For the month of July we're playing the hits! We turned to all our friends on Patreon and asked them to pick their favourite episodes of CHP - and they have spoken! Coming in third place, we hope you enjoy listening through My Chemical Romance's The Black Parade.
In the most-anticipated episode of Columbia House Party yet, Jake Goldsbie and Blake Murphy dive into My Chemical Romance’s ambitious rock opera The Black Parade. A follow-up to their breakthrough album Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge, The Black Parade takes the MCR aesthetic up several notches and leans into a dark, quirky, ultimately redemptive single-story arc about The Patient. The album was a much bigger commercial success than some may remember, leading to a great deal of conversation around emo culture and some disturbingly laughable claims from mainstream UK media. Find out more about Gerard Way’s intentions with the album, how fans rallied as a community around it, and what this moment in music helped accomplish for the discussion around mental health in this week’s podcast.
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See you next week for an all new episode of CHP.