becomes less stable and the apparatus of the State becomes further weaponized against its own people, we here at Colonial Outcasts believe in revolutionary unity and ideological pluralism. To that end, let's touch grass about Trump. Today we are going to be talking about the growing fear of President-Elect Trump “purging the military” and employing it on Immigrants, protestors, and anyone he doesn’t like. Is it actually going to happen and what does that mean going forward. We’re going to be focusing a lot on immigration on this one. Should be lively, convo’s with J Alfred usually force me out of my completely left-wing Anarchist echo-chamber, so strap in - we’re gonna start with the great liberal fear of Trump purging the military.
Find us on Patreon for more exclusive Content: https://www.patreon.com/c/ColonialOutcasts
We have another Operational Breakdown Episode for you! Now that the US elections are over its time to refocus on the Israel/Palestine/Iran geo-strategic flashpoint that redounds throughout the world.
Join us on this episode as we discuss why the IDF is failing in its operations across the region, why the West cannot win, and why the fighting and war-mongering absolutely will not stop. A lot of delusion from Western military "experts" on this one.
Featuring regular military contributors: Travis and Matthew Enderline.
A rare repost episode from our show "State of Play" On MintPress News
Subscribe to @MintPressNews for more videos and content like this!In this episode of State of Play on @MintPressNews we are going to be talking about how serious this
Russia/Nato/US/Ukraine situation is, and incorporate a lot of cloak and dagger drama - leaked intelligence, NATO stay-behind operations, nuclear brinksmanship, and how the Biden Administration will be remembered as one of the most reckless, violent, and foolhardy administration’s in US history. However, if you think Trump’s Administration will be any better - less violent, less foolhardy - You’ve got another thing coming.
Here is the referenced GRAYZONE article:https://thegrayzone.com/2024/11/16/uk-plot-keep-ukraine-fighting/
You can follow Elina here: https://www.instagram.com/elina.xenophontos/
Check us out on Patreon for exclusive content: https://www.patreon.com/c/ColonialOutcasts
The central question I want to answer with this Episode was posited by Emma Vigeland of the Majority report - Struggling to see a path forward for pro-Palestine activism under Trump.” Suffering and repression will worsen.We’re going to get to that, but in a round-about way. We’re going to get to but talking about the Piers Morgan/Dan Bilzerian interview that you may have seen go viral.
You can follow Sally Here:
Check us out on Patreon for exclusive content: https://www.patreon.com/c/ColonialOutcasts
If you want to see fascism, stick around… Germany is about to beat out the USA, but today we are talking about Trump's cabinet nominees and why the Democrats won't save you from them.
Follow Elina here: https://www.instagram.com/elina.xenophontos/
She also has a patreon: https://www.patreon.com/c/ElinaXenophontos/posts
Basically, a bunch of f@scist football/soccer hooligans went to a match in a foreign city (specifically Amsterdam in the Netherlands), destroyed property, assaulted a taxi driver, sang chants riddled with anti-arab hate speech, disrupted a pre-match moment of silence for the victims of the recent flood in Valencia, Spain in which over 200 people died… and then got their ass beat after the game by the local population so they called in the Army. Check out Mike's Podcast at: / @thepalestinepod Follow Mike on Instagram: / michael_schirtzer
Jason Higgins / IG higginsj_director_i_p_c Check Us Out on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ColonialOutcasts What does Palestine, Hurricane Helene, and rednecks have to do with each other? They all relate to elite panic and the empire’s desire to keep everybody in desperation, suppression, oppression and in separation of each other’s struggle. This episode aspires to merge heartland America with the global war against genocide, neocolonialism, racism and empire. Jason Higgins, a prepper, patriot, constitutionalist and relief effort volunteer from Louisiana expresses his deep ponderings on the suffering of the Palestinians under Israel’s tyrannical boot, relates it to the struggle of Americans under D.C.’s fascist boot, describes his experience in helping with the relief efforts in the hardest hit areas of Appalachia, the incompetence of the federal government when it comes to anything but war, Federal personnel confiscating aid and supplies from volunteers seeking to help isolated families, and the odd presence of security contractors seemingly out of place in a disaster zone. We also discuss the need for transcultural solidarity in the fight for liberation as the ultimate weapon in spooking the elites to panic harder. Instagram instagram.com/colonialoutcasts Spotify open.spotify.com/show/1o0MF5fJM6Wjdhm0vjx4To?si=2cfdf86fa5a3491b X twitter.com/gregjstoker TikTok tiktok.com/@greg.j.stoker #hurricanehelene #rednecks #country #war #election #America #military #veterans #constitution #Patriots #liberty
Check us out on Patreon for more exclusive content: https://www.patreon.com/c/ColonialOutcasts
Things aren’t looking too hot for anyone on this planet right now, but stick around as we Talk about Iran and the BRICS summit and floundering US/Israeli policy… There are rays of hope...
Check us out on Patreon for exclusive content: https://www.patreon.com/c/ColonialOutcasts
Today we are focusing on Lebanon with a more military oriented episode wherein we will discuss leaked US intelligence documents, Israel’s targeting of banks in Lebanon, their preparations to start bombing hospitals, sectarian tensions rising in Beirut, and morale problems in the IDF as they ruminate on their crimes.
Check us out on Patreon for exclusive content: https://www.patreon.com/c/ColonialOutcasts Here is my interview on State of Play for Mint Press News - we discuss how these ongoing Israeli military operations in Gaza, The West Bank, and Southern Lebanon do not constitute the waging of War with former Special Forces operator and Green Beret, Alan Shebaro, who has recently returned from the occupied West Bank.
It is clear that the tactics employed by the IDF are not meant to defeat resistance forces, since the resistance will never cease to exist. This “war,” has been from the start an opportunity to seize land, displace people, destroy infrastructure, all under the political cover of the United States and its western allies.
The failure to implement moral consistency when it comes to foreign policy and the blithe disregard for the rules-based-order will have long-term ramifications for the United States and Israel. The world is a less safe place after a year of unmitigated violence. All of those who apologize for the genocide and use the conduct of US and coalition forces during the “Global War on Terror” to justify the actions of the IDF now are being intellectually dishonest.
This is not a war. Join us tonight for a conversation between two US special operations veterans about the conduct of Israeli Forces, their failure to achieve tactical and operational objectives, and what this headless violence means for the conduct of modern warfare going forward.
Check us out on Patreon for exclusive content: https://www.patreon.com/ColonialOutcasts
So today we’re going to be talking about Iran again, the US designs on it, bombing it or rather getting Israel to bomb it, and have a spirited discussion and a robust exchange of Ideas because Elina Xenophontos, geopolitical analyst and regular of the show, and I may have slightly different ideas about this, which should be interesting because it rarely seems to happen.
Check us out on Patreon for Exclusive Content: https://www.patreon.com/ColonialOutcasts
Today we are going to talk about how while US foreign policy has not changed in any substantive way, America and its military and economic power projection definitely has. We look at the Vietnam Syndrome, and a general lack of war-like appetite amongst the younger generation of American citizens.
Check us out of Patreon for exclusive content: https://www.patreon.com/ColonialOutcasts
By popular request we're bringing on Jon Elmer of Electronic Intifada to talk about the overall situation in the Palestine/Lebanon battle-space and how the IOF will not be able to maintain its operations forever.
Israel is also facing social and economic collapse, but we're still a ways from that.
You can follow Jon on X for regular resistance updates:
This is a repost of an interview I did for Mint Press News. It's important, so here we go:
As Israel postpones it's attack on Iran to better analyze and evaluate potential political blowback, we on State of Play take an hour with Dr. Assal Rad to examine the western antipathy towards Iran and how it precipitates violence and interventionism throughout the region.
