Combat Phase is a weekly podcast celebrating miniature-wargaming. Hosts Kenny and Wargamer Shawn grow the hobby community and bring excellent resources to listeners around the world. Join us each week as we discuss news and rumors, tips for the hobby, community support and everything for the avid wargamer.
The podcast Combat Phase is created by Unknown. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Mr. 40K takes us through the rules and list-building options for the new Eldar book just released for 40K while Joe returns for a look at Eldar lore, focusing on how the story has progressed--which is so nice! Enjoy the new narrative and we'll talk to you next time.
We talk the recent Holy Wars event and the road to Adepticon.
We're back for the new year and happy 2025 to everyone! Enjoy this look at the new Orruk Warclans book, models, and get ready for heaps of reviews and great conversations coming up over the next few months.
Mr. 40K Eric joins us as we take a look back at highlights, trends and themes of 2024 across several game systems, as well as thoughts and predictions for 2025.
We do exactly what it says on the tin: Holy Havoc and event thoughts, LOTS of news, and Ossiarch Bone Reapers. We plan to do an in-depth year in review episode next time and then we'll be set for going into 2025.
Enjoy and Happy Holidays!
We're joined by friend of the show and sometimes-cohost of my favorite podcast, Cubic Shenanigans, Dave Nordstrom to talk this exciting new book! Love the changes from the faction pack.
Ben Stoddard makes his first appearance on Combat Phase talking the new, ongoing dwarf portion of Pannithor for Kings of War. Really smart, informative, and enjoyable. Let us know what Kings of War novel you are most curious about for a chance to win a book.
Hope you enjoy!
Check out and keep up to date with Ben's work and general creative genius at
Winged Hussar Publishing:
Mr. 40K Eric takes us through the recent 40K updates, then Brandon and Mark join Kenny to talk about Winged Hussar Publishing as prep for future novels about Kings of War. Plus listen for giveaway details.
Kenny & Tori are back, this time talking the Stormcast Eternals New Battle Tome for AoS 4th Edition, and we're fans. Hopefully you are a fan as well by the end.
***GW supplied a digital review copy of the book & new models to review. Loved the new models!
We're back, unloading some of that heaping backlog of recorded content to share. This time, Kenny & Tori become darkness!
Mike joins us to talk Nighthaunt and why they're such a boogeyman of AoS.
We're back with new cohost Tori for an exciting look at the very first new Battletome of Age of Sigmar 4th edition.
Tori is back chatting Spearhead & Skaven. Enjoy!
We're back for Episode 400! Continuing our series of AoS 4th ed. Faction Packs, Tori returns to talk Soulblight Gravelords and Hunter leads us into a forbidden peak at the Disciples of Tzeentch.
We're back and AoS 4th edition is here (for the most part)! This episode continues the coverage of rules and Faction Packs for the Sylvaneth and Blades of Khorne armies.
Ep 399 - AoS 4th Sylvaneth & Khorne - Faction Pack reviews The wave of new AoS rules and armies continues and this time it’s Sylvaneth with Aaron returning, making his Combat Phase, debut, Hunter, talking evil murder folk for Khorne. You’ll hear Hunter on several of these reviews so buckle up and LET’S GO!! Sylvaneth first Blades of Khorne ~ 1:45:00 More of already-recorded reviews from the last few weeks will be coming at you fast! See you next time for Episode 400! Enjoy!Tori joins me again as we begin our long coverage of AoS 4th edition. We start with a high-look at the overall rules and then some practical applications as we look at Faction Pack: Ogor Mawtribes. We figured that, since the faction focus seemed lackluster and a lot of consternation among Ogor players, we'd start here. Turns out, since so many things in the game hit on 4s now, not quite so bad. Have a listen and tell us what you think!
**GW sent preview copies of rules and materials
Thanks and enjoy!
We're back, welcoming Tori back on the show to discuss the final Dawnbringers book rules & the new Dark Oath release.
Mr. 40K returns to lead us through a look at the new 40K Chaos Space Marines codex.
Enjoy!The original co-host of Combat Phase joins me this time chatting what we know of AoS 4th edition. Of course, more info keeps coming each week. Hope you're as excited for it as we are.
