We are a Magic The Gathering podcast focused on the best and our favorite format Pauper. Hosted by Cameron Schindler, Thomas Gunn, and James Hieronimus.Follow us on Twitter:https://twitter.com/CamPlaysMagichttps://twitter.com/ThomasDoesALothttps://twitter.com/Hippo_1124
The podcast Common Ground MTG is created by Common Ground MTG. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Welcome back Pauper fam! Our comrades in New York had their much anticipated Inaugural Upstate NY Pauper Open this past weekend and podcast alum Jake AKA Kalikaiz was present to bring us the scoop. The event sounded like an absolute blast and we hope everyone involved had a great time! We discuss the tournament and venue vibes, Pactdoll Terror Altar Tron, and this exciting moment we find ourselves in as Pauper continues to grow in the States through these grassroots-style events.
Join our Discord! https://discord.gg/kdvSavFkpz
Check out our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@CommonGroundMTG
EVERY Decklist from the Inaugural Upstate NY Pauper Open: https://www.spicerack.gg/events/decklists?event_id=1580224
Kalikaiz's Links: https://linktr.ee/kalikaiz
4/19 West Coast Pauper Open, Santa Clara, CA: https://www.spicerack.gg/events/1683085
3/15 Team Trios @ Game Knight, Columbia, TN: https://topdeck.gg/event/team-trios-3-pauper-modern-legacy
Info on NRG Indy's Pauper $1k and the 2nd Common Ground Cup at Game Knight coming soon!
Any questions or feedback for us? Email us at: [email protected]
Thomas' BlueSky: @thomasdoesalot.bsky.social
Welcome back Pauper fam! This week we're joined by the manager of the London Pauper League (LPL), Morgan Fussell, for a conversation about building communities for Pauper and a peak behind the curtain of what it's like to work with Lega Pauper Italia, the organization behind Paupergeddon! Whether your LGS is in a small town or a big city, we hope that this episode can help folks get started if they too wish to have their very own local Pauper scene and community. Plus lots of Pauper was played around the world this past weekend, including the MTGO Pauper Qualifier!
Join our Discord! https://discord.gg/kdvSavFkpz
Check out our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@CommonGroundMTG
LPL Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/london_pauper_league?igsh=MXBiZmNvdHI1ZWdieA==
LPL Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/share/14rXMVGx2gF/
"Teachings For Teachings" Zine Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/teachingsforteachings?igsh=cGR3ZmtjZWhhMXQ1
Lega Pauper Italia Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/share/1LXHTVRiPV/
London IPT Tickets Link: https://www.badgerbadger.org/event/london-pauper-showdown-2-the-deadliest-dispute/
LPL Artist (Cody) Etsy Store: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/MisoToken
3/15 Team Trios @ Game Knight, Columbia, TN: https://topdeck.gg/event/team-trios-3-pauper-modern-legacy
Info on NRG Indy's Pauper $1k and the 2nd Common Ground Cup at Game Knight coming soon!
Any questions or feedback for us? Email us at: [email protected]
Thomas' BlueSky: @thomasdoesalot.bsky.social
Welcome back Pauper fam! This week we decided to update our lists from Episode 10 when we ranked our top cards in Pauper. We each share our new Top 5 lists and chat about how MH3 has really shaken up our rankings! Plus a quick dive into last weekend's MTGO challenges and some upcoming tournament announcements!
Join our Discord! https://discord.gg/kdvSavFkpz
Check out our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@CommonGroundMTG
3/1 Upstate NY Pauper Open Information: https://www.spicerack.gg/events/1580224
3/15 Team Trios @ Game Knight: https://topdeck.gg/event/team-trios-3-pauper-modern-legacy
Info on NRG Indy's Pauper $1k and the 2nd Common Ground Cup at Game Knight coming soon!
Any questions or feedback for us? Email us at: [email protected]
Thomas' BlueSky: @thomasdoesalot.bsky.social
Welcome back Pauper fam! This week we sit down with our friend, teammate, and local judge Austin Walker to chat about his take on the BW Blade archetype and the preparation that led to his undefeated record in the Swiss rounds of the Common Ground Cup. Will Grim Bauble make the cut? How does BW compare to Mardu? These questions and much more are discussed at length, as well as a quick recap of the rotisserie cube draft we held over the weekend to win Cameron's foil MB2 Brainstorm!