Check us out on Patreon for exclusive content: https://www.patreon.com/ColonialOutcastsWill
World War Three happen yet? We think we'll make it to Halloween at least, so that's fun.
Check Us Out on Patreon: / colonialoutcasts and sorry for the bad internet today... What is the overall strategic situation in Palestine/Lebanon? On one hand, just like Gaza, Israel is spiraling into war in Lebanon without a strategy or clear goals, and even if they wanted to invade, they can’t. Second: The U.S. faces a strategic dilemma as Israel escalates attacks on Hezbollah, risking broader conflict. While Washington seeks to prevent war, its constrained by limited policy options, political timing, and Netanyahu's brinkmanship. In short this madness won’t end any time soon, but I don’t see it getting out of control.
Check us out on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ColonialOutcasts
The fighting between Israel and Hezbollah has escalated for nearly two weeks. It began when Israeli intelligence detonated thousands of pagers, killing and injuring thousands Hezbollah operatives and civilians in an operation that would have been roundly condemned as a catastrophic act of terror had Hezbollah conducted the same operation against Israel. It continued with detonating walky-talkies at a series of funerals for the people killed the day before.
Hey, I'm terrible at tech an no one told me my mic was off. So sorry about my audio, maybe one day I'll be able to hire a producer...
What is the overall strategic situation in Palestine/Lebanon? On one hand, just like Gaza, Israel is spiraling into war in Lebanon without a strategy or clear goals, and even if they wanted to invade, they can’t. Second: The U.S. faces a strategic dilemma as Israel escalates attacks on Hezbollah, risking broader conflict. While Washington seeks to prevent war, its constrained by limited policy options, political timing, and Netanyahu's brinkmanship. In short this madness won’t end any time soon, but I don’t see it getting out of control.
Check us out on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ColonialOutcasts
Hello and welcome to colonial outcasts, an anti-imperialist podcast that presents a worldview that would make your uncle increasingly mad uncomfortable. This is an off the cuff episode responding to breaking news as the security situation in Southern Lebanon and Israel’s war with Hezbollah has evolved drastically.If you aren’t tracking yet, it seems that the IDF has made a ton of pagers explode, killing 3-8 individuals including a 10-year old girl, and wounding almost 3 thousand others.
Today we examine what this all means, and we are joined today by regular geo-political analyst Elina Xenophontos.
Check us out on Patreon for exclusive content: https://www.patreon.com/ColonialOutcasts
Welcome to Colonial Outcasts, your friendly neighborhood anti-imperialist podcast, and today we going to be talking about our two potential future warlords - that’s right. The Presidential Debate. Kamala is coming off as more Hawkish, but Trump will finally put an end to the rash of fried poodle eating that’s happening in Springfield. Thank goad. Oh we’re on Patreon btw in case you want exclusive content.
You can follow Ahmad on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thenames_ahmad/
Prop and Co's Channel:https://www.youtube.com/ @prop_co
Prior to October 7th, the only bulwark against Israel’s complete strangle of the narrative in America’s culture was the Black liberation movement and the stories of American Palestinians. The story behind every Palestinian who immigrated to the US is often a story of tragedy and resourcefulness. What makes Emad’s life story so unique and powerful is that it connects the struggles of American street life with the struggles of Palestinian oppression by the Zionist state through ironic parallels. Emad was born in Jerusalem a year before the ‘67 War to a strong mother of faith, a father who was a resistance fighter abused and tortured by Israel and in turn became abusive to his family. After immigrating to the United States, Emad gets involved in the notorious gang life of Chicago, is incarcerated into a brutal prison system and finds Islam. Emad U Deen is harnessing the wisdom he has accumulated from his tumultuous but fascinating life as a Palestinian immigrant and Chicago Saint to fight for his people facing extermination and ethnic cleansing and helping young kids find purpose in a world deprived of integrity and infested with top-down hypocrisy. We discuss the cycle of abuse, how the legacy of trauma is imposed on the innocent from the abused, making the abused the abuser and the importance of breaking that cycle. We also dive into the glory of Islam’s legacy throughout the world and the coming revolution which appears to be on the horizon in Muslim nations who are under regimes corrupted by Western empire. Link to Thee Jerusalem Gangster: https://www.amazon.com/Thee-Jerusalem...
Bad Hasbara's Matt Lieb and Mark Wayne decompress from the days of their former Zionism while Greg Stoker struggles to digest the insanity of the ideology. Through a hilarious reliving free-fall dive into memory lane, Matt and Mark explore each other's journeys out of the propaganda that often permeates Christian and Jewish communities and reflect on cultural tensions common between Israeli Jews and American Jews.
We compare and contrast the key differences between evangelical Zionism and Jewish Zionism while also exploring the deep psychological factors behind philosemitism in Christian communities which Mark fell captive of before falling in love with Palestine and escaping evangelical ideologies equally harmful to Palestinians and Jews.
Matt Lieb is the hilarious co-host of Bad Hasbara. Follow them via the links below:
It's terrible that the world (The Collective West) values some lives over others, but we are waging an Information War to end the violence in Palestine and must use what levers we can. At this time, the family of the activist has requested privacy as they mourn their loss. Their wish to grieve in peace should be respected by all, as they navigate this tragic and difficult situation.
During the weekly demonstration in Beita, Palestine, on the morning of September 6th, 2024, the Israeli army intentionally shot and killed an international human rights activist with the International Solidarity Movement. The demonstration, which primarily involved men and children praying, was met with force from the Israeli army stationed on a hill.
The volunteer died shortly after being transported to a local hospital in Nablus.
Check us out on Patreon for exclusive content: / colonialoutcasts We’re going to focus on the insane media gaslighting that is going on right now, by examining the reporting of the New York Times over the past 24 hours. It’s been disgraceful. They are literally now running Op-eds that say essentially that the hostages should not be recovered for the greater good. But first, lets talk about what happened to six hostages over the weekend…
Dr. Mohammad Abdelfattah, an American Palestinian critical care physician in Los Angeles, describes his experience volunteering at the European Gaza Hospital. He describes the unfathomable conditions, injuries, heart wrenching suffering of families, the cruelty of Israel's boot on the necks of Gaza in even the smallest facets of life, but even more important: the superhuman strength, faith and resilience of Gaza's native doctors able to witness such horror daily and maintain a personal connection with every single patient they treat. Dr. Abdelfattah describes his journey from the airport in Egypt through the Sinai, the harassment and bureaucracy from Egyptian authorities as an institutionalized tactic of discouraging Western aid to Gaza and the life-altering experience of walking through an ICU in Gaza that would horrify any medical worker. You can support Dr. Altalla through his Gofundme: https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-dr-mohammeds-medical-mission-in-gaza?utm_campaign=p_cp+fundraiser-sidebar&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_source=customer IG: https://www.instagram.com/dr.mohammed_altalla?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== #medicine #medical #hospital #disaster #war #politics #internationalnews #humanitarian #nursing #medicalstudent #disease #military
Check us out on Patreon for exclusive content: / colonialoutcasts Follow Matt on social: / matthewenderlein Israel has a problem on their northern border Called Hezbollah, which it cannot defeat, but it has to do something, and what is easier than fighting Hezbollah? Invading West Bank in a multi-brigade action to “root out criminals” and grab more land. But first, will Bombala Harris, I mean Kamala Harris stop this madness and enforce both international law and our own Leahey Laws, which dictate that we can’t send arms to a country committing human rights violations.
