Sooner or later, Columbia House Party had to tackle 'The Only Album.' Hosts Jake Goldsbie and Blake Murphy are joined by Andrew Zuber of Sportsfeld to dissect the quintessential mid-2000s pop-punk album, Fall Out Boys’ From Under the Cork Tree. Dripping in sarcasm and self-deprecation, From Under the Cork Tree makes it’s sad, oft-unrequited lyrics more accessible with power-pop riffs, well-designed singles, and Patrick Stump’s underrated vocal chops. Fall Out Boy pivoted to more of an arena-rock sound not long after Cork Tree, which looks like an obvious and expected move looking back on 2005’s finest here in 2019. Find out more about Pete Wentz’s struggles during recording, the developing “pop-punk quadrant,” and the lasting impact of the album on this week’s podcast.
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