We're back after a break which was used to prep for, attend, and then recover from, Adepticon 2024! Mr. 40K, the legend himself, Eric returns as we catch up on a lot of content to post. This time, we naturally had to cover ORKS first because, Orks is da bestz! Custodes and Tau are coming, plus Old World, Heresy and Legions Imperialis, not to worry.
Travis joins me to talk the latest Dawnbringers book: The Mad King Rises. Then Mr. 40K Eric talks us through the new 40K Balance update and other resources coming out this week.
Back from the holiday break with the first of several already-recorded episodes coming out over the next couple weeks. Joe returns to the show as my guest going over the new Dark Angels book and army box for 40K. Joe's a massive fan of the Dark Angels, so we hope you enjoy it as much as he did. They really play like how the narrative and traits surrounding the chapter's lore.
As I've been asked, here's what's instore for upcoming episodes: Dawnbringers, Painting, Black library focus from fans and a HUGE surprise… The Old World is certainly getting coverage as I prepare what will likely be a series of guests over the weeks to discuss this crunchy new game. Hint: Although daunting on the rules-front, I’m loving that my favorite setting ever has returned, and even in a previous time period.
Mr. 40K Eric is back, talking some Necrons this time.
Mr. 40K Eric is back with a look at the new 10th Ed. Adeptus Mechanicus codex.
Travis joins Kenny once again to talk all things this new and amazing release for the new Flesh Eater Courts book and box.
Aaron joins me again as we look through Dawnbringer Crusade book 3: The Long Hunt. Epic new models and filthy Sylvaneth. ;)
Enjoy!I'm thrilled to have my good friend Doug of 2+ Tough fame back on, this time to give a recap of the lore so far in books 1 & 2 of the exciting AoS campaign, The Dawnbringers Crusade, with books 1 (Harbingers) & 2 (Reign of the Brute).
We'll do another episode like this once more or all books are released. Don't forget to check out Doug's awesome channel, link below as well as where to follow his antics. Finally, whether you have the game giant, Noble Knight Games, in your backyard like me, or live in a galaxy far, far away, you can use the link below to make your purchases and it gives Doug's channel a shiny gold star.
Note: This link is benefiting Doug's channel, I still don't have advertising nor any plans to accept it. I'm just a glutton for going broke over my plastic crack.
Noble Knight Games link:
The Website:
Mr. 40K is back once again to walk us through the awesome new detachments in the Space Marines codex.
Hint: Can you spot the Myspace or Space Marines Strategems...?
Book 2 of the Dawnbringers Crusades campaign is now up for preorder and Aaron comes back to join me in talking all the new cool rules (thanks GW for supplying review copies) and models for The Reign of the Brute. We talk all 4 Armies of Renown: Kharadron Overlords, Trogg king Trugg, King Brodd's Stomp, and the new Ironjaws piggies and other units, as well as an exciting new way to field some bacon and other new/updated models to the Orruk Warclans faction.
I'm thrilled to have our good our good friend, AoS Coach, back on to talk the new (EXCELLENT!) Cities of Sigmar! Check out Coach on his channel and on twitter.
As promised, we're back! This time, Mr. 40K Eric, braves the Garden of Nurgle to return to talk some more Tyranids as their codex--the FIRST Codex for 10th edition--goes up on preorder today.
The Tyranids Index Card review for the existing models can be found here:
We're back after a break caused from a career change and the first of a few episodes already recorded in the queue welcomes Black Library author, Mike Brooks, and his epic mohawk back on the show--talking the Lion, Alpharius & Orks (and more)!
*I am Alpharius
Time for another 40K 10th ed review -- this time, GSC!
This time Mr. 40K is back again with Kenny to continue the new 40K index cards and rules aplenty! Today's episode: Kenny's favorite: The Thousand Sons.
Eric (Mr. 40K) returns to kick off an epic series as we go over the index cards and rules for each faction in Warhammer 40K as it will soon be available to purchase.
Doug of 2+ Tough joins Kenny to talk getting into (or enjoying even more if you're already into) Conquest. Then original co-host and co-founder of Combat Phase, Robert Allen, returns for a long-overdue catch-up chat. Links for Conquest and 2+ Tough's channel below. Check him out if you haven't already!
Enjoy! all! 40K Eric joins Kenny to chat all the new preview reveals and for a look into 40K 10th ed. as we near the summer release.
Christian talks the new Seraphon with Kenny.