Check us out on patreon for exclusive content: https://www.patreon.com/ColonialOutcasts Today we are talking about the Haditha Massacre nearly 20 years later with a US Marine who was in sector during the aftermath of the massacre about the blowback that was still taking place two years later. This will be a two part series hopefully. Part one is context, part two will hopefully involve an interview with a Former Marine Judge Advocate General Lawyer who was involved tangentially in the cover-up. He actually texted me last night “Greg, I was involved in Haditha and know of the cover up. Those photos are burned into my memory.” So hopefully that will be part two, but no promises.
Check us out on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/ColonialOutcasts Hello and welcome to Colonial Outcasts, the anti-imperialist podcast that your Uncle will hate. Today we are going to be talking about media bubbles, censorship, the cancer that is the word “terrorist,” and the prelude to the next war. I am Joined by series regular Elina Xenophontos and we are going to dive right into it.
First of all, my instagram account has been blocked to non-followers, Elina has lost her original followers, but what’s even worse for journalism at Large is that there is a multi-platform campaign to de-platform The Cradle Media - a "journalist-driven news outlet that is free, unowned, and covers the geopolitics of West Asia from within."
Because of July’s busy schedule at Colonial Outcasts, we are only now releasing a month-old episode with Wally Rashid, Palestinian American, entrepreneur and social media influencer. Recorded on July 11th, Wally relays the continuing horrors on his family village of Burin as well as other West Bank villages. The violent pogroms which took place on the 4th of July as Americans enjoyed their celebration of false independence are just an example of many that have defined reality for Palestinians struggling to endure under the brutal occupation. As the violent Israeli settlements, fueled by cultish belief systems of religious supremacy and blood lust against the inhabitants of West Bank villages rooted in the landscape for thousands of years, Wally has been working within the United States political structure to get these settlements sanctioned. We discuss the complexity of this work that Wally has taken on as well as the experience of his family’s village during these violent raid by former IDF settlers. Wally also discusses the value of long-term strategies through US politics and finding political avenues outside the box of ideology. While Wally and Mark hold different opinions regarding political strategy and direction, the urgency for any and all avenues in the fight for Palestine’s liberation from the everyday horrors of genocide, settler violence and ethnic cleansing is what drives the comradery within the movement as exemplified with Wally’s critical voice being platformed a third time on Colonial Outcasts.
I’m not really sure what the point of the DNC is this year since the only choice we have is Pro-Weapons to Israel, pro-cop city, pro-militarized border, pro-prison Kamala Harris. But the DNC is going to be held as a formality to confirm Kamala as the candidate. Because, hell yeah, Democracy for the win.
While we on colonial outcasts would never tell you who to vote for, if you say you can’t protest Harris/Wolz and demand action against the war machine and the police state for fear of Trump, you’ve last the plot. You will most likely be losing your freedom of speech, assembly, and your right to bodily autonomy eventually either way.
Seven days ago the Ukrainian Army (AFU) initiated a surprise counter-offensive into the Russian region of Kursk along the northern border of Ukraine and initially captured over 350 square kilometers of territory, in what is the largest regional gain since the Kharkiv offensive nearly two years ago. It's going to be a blunder. The AFU is incredibly unlikely to achieve any of their strategic goals...
https://www.patreon.com/ColonialOutcasts As the genocide in Gaza rages on, the specter of a large scale regional kinetic conflict with millions of lives at stake looms over our heads and Israel beats the drums of war with Washington dancing to it, a question is starting to surface in many our conversations: are we entering WWIII? This is the prologue for our multipart series on revolution with history professor, Dr. Butch Ware. Follow Professor Butch Ware on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/butchware/ We’ve had plenty of episodes on the military dynamics and postering in this region, the dangerous nature of Israel’s provocations poised to drag the United States into an all out war with Iran, Hezbollah, and Yemen that could lead us into a world war with China and Russia, but in this episode we propose an alternative possibility: WWIII gets canceled due to a scheduling conflict with a world wide revolution. We discuss the tangibility of revolution, why they fail, why they succeed, how it can be done right, why the Black Panthers are so important to the topic, how Islam plays an important part of global revolution, and most importantly: why we should be prioritizing Indigenous histories and social organization as a political direction as opposed to forms of governments birthed from white supremacy. We aim for this series to serve as a toolkit for potential leaders to use in forming their own ideas on getting this revolution popped off like a smoke grenade. #icj #antiimperialism #decolonize #ceasefire #uspolitics #israelhamaswar #globalaffairs #foreignaffairs #humanrights #breakingnews #internationalnews #warzoneclips #veteran #politicalnews #palestina #politics #political #internationalrelations #internationallaw #colonialoutcasts #counterterrorism #globalsecurity #iran #globalsecurity #ww3 #worldwar3 #middleeast #trump #internationalnews #warzoneclips #veteran #politicalnews #palestina #politics #political #internationalrelations #internationallaw #colonialoutcasts #counterterrorism #globalsecurity
Check us out on Patreon for Exclusive Content: https://www.patreon.com/ColonialOutcastsIt is currently Monday night/Tuesday morning August 5th/6th and this is a speed post episode because this news cycle has been insane over the past few days. White nationalist riots in London, a contentious election in Venezuela, an apparent overthrow, at least temporarily, of the Bangladeshi Government, and the Iran/Israel tensions are escalating to a boiling point where a wider conflict that could engulf the region is more likely now than ever and this episode can become irrelevant at any moment.
This is our second interview with Dr. Altalla, surgeon at the last fully functional hospital in Gaza, Al-Aqsa, which suffered an airstrike yesterday from the Israeli regime in their courtyard, killing 5+ and maiming others. This was recorded weeks ago following the massacre at Al-Mawasi, the victims from which Dr. Altalla treated. So some of the information is dated but the overall value of the information concerning the medical situation in Gaza is beyond relevant. The internet connection was very spotty at best and required hours of editing to make it viewable. Dr. Altalla also has to be mindful of potential drone strikes on his location as the Israeli regime actively hunts medical staff to further terrorize their resilient people of Gaza. We discuss the dire shortage of medical supplies, the impending Polio pandemic poised to sweep the population of Gaza, the improvisation and bravery by medical staff to make due with what little resources they have to save lives, and some positive moments in the midst of this hell. A teaching assistant at The Faculty of Medicine at Al Azhar University in Cairo and a medical director of Al Amal Health Center. Dr. Altalla wakes up every day to manage the critical task as surgeon for the Surgery Department of Al Aqsa Hospital. Dr. Altalla had the misfortune of witnessing one of the worst surges of patients as a result of the Al Nussiret Massacre which resulted in 270 + murdered and over 700 severely injured. In defiance of the nightmarish and unsafe conditions weaponized to drive medical staff out of Gaza, Dr. Altalla refuses to evacuate until there is a permanent ceasefire. Dr. Altalla is trying to raise money for his Master’s in the UK. You can support Dr. Altalla through his Gofundme: https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-dr-mohammeds-medical-mission-in-gaza?utm_campaign=p_cp+fundraiser-sidebar&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_source=customer IG: https://www.instagram.com/dr.mohammed_altalla?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== #doctors #nurses #medical #hospital #paramedics #medicine #crises #disaster
/ colonialoutcasts So Ismail Haniyeh was assassinated in Tehran according the IRGC. Apparently Hamas has confirmed this saying that he "died as a result of a treacherous Zionist raid on his residence in Tehran." A hollow victory, at best. The entire axis of resistance is bigger than any one leader, and the importance of this will be overstated by Israel and the western media. So yeah, a targeted political assassination in sovereign Iranian territory while they were actively engaged in ceasefire negotiations with Hamas’s political wing, lead by Haniyeh. Israel is a short-circuiting killing machine that only exports violence and the tools of repression.