Join our Discord! https://discord.gg/kdvSavFkpz
Check out our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@CommonGroundMTG
Austin's BW Blade Decklist & Sideboard Guide: https://flexslot.gg/sideboards/6717
3/1 Upstate NY Pauper Open Information: https://www.spicerack.gg/events/1580224
3/15 Team Trios @ Game Knight: https://topdeck.gg/event/team-trios-3-pauper-modern-legacy
Cameron's Foil Peasant Cube: https://cubecobra.com/cube/list/m1t1
Nice & Clean Floor Care: https://niceandcleannashville.com/
Any questions or feedback for us? Email us at: [email protected]
Welcome back pauper fam! This week Cameron, Thomas, and Hippo take a look at some new commons from the latest MtG release: AEtherdrift. Although one card may stand above the rest in terms of playability, there are still plenty of cards to talk about. The gang also, at long last, recaps the weekend's MTGO challenges and also have a quick chat about Modern and its metagame health given the financial patterns of the Horizon sets.
Big news! We're launching a Discord for the podcast's listener community! Hop in, say hi, share your brews, and help us cultivate a great place to chat about our favorite format: https://discord.gg/B3N79SXu
Check out our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@CommonGroundMTG
3/1 Upstate NY Pauper Open Information: https://www.spicerack.gg/events/1580224
The Paper Pauper Discord: https://discord.gg/3YwXxhXQ
Any questions or feedback for us? Email us at: [email protected]
Welcome back Pauper fam! Our friend Michael Pfohl joins us this week to chat about his victory at our recent Common Ground Cup! Having only picked up the deck a few days before the tournament, Michael shares his insights on Jund Broodscale and how he navigated his way through tough competition to claim the coveted trophy. We also catch up on some exciting RCQ results which leads to a thoughtful discussion on Magic, life priorities, and friendships. Thanks for listening fam!
Michael's Decklist: https://moxfield.com/decks/MGDnqVikdkGkauUVZszoAA
CGMtG YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@CommonGroundMTG
March 1st Upstate NY Pauper Open: https://www.spicerack.gg/events/1580224
Coverage from our Standard RCQ at Game Knight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqxfEzhaGlY
Any questions or feedback for us? Email us at: [email protected]
Welcome back Pauper fam! With the first Common Ground Cup finished the bois are back to recap everything about it. They recap the tournament itself with a meta and top 8 break down. The crew talk about their experiences commentating with it being Thomas's and Camerons first time doing such. It was a blast thank y'all for the support!
Top 8 decklists
Livestream Vod
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Welcome back Pauper fam! With the first Common Ground Cup on the horizon, the gang discuss a grab bag of topics this week: Thomas catches us up on his Atlanta stories, we evaluate a couple of downshifts from Innistrad Remastered, and briefly share what we would play if we were not on commentary this weekend. Plus, now that the MTGO lag is fixed, the Sunday challenge boasts some interesting innovations!
Common Ground Cup 1/18 @ Game Knight, Columbia TN:
Live Coverage on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/gameknighttn
Upstate NY Pauper Open 3/1: https://www.spicerack.gg/events/1580224
Any questions or feedback for us? Email us at: [email protected]
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Cameron and Hippo cover for an ailing Thomas and cover their trip to SCGCON Atlanta, the latest challenge decklists, and the current discourse of whether Pauper is feeling stale and needs a shake-up.
Common Ground Cup 1/18 @ Game Knight, Columbia TN:
Upstate NY Pauper Open: https://www.spicerack.gg/events/1580224
Any questions or feedback for us? Email us at: [email protected]
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Welcome back fam! This week Cameron, Thomas, and Hippo did some special brewing for their local pauper event. The trio was assigned a different person to brew for and that person didn't see the deck until they drew their opening hand round 1. The crew had a blast brewing and playing something off the beaten path. Enjoy!