Follow him on Twitter @maximum_pants
On this episode Travis Giffen joins Kenny for the first time on the show to review the new Soulblight Gravelords battletome. It's suggested to listen to episode 372 (Ossiarch Bonereapers) first if you want more in-depth info around Nagash, from Brendan Melnick. Both episodes are available now.
Check out what Travis is up to on Twitter @TravisAGiffin
Brendan joins Kenny to review the new Ossiarch Bonereapers battletome.
Check out Brendan on the Cubic Shenanigans podcast
Ken joins Kenny for the first on the show to review the new Hedonites of Slaanesh battletome, now on pre-order. The Temptation Phase of AoS just got a little more, er, well...spicy!
Dr. Lee joins us again to talk new Gloomspite Gitz and all the glorious, green mayhem! Then Black Library author, David Annandale, returns to chat about his Mortarion book in the Primarch series. Follow David on Mastodon at his account below.
With Adepticon coming up, we will be gone for a bit so 3-4 Battletome reviews are coming out within a few weeks of each other to tide you over.
Steve Herner talks all about Holy Wars and has some exclusive insights into Holy Havoc and future Holy events. Congrats again to Kenny's teammate, Aaron, for winning the Hobby Hammer award! Check out the website with the event Twitter feed and more info. Also information for the Hesed House charity is included below for those of you who were unable to make it to a Holy event and would like to help out.
Eric is back to talk us through the exciting and bloody new release for Angron and the World Eaters.
They're hhheeeerrreeee! The new Beasts of Chaos army book.
Vint comes back on to talk the new Slaves to Darkness book. It took some time to come out, but we made it!
Back from the holiday break and ready to talk hobby! Since the original Tyranids episode was devoured by a rogue Tervigon, Eric is back talking where the nasty bugs are currently and how GOOD that codex is. Then guest Aaron is back to take a look at the current Sylvaneth AoS Battletome.
Happy New Year and, as always, enjoy!
Talking the latest version of LRL with Joe.
Robert Rath on Black Library
Extra History
Eric is back for the 40K series for Chaos Daemons and Aaron joins us to talk the new Sons of Behemet book.
Eric joins us again in our 40K series to talk the big baddies: Chaos Space Marines--updated for 9th edition and kicking some butt.
Space Dwarfs!!! The Leagues of Votann are finally here! Fellow dwarf-lover, Curtis, joins Kenny in talking the Kin.
See some images of the Leagues mixed with Squat forces as an example of a hobby challenge. Go nuts! Pictures on Twitter
An in-depth look into the recent AoS General's Hand Book. Hope your games with it have been enjoyable so far.
We review spooooooky tales of the new Nighthaunt and then BL author Marc Collins returns to talk Grim Repast.
Marc @MalkyDel
We're looking at new Skaven this time. Enjoy!!
Joe joins Kenny this time for an indepth look at the new Daughters of Khaine battletome and Aaron gives us thoughts of the new Sylvaneth units from Echoes of Doom.
Apologies for the break in reviews but keep your ears ready for a lot of recorded content pouring out in June. Thanks again to GW for providing review copies of these items.
We’re back to the Aeldari again—this time with a look at the Ynnari and Harlequins (which, as you may have heard, are a wee bit…good). Enjoy!
Some Adepticon reflections are discussed here and as the internet gods were not too kind to us discussing the remaining Aeldari codex we table that review until the next episode. Instead, famed IDK player, Jon Anderson, comes on to talk a deep-dive (teehee) look at the new Idoneth Deepkin battletome.
Jon is on Twitter at: @33r2d2
Kenny is joined this week by Genestealer Cults buffs Vint and Eric (from the 40K competitive series) to talk all the glories of the 4-armed Emperor.
Happy Holidays! We close up 2021 with a look at some of the many releases in the last few months we unfortunately did not have enough time to cover on previous episodes. Stay safe and have a happy new year!
Dave from Milwaukee joins Kenny to chat the new Maggotkin of Nurgle AoS battletome. It's sick! (teehee).
Dave Nordstrom @davenordstrom
Wrestled from the grip of the Warp, a very casual discussion on the Siege of Terra books 5 & 6, Mortis and Warhawk. See you next time for the Maggotkin of Nurgle and Black Templars after that!