We’re going to get all military analysis with this Houthi/Israel drama that’s been heating up since Friday when a Houthi Suicide drone struck Tel-Aviv killing an ex-IDF sniper. It's not going to Escalate. Today we are joined by Jason of Generational News, his links in description, and he is coming out tom talk to us about Air Defense, since he was a field-grade Air Defense Artillery officer in the United States Army back in the day. Your expertise is always appreciated, thanks so much for coming on.
So what happened on Friday? Well, THE ICJ RULING CONFIRMS WHAT PALESTINIANS HAVE BEEN SAYING FOR 57 YEARS: Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories is illegal, a form of apartheid, and must end, says the U.N.’s high court at The Hague. While this is hopeful, bear in mind that the ruling does little to immediately change the lived reality for Palestinians.
Check us out on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ColonialOutcasts Neutralizing a shooter that gets off eight shots, kills a spectator, injures two more and hits a Former President in the head isn’t a win. There were egregious failures in coverage and protocol within law enforcement and the Secret Service at the Trump Rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday. It should have been impossible for the 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks to gain access to a rooftop 400 feet from the podium and set up a sniper position in the most obvious vantage point imaginable.
https://www.patreon.com/ColonialOutcasts NATO: 75 years of endless war! Being not really into Empire or the subjugation of less powerful nation states, we generally take a dim view of NATO, so we really enjoyed the three day NATO Summit that ended yesterday, Thursday the 11th of July, because there was just such good material. Join us for a riveting discussion!
Happy 4th of July. All empires fall. We are joined today by professor Butch Ware. What this episode is about is in the Title. Let's go! Follow Professor Butch Ware on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/butchware/
In light of the genocide of the Palestinians and unrelenting horrific developments threatening the lives of millions via a larger regional conflict, we broke from tradition in setting a specific topic of discussion to allow a very free form, bro-dad conversation with a social media comrade, Pete, from the TikTok Live “glory days”. And by “glory days”, we mean a few months when cyber bullying Zionists was at its apex. No academic, geopolitical or refined analysis, just venting about the state of affairs and thinking out loud in typical East Coast/West Coast dad fashion. Pete hosts the TikTok live channel, Mindwarz, (@mindwarz) which he uses to bring in different perspectives and help those without an extensive knowledge base on Palestine understand the basic human elements surrounding the plight of Palestinians, the deception of world powers and the actions required of humanity as a whole to put an end to horror that is empire. This conversation, if nothing else, is a therapeutic ASMR session expressed in unfiltered dialogue on a range of topics including, but not limited to: the horror of the genocide, the hypocrisy of the west, “conspiracy theories”, Islam, Radical Islam, racism, solidarity with Palestine in the Latino community, anti-Semitism, revolution and every topic that will make a white liberal cringe. #jre #jreclips #politics #news #worldnews #uspolitics #war #veteran #latino #ww3 #wwiii #dads #war #podcast #apocalypse #america #4thofjuly #independenceday
https://www.patreon.com/ColonialOutcasts So, The Pentagon has warned Israel against any "miscalculation" along its northern border with Lebanon, as fighting between the Israel Defense Forces and Hezbollah militia continues and Israeli leaders threaten to launch a full-scale cross-frontier incursion. But what what is the word on the street in Southern Lebanon? What is not being communicated by the Legacy Media? To answer those questions we have brought on two Lebanese dudes to talk about it. Here are their socials: Assad, Host of Habibi House Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/@UCkJOwGuxa0QnZJYXp9bziVQ https://www.instagram.com/habibihousepodcast/ Mr. Dizaster: https://www.instagram.com/mrdizaster/
Special thanks for the audio mastering done by former Gaza resident Mohammed “MoKu” Kutkut (ig @mokutkut) to bring it to some level of clarity. Words cannot describe the horrific state of Gaza’s healthcare system (if it can be described as such) or the point of view of medical personnel taking on the harrowing task of saving as many lives as feasibly possible under a genocidal siege, but Dr. Mohammed Altalla does his best to do so as one of the few doctors still alive or in the capacity to take on such a burden in Gaza’s only fully functioning hospital, Al Aqsa. A teaching assistant at The Faculty of Medicine at Al Azhar University in Cairo and a medical director of Al Amal Health Center. Dr. Altalla wakes up every day to manage the critical task as surgeon for the Surgery Department of Al Aqsa Hospital. Dr. Altalla had the misfortune of witnessing one of the worst surges of patients as a result of the Al Nussiret Massacre which resulted in 270 + murdered and over 700 severely injured. In defiance of the nightmarish and unsafe conditions weaponized to drive medical staff out of Gaza, Dr. Altalla refuses to evacuate until there is a permanent ceasefire. As electricity is in obvious scarcity, the internet coverage being extremely undependable, a couple bombs being dropped in the background when he was recording and a drone loitering overhead the entire time, the interview had over a dozen interruptions with very poor quality of audio and video capture, so editing the final result only yielded so much. Yet despite the technical nightmare of interviewing anybody within the kill box of Gaza, the good doctor was able to convey the plight of medical workers throughout the strip, the aftermath of the Al Nussiret Massacre, the grave nature of the IDF’s sadism towards medical staff and patients at Al Shifa hospital as a campaign of democide, the more probable estimate of Gaza's casualties being North of 50,000 murdered, a personal story of a specific patient who left a permanent imprint on his heart, and the faith that drives most of Gaza’s medical staff into hell’s gates for the sake of any innocent lives they may manage to preserve.
You can support Dr. Altalla through his Gofundme: https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-dr-mohammeds-medical-mission-in-gaza?utm_campaign=p_cp+fundraiser-sidebar&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_source=customer IG: https://www.instagram.com/dr.mohammed_altalla?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== #doctors #nurses #medical #hospital #paramedics #medicine #crises #disaster#internationalnews #warzoneclips #veteran #politicalnews #palestina #politics #political #internationalrelations #internationallaw #colonialoutcasts #counterterrorism #globalsecurity #warinukraine #warinukraine2024 #taiwannews #chinataiwan #chinataiwanconflict
What is soft power, digital diplomacy and how has the game of nations changed since October? Dr Jennifer A. Cassidy is a diplomatic scholar at the University of Oxford, where she lectures on Diplomacy and International Law, Digital Diplomacy, and Gender and Diplomacy. Her PhD (2017) from the University of Oxford focused on the emerging discipline of Digital Diplomacy, with a specific focus on the changing nature of digital diplomatic signalling and online strategic narratives during times of political crisis.
We're on Patreon now if you want extra content: https://www.patreon.com/ColonialOutcasts So, the situation in Southern Lebanon and Northern Israel is escalating and Cyprus is getting dragged in. I personally don’t think a wider war will kick off this weekend, but Israel is no longer a rational actor. We’ve already talked about what that will look like if it happens in a previous episode so today we’re going to try something different. Let's start geopolitically micro and go macro. We’ll begin with this Israel/Hezbollah situation and bring Cyprus into it. We’ll use that as a demonstration of the US's political quagmire, expand and draw parallels to Ukraine which will most likely end in a frozen conflict and a Russian "ugly victory," then talk about the overall loss of US soft power to BRICS and discuss, if we have time, Saudi getting off the Petro Dollar.
Check us out on Patreon for Exclusive Content: https://www.patreon.com/ColonialOutcasts This "Tactical Pause" is a Farce. We've looked at it since Saturday. I don’t want to get into too much politics in this Episode, because we feel that it’s time to revisit what is happening to civilians on the ground in Gaza. So we’ve invited Zeena Aqel back on to do just that. You may know her, she’s a prominent Palestinian activist and Journalist, you can check her out on Social media linked below, and has many contacts on the ground. Thanks so much for coming on. Follow Zeena on instagram! https://www.instagram.com/zeenaaqel/
Hello and welcome to Colonial Outcasts and our spur of the moment breaking news Segment - Operational breakdown, where we look at IOF shenanigans from a military perspective.
