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Join us each week as we talk about one or two of the most recent addresses from General Conference.
The podcast Conference Talk is created by Conference Talk Podcast. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Did you hear what happened to Pluto? But even though the answers keep changing in our science text books, we can look to the source of all truth and all knowledge, where the answers are eternal.
Shelby Christensen and Brett Cain discuss Sister Tracy Y. Browning's conference address and how it applies to parenting and our own journey.
Seeking Answers to Spiritual Questions
Truman G. Madsen "A Religion for the Space Age"
Gordon B. Hinckley: Faith is like a Muscle
Latter-day Saint country singer Jason Deere, lead of the Nashville Tribute Band, joins Matthew to discuss Elder Kyle S. McKay's talk, "The Man Who Communed with Jehovah." Together, we share our love and admiration for the Prophet Joseph Smith and the Lord Jesus Christ of whom he testified.
Shelby and Brett return to talk about Elder Soares' sublime message, "Aligning Our Will with His". In an age of militant individualism and subjective "truths", we need to surrender our will and recognize that what makes God happy will ultimately make us happy and not the other way around.
Dad jokes and Artificial Intelligence? Elder Gong starts his talk with laughs and ends with love. Shelby and Brett discuss the talk, "Holiness to the Lord in Everyday Life" and how we can turn the mundane into something sacred and how we can make the sacred something we enjoy daily.
"Holy Monotony" & the Wonderful Life
What's the most explosive talk from General Conference? The one where Elder Renlund talks about how to make 🧨 dynamite, of course! Matthew and Brett discuss this banger of a talk pushing back against the hyper-individualism of our day. You can't have the Gospel without the Church!
Mere Christianity by CS Lewis
Pres. Holland's Oct 2024 talk
"Thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin" by Matthew
In his recent talk "Behold I Am the Light Which Ye Shall Hold Up," Elder Rasband delivers a straightforward message about the importance of supporting our living prophet and staying true to our covenants. Today, Richard and Matthew dive into Elder Rasband's impactful words, exploring the key insights and practical applications for our daily lives. Tune in as we unpack this timely counsel and discuss how it can strengthen our faith and commitment. Whether you've heard the talk or not, this episode promises to offer valuable perspectives on following prophetic guidance in today's world.
Join Brett Cain this week with 3 wonderful sister missionaries! Sister Fiefia, Sister Stowe, and Sister Horn. They have a beautiful discussion on Elder Cook's talk titled, "Sacred Scriptures—the Foundations of Faith."
Elder Christofferson didn't pull any punches this year! Perennial guest Brad McBride joins Matthew to talk about Elder Christofferson's powerful address, "Burying Our Weapons of Rebellion" and how it relates to shirking the Garment, getting tattoos, and other behaviors that seem to be slipping into the body of the Church.
Popsicle sticks and the Atonement of Jesus Christ by Matthew Watkins
The Light and Truth Letter by Austin Fife
This episode was fun and exciting with the Stanfill's, Kevin and Shelbi. They discussed Elder Bednar's talk, "In the Space of Not Many Years".
Lily de Hoyos Andersen, Choosing Glory on True Millennial YouTube Channel.
Join Brett, Shelbi, and Josh this week on the Conference Talk Podcast as we discuss Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf's talk, " Nourish the Roots, and the Branches Will Grow".
Josh is a newly returned missionary and get to share some missionary experiences as it relates to nourishing our roots.
Matthew and Brett are joined once again by returning guest Zach to discuss President Henry B. Eyring's talk, "Simple is the Doctrine of Jesus Christ".
How do we maintain doctrinal purity? How do we teach effectively? And what is so simple about Christ's Gospel?
To listen to President Eyring's talk: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2024/10/47eyring?lang=eng
It's election day, which means it's a perfect time to talk about... disagreeing without contention. Is it possible to "contend" for righteous causes without being contentious? If someone is upset at you, are you guilty of contention? To answer this question, we brought returning guest Zach on to analyze Pres. Oaks's talk on contention: Following Christ.
And remember, no matter who gets elected president today, our King is Jesus Christ!
"Never check your religion at the door!" by Pres. Holland
The Cost—and Blessings—of Discipleship by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
Brett's interview with Brad Wilcox
Join Shelbi Stanfill and Shelby Christensen in a discussion about President Nelson's address, "The Lord Jesus Christ will Come Again," as they talk about our prophet's invitation to study the Atonement of Jesus Christ every day for the rest of your life to deepen our discipleship of Him.
What might be the most masculine, most powerful moment of Christ's earthy ministry? When, after passing through the host agonizing moment of all eternity, covered in blood and sacked of His strength, He protected His Apostles with three words: "I Am He." This is how Pres. Holland opens and titles his talk, and we've got Greg Matsen on to talk about it!
Sorry for the delay everyone but we are here to kick off season 8! We are joined by 3 hosts, Shelbi Stanfill, Brett Cain, and Matthew Watkins as they discuss their takeaways from the most recent General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on our recap episode!
Hosts Brett Cain and Shelby Christensen are joined with their guest Isabel as they discuss Sister J. Anette Dennis' General Conference address, "Put Ye On the Lord Jesus." All three share their experiences being converts to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Along with Sister Dennis's words, they focus on important covenants made with God and how they are gifts we give to Him, and how they have learned to honor them.
This week we are joined by Steve Danielson and Shelbi Stanfill. They discuss Sister Susan H. Porter's talk titled, "Pray, He is There". A song may even be sung! ;)
Links from Steve Danielson:
Website: https://sdcompose.weebly.com
Direct Link to "Pray" sheet music: https://sdcompose.weebly.com/pray.html#/
YouTube video of "Pray": https://youtu.be/z4TsmgtRy4o?si=NQGJWArfnKxGbhiA
Moveable Do Podcast: https://moveabledo.com
In this powerful talk Elder Bangerter talks about the importance of knowing your true self through guarding your private times.
Becoming True Millennials - Russell M. Nelson
This weeks episode is all about Priesthood keys, authority, and power as given by President Nelson. Join in as the Stanfill's discuss a special event that happened to help them understand this talk better. Enjoy!
Matthew sits down with Greg Matsen from the Cwic Show to discuss Elder Patrick Kearon's first apostolic address; "God’s Intent Is to Bring You Home." It's a beautiful, moving testimony to the love of God, but don't mistakenly think that Elder Kearon is downplaying our responsibilities or the divine law of justice. This is a powerful talk that fully embraced both divine mercy and divine justice.