Book Club starts at 39:45 minuets in Enjoy!We recap our team experience at Holy Havoc last weekend and finally finish recording the review of Adeptus Sororitas, with Eric returning to talk the Sisters from a competitive view.
We are back, talking news and Crusade before Vince Venturella comes on again to chat about his newest skirmish war-game: Reign in Hell. Great name, great game, great rules. Check it out below and…enjoy! look this episode at the Angels of Death. Eric returns to talk Blood Angels and Dark Angels in competitive 40K this week.
It's finally here! We talk all things the new Thousand Sons.
We take a look at Ogor Mawtribes and where they currently stand in AoS 3.0. Then David Annandale returns to the show to talk his most recent books, Ephrael Stern, Deacon of Wounds, and A Dynasty of Monsters, plus some other titles.
We're back with Eric again this time in our 40K Codex series. This episode: Death Guard.
Shawn leads us on a look at the new Drukhari codex then we are joined for an Ask a Hobby Expert with phenomenal army painter, Martin Orlando, to talk painting your Lumineth army--whether an existing collector, or one getting ready for wave 2 of models to arrive in the current preorder. Check out Martin's reference pictures as well as follow him on Twitter!
Eric joins us for a new series taking a deep dive into 40K 9th ed. We start this week with a 9th ed primer before moving onto individual codexes coming next.
Kenny and Shawn prep for hobby in 2021 starting with a look at the newest reveals, rumors and plans for Warhammer this year. Then we chat with Jon about a cool Patreon project called Handimonsters. Check it out!
A chat with friend of the show, Curtis, about our hobby in 2020 and a look back. See you all in 2021 and we wish you all a happy new year and to be safe and healthy.
Hi and I'm thrilled to finally be releasing this episode. We were holding on when Shawn could be available to discuss his current AoS army--gargants!!! We're joined at around 01:16:03 by AoS Coach for the hobby and community aspects of this amazing army.
Enjoy and check out the links below to support our guests.
@Aoscoach AoS Coach YouTube channel **Check out their YouTube channels linked on Twitter pages, as well)** Warhammer Weekly @warhammerweekly 2+ Tough @tough_up @ODTgaming @Plastic_KrakKenny is joined by guest friend of the show, Curtis, to do a brief intro on what we're excited about in the hobby at the moment. Then we play the extended interview with Gary from Dark Fantastic Mills who discusses his shop, and all the amazing pieces he produces, and what you need to know about how to order and build the table you desire.
Check out the shop:'re looking at Lumineth Realm-Lords then Black Library author Dale Lucas joins us to talk his novel, Realm-Lords. Spoiler: it's excellent!!!
Follow Dale at:
@DaleLucas114 on twitter and on Facebook.
We chat about new Warhammer Underworlds releases, giants, 40K and Indomitus w/author Gav Thorpe.
We take a look at the Fabius Bile trilogy from Josh Reynolds for 40K and then are joined by Jamie Crisalli for another BL author interview talking Chaos, Daughters of Khaine, and other upcoming tales.
Jamie interview starts at 1:16:00 Follow Jamie: @OneSmolNerd on Twitter Enjoy!We take a look at Warhammer Underworlds and its many ways to play.
We take a look at 40K 9th ed now that everything is out (for the starter) and present another Black Library author introduction with Michael J. Hollows. Check out his Fyreslayers story and other works!
Michael's interview starts at around 59 minutes.
Enjoy! @MikeHollowsWe talk the new General’s Hand Book for AoS this week. Enjoy!
We're back! Shawn and Kenny finally found an hour during COVID so we recorded on the spot over Skype. Apologies for the sound quality at times--we are aware of it in the future for Skype recordings.
We look at the new 40K box, Indomitus, the Lumineth Realm Lords box and then are joined for a Black Library author intro with Danie Ware. Follow her on Twitter at @danacea.
Enjoy and we'll be back with more BL author interviews.
It's been a while, sadly, since we've recorded but I wanted to get something out so here's an interview with the legendary painter, James Wappel, for an extended Ask a Hobby Expert. You can listen to as much as you wish.
Check out his patreon, Instagram, YouTube, blog and Twitch.
Here's the Insta: You Tube: Patreon: Twitch: Blog: Enjoy!We're back after some COVID-related delays and this week a book club for Valdor by Chris Wraight.
COVID-permitting we'll be back next week to once again entertain you. Enjoy!
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