Why are we doing this ad hoc episode? Well, the battle plan for the invasion of Lebanon invasion was just approved, and a never-before-seen IDF document surfaced last night with startling new details of Hamas' operational plans to invade Israel; The report outlines Hamas orders to take between 200-250 Israelis hostage.
This is generally a Patreon-only video that we put out every Friday, to take a break from the horrors. If you like it, you can access this content and similar for only 5 bucks a month - articles, our discord, live Q&As and other subversive material.
Cheers Y'all!
*We re-uploaded this episode with better audio thanks to Mohammed Kutkut, a Palestinian sound engineer from Gaza.*
In this Episode I’m joined by another veteran from the special operations community - a former US Airforce Combat Controller - to talk about US complicity in Israel’s disastrous campaign in Gaza from the perspective that the US Military, Three Letter Agencies, and perforce the Biden Administration know exactly what is happening on the ground. No investigations necessary. And we keep supporting them with money, weapons and intelligence support regardless of this incontrovertible fact. The blowback from the disastrous and ultimately self-destructive “hostage rescue” mission Israel launched this past Saturday, June 9th, is still coming in. There is a question of how much assistance the United States rendered the IDF in this operation - some wild and unsubstantiated rumors of US boots on the ground. There is absolutely no evidence of this, some IDF soldiers have American accents, granted, but that TikTok battlefield rumor is just that. IT’s also pretty irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, because United States complicity in this massacre in particular and larger campaign of ethnic cleansing/Genocide in general, is both assured and inescapable.
This weekend, according to the NYT - Israel Rescues Four hostages in a hostage in military operation - This is a fact, it’s in the active voice and the hostages are numbered. Then “Gaza officials Say Scores are killed.” Which is presented as hearsay, in the passive voice and they victims are not numbered. This is pretty egregious. The role of corporate and partisan media in the United States is not to inform but to manufacture consent for the whims of the ruling and political class. IT’s becoming apparent that we are some of the most heavily propagandized people on Earth. The easiest way to see that is to note how many think we're the good guys. I argue that The Hostage Rescue Operation conducted early Saturday morning will have far-reaching unintended consequences.
So Netanyahu and his cabinet appear to have decided, or at least to be strongly entertaining the idea that they will attack Southern Lebanon. We are talking about an actual invasion with the presumed objective, if they have any defined objectives, of pushing Hezbollah back to the Litani River.
What could possibly go wrong? In short, just about everything imaginable. In this episode we take this from a broader geopolitical standpoint which examines the challenge to US staying power in the context of the War in Ukraine, and the escalation over Taiwan.
We're now on Patreon! Check us out for extra content! https://www.patreon.com/ColonialOutcasts
Have you Ever Heard that Israel is the West’s greatest strategic ally in the Middle East? Well, we’re going to talk about how that is blazingly untrue and we’re going all the way back to 1947 to do it. Welcome to Colonial Outcasts, your semi-friendly neighborhood anti-Imperialist podcast, and hot-darn it! We just pulled some Top Secret documents from the depths of the national archives, declassified but still unseen, from 1947, in which the Joint Chiefs of Staff advised then president Harry Truman that partitioning Palestine and recognizing the state of Israel will screw US global interests over in the long run. And we wanted to highlight these memos, written by guys who your Dad would probably credit with winning World War II, in this episode because aren’t y’all absolutely sick of hearing ancient grey-haired politicians gas on about how Israel is America’s most important strategic ally in the Middle East? We are. Check us out on patreon for extra content!
Welcome to Colonial Outcasts. This a ceasefire-related episode. It is currently Sunday June 2nd. Things are going to move fast so we’re going to keep it short-ish and jump right in. Elina Xenophontos, regular political analyst calling in from Cyprus, is here with us today. We’re going to talk about the Biden ceasefire proposal, Obama’s passive-voiced endorsement of said proposal, Netanyahu’s seeming rejection of said proposal, and now soft-floated watercolor talk that the Israeli government might actually accept it. At 6:30 am Central Daylight Time NBC published that “An aide to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel had agreed to the framework for President Joe Biden’s plan to bring an end to the war in Gaza, though he said it was “not a good deal.” Biden announced Friday that Israel had proposed a three-part plan that would ultimately lead to a complete cease-fire in the Gaza Strip, as well as the release of all hostages who have been held there for the last eight months. It’s “time for this war to end,” Biden said. It wasn’t a plan that Israel proposed, but we’ll get into that.
We will be discussing how Israel and the Mossad, excuse me - the Mob-ssad - have been spying on the international criminal court and threatening South African Ministers, but not in a sophisticated spy-agency James Bond villain type way. I’d say it was a mob way, like “I’ll make the South African Foreign Minister an offer she can’t refuse.” But according to these articles by the Guardian, Local Call, and +972 - the publications that broke this story - I’d say that Israeli conduct would actually be an insult to the mob.
Late Sunday night Israel carried out an airstrike on a refugee camp in southwest Gaza which has lead to the death of at least 45 Palestinians with at least 3x that in wounded, producing graphic images of non-contained tent fires and literally a decapitated toddler. The tent encampment was set alight - it being designed to house internally displaced Palestinian civilians. This is a developing situation. Israel has claimed responsibility for a strike in this area, which is, based on obvious battle damage assessments - twisted rebar, shattered concrete, splintered metal - the cause of this destruction. The IDF is of course looking in to it. This is separate from an event that happened earlier Sunday - Hamas shooting rockets out of Gaza into central Israel. Eight rockets, reportedly shot out of southern Gaza, East Rafah in a separate location from the camp. Still waiting for confirmation on where those rockets were actually shot from, but it’s a separate incident, at least militarily, from this refugee airstrike. More on that in a bit. The Strike took place in the Tel-Al Sultan Refugee camp in West Rafah. So just to be clear, the Tel-Al Sultan neighborhood is not part of the IDF’s new designated safe-zone, which by now we know doesn’t exist and can’t accommodate all the million plus displaced Palestinians, but this neighborhood also wasn’t on the evacuation list. The area where the strike took place was actually a designated stafezone as of two weeks ago. More on that as well. The IDF says they are aware of a fire that was started because of this strike and several civilians were harmed. The incident is under review. They assert that the targets of this strike were two senior Hamas commanders responsible for organizing resistance efforts in west bank. Also we’ll get into that because it makes no sense that West Bank operations would be coordinated through Gaza as opposed to Jordan or Syria. So that’s dumb on a very profound level. Hamas says they hold the US president and administration fully responsible for this massacre, the PA accuses the Israelis of deliberately targeting the tents. Israel will investigate, the US will say they’re waiting for the results of that investigation and that all civilian deaths are bad. Also, The Knesset is set to vote to designate Unwrap as a terrorist organization, and Egyptian and Israeli forces exchanged gunfire at the Rafah border crossing. One person is killed.