1/18/25 Common Ground Cup @ Game Knight, Columbia, TN signups:
White Elephant decklists:
UB Kenku Unearth: https://moxfield.com/decks/jAWU0K7YU0ytqyAf7_XffQ
Red Cascade Tron: https://moxfield.com/decks/RZ7m-JXiNEGvvjNOGJlC9w
RB Fireweaver Affinity https://moxfield.com/decks/ZkhBxAjXzkuY4gImEQeJ8g
Any questions or feedback for us? Email them to [email protected]
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It's been a whole trip around the sun and this week Cameron, Thomas, and Hippo tag in Kalikaiz to help them recap 2024 in Pauper! It was quite a year for our beloved format, featuring influential tournaments, additions to the banlist, and a huge wave of new cards from Modern Horizons 3. Follow along as we walk back through the year and chat about our favorite cards and how we got to where we are today. Make sure to follow and subscribe to Kalikaiz for even more awesome Pauper content!
All of Kalikaiz's links: https://linktr.ee/kalikaiz
Next week the pod will be on Christmas break, but you can look out for a new YouTube video from Thomas and Hippo on 12/26 in lieu of a regular episode! Happy Holidays CGMtG fam!
CGMtG YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@CommonGroundMTG
Common Ground Cup 1/18 @ Game Knight, Columbia TN:
Any questions or feedback for us? Email us at: [email protected]
Follow Cameron, Thomas, and James on Twitter:
Welcome back fam! This week Cameron, Thomas, and Hippo go over a few questions the listeners have. The crew delves into topics from Simic Terror all the way to side boarding with certain decks. The crew also returns to reviewing the challenges after a couple week hiatus. Shockingly, after Broadscale's dominance over Paupergeddon we see MTGO players adjust to it in the challenges. Lots of fun topics this week, enjoy!
1/18/25 Common Ground Cup @ Game Knight, Columbia, TN signups:
Findlay's Simic Terror decklists:
Any questions or feedback for us? Email them to [email protected]
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Welcome back fam! This week Cameron, Thomas, and Hippo are joined by special guest Skura, also known as Islandsinfront. For those unfamiliar, Skura is a European caster and content creator who just crushed Pauper over the past couple weeks with Mono Blue Faeries. Skura went to Paupergeddon Roma winning the team trios and placing 4th among the fierce competition. The following weekend, Skura wins the Polish Pauper Nationals, ending the three tournaments with a 29-3 record with Fae! The crew takes this opportunity to pick Skura's brain on the deck. For those wanting more information on the deck, or just more of Skura, he has a plethora of outlets to reach out to him including a deck guide of Mono U Fae on his Patreon.
Skura's Resource Links:
Twitter/X - https://x.com/IslandsInFront
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@islandsinfront
Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/FSkura
Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/fskura
Skura's Fae Discord - https://discord.gg/ZCVkcBKjJa
Paupergeddon Decklist: https://mtgdecks.net/Pauper/mono-blue-faeries-decklist-by-filip-skura-skornicki-2284124
Polish Nationals Decklist: https://mtgdecks.net/Pauper/mono-u-fairies-decklist-by-filip-skura-skornicki-2292957
Any questions or feedback for us? Email them to [email protected]
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Welcome back fam! This week Cameron, Thomas, and Hippo take a look at Paupergeddon Roma. Italy showing us their love of Pauper with 690 people battling it out. Jund glee combo was a big standout of the event with 13 out of the top 32. The color black seemed to overrepresent the meta as well. Deadly dispute feels like the thing to be doing now. Join the crew as they break down all of this and how it relates to the health of the format. Thank you!
Top 8 Paupergeddon:
Paupergeddon Roma Live Coverage feat. Kalikaiz & Kirblinxy: https://m.twitch.tv/legapauperitalia/home
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This week Cameron, Thomas, and Hippo are joined by special guest and friend of the podcast Derrick. The four participated in a team trios event hosted by Game Knight in Columbia TN this last Saturday November 16th. Derrick played the pauper seat for Thomas's team because Thomas hates the format ;). The crew shares their tournament reports and experiences from the day. Overall team trios is always a blast to play in and you can watch coverage from the event in the link below. This episode was a hoot to record enjoy!