This beautiful painting of mercy and justice currently hanging in the Conference Center.
Joseph Smith describing language as a "little, narrow prison"
Pres. Nelson, Feb 2003: "While divine love can be called perfect, infinite, enduring, and universal, it cannot correctly be characterized as unconditional. The word does not appear in the scriptures. On the other hand, many verses affirm that the higher levels of love the Father and the Son feel for each of us—and certain divine blessings stemming from that love—are conditional."
Elder Bowen of the Seventy teaches us of the power of the Priesthood and how miracles have not ceased, as he shares four very personal and beautiful miracles he was able to have a part in throughout his life.
Join Richard Bernard and Brett Cain as they explore Elder Christofferson's inspiring message on securing our place as valiant witnesses of Jesus. Listen to their discussion on how we can strengthen our testimonies and strive to uphold our faith.
Hosts Keenan Baird and Brett Cain talk about President Dallin H. Oaks' "Covenants and Responsibilities" and how we can fulfill our obligations to each other, ourselves, and the Lord.
"The Book of Five Rings" Miyamoto Musashi
Guest Dan Ellsworth joins Matthew to discuss Elder Brent H. Nielson's powerful witness of the Gospel in his talk, A Record of What I Have Both Seen and Heard.
Safety for the Soul by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
These are our days by Matthew Watkins
Becoming a Disciple (Divine Discontent) by Elder Neal A. Maxwell
Nauvoo Neighbor by Dan Ellsworth
Hosts Shelby Christensen and Richard Bernard come together in today's episode discussing how we can become "One with Christ" and how all are welcome to "Come Unto Christ."
Richard Bernard: thebusylatterdaysait.com (podcast,) or [email protected]
Shelby Christensen: IG: shelbc08, IG: @olive.theorypodcast
Host, Shelby Christensen is joined with Chris Christensen and Bryan Summers as two guests, as they discuss Elder Rendlund's talk, "The Powerful, Virtuous Cycle of the Doctrine of Christ." They share a lot of person experiences as they discuss the importance of maintaining spiritual momentum in the right direction, as we journey through this life.
Follow Bryan on Twitter: @actsofapostles
Follow Shelby and Chris: @olive.theorypodcast
Our new host Brett Cain is joined by two first-time guests, Kevin and Zach, to discuss Elder Gong's talk, "All Things for Our Good".
We dive into what we can do to grow our trust and faith in the Lord, no matter our circumstances, overcoming a sense of entitlement and reclaiming pioneer morality.
Follow them on X (formerly Twitter)
Elder Gerrit W. Gong @GerritWGong
Kevin @extradeadjcb
Zach @ShaolinAI
Brett @BrettWCain
Regular guest Brad McBride texted Matthew in the middle of Elder Dushku's talk a few weeks ago: "I call dibs on Elder Dushku." And boy was it a good call! We're talking about some of our own spiritual experiences, discussing how to recognize the Holy Ghost, and the importance of writing down your top 10 experiences for your own spiritual benefit. This was a great episode and Brad shared a powerful testimony!
And there are so many amazing resources we referenced for this talk, give it a listen!
"He that seeketh signs shall see signs, but not unto salvation." (D&C 63:7)
The Spirit of Revelation by Elder David A. Bednar
“A person may profit by noticing the first intimation of the spirit of revelation; for instance, when you feel pure intelligence flowing into you.” - Joseph Smith
“When a man has the manifestation from the Holy Ghost, it leaves an indelible impression on his soul, one that is not easily erased. It is Spirit speaking to spirit, and it comes with convincing force. A manifestation of an angel, or even of the Son of God himself, would impress the eye and mind, and eventually become dimmed, but the impressions of the Holy Ghost sink deeper into the soul and are more difficult to erase.” - Joseph Fielding Smith Jr.
Flashes of Light by Pres. Steven J. Lund
Patience, a Key to Happiness by Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin
Healing the Sick by Elder Dallin H. Oaks
Recognizing the Light by Brad McBride
A Quarter and Two Big Lies by Brad McBride
Challenge: A Simple List of Great Power by Brad McBride
Brad's stake conference talk about love and law.
Brad's book: There's a Message out there Somewhere.
I could really use a sign right about now by Matthew Watkins
"Many Revelations Daily" by Matthew Watkins
🎵 Your Love Is by Jon Foreman
Deseret News article on Mother Theresa feeling abandoned by God.
Richard, a new host, and Jacob, a first-time guest, come together to discuss Elder Bednar's talk "Be Still, and Know That I Am God" and the importance of the inner stillness of our souls and the sacred times, places, and homes where we can experience that stillness.
Shelby C. and Shelbi S. hit the mics this week as they discuss Elder Eyring's talk, "All Will Be Well Because of Temple Covenants." We both admit that we would openly be a sister Eyring in the moment!
This week Keenan and Shelbi hit the mics to discuss Elder Soares Talk, "Covenant Confidence through Jesus Christ" They both share their personal reasons as to why this talk stood out to them and most importantly why temples are so important is because of COVENANTS that are made, not just the location of a temple being built.
Bound to the Savior through Covenants by Elder BednarNew co-host Keenan joins Matthew to discuss "Fruit that Remains" by Elder Matthew L. Carpenter. This talk caused a bit of a stir online, with contributors at the Salt Lake Tribune even repeatedly calling for it to be deleted from Church publications. But those fingers of scorn are completely undeserved. This was a great talk, and we're happy to share it with you.
Heart of the Matter: What 100 Years of Living Have Taught Me by Pres. Russell M. Nelson
Join the Stanfill household this week as they discuss Elder Hollands' Talk, "Motions of a Hidden Fire." Prayer is very important, needful, and urgent.
Resources: Filling the Measure of Your Creation by Sister Holland
Face to Face with Elder and Sister Bednar: Ask, Seek, Knock (Begin at 24:00 for the specific reference in the podcast)
It's a brand new season y'all! Season 7 lauches with this recap episode features Matthew and Shelbi discussing their favorite talks and insights from the April 2024 General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Arguably one of the most quoted talks of recent time, President Nelson delivers another great sermon on attaining our highest goal-Celestial Life!
Join Melissa and her special guest Braedon Brinkerhoff, as they discuss ways to Think Celestial every day!