In this new episode of Colonial Outcasts we to map out, and draw connections in a very basic way between two conflicts (Gaza/Ukraine) and a potential armed flashpoint (Taiwan), because, as people have begun to realize since October 7th, it’s all connected, man. Not in a conspiracy sort of way, but in a very run-of-the-mill Imperialist way - the most basic definition of which is the wikipedia one, which for our purposes is more than acceptable. Imperialism is the practice, theory or attitude of maintaining or extending power over foreign nations, particularly through expansionism, employing both hard power and soft power. Imperialism focuses on establishing or maintaining hegemony and a more or less formal empire. Think of Hard power as military force and proxy wars, and soft power as diplomatic and economic pressure like treaties, sanctions etc. So, the US/Europe is fighting a proxy war in Ukraine in order to weaken Russia, which has spectacularly backfired. We are funding a disastrous campaign of genocide in Gaza which is Isolating both Israel and by extension the United States from the international community, and now the US is stoking tensions with China over Taiwan, which could turn into a military flashpoint. We are seeing an Empire in decline. It seems like US politicians still believe that America has the same staying power and power projection that we had in the early 90’s. But the working class is being depleted, rising levels of non-living wages and poverty are pervasive. We can’t afford another conflict, but the question is - can the American People people be deceived into fighting another war? #warinukraine #warinukraine2024 #taiwannews #chinataiwan #chinataiwanconflict #israelpalestinenewsupdates #israelhamaswar #militaryindustrialcomplex #icj #antiimperialism #decolonize #ceasefire #uspolitics #globalaffairs #foreignaffairs #humanrights #breakingnews #internationalnews #warzoneclips #veteran #politicalnews #palestina #politics #political #internationalrelations #internationallaw #colonialoutcasts #counterterrorism #globalsecurity
The ICC is a Western institution that has often been used to advance Western foreign policy objectives, such as the issuing of an arrest warrant against the President of Russia, premised on unsubstantiated and limited evidence. The impact of such a decision is thus politically emblematic as a Western institution, after 7 months of a genocide and the most gruesome war we have seen this century, has been coerced to issue arrest warrants against a key Western ally. The arrest warrant does three things: 1) It is a futile attempt to salvage the declining reputation of the Western "international rules-based order." 2) Undermines the current Israeli establishment. 3) Exhibits the mounting tensions between Israel and the U.S. The fact that an arrest warrant has now been issued against senior Israeli officials, alongside the ongoing ICJ trial, places all the more pressure on the U.S and its unwavering support for Israel. It further highlights the U.S's desire to get rid of Netanyahu and as such, to revamp Israel's image by placing a new "moderate" political regime in power. Cover art by: https://www.instagram.com/rickyisolation/ #icj #antiimperialism #decolonize #ceasefire #uspolitics #israelhamaswar #globalaffairs #foreignaffairs #humanrights #breakingnews #internationalnews #warzoneclips #veteran #politicalnews #palestina #politics #political #internationalrelations #internationallaw #colonialoutcasts #counterterrorism #globalsecurity
Will the Israeli State Survive to Celebrate 100 years? So it is currently May 14th, Israel’s Independence Day. And there’s a whole mess of contention about its long-term, existential survival. Will domestic fury and fierce civil strife cumber all the parts of Israel Proper? Israel does have a polarizing civil unrest problem on its hands, and statistics like “60 percent of Israelis believe the IDF isn’t using enough force in Gaza” give us outsiders that mistaken impression that Israeli society is a monolithic violent colonial entity, instead of a multipolar violent colonial entity that is incidentally experiencing a period of unprecedented socio-cultural fragmentation. So... eventual civil war? This is Part 1. Thumbnail Image Credit: Itai Ron #news #politics #youtube #antiimperialism #globalaffairs #antiimperialism #uspolitics #humanrights #militaryindustrialcomplex #ceasefire #foreignaffairs #israelhamaswar #decolonize #progressive #leftist #democrats #liberal #counterterrorism #militaryintelligence #militaryintervention #uspolitics #bidenvstrump #independentjournalism
With a long history of activism, Pomona College students live up to their reputation of never backing down from mobilizing against oppression. We conducted a brief interview with a PR spokesperson for the Pomona Divest Apartheid, a resilient on-campus pro-Palestinian movement that has only grown more determined and larger in student numbers and support despite the administration's heavy handed initial approach against its own students (and traditions) using local law enforcement as its mercenaries. Their message is simple: their college has no business investing in any entity that supports a genocide. Show them love and support via the links below: https://www.instagram.com/pomonadivestapartheid https://twitter.com/i/flow/login?redirect_after_login=%2FPomonaDfA https://linktr.ee/pomonadivestapartheid https://t.me/s/PDfASolidarityEncampment https://docs.google.com/document/d/15p-PeTkXC0170GF2RHjCWVzYFcfLgyo1wPuAa_PT7g8/edit #Pomona #southerncalifornia #California #columbiauniversity #ucla #uspolitics #universityoftexas #emoryuniversity #stopcopcity #decolonize #antiimperialism #globalaffairs #ceasefire #foreignaffairs #humanrights #israelhamaswar #militaryindustrialcomplex #vietnam #vietnambacklash #antiwarmovement #endwar #ceasefire #ceasefirenow🇵🇸 #militaryindustrialcomplex #blackrock #vanguard #haliburton #boeing #genraldynamics #raytheon #merchantsofdeath #aipac #veteran #veteransforpeace #humanrightswatch #savethechildren #ccr #icj #icc #warcrimes #amnestyinternational
On this episode of our coverage and analysis of Israel's Rafah assault, we examine the geo-political factors influencing the changing US policy towards Israel and the mounting international pressure to halt this misguided military action. We are joined today by returning geo-political analyst, Elina Xenophontos. https://www.instagram.com/elina_linax/ #israelpalestineconflict #ceasefire #decolonize #antiimperialism #globalaffairs #foreignaffairs #humanrights #israelhamaswar #counterterrorism #militaryindustrialcomplex #militaryintelligence #militaryintervention #uspolitics #bidenvstrump #independentjournalism #militaryhistory #veteran #veteransforpeace #egypt #icc #icj #ihl
Now, Three months ago I said the Rafah assault probably wouldn’t happen. It’s operationally impossible, Israel has no achievable goals, the resistance is still active in the north, but sometimes I forget that every decision Israel makes is in its own worst interest and its only agenda is genocide and ethnic cleansing at all costs. Its absolute insanity, but let’s breakdown the major developments and what they mean going forward. Video credit: https://www.instagram.com/zirafamedia/ #israelpalestineconflict #ceasefire #decolonize #antiimperialism #globalaffairs #foreignaffairs #humanrights #israelhamaswar #counterterrorism #militaryindustrialcomplex #militaryintelligence #militaryintervention #uspolitics #bidenvstrump #independentjournalism #militaryhistory #veteran #veteransforpeace
Pro-Palestine student protests have flared up across the country in conjunction with campus and police crackdowns, with many students learning that their universities are essentially collegiate hedge funds. They demand divestment from Israel. The level of state violence they have endured at the hands of police has not been seen since the Vietnam Backlash. In this Episode we discuss the Imperial Boomerang, or the thesis that governments that develop repressive techniques to control colonial territories will eventually deploy those same techniques domestically against their own citizens. Our struggles are connected, keep pushing.