Game Knights Team trios coverage link:
James v Derrick coverage: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2303356719?t=02h58m13s
Derricks Bread Instagram:
Cameron U Terror list:
Derrick Jund wildfire list:
Hippo UB Fae list:
Any questions or feedback for us? Email them to [email protected]
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The big 5-0! This week Cameron, Thomas, and Hippo discuss a handful of new Pauper cards and downshifts from Foundations, as well as a quick listener question on what a Jund sacrifice deck might look like in Pauper.
Come play Team Trios (Pauper/Standard/Legacy) @ Game Knight, Columbia TN 11/16: https://topdeck.gg/event/0zTk7VVEpHtNbbfAfStp
Team Trios Live Coverage: https://www.twitch.tv/gameknighttn
Any questions or feedback for us? Email them to [email protected]
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Welcome back fam! This week Cameron, Thomas, and Hippo tackle two questions this week! Firstly the crew quickly goes over a listener question about Pauper cube and how to curate archetypes based on color. After a quick cube discussion the crew shifts back to pauper to talk about midrange. A listener asked what does midrange look like in Pauper. There is a lot to unpack in this question so strap in and enjoy! Thank you!
Come play Team Trios (Pauper/Standard/Legacy) @ Game Knight, Columbia TN 11/16: https://topdeck.gg/event/0zTk7VVEpHtNbbfAfStp
Any questions or feedback for us? Email them to [email protected]
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The Pauper Cube
Cameron's Peasant Cube
Thomas's Thomas Cube
Welcome back everybody to another Episode of the Common Ground Pod. The crew is back with Pauper again!!!! This week Cameron, Thomas, and Hippo dive into a listener question "Why doesn't dark ritual see a lot of play in Pauper?" This leads them into a discussion about combo decks in Pauper. The crew yaps about what combo decks see the most play and how to combat them. As always thank you for listening!
Come play Team Trios (Pauper/Standard/Legacy) @ Game Knight, Columbia TN 11/16: https://topdeck.gg/event/0zTk7VVEpHtNbbfAfStp
Any questions or feedback for us? Email them to [email protected]
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Buckle up fam! When Cameron said he wanted to high-jack the pod to talk about CubeCon he wasn't kidding! Your favorite Pauper bois are joined by local limited legends Matthew Sentilles and Dan Kiridly to help Cameron recap their CubeCon experience. After a quick MTGO Challenge review, settle in for an in-depth chat about another incredible community-driven MtG format and its premier annual event in Madison, Wisconsin.
Cubes of CubeCon 2024: https://cubecon.org/cubes/2024
Come play Team Trios (Pauper/Standard/Legacy) @ Game Knight, Columbia TN 11/16: https://topdeck.gg/event/0zTk7VVEpHtNbbfAfStp
Any questions or feedback for us? Email them to [email protected]
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This week Cameron and James update Thomas on the results from our local monthly, as well as a deeper dive into the card Divest, and the best decks from an almost 200 player MTGO Qualifier!
Team Trios (Pauper/Standard/Legacy) @ Game Knight, Columbia TN 11/16: https://topdeck.gg/event/0zTk7VVEpHtNbbfAfStp
Any questions or feedback for us? Email them to [email protected]
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Welcome back Pauper fam! This week Cameron, Thomas, and Hippo tackle tempo! They go over what tempo is and how it applies to the pauper format!
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Welcome back Pauper fam! This week no Thomas at all so apologizes in advance if the editing isn't up to par, fear not he'll return next week! The show must go on with Cameron and Hippo reaching into the mail bag for various topics. Cameron and Hippo go over a couple brews sent in by listeners, a bit more ban discussion, and of course recap the Pauper Challenges from the weekend. Thank You!
Join Paper Pauper Discord:
Golgari Zoo by Esper
Jund by Chris
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Welcome back Pauper fam! This week Cameron, Thomas, and Hippo take a gander at Magic's newest standard set Duskmourn and talk about some potential Pauper playables. The crew also takes some time to look over the weekend's Magic Online Pauper challenges. Enjoy stay spooky!
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Welcome back Pauper fam! This week Cameron, Thomas, and Hippo have a lot of tournament recap to do. Thomas is back in Nashville and all three got to play in their locals together for the first time in a while. After Pauper locals Thomas and Hippo hop in a car and journey over to NRG Louisville for a Pauper 1k. Lots of good matches this episode enjoy!