Join the Shelby crew this episode as both Shelby Christensen and Shelbi Stanfill discuss Elder Valeri's talk, "Divine Parenting Lessons."
They each share some of their own experiences as parents and their initial takeaways from this talk, which spoiler, is gratitude!
Join in on this episode in The Stanfill home as they discuss Elder Andersen's talk titled, "Tithing: Opening the Windows of Heaven." They share about their biggest take aways from this talk and then some experiences with tithing themselves.
Have you ever searched for something only to find it was right under your nose the whole time? That's how Elder Renlund starts his great talk, "Jesus Christ Is the Treasure." Brad McBride from ThusWeSee.com joins Matthew to discuss this great talk, share some great stories, and even... sing a Steve Martin song?
Matthew's blog post on the Sacrament: "30 years and I'm just now leaning this?"
Principles for Ensuring Doctrinal Purity (Church publication)
Lifelong Conversion by Elder Dale G. Renlund
The Aaronic Priesthood and the Sacrament by Pres. Dallin H. Oaks
Always Retain a Remission of Your Sins by Elder David A. Bednar
“The Heavens Declare the Glory of God” by Astronaut Don Lind
Join host Shelby and her guest Ashley as they discuss Bishop Waddell's talk, "More Than a Hero."
Join The Stanfill home as they discuss President Henry B. Eyring's talk, "Our Constant Companion".
"We Can Do Better and Be Better" by President Nelson
Join us this week as both Shelby's take to the mic with a special guest: Tammie Barnett. They discuss Sister Tamara Runia's talk, "Seeing God’s Family through the Overview Lens."
These ladies discuss all the ups and downs of family relationships and how God can help us through it all with the overview lens.
The Tongue of Angels by Elder Holland
Think Celestial by President Nelson
A child, a sibling, a parent, a friend, the Parable of The Prodigal Son, is a parable to all; and quite possibly the greatest parable ever told. Sometimes in life we may go through things and experience trials that require us to "come to [ourselves]" before coming back "home." Other times we may have loved ones who go astray and we long for their return. We must remember who we are and that we have a Heavenly Father who loves us and will always run to us when we come to Him.
"Think Celestial"- President Russell M. Nelson
"His Grace is Sufficient"- Brad Wilcox
Corrie Ten Boom- "There is no pit so deep, that God's love is not deeper still"
Have you or someone you know taken a break from walking the covenant path? Have you considered what impact that could not only have on you, but also on your posterity? Come and listen how it is possible for you and your posterity to get back on the covenant path. Join us as we discuss Elder Godoy's address, For the Sake of Your Posterity.
Quotes from President Nelson
As We Go Forward Together Choices For Eternity
Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives
Introduction to The Book of Mormon
Strong Father, Strong Daughters
Fathers impact of religion statistic
Despite tragedies, upsets, and devastating circumstances, followers of Christ are able to find peace. Come and learn what Elder Cook has taught disciples of Jesus Christ can do to find peace in this life and in eternity. Listen in as we discuss the address Be Peaceable Followers of Christ
President Nelson quote on "myopic"
What is true? What is changeable and what isn't? What about "my truth?" What if the truth is offensive? Guest Erik Wells joins Matthew in discussing these and other questions brought up in Elder Pingree's awesome talk, Eternal Truth.
Two Lines of Communication by Pres. Dallin H. Oaks
A Framework for Personal Revelation by Elder Dale G. Renlund
Mother Teresa often felt alone, abandoned by God (Deseret News)
Faith Is Not by Chance, but by Choice by Elder Neil L. Andersen
I have faith, but I don't feel it, by Matthew Watkins
Spiritually Defining Memories by Elder Neil L. Andersen
Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives by Pres. Russell M. Nelson
“The Very Root of Christian Doctrine” by Thomas Griffith
The Currant Bush by Elder Hugh B. Brown
Approaching the Throne of God with Confidence by Elder Jörg Klebingat
Join Kevin & Shelbi Stanfill on the mics this week as they discuss Elder Ulisses Soares talk titled, "Brothers and Sisters in Christ."
Choices for Eternity by President Nelson
Join Melissa and her friends Tifannee and Kamila Brandley, as they discuss Elder Gary B. Sabin's talk on how to find happiness in our challenging world.
Matthew sits down with Dan Ellsworth from Latter-Day Presentations to discuss Pres. President Emily Belle Freeman's "nuclear bomb" of a talk (in a good way 😉), Walking in Covenant Relationship with Christ.
On this episode we are joined by The Stanfill's! They discussed Elder Choi's talk, Do You Want to Be Happy? They begin on sharing how this question was asked when they began dating and how it has lead to peace and happiness.
Overcome the World and Find Rest
We look at three stories today:
Together, they present a cautionary message:
By bringing small and simple things to pass, we flex our spiritual muscles and prepare ourselves to bring great things to pass. Setting up chairs, helping our kids pick up fast offerings, and doing our time in the nursery build into us the muscle memory of service and the habit of commitment. If we haven't built that fortitude of character in the small things, we will be too scared, too prideful, and too lazy to answer the call.
Matthew sits down with Greg Matsen from the Cwic Show to discuss Pres. M. Russell Ballard's moving final testimony, Praise to the Man. Rest in peace, Pres. Ballard!
We hear that God is a "respecter of persons," but have you ever thought of how He also respects us, His children with honoring our agency? Join our new host Shelby Christensen and her guest, Shayla Davidson as they discuss key elements in President Dallin H. Oaks' talk, Kingdoms of Glory. In an ever-confusing world, President Oaks' talk addresses eternal truths of identity, our purpose on this earth and how we gain salvation and exaltation in the life to come.
"The Family Proclamation to the World"
What's the most important date in your life? While there might be many dates and memories that flash across the screen of your brain, Elder D. Todd Christofferson helps us understand that it is the date that you are sealed as a family for time and all eternity. Come and learn how The Sealing Power is relevant to you.
Double Shelbi's this week! Come listen as Shelbi Stanfill and Shelbi Christensen discuss Amy A. Wright's talk, "Abide the Day in Christ".
Lots of references and personal experiences were shared about abiding in Christ. Come and listen and tell us what you think!