Last night Israel launched its response to Iran, and as anticipated, in the words of National Security Minister Ben Gvir “It was Weak.” Israel and the collective West’s non-0existent response to Iran, as well as Iran’s master class deterrence policy, clearly exhibits the historic proportions of the global re-alignment of power that is occurring. After Decades of of provoking Iran via copious assassinations against key members of it military and scientific communities, Iran’s calculated response on the 14th of April marks the rising power of the BRICS Bloc, and the slow but inevitable demise of Western hegemony. Once Again, the role of China and Russia in this historical shift cannot be understated. 2024 shall be the year that defines our collective futures. Thanks Elina for writing this awesome description. And to better understand the dynamics of that future, join us on Colonial Outcasts to discuss what is BRICS, China’s Belt and Road Initiative, and how these are influencing Iran’s deterrence policy and the West’s floundering with this Mumbai to Europe New Silk Road project that’s supposedly supposed to run through Gaza. Elina's Social Media Page: https://www.instagram.com/p/C58rAMSNwmx/ #israelpalestineconflict #ceasefire #decolonize #antiimperialism #globalaffairs #foreignaffairs #humanrights #israelhamaswar #counterterrorism #militaryindustrialcomplex #militaryintelligence #militaryintervention #uspolitics #bidenvstrump #independentjournalism #militaryhistory #veteran #veteransforpeace#brics #bricssummit #beltandroadinitiative #beltandroad
Nobody fascists like my people. In this episode we focus on Germany as American college campuses erupt in protest because of its symbolic importance. Germany has a lot of "sins of the father" dynamics going on which places it ideologically in support of Israel unconditionally. The central question is if this authoritarian crackdown can ever be checked. We have invited Helen Fares, a Syrian/German journalist (or Syrian living in Germany) on to discuss this shocking intractability of the German Government and people. Helen's links: https://www.instagram.com/helenfares https://www.instagram.com/deinehomegirls https://www.tiktok.com/@UCKl5VgiDWXSU1uAH8KZoRog https://open.spotify.com/show/2mJ5eTOox6BsZfGb9SDLld?si=6806f3d50cf6439f https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/homegirls/id1460801517 https://music.amazon.de/podcasts/a9ea0c36-b35f-4517-a671-89db1b60eb36/homegirls #decolonize #uspolitics #antiimperialism #humanrights #antiimperialism #ceasefire #globalaffairs #israelhamaswar #militaryhistory #journalist #journalism #bds #divest #boycottIsrael #endwar
The ghost wars for regional influence in the Gulf and the Levant between Israel and the US, Russia and Iran, continue but the long-established status quo has changed. In this episode of Operational Breakdown, we look at Iran's telegraphed yet effective and measured response to Israel's bombing of its Consulate in Damascus. We also talk about the logic of Deterrance, which is an important pillar of geo-political analysis. #israelpalestineconflict #ceasefire #decolonize #antiimperialism #globalaffairs #foreignaffairs #humanrights #israelhamaswar #counterterrorism #militaryindustrialcomplex #militaryintelligence #militaryintervention #uspolitics #bidenvstrump #independentjournalism #militaryhistory #veteran #veteransforpeace
A continuation of what turned into an unexpected cross interview, we dive into personal stories from Palestine, the often-sour relationship between American Jews and Israelis, racism among Israeli Jews, the horrors that Palestinians face, the inevitable demise of the Israeli apartheid, Wally's genius strategy suggestions in bolstering the economic power of Palestinians in the West Bank and the light of hope awaiting the future of Palestine. Support Wally and all of his endeavors by checking out the links below:@wallyrashid https://www.instagram.com/wallyrashid/https://www.tiktok.com/@wallyrashidhttps://woodlandpulse.com/https://www.change.org/p/urgent-action-now-dismantle-extremist-israeli-yitzhar-settlement?utm_medium=custom_url&utm_source=share_petition&recruited_by_id=56479fb0-bd2d-11e4-a87f-91a1465d8f8a @wallyrashid #westbank #ceasefire #netanyahu #uspolitics #middleeast #middleeastnews #palestina #foreignaffairs #history #globalaffairs #militaryhistory #levantine #mediacriticism #antiimperialism #decolonize #humanrights #israelpalestineconflict #israelhamaswar #politicaldiscussion #militaryindustrialcomplex @matheuskriwat
On April 1st, Israel took the unprecedented action of leveling an Iranian Consulate in Damascus, Syria. Embassies and diplomatic buildings have historically enjoyed international protection since they are recognized as sovereign territory. So, how will Iran respond to this attack on its own soil? They are being calculated, and not rushing a hasty response. Here we break it down through the lens of a very irresponsible article in Time Magazine. #israelpalestineconflict #ceasefire #decolonize #antiimperialism #globalaffairs #foreignaffairs #humanrights #israelhamaswar #counterterrorism #militaryindustrialcomplex #militaryintelligence #militaryintervention #uspolitics #bidenvstrump #independentjournalism #militaryhistory #veteran #veteransforpeace
While AIPAC is a significant force in United States politics, many Christian Evangelical politicians would still support Israel unconditionally no matter its crimes. In this episode we plumb the thorny depths of Evangelical End-Times Prophecy, which dominates the lives of over 100 million Americans. We invite you to listen, as you cannot understand the American political landscape without taking these very reasonable people into account...
Continuation of a discursive and chaotic marathon of academic discourse with the Doc and an anonymous guest who requested to remain mostly as an occasional interactive listener . We invited a personal friend of Mark - Palestinian American Muslim mom, Rashy, who is incidentally also a student of O'Mara's lives. Recorded on Sunday, March 24th during the holy month of Ramadan, the Jewish holiday of Purim and Palm Sunday, 3 holidays of the 3 Abrahamic faiths. We didn't cover nearly the amount of territory as we intended, so this was more of an unstructured approach to the topic that leads us down some detours in sociology, human psychology, and personal experiences. https://www.youtube.com/@OfficeHourswiththeMadProfessor Also follow him on all of his social media outlets: https://twitter.com/LiamOMaraIV https://www.instagram.com/liamomaraiv https://www.tiktok.com/@liamomaraiv #ceasefire #netanyahu #uspolitics #middleeast #middleeastnews #palestina #foreignaffairs #history #globalaffairs #militaryhistory #levantine #mediacriticism #antiimperialism #decolonize #humanrights #israelpalestineconflict #israelhamaswar #politicaldiscussion #militaryindustrialcomplex
Another discursive and chaotic marathon of academic discourse with the Doc and an anonymous guest who requested to remain mostly as an occasional interactive listener . We invited a personal friend of Mark - Palestinian American Muslim mom, Rashy, who is incidentally also a student of O'Mara's lives. Recorded on Sunday, March 24th during the holy month of Ramadan, the Jewish holiday of Purim and Palm Sunday, 3 holidays of the 3 Abrahamic faiths. We didn't cover nearly the amount of territory as we intended, so this was more of an unstructured approach to the topic that leads us down some detours in sociology, human psychology, and personal experiences. Follow Dr. O'Mara on his channel for more in-depth education on everything anthropology and history: https://www.youtube.com/@OfficeHourswiththeMadProfessor Also follow him on all of his social media outlets: https://twitter.com/LiamOMaraIV https://www.instagram.com/liamomaraiv https://www.tiktok.com/@liamomaraiv #ceasefire #netanyahu #uspolitics #middleeast #middleeastnews #palestina #foreignaffairs #history #globalaffairs #militaryhistory #levantine #mediacriticism #antiimperialism #decolonize #humanrights #israelpalestineconflict #israelhamaswar #politicaldiscussion #militaryindustrialcomplex
An introductory discussion about Julian Assange, the Wikileaks witch-hunt, and an examination of the Islamic State. Here is your primer for the uninitiated! Elina Xenophontos - an International Law and Globalisation specialist. She has worked as a researcher in international and EU policy, with special focus on financial and corporate crime. She has worked with organisations such as SOMO - The Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations based in the Netherlands. Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/elina_linax/ #israelpalestineconflict #israelhamaswar #palestine #ceasefire #decolonize #ceasefirenow #julianassange #globalaffairs #antiimperialism #foreignaffairs #politicaldiscussion #politicalnews
This is a very free-form episode about the proposed Rafah Assault, Bibi's political predicament, and how I (Greg Stoker) almost got kicked out of Ranger Regiment in a shoot house ten years ago...