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Welcome back Pauper fam! This week Cameron, Thomas, and Hippo gathered your hot takes and react to them. Thank you to everyone who sent in, this episode is a blast!
***NRG Pauper 1k Pre-Registration***
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Thank you Kirblinxy for the Pauper data
Welcome back Pauper fam! This week Cameron, Thomas, and Hippo had some technical difficulties, lost the original audio but re-recorded the next day just because they love you. This week the full crew back together and they continue the downshift conversation from ep 38. Don't forget to sign up for the Pauper 1k hosted by NRG in Louisville Sunday September 15th. As well as send us your hottest Pauper takes for Ep 40! Peace and Enjoy!
NRG Pauper 1k sign ups and info
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Welcome back Pauper fam! This week no Hippo as he was not feeling the bestest. Wish him a quick Hippo recovery! The show goes on with Cameron and Thomas discussing up coming NRG event in Louisville with a pauper 1k on Sunday. Cameron and Thomas go into the challenges and some data courtesy of Kirblinxy as always. Enjoy!
***NRG Pauper 1k Pre-Registration***
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Thank you Kirblinxy for the Pauper data
Welcome back Pauper fam! This week Cameron, Thomas, and Hippo discuss cards they would love to see downshifted to common! The crew each picks a card from blue to black that they would love to see introduced to the Pauper format. Thought experiments are fun! Enjoy!
Thomas Gameplay Mono U Terror
Poland Pauper trios
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Welcome back Pauper fam! This week Cameron, Thomas, and Hippo go over a variety of different topics. Firstly Thomas shout outs upcoming NRG Louisville in hopes of getting a Pauper 1k side event if enough interest is shown. The crew goes over a brew listener Puddles sent in (link below). Cameron and Hippo talk about their tournament report from their monthly local event. Lastly the crew spends a little extra time on the Challenge results from MODO since last week they brushed them by.
Puddles Lizard Brew
Hippo's list he played from SpockVidaLoka
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Welcome back Pauper fam! This week Cameron, Thomas, and Hippo are joined by a special guess Matthew Sentilles. Sentilles is a friend of the Pod and a Gruul Ponza connoisseur in Pauper. The four of them have LOTS to talk about. Firstly everyone but Thomas played in a team trio's event in the Pauper seat at Game Knight in Columbia TN. Cameron and Sentilles both played Gruul Ponza yes with the land destruction. Hippo continued with his Mono White gaming. Hippo plays in the Sunday Challenge piloting Gruul Monsters to a top 10 finish. This episode turns into an everything about Gruul conversation. Strap in and enjoy some good laughs!
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Welcome back Pauper fam! This week's topic is inspired from a friend of the show's question "Do you think Pauper is a polarized format?". The crew takes this question and look at the current meta to help answer. It is common to hear someone refer to a format as diverse when in reality five decks are reasonable choices. Pauper though is truly diverse with many many decks landing in the solid tier two range which can lead to some Polarized games with so many unique deck choices. Join the crew as they break this thesis down. Enjoy!
Any questions for us? Email them to [email protected]
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Welcome back Pauper fam! This weekend is prerelease for Magic's newest standard set Bloomburrow. Cameron, Thomas, and Hippo go over spoilers and pick out commons from the set that look interesting for Pauper. Cameron and Hippo also played more paper Pauper. Both talk about their tournament experience with Rakdos Madness and Mono White respectfully. Lastly the crew glances over some challenge data courtesy of Kirblinxy as always. Enjoy!
Any questions for us? Email them to [email protected]
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Welcome back Pauper fam! This week the crew goes over a couple different topics. Firstly Hippo goes over a local tournament he played in with BG Dredge. Then the crew talks about the new combo deck on the block Sadistic Glee combo. Glee combo can be built in a few ways mainly Jund midrangey and Golgari more all in. The crew tends to gravitate towards the Jund deck as it reminds them of Splintertwin of the olden days. The Jund version is unique in Pauper as its a combo deck that can also win a fair game unlike most other combo decks in Pauper. Thank you enjoy!