Promptings of The Spirit by Elder Stevenson
Holy Habits and Righteous Routines by Elder Lund
New Co-hosts Spencer and Tiffani discuss the phrase "in the path of their duty" and what it means to them and how we can all find peace and fulfillment in our unrecognized efforts to serve in our roles in and out of the church. This discussion is inspired by Elder David A. Bednar's General Conference address In the Path of Their Duty
Quote by Elder Dale G. Renlund
I know a woman who's afraid to tell her husband she wants to join the Church. She could lose everything-- her marriage, her kids, even her home if she pressed the issue.
I recall a man from my mission in similar straits. The Bishop told him the Church values marriage more than membership, so he ought not to appease his wife and cancel his baptism-- even stop attending Church-- until she is more receptive.
Better, I guess, to be a married non-member than a divorced member, right? Surely, God wouldn't want someone to give up something as priceless as their marriage, right?
Wrong. Let's talk about that.
Baptismal covenant (Mosiah 18)
Accessing God’s Power through Covenants by Elder Dale G. Renlund
Parable of the treasure in the field (Matt. 13)
Pure Truth, Pure Doctrine, and Pure Revelation by President Russell M. Nelson
It’s True, Isn’t It? Then What Else Matters? by Elder Neil L. Andersen
The True Strength of the Church by then-Elder Gordon B. Hinckley
Full Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible (referenced Luke 14)
The Answer Is Always Jesus Christ by President Russell M. Nelson
Matthew needs to meet someone 8 times to remember their face. This "face-blindness" (prosopagnosia) affects millions of people worldwide and was the subject of a remarkable talk by Elder Robert M. Daines: "Sir, We Would Like to See Jesus." New host Spencer Bouwhuis joins Matthew in discussing Elder Daines's talk, swapping mission stories, and learning about how covenants shape our relationship with God.
Join us for season 6 of Conference Talk as we discuss our initial thoughts from the October 2023 General Conference. We are joined by new hosts this season, Shelby Christensen, Spencer and Tiffani Bouwhuis.
Let us know your thoughts as we embark on this new season!
Shelbi and Matthew sit down to discuss Pres. M. Russell Ballard's talk, "Remember What Matters Most."
Faith Is Not by Chance, but by Choice by Elder Neil L. Andersen
Feel like you're failing at parenting? Join the club. Except it's just Matthew in the club this time 😉. Today we're discussing Elder Uchtdorf's talk, Jesus Christ Is the Strength of Parents.
More Diligent and Concerned at Home by Elder David A. Bednar
Follow Melissa Fugazza and recurring special guest Jennifer Roach as they discuss President Oak's amazing address where he lets the Lord Himself speak...through the scriptures.
If a non-member friend asks you why you don't drink coffee, you might answer by explaining the Word of Wisdom. But Pres. Nelson gives us a different approach. When asked why we we live the way we live, he answered, "Because I know the Book of Mormon is true." Let's talk about that.
Be Thou an Example of the Believers by Pres. Russell M. Nelson (Oct 2010)
A Witness and a Warning by Pres. Ezra Taft Benson
Bro. Ahmad S. Corbitt of the Young Men General Presidency made waves in 2022 with his devotional address decrying "Activism Toward the Church" (ATC). This April, he was sustained as a General Authority Seventy and gave his first Conference address, "Do You Know Why I as a Christian Believe in Christ?" And this one hits hard, too. Greg Matsen from the Cwic Show joins Matthew to talk about both of these timely talks and their application to today's crazy world.
Who should we invite to this episode? "Ask the missionaries, they can help!" 😁 Matthew is joined by his branch's missionaries, Sister Duke and Sis. Howell, to discussion Elder Andersen's long-titled talk, "My Mind Caught Hold upon This Thought of Jesus Christ."
Elder McConkie's powerful last testimony
Pres. Nelson: "Because I know the Book of Mormon is true."
This week the Stanfill's take to the mic! They discuss "The Lord Jesus Christ Teaches Us to Minister" by Elder Juan A. Uceda and "Jesus Christ is Relief" by President Camille N. Johnson.
"Lovest Thou Me More Than These" by Jeffrey R. Holland
Bummed about the Oceangate sub and looking for a more uplifting Titanic-related story? Look no further! Returning guest and blogger Brad McBride joins Matthew at the mics today to discuss not one but two unusual General Conference addresses-- Elder Bennett's and Elder Yamashita's talks about Patriarchal blessings.
That time the Prophet's wife found all twelve tribes of Israel in Europe
2 Nephi 27: "I can do mine own work."
Joseph Smith quote: "You will have all kinds of trials to pass through. And it is quite as necessary for you to be tried as it was for Abraham and other men of God. . . . God will feel after you, and he will take hold of you and wrench your very heart strings, and if you cannot stand it you will not be fit for an inheritance in the Celestial Kingdom of God."
Pres. Oaks: "[A patriarchal blessing] is given under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and should be read and interpreted under the influence of that same Spirit."
Longtime friend Erik Wells joins Matthew today to discuss two talks with strong themes related to mental health:
Join The Stanfill household this week as Kevin & Shelbi discuss Allen D. Haynie's talk titled, "A Living Prophet for the Latter Days."
"Prophets Can See Around Corners" by Sheri Dew.
"Why we need to replace question marks with exclamation points after words of prophets", by Sister Nelson.
"Quick to Observe" by Elder Bednar.
"Essential Conversations" by Joy D. Jones.
This week we're covering Elder Quentin L. Cook's talk, "Safely Gathered Home" which is all about the gathering of Israel. Which means we got to invite a guest who's a total "gathering and restoration of Israel nerd," author Mike Rush! We talk about the amazon promises the Lord has given about covenant Israel in the last days-- the likes of which will "be a more spectacular event than the children of Israel coming out of Egypt in Moses’ day."
Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives by President Russell M. Nelson
Let God Prevail by President Russell M. Nelson
Bible Dictionary: Israel, Kingdom of
A few days late, but that's how the Fugazza family rolls! That's right! Join regular host Melissa Fugazza and her family (Rob, Giada and Sophia), as they discuss two FANTASTIC talks from Elders Christensen's talk, "There Can Be Nothing So Exquisite and Sweet as Was My Joy" and Elder Nattress talk, "Have I Truly Been Forgiven?"
Melissa & Shelbi host this weeks episode by discussing Elder Renlund's address, "Accessing God’s Power through Covenants." Melissa and Shelbi are temple fans and couldn't be more obsessed with it. They share insights they have learned about covenants and share ideas on how to gain a testimony of the temple and covenants.