Ex-Israeli Soldier discusses militant Zionism and the dehumanization of the self, which allows for the atrocities that we are seeing on the ground. We also rag on Liberals on this one again. One of my favorite past-times. Thanks to Yuval Manns for coming on. Links below: https://www.instagram.com/yuvalmanns/ https://yuvalman.com/ #israelpalestineconflict #ceasefire #decolonize #antiimperialism #globalaffairs #foreignaffairs #humanrights #israelhamaswar #counterterrorism #militaryindustrialcomplex #militaryintelligence #militaryintervention #uspolitics #bidenvstrump #independentjournalism #militaryhistory #veteran #veteransforpeace #israelpalestineconflict
Three US Military Veterans - A former US Army Ranger, a Field Artillery Officer, and an Intelligence Officer walk into a podcast to discuss IDF targeting, government corruption, and interpretations of the word "Terrorist." As we watch the brutal prosecution of the civilian population of Gaza, we are wondering if you have any veterans in your life who are still on the fence about the morality of what's happening on the ground. If so, please send them this. Thanks to special guest Josephine Guilbeau for coming on! You can follow her on instagram for similar content: https://www.instagram.com/josephine.guilbeau/ Also check out Veterans For Peace at: https://www.instagram.com/veteransforpeace/ #israelpalestineconflict #ceasefire #decolonize #antiimperialism #globalaffairs #foreignaffairs #humanrights #israelhamaswar #counterterrorism #militaryindustrialcomplex #militaryintelligence #militaryintervention #uspolitics #bidenvstrump #independentjournalism #militaryhistory #veteran #veteransforpeace
The construction of this "Aid Port" on the shore of Gaza is a very transparent attempt to entrench and exploit Western energy interests in the Gaza marine basin. In this episode we discuss the strategic importance of Cyprus, an Island with its own colonial struggle, within the context of the ongoing catastrophe in Palestine. We are joined today by: Elina Xenophontos, an International Law and Globalisation specialist. She has worked as a researcher in International and EU policy throughout Europe with special focus on financial and corporate crime. She has worked with organizations such as SOMO: The Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations based in the Netherlands. You can follow her on instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/elina_linax/ #uspolitics #unrwa #israelpalestineconflict #antiimperialism #globalaffairs #foreignaffairs #warjournalism #idf #merchantsofdeath #humanrightswatch #savethechildren #ccr #icj #icc #warcrimes #amnestyinternational #decolonize #ceasefirenow #ceasefire #endwar #veteran #coexistence #aljazeera #reuters #associatedpress
It is Monday, March 11th and a temporary aid port was announced by the Biden Administration in order to deliver humanitarian aid and bypass an increasingly uncontrollable Israel. Let's break it down!
Acclaimed Journalist Anthony Loewenstein joins us to discuss the general process of how Israel designs, tests and exports the technology of Apartheid and occupation around the globe. Links: https://www.instagram.com/antloewenstein@antloewenstein https://twitter.com/antloewenstein https://www.youtube.com/user/antonyloewenstein https://www.amazon.com/Palestine-Laboratory-Exports-Technology-Occupation/dp/183976208X #israelpalestineconflict #ceasefire #decolonize #antiimperialism #globalaffairs #foreignaffairs #humanrights #endwar #veteran #veteransforpeace #militaryindustrialcomplex #elbit #warjournalism #idf #merchantsofdeath #humanrightswatch #savethechildren #ccr #icj #icc #warcrimes #amnestyinternational
We are still seeing a problematic conflation of Jewishness and Zionism. We need to resist and challenge this at every turn because it only fuels Israeli militancy and lends credence to its claims of existential threat. The following exhaustive conversation strives for this nuance. Part 2: is all about the history and various forms of antisemitism and why it's vital to the liberation of Palestine to keep it out of the movement and foster cooperation between Jews and Palestinians to end this occupation and pursue freedom and justice for Palestine. Cheers! Follow Dr. O'Mara on his channel for more in-depth education on everything anthropology and history: https://www.youtube.com/@OfficeHourswiththeMadProfessor Also follow him on all of his social media outlets: https://twitter.com/LiamOMaraIV https://www.instagram.com/liamomaraiv https://www.tiktok.com/@liamomaraiv #ceasefire #netanyahu #uspolitics #middleeast #middleeastnews #palestina #foreignaffairs #history #globalaffairs #militaryhistory #levantine #mediacriticism #antiimperialism #decolonize #humanrights #israelpalestineconflict #israelhamaswar #politicaldiscussion #militaryindustrialcomplex
We are still seeing a problematic conflation of Jewishness and Zionism. We need to resist and challenge this at every turn because it only fuels Israeli militancy and lends credence to its claims of existential threat. The following exhaustive conversation strives for this nuance. Part 1: is all about the history, factions, and various forms of Zionism. Cheers! Follow Dr. O'Mara on his channel for more in-depth education on everything anthropology and history: https://www.youtube.com/@OfficeHourswiththeMadProfessor Also follow him on all of his social media outlets: https://twitter.com/LiamOMaraIV https://www.instagram.com/liamomaraiv https://www.tiktok.com/@liamomaraiv #ceasefire #netanyahu #uspolitics #middleeast #middleeastnews #palestina #foreignaffairs #history #globalaffairs #militaryhistory #levantine #mediacriticism #antiimperialism #decolonize #humanrights #israelpalestineconflict #israelhamaswar #politicaldiscussion #militaryindustrialcomplex
A lot of unfortunate things happened this past week. From Kamala Harris's cynical speech to the beef between Netanyahu and Gantz, we do out best to cover all the strategic developments in an hour and four minutes. Cheers!
In this episode we focus on the complex humanitarian situation on the ground in Gaza, the difference in circumstances between the north and the south, with Palestinian Journalist and Activist Zeena Aqel. We also touch on civilian/IDF interactions on the ground, as well as protests outside of the Rafah border crossing by Israeli Settlers. Zeena's Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/zeenaaqel?igsh=MTk2YnQyeWxkZGNjaA%3D%3D
On Sunday, February 25th, US Airman Aaron Bushnell lit himself on fire in front of the Israeli Embassy in Washington D.C. In this episode we look at various viewpoints in order to assess public reaction and predict how certain actors will try and shape the narrative around this extreme action.
Today we are joined by Jason Green, retired Field-Grade Air Defense Artillery Officer to talk about the basics of air defense and why you should learn about it in order to not be manipulated by the media, and the war-mongering "Bomb Iran" politicians. The US is vulnerable in the Middle East and will not risk escalation. Let's get into it!
On this Episode we discuss the anti-Netanyahu Protests in Tel-Aviv, the dissonance of the colonizing mentality, and the "allyship" of Liberals. We again get into to the self-serving narrative of Neoliberals as an expression of supremacy in the latter third of the episode. You know, because it's almost election season and this is an extremely important topic.
We are joined by Jenan Matari - Palestinian storyteller, content creator, and activist.
Jenan's Social: https://www.instagram.com/jenanmatari/
Here is your regular military operation breakdown for the week of February 20th. This evening we discussed Israel's saber-rattling over a planned invasion of southern Lebanon in order to prosecute a ground war against Hezbollah. In short, the entire concept is tactically/operationally/strategically non-viable.
This Episode is more of an informal rant about the current manifestation of Liberalism around the Palestinian Genocide and how it is part of the same ideological system as white nationalism and supremacy. Seems radical, I know, but bear with us...
Welcome to Episode 1 of Colonial Outcasts, a manifestly anti-establishment podcast dedicated to challenging and dismantling ideological systems that perpetuate the self-destructive status quo of Western Imperialism. Our first guest is Dr. Liam O'Mara, an anti-Zionist and anti-Fascist professor of history and comparative genocide studies. The topics discussed are diverse and surround the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe in the Gaza Strip, all leading to speculation on how a genocide-enabling ideology can eventually be dismantled.
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.