Any questions for us? Email them to [email protected]
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Welcome back Pauper fam! This week no Thomas as he is traveling for some well deserved relax time, drive safe! The show continues with Cameron and Hippo talking about a Pauper local Cameron played in with Rakdos Madness burn. Rakdos Madness is compared to Phoenix this episode because of the card Sneaky Snacker. At heart this deck is still a burn deck that focuses on putting your opponents life total to zero while padding your life with drain spells. Lots of fun to be had!
Paupergeddon Rakdos winning list Cameron played (minus Trespasser's Curse added Duress)
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Welcome back Pauper fam! This week Cameron, Thomas, and Hippo answer a listener's question about the Bridge cycle in Pauper. Followed by a lengthy discussion about Paupergeddon Pisa 2024. With 638 Pauper players battling lots of new MH3 cards cemented themselves as potential staples. Midway through Cameron and Hippo fist fight over Nylea’s Disciple. Lots of banter and fun to be had more than usual!
Link to Paupergeddon 2024 results and stats
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Welcome back Pauper fam! A lot going on this episode. Cam & Hippo played in a paper Pauper event hosted by a friend of the show. Hippo played BG Dredge and Cam played Mardu Synth. The crew answers a listener question "Is Glorious Anthem okay for Pauper?". Lastly they go over the Pauper challenges from Magic Online with the new MH3 cards! Grab your popcorn y'all!
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Welcome back Pauper fam! This week Cameron, Thomas, and Hippo each bring to the table a Pauper brew centered around new MH3 cards. Cameron gets wild with a black green combo deck around Basking Broodscale that will make an infinite power creature and exile the opponent's library! Hippo keeps it nice and clean with adding some new efficient white cards to the mono white aggro shell. Thomas gets spicy with a 4-color Energy deck that plays efficient interaction that gains energy, then eventually starts turning that energy into damage with Consulate Turret. Lots of exciting brewskis happening!
Thomas decklist:
Cameron decklist:
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Welcome back Pauper fam! Sorry for the late upload but better late than never! This week the crew discusses MH3 spoilers for Pauper. MH3 is a straight to modern set with lots of powerful commons. Lots of fun this ep!
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Hey Folks sorry for the delay. We had a bit of a scheduling issue but will have an ep coming out Saturday!
Welcome back Pauper fam! This week Cameron, Thomas, and Hippo couldn't resist discussing the highly hot spoiler card from Modern Horizons 3 Cranial Ram. Cranial Ram was confirmed by Gavin Verhey to be the card he teased not lasting very long in Pauper. The crew talks about what shells might be built around this new card as well as take bets on how long until it is banned. The crew will discuss the full commons from MH3 next week. In addition to the weekly challenges there was also a Pauper showcase and some data to go along with it curtesy of Kirblinxy. Lots of fun to tune into!
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Welcome back Pauper fam! This week Cameron, Thomas, Hippo, and the Cicadas talk about Green in Pauper and why it doesn't seem to be up to pair compared to the other colors. Disclaimer we do not think green is unplayable or even awful in Pauper but seems to lack that powerful backbone the other colors have. Though the crew discusses why green is a bit subpair they also go into green's strengths and its roles in the format. They also discuss what would help green out as well as ideas they'd like to see from future sets like Modern Horizons 3.
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Welcome back Pauper fam! This week All That Glitters along with sticker and attraction cards bite the dust in Pauper. Cameron, Thomas, and Hippo talk about how this will effect the format as well as what they think will come out on top. Thomas and Hippo also recap their monthly paper Pauper tournament.
Pauper Ban announcement:
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Welcome back Pauper fam! This week Cameron, Thomas, and Hippo talk about tilt. Tilt is a word to describe that angry frustration feeling that can occur in games of Magic and also real life. The crew is all too familiar with tilting even naming their team and friend group "Team Tilt". It is okay and normal to tilt in Magic, controlling how you act and expressing it appropriately is important as to keep a healthy play environment and social life. The crew discusses stories when they have tilted off and how they deal with this angry feeling. Really fun episode with a few extra f bombs hope y'all enjoy!
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Welcome back Pauper fam! This week Cameron, Thomas, and Hippo take a deep look into the card Experimental Synthesizer. Synthesizer was first printed in Kamigawa Neon Dynasty and quickly became a format staple creating new archtypes. The crew will exam the play patterns of this card, what types of decks it lends itself too, and how to get the must bang out of your own Synths. Hope you enjoy!
P.S. Shout out to Hippo for the sick synth noises.
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Welcome back Pauper fam! This week Cameron, Thomas, and Hippo discuss the Magic Online Pauper Showcase event that happened April 20th. These showcase challenges happen sparingly for Pauper so its a great opportunity to look at the meta. The crew also goes through four Pauper challenges on Magic Online. Best of luck gamers and enjoy!
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Howdy Stranger grab a chair sit back kick your feet up and relax and tune into this weeks Common Ground episode. Round up your listening devices and join Cameron, Thomas, and Hippo as they talk about Magic's newest set Outlaws of Thunder Junction through the lens on Pauper. Lots of fun to be had so saddle up and get ready partner. YEEEEEE-HAAAAAA!
!!!!!!Ep 20 will be a mailbag!!!!!!
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Welcome back Pauper fam! This week Cameron, Thomas, and Hippo are discussing a new core package of creatures recently infecting the metagame. With Murders at Karlov Manner a new functional printing of Thraben Inspector, Novice Inspector, saw print. Novice Inspector lets people run eight copies of the functionally same card, giving lots of consistency to decks that care about trinket artifacts that come from the eight creatures. With these Inspectors came many people running Glint Hawk and Kor Skyfisher to synergize with the Inspectors and the cards they encouraged to play. This new “16 creature package” has shown up in many different archetypes and is now shaping the meta. We see deck lists adjusting this package dropping pieces and changing numbers and having success with many different configurations. Join the crew as they break down this package and laugh with them along the journey to nowhere. Enjoy!
!!!!!!Ep 20 will be a mailbag!!!!!!
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Welcome back Pauper fam! This week Cameron, Thomas, and Hippo are here to breakdown the top 16 of Paupergeddon Lecco. Paupergeddon is a quarterly Pauper tournament that takes place in Italy and always gets a good showing!
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Welcome back Pauper fam! This episode was inspired by an email from Andrew sent to the show looking for advice on Mulligans and Sideboarding. Mulligans and Sideboarding is one of the most difficult parts of the game and is often overlooked. Cameron, Thomas, and Hippo have lots of advice and insight to share on these topics. Though the discussion is based around the format of Pauper, it also pertains to other Magic formats. Join the crew as they put on their thinking hats and try their best to put their Magic philosophy into words.
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Welcome back Pauper fam! This week the crew has many topics to discuss. To start us off Cameron and Hippo discuss how their monthly Pauper locals went. Cameron played something new in UW Familiars (spoilers and hated it) and Hippo played some good ole Flicker Tron. The crew answers an email on why Sink Hole should stay banned. Then the crew discusses the rules of engagement in Pauper and how that relates to brewing a Pauper deck. To pair with brewing Thomas shares with us a blue green deck he's been working on to give us an insight on what brewing in Pauper can look like. Lastly the Pauper challenges on MTGO are looked at! Lots to talk about and even more fun to be had!
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Welcome back Pauper fam! This week Cameron, Thomas, and Hippo are here to breakdown some Pauper Challenges and other big results from this weekend. Blue White Glitters had an outstanding performance this weekend, so the crew discusses that deck's role in the meta and if its gone too far. As always thank you for joining along!
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Welcome back Pauper fam! This week a tired Cameron, Thomas, and Hippo are back home from Chicago and have plenty of stories from the weekend. Cameron and Thomas discuss their runs in the Pauper Cup. The crew breaks down the top 8 of the Cup as well as the three MTGO challenges this weekend. Lots of fun this episode hope you enjoy!
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Welcome back Pauper fam! This week Cameron, Thomas, and Hippo prepare to head off to Magic Con Chicago. Lots of topics discussed this week primary the Pauper meta, competitive REL rules, and overall con expectations. Gunn most likely will not be battling in the Pauper cup as he will be playing the Pro Tour Friday with plans of playing day two Saturday. Cameron however will be slinging commons Saturday aiming for that trophy. James sadly did not get a badge to Magic con but might try to get in someway somehow. If you're playing in anything in Chicago this weekend best of luck and come say hi!
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Welcome back Pauper fam! This week the crew goes over their monthly local Pauper event that took place on February 10th. Cameron plays Orzhov Blade, Thomas is back on burn, and Hippo is on Jeskai ephemerate. The crew only has one challenge to review as Magic Online had issues on Sunday. A last still plenty of common discussions to be had!
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Welcome back Pauper fam! This week join Cameron, Thomas, and Hippo in celebrating the Podcast's 10th episode! We went with a fun idea of each of us making our own top 10 list of Pauper cards. While Cameron's and Thomas's lists focus more on power and influence over the format, Hippo's list is his favorite common cards. To wrap up we discuss the weekend's Pauper challenges and as a bonus go over the Next Level Pauper Tour tournament that took place in South America.
Kirblinxy Golgari Dredge Challenge stream:
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Welcome back Pauper fam! This week is Prerelease weekend for Magic's newest set Muders at Karlov Manor, a murder mystery theme set taking place on Ravnica. Join Cameron, Thomas, and Hippo as they discuss new commons that might make a splash in Pauper. Many laughs in this episode enjoy!
MKM all commons:
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Welcome back Pauper fam! This week Cameron, Thomas, and James discuss how the Control archetype fits into the Pauper format. Control in Pauper looks very different from what we may think of Control in other formats. Join the crew in some fun as they discuss these differences and what makes Control in Pauper unique.
Mono Red Tron gameplay:
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Hello Pauper fam! This week the crew had to record remotely due to some hazardous weather conditions. This episode Cameron and Thomas give their tournament report from their local Pauper monthly that happened on January 13th. Cameron went back to his baby Gardens, while Thomas tried something new in Mono Blue Terror. Hippo played in a Legacy invite event that day so no Pauper for him, but at last he is still here for the ride! Join along for some paper Pauper fun!
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Hello Pauper fam! This week Cameron, Thomas, & James dive deep into Mono Red as an archetype in the Pauper format. Mono Red comes in two forms in the current meta, Pingers and Kuldotha. The crew goes over both decks and discusses their respective advantages and disadvantages. The crew also goes over what matchups Mono Red does and doesn't want to see. As always lots of fiery fierce fun to be had!
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Rhystic Studies Red Deck Wins video:
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Though a format with only commons may seem innocuous, Pauper is the furthest thing from. With access to all cards printed at common ever, Pauper is often referred to as legacy lite. Sometimes even commons are proven to strong and need to be banned. In this action pact episode Cameron, Thomas, & Hippo go through the Pauper banned list and discuss why and when each card is on there. Join the crew for some fun and a nostalgic trip through Magic's history.
Time Stamps
Banlist History 04:19
Challenge 1:13
Wrap up 1:20
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Happy Holidays Pauper fam! This week Cameron, Thomas, & James take a step back and look at how 2023 impacted our beloved format. Lots of crazy sets that caused big shake ups this year. Also the crew takes a look at some Murders at Karlov Manor spoilers.
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Murders at Karlov Manor first look
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Hello Pauper fam! This episode the crew has a few Pauper related topics to dive into. First and most importantly Cameron, Hippo, and Thomas discuss the recent ban in Pauper and how it will impact the format going forward. Cameron and Hippo played in a paper event and break down how their tournament went. Lastly the crew goes over some Pauper challenges from Magic Online. Lots of fun and spells printed at common in this episode to be had!
Ban Article link from the Pauper Format Panel
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This episode Cameron, Thomas, and James breakdown Pauper's biggest tournament series, Paupergeddon, that happened in Roma, Italy on 11/19/23. Lots of big shake ups happening with the introduction of Lost Caverns of Ixalan. We even get to see the birth of a new deck combining two pre existing decks do extremely well! Lots of fun and pauper to be have this episode.
Link to Paupergeddon Roma 2023 deck lists
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This episode Cameron, Thomas, and James discuss the meta of Pauper in broad terms. Pauper is looking healthy and diverse right now with many great decks to choose from! What's not to love? The crew also discusses The 5th God of Pauper tournament that took place in Tokyo, Japan on 11/01/23.
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En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.