"One In Christ" , Story of The Amazon River by Elder Ulisses Soares
Creating Lift by Elder Uchtdorf
"The Power of Spiritual Momentum" by President Nelson
Not Making a Choice is a Choice by President Bednar
The Rocket Example by Elder Renlund
We welcome Dr. Civility himself, Ben Pacini, to sit down with Matthew on the podcast today to discuss Pres. Nelson's loving rebuke of a talk, "Peacemakers Needed."
More Love, Less Contempt by Arthur C Brooks (BYU Devotional)
The Cost—and Blessings—of Discipleship by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
Prophets, Leadership, and Divine Law by President Russell M. Nelson
The Inconvenient Messiah by Elder Jeffrey R Holland
Grandstanding: The Use and Abuse of Moral Talk
Did you know a group of vultures is called a committee? Our committees and councils in the Church feel that way sometimes-- we huddle around a pick at a problem but rarely actually help. Pres. Ballard and Elder Arnold have some haunting stories to share about that. We need more ministering and less administering.
Shelbi & Chanelle are your hosts this week, they tackle two talks: "The Work of the Temple and Family History—One and the Same Work" by Elder Benjamín De Hoyos and "A Voice of Gladness" by Elder Kevin R. Duncan. Come listen to insights about the temple, family history, and the importance of holding on in faith.
Someone threw a knife at the prophet! Pres. Nelson recounted having a scalpel angrily thrown at him when he was interning at a surgeon's practice. But that's not the only time we've talked about throwing things in anger in General Conference. Pres. Monson and Pres. Hinckley both shared stories about rage monsters throwing items around and I think that's interesting.
Join Matthew and Meg as we discuss Elder Gong's talk, Ministering. Matthew recently finished a few years as Elders Quorum President and Meg is just starting in her calling as Relief Society President so there is a lot to discuss on this one!
On this weeks episode the Stanfill's hop on the mic's! Come and listen to Elder Stevenson's talk, "The Greatest Story Ever Told." There are no reosurces for this episode but there is a lot of fun thought provoking ideas on how to make Easter more Christ Centered.
Tune in as our Conference Talk hosts share their favorite moments from the most recent sessions of General Conference!
In the early 2000s, I mowed laws in the neighborhood. Though my neighbors offered $20 a pop, I never accepted more than $5. And you can thank a conference talk Bishop Vaughn J. Featherstone gave in 1973 for that!
The story of the Five Dollar Lawn by Bishop Featherston
Pres. Kimball's quote about how we can be perfect in certain aspects
Don't be fooled when Melissa starts the episode by mistakenly citing "Elder Stevens" talk, because this amazing talk about testimonies was given by Elder Gary E. Stevenson! Join Meg Tilton and Melissa Fugazza for fun stories of weird missionary experiences, detecting fraud and following some basic things we can do to be spiritually stronger.
"Nourishing and Bearing Your Testimony"-Elder Gary E. Stevenson
"Just Give Me Jesus"-Anne Graham Lotz (quoted in episode)
Matthew and Michael discuss Elder Bednar's powerful talk, Put On Thy Strength, O Zion. A lot of Temple references, and some sobering thoughts about the Second Coming!
Matthew sits down with Sky from the Sit Down with Sky Podcast to discuss And They Sought to See Jesus Who He Was by Elder James W. McConkie III.
All the places you can find Sky and his podcast
Pres. Nelson's Topical Guide study challenge
Brethren, you stand when an Apostle enters the room. But do you stand when a woman enters the room? According to Pres. Nelson, maybe you should. Today, for International Women's Day, study these words from our Prophet and maybe we can bring chivalry back into style!
On this episode The Stanfill's feel so blessed to be able to talk about Elder Holland's talk titled "Lifted Up upon the Cross." Join in their discussion about the symbolism of The Cross as related to being members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Shelbi shares a personal story about discipleship and Kevin hits home on how the absence of The Cross says more about our religion than anything.
Elder Holland: Suffering: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRLDdNk5G4Y
Hope Works Video: Spiritual Beings and The Human Experience: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXw_5r5ZHpM&list=PLAYgY8SPtEWEDhEa13V4-TFSR7QrV7ahS&index=32
Join as The Tilton household takes over this week as they discuss two talks this week. The first, Elder Isaac K. Morrison's talk, "We Can Do Hard Things through Him" and Michelle D. Craig's talk titled , "Wholehearted." We were excited for you to listen and let us know what you think!
Do you sometimes experience a loss of words giving a blessing? Take heart, because so does President Oaks!
Why is it we think some priesthood holders give better blessings than others? How can we give blessings when the words don't come? Is the inspiration the Spirit or just me? How can we know the best options for my life?
Matthew shares his thoughts on "efficiency paralysis," bringing in some important teachings Pres. Oaks shared in April 2010.
We have a special guest this episode, Carol Rice who is partnered with Public Square Magazine & TheFamilyProclimation.org! We could not think of a better expert to discuss with Kevin Elder Gong's address, "Happy and Forever." So many great nuggets of gold. We hope you enjoy listening to this weeks episode.
Do you ever invoke the power of God outside a formal ordinance or blessing? Pres. Monson shared an insightful experience of doing just that.
To Learn, to Do, to Be by President Thomas S. Monson
Pres. Nelson's insights on prayer and fishing
Sis. Dennis's talk, His Yoke Is Easy and His Burden Is Light is Matthew's least favorite conference talk of all time! Frankly, he felt it was so heavy on "don't judge" that it bordered on minimizing disobedience. But as he thought about it, the Spirit whispered, "a talk you struggle with is the one you need the most." So he decided to sink his teeth into this talk, dig through it to find some gems, and share it with us. Join Matthew and Melissa in discussing the tug of war between clarity v charity and niceness v kindness. And tons more dog puns. 🐶
Truth and Tolerance by Pres. Dallin H. Oaks
The Cost—and Blessings—of Discipleship by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
The Second Half of the Second Century of Brigham Young University
Kindness, Charity, and Love by President Thomas S. Monson
You Are My Hands by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Approaching the Throne of God with Confidence by Elder Jörg Klebingat
Faith and fear are opposites... right? Well, sort of. It depends how you define them. Matthew was inspired by Meg's episode a few weeks back and studied what fear and faith mean within a Gospel context and his personal experiences with both.
Matthew's blog post on this topic
The episode that inspired this one
Pres. Packer: "Fear is the opposite of faith."
It’s True, Isn’t It? Then What Else Matters? by Elder Andersen
You Know Enough (also by Elder Andersen)
On this weeks episode we have Kevin & Shelbi Stanfill discussing two talks. The first is Elder Lund's Talk titled, "Lasting Discipleship" and Elder Sitati's talk titled, "Patterns of Discipleship." If you haven't guessed it already discipleship is a big topic in this podcast! We hope you enjoy!
"Flashes of Light" by Elder Lund BYU Speech
We're trying something new: Conference Talk Shorts! A mini episode about 5 minutes long, sharing a brief insight about a talk from older conference talks or devotionals. Less formal, way shorter, hope you enjoy.
Pres. Eyring gave two talks within 18 months of each other, telling the same story in each, but adding some sacred detail to the second retelling. Join Matthew in considering that story and the lesson on personal revelation he got out of it.
Holiness and the Plan of Happiness by Pres. Eyring - October 2019
I Love to See the Temple by Pres. Eyring - April 2021
Elder Bednar: "How do I know if it's me or the Spirit?"
Pres. Nelson: "increased time in the temple will bless your life in ways nothing else can."
On this weeks episode Meg Tilton and guest Rhonda Farr discuss Elder Montoya's talk, "The Eternal Principle of Love." Meg & Rhonda have worked together in the professional world but now come together to discuss spiritual application with their background in life coaching. We hope you enjoy this weeks episode.
Join Chanelle and a very special guest, Lynnette Sheppard this week as they discuss two talks, Elder Andersen's talk, "Drawing Closer to The Savior" and Elder Olsens Talk, "The Answer is Jesus." Wonderful insights were shared on this episode that are sure to strengthen your testimony in our Savior Jesus Christ.
We all belong in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. There is a place for each and every one of us in the Kingdom of God. Come and listen to Melissa & Matthew discuss, "The Doctrine of Belonging" by Elder D. Todd Christofferson.
Michael Goodman
"And Nothing Shall Offend Them" by Elder David A. Bednar
"Trial of Your Faith" by Elder Neil L Andersen
"The Needs Before Us" by Bonnie L. Oscarson
This we we have Meg & Greg Tilton discussing "Are You Still Willing" by Elder Kevin W. Pearson and "Building a Life Resistant to the Adversary" by Jorge F. Zeballos. We felt these two talks really complimented one another and we hope you find reviewing & listening to them helpful.
Guest Shawn Rapier joins Matthew in discussing Shawn's friend, Elder Mark D. Eddy, and his talk, "The Virtue of the Word." We deep dive into Book of Mormon history, enjoy a delicious barbecue analogy, and Shawn shares a powerful story from his mission.
The story of the missionary who was losing his testimony (it was Pres. Ballard, not Elder Scott)
If you're a Disneyland/DisneyWorld buff, check out Shawn's podcast, "Castle Collective!" And the archives of his inspiring faithful stories podcast, "Latter-Day Lives."
Kevin & Shelbi head up this episode of Elder Soares talk titled, "In Partnership with The Lord." Kevin & Shelbi have been married for 3 1/2 years and added some of their own tips and insights on their marriage so far in accordance with the principles Elder Soares discusses in his talk. Join in to let us know what you think!
The Family Proclamation
Definition of "Help Meet"
Join in this week as Meg & Erin discuss Bishop Gérald Caussé talk, "Our Earthly Stewardship." They give some advice and tips to help us become better stewards of the earth.
We are all pioneers...and it's cool! Listen to Melissa Fugazza and special guest Jennifer Roach, as they discuss President Ballard's amazing talk!
Greg Matsen, host of the Cwic Show, joins as a guest for this episode discussion Elder Cook's talk, Be True to God and His Work. We talk about testimonies, repentance, the new For the Strength of Youth pamphlet, and so much more
Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives by Pres. Russell M. Nelson
Activism v Discipleship by Bro. Ahmad S. Corbitt
Why You Should Put YOUR MASK On First (My Brain Without Oxygen) - Smarter Every Day
Gospel Principles Manual, Chapter 7: The Holy Ghost
The Temple and Your Spiritual Foundation by President Russell M. Nelson
To Acquire Spiritual Guidance by Elder Richard G. Scott
Joseph Smith quote about sexual sin being the defining sin of our dispensation
And Nothing Shall Offend Them by Elder David A. Bednar
Personal Peace in Challenging Times by Elder Quentin L. Cook
The Righteous Mind by Jonathan Haidt
Why the past 10 years of American life have been uniquely stupid by Jonathan Haidt
The Peace of Christ Abolishes Enmity by Elder Dale G. Renlund
Jesus Christ Is the Strength of Youth by Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf
A Framework for Personal Revelation by Elder Dale G. Renlund
On this weeks episode Melissa & Chanelle undertake discussing ALL 3 of President Nelsons talks given at this past October 2022 General Conference. President Nelson's talks included, "What is True?", "Overcome The World and Find Rest", and "Focus on The Temple." We hope you enjoy it!
Listen in this week in The Stanfill home as Kevin & Shelbi discuss Elder Rasband's Talk, "This Day." They had some fun insights & discussion about The Book of Mormon & personal Experiences that they have shared individually and as a couple.
The Book of Mormon Podcast: https://anchor.fm/christccpodcast-bom
Blogger and author Brad McBride joins Matthew and Shelbi in discussing Elder Dale G. Renlund's talk, "A Framework for Personal Revelation." This talk was definitely one of the heavy-hitters of the October 2022 General Conference!
A Quarter and Two Big Lies by Brad McBride
Two Lines of Communication by Pres. Dallin H. Oaks
Elder Pearson: Don't pray about whether to go on a mission
Now Is the Time to Serve a Mission! by Elder Richard G. Scott
By Divine Design by Elder Ronald A. Rasband
Alternate Voices by Pres. Dallin H. Oaks
Elder Bednar quote on telling if it's you or the Spirit
Moroni 7: "I show unto you the way to judge"
Spiritually Defining Memories by Elder Neil L. Andersen
Get ready for a wonderful episode hosted by Matthew Watkins and Melissa Fugazza. In this episode they discussed President Nelsons World Wide Devotional to the youth titled, "Choices for Eternity." You may even hear some of Google's voice in this episode. Let us know what you think & enjoy the episode!
Sister Wendy Nelsons talk, "One Question That Can Change Your Life"
Listen in on Michael Young and Matthew Watkins as they discuss Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf's talk "Jesus Christ is the Strength of Youth" from the Saturday Morning Session of the October 2022 General Conference.
Listen in on The Stanfill home and the thoughts they had on President Oaks Talk, "Helping The Poor and Distressed" and Elder Rafael E. Pino's Talk, "Let Doing Good be Our Normal".
Biography of The Seventies: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/learn/quorum-of-the-seventy?lang=eng
Biography of The Quorum of The Twelve & First Presidency: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/learn/global-leadership-of-the-church?lang=eng
On this special episode come & listen as Matthew Watkins and husband and wife duo, Shelbi & Kevin Stanfill share their biggest take aways from this most recent General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Join in on this FINAL episode of the season covering the last 6 months between April 2022 and October 2022 General Conferences of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. This final episode of the season is with Meg Tilton & Kevin Stanfill as they discuss Elder Uchtdorf's talk, "Our Heartfelt All" .
This week come listen to one of our husband and wife duo's Kevin & Shelbi Stanfill where they discuss two talks, Conversion is Our Goal by Mark L. Pace and Come Into the Fold of God by Randy D. Funk. Shelbi shares and references a talk that Jeffrey R. Holland gave in the Texas McAllen mission in 2016 with thoughts focused on conversion and missionary work.
Join Meg Tilton and Erin Rodabough (both seminary teachers) discuss Elder Ulissess Soares talk, In Awe of Christ and His Gospel. They have fun as they share their insights from this talk and their take-aways.
Matthew gets on his soapbox and Michael bears pure testimony in this episode covering Pres. Oaks's powerhouse (and controversial) talk, "Divine Love in the Father's Plan." Pres. Oaks doesn't mince words, and neither do we.
More Diligent and Concerned at Home by Elder David A. Bednar
Choices for Eternity by Pres. Russell M. Nelson
This week Melissa and Shelbi discuss The Power of Spiritual Momentum by our Prophet President Russell M. Nelson. They share some fun personal experiences about how spiritual momentum has increased in their lives. Come & Listen! No show notes for this episode just some fun stories and laughs!
Todd, Rivka, and Burke from the Words of the Prophets podcast join Matthew for a special cross-over episode! Today we're talking about Elder Rasband's talk, "To Heal the World." So much to unpack here, and go give the Words of the Prophets podcast a listen, too!
Join another husband and wife duo on our podcast Meg & Greg Tilton as they share some great insights to missionary work with their family while discussing Elder Stevenson's Talk: Love, Share, Invite.
Join husband and wife, James & Chanelle Nielson on this episode of Conference Talk where they discuss two talks Teaching Self Reliance by Hugo Martinez and For God So Loved Us by Michael Ringwood.
It's always empowering when we share our personal stories and James & Chanelle share some stories about their family and raising 5 children.
Show Notes:
Becoming Self Reliant, President Heber J. Grant
This is Matthew's fanboy episode. His favorite blogger (Brad McBride) joined the show to discuss his favorite Conference speaker: Elder Jörg Klebingat and his inspiring "call to arms" General Conference talk from April 2022: "Valiant Discipleship in the Latter Days."
There was so much to unpack here, this was such a fun episode, we hope you won't even care about the weird buzzing noise in Matthew's mic during a few minutes towards the end of the episode! 😉
Pres. Packer threw cake at some missionaries to make a point
Approaching the Throne of God with Confidence by Elder Jörg Klebingat
Choices for Eternity by Pres. Russell M. Nelson
Spiritual Whirlwinds by Elder Neil L. Andersen
Elder Hugh B. Brown: "Abraham needed to learn something about Abraham."
"The Challenge to Become" by Pres. Dallin H. Oaks, October 2000
"Continue in Patience" by Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, April 2010
Elder Bednar making a Back to the Future reference on the All In podcast.
"The Tyranny of Tolerance" by Elder David A Bednar from the "Conversations" podcast
"As Many as I Love, I Rebuke and Chasten" by Elder D. Todd Christofferson
Make the Exercise of Faith Your First Priority by Elder Richard G. Scott
Join Shelbi and Chanelle discuss two talks on this episode. Sister Cravens Talk, "Do What Mattereth Most" and Elder Renlund's talk, "Your Divine Nature & Eternal Destiny".
Greg Matsen from Cwic Media joins Matthew in discussing Elder D. Todd Christofferson's talk, Our Relationship with God.
Join Matthew and special guest Shawn Rapier as we discuss Sis. Reyna I. Aburto's unifying talk, "We Are The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints." Shawn brought great insights and great humor to this episode, make sure to check out his podcast, Latter-day Lives!
Join Melissa Fugazza and Shelbi Stanfill as they discuss two talks this week, "Lessons At The Well" By Susan H. Porter and "Christ Heals That Which Is Broken" by Amy A. Wright.
Hope Works Video: We Are Spiritual Beings Have A Human Experience
Power to become podcast: https://open.spotify.com/episode/58AIsrvqi0IhuOgWGOdRRf?si=CPB0GvftQ6KGosyxIqOonw
By Divine Design by Elder Redlund: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/ensign/2017/11/saturday-afternoon-session/by-divine-design?lang=eng
Join husband and wife, Megan and Greg Tilton (first time guest) as they discuss Elder Cook's talk, Conversion To The Will Of God.
Elder Gong's address was just so good we had another podcast dedicated to this talk! Join Chanelle Nielson and Liz Kazandzhy as they discuss Elder Gong's conference address, We Each Have A Story.
This week Matthew is joined by special guest Kurt Francom from the Leading Saints podcast! We're discussing Elder Kevin S. Hamilton's talk "Then Will I Make Weak Things Become Strong." Great discussion on leadership, Church culture, and the nature of the Atonement of Christ. Don't miss this episode on a fantastic talk!
Clinical social worker, therapist, and young women's president Mellissa DePaola joins Matthew to discuss Elder Holland's talk, Fear Not: Believe Only!
NOTE: If you're having suicidal thoughts, call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) to talk to a skilled, trained counselor at a crisis center in your area at any time (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline). If you are located outside the United States, call your local emergency line immediately.
We have a special guest this week! Jennifer Roach was a pastor until she learned about the Gospel. Listen to her conversion story and discussion on two General Conference talks:
Follow Jennifer Roach on Facebook!
Join James & Chanelle Neilson as they discuss Elder Eyring's talk, Steady In The Storms.
Join Shelbi Stanfill and first time guest, Abrianna Rice, discuss Elder Gong's talk: We Each Have Story.
Questions to Ask-
Join Kevin and Shelbi Stanfill as they discuss Elder Neil L. Andersen's Following Jesus: Being a Peacemaker
Join Meg Tilton and Shelbi Stanfill as they discuss Elder Eduardo Gavarret's A Mighty Change of Heart: "I Have Nothing More To Give You" and Elder Larry S. Kacher's Ladder of Faith.
Lotta opposition out there. But "we will heed not what the wicked may say, for the Lord alone we will obey." That was Elder Bednar's message from the Saturday morning session of the April 2022 General Conference. Join Shelbi and Kevin in his inspiring talk, "But We Heeded Them Not."
Did you feel the strong missionary vibe during the April 2022 Saturday morning session? We sure did. Join Kevin and Michael in discussion Pres. M. Russell Ballard's talk, "Missionary Service Blessed My Life Forever."
Season 3 has begun! Join us as we review the April 2022 General Conference! In episode 1, Chanelle and Meg Tilton discuss the "bookend" addresses from President Nelson: "Preaching the Gospel of Peace" and "Now Is the Time."
The April 2022 General Conference is here and we're discussion our Conference traditions, highlights, and memories. Join us next week for season 3 where we got over the talks!
Join Melissa Fugazza and Whitnet Stortts as we discuss Elder Gerrit W. Gong's talk, "Trust Again."
Join Chanelle and her husband as they discuss Pres. Nelson's main address, "The Temple and Your Spiritual Foundation."
Guest Nick Galieti joins Matthew to discuss Elder Renlund's talk, "The Peace of Christ Abolishes Enmity." We're talking contention, unit, the invasion of Ukraine, some insights on the Finland Temple, and much more!
Israel, Israel, God Is Calling by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
Famine of Meekness by Nick Galieti
Personal Peace in Challenging Times By Elder Quentin L. Cook
Join Kevin and Shelbi in discussing Elder Uchtdorf's talk, "Daily Restoration."
Join Matthew and Melissa as we discuss Elder Marcus B. Nash's Conference talk, "Hold Up Your Light." Plus, some missionary stories involving a chance encounter at a Mexican restaurant, and a passion for... X-Files? This episode was really fun 😉
Join the Battalion, Help Gather Israel by President Nelson
Missionary Work: Sharing What Is in Your Heart by Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Ask in Faith by Elder David A. Bednar
Matthew's posts on missionary work
Listen to Michael and Matthew discuss the personal experiences they've had with grace and repentance as they review Bradley R. Wilcox's talk, Worthiness Is Not Flawlessness.
We Can Do Better and Be Better by President Russell M. Nelson
"As Many as I Love, I Rebuke and Chasten" by Elder D. Todd Christofferson
Special guest Brad McBride sits down with Matthew to talk about Elder Quentin L. Cook's talk, Personal Peace in Challenging Times.
Join Matthew and Michael as we discuss Pres. Henry B. Eyring's talk: The Faith to Ask and Then to Act
Two Lines of Communication - by Pres. Dallin H. Oaks
The secrets of Godliness - by Matthew
Join Chanelle and Shelbi as we talk about Elder M. Russell Ballard's talk, "Lovest Thou Me More Than These?"
"A Saint Through the Atonement of Christ the Lord" by Elder Jeffrey R Holland
Join Michael and Melissa as we discuss two talks this episode: The Things of My Soul by Elder Ronald A. Rasband and Simply Beautiful-- Beautifully Simple by Elder Gary E. Stevenson.
Join Kevin and Shelbi in discussing not one, not two, but three talks in this special 'grab bag' episode! We're talking about "Faith to Act and Become" by Elder Ciro Schmeil, "God's Love: The Most Joyous to the Soul" by Susan H. Porter, and "Addressing Mental Health" by Elder Erich W. Kopischke. Don't miss it!
Join Michael and Matthew in discussing Elder Bednar's Talk, "With the Power of God in Great Glory." We'll be talking about missionary work, temple work, what it means to be yoked with the Savior, and making our homes like the Temple. And Michael will share a touching personal story of almost losing his daughter.
<! resources -->Resources
<p>Join Chanelle and Andrea as we go over Pres. Oaks's talk, "<a href="https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2021/10/18oaks?lang=eng">The Need for a Church</a>."</p><!-- more -->
Join us for a special episode with four hosts! Michael, Shelbi, Kevin, and Chanelle sit down and discuss "Elder Clark G. Gilbert's talk, Becoming More in Christ: The Parable of the Slope."
Join Matthew and Melissa as we go over Elder Christofferson's talk, "The Love of God."
Resources mentioned in this episode
Pure Truth, Pure Doctrine, and Pure Revelation by Pres. Nelson
The Love and Laws of God by Pres. Nelson
The Cost-- and Blessings-- of Discipleship by Elder Holland
The Second Half of the Second Century of Brigham Young University by Elder Holland
Kevin and Michael review Elder Soares's talk, "The Savior's Abiding Compassion."
Resources mentioned in this episode
Join Shelbi and Chanelle as they discuss Pres. Bonnie H. Cordon's talk, Come unto Christ and Don't Come Alone.
You Can Gather Israel - Elder Ahmad S. Corbitt
The Lord Uses The Unlikely to Accomplish the impossible - President Nelson
Matthew and Shelbi sit down to talk about Elder Holland's address, "The Greatest Possession." We also discuss the formation of this new, "re-launched" Conference Talk podcast and the miracles that led up to it.
Resources mentioned in this episode
The Greatest Possession by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
The Second Half of the Second Century of Brigham Young University - by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
The Fourth Missionary by Lawrence E Corbridge
The Cost-- and Blessings--of Discipleship by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
Join Matthew and Michael as we re-launch the Conference Talk podcast. This week, we're talking about Pres. Nelson's opening and closing remarks from the October 2021 General Conference.
On this episode, we begin discussing the Women's General Session by covering the talk entitled "By Union of Feeling We Obtain Power with God" by Sharon Eubank. Topics we discuss include: achieving unity, obtaining a Godly perspective on differences and hardships, and developing faith in Jesus Christ.
On this episode, we discuss Elder Dieter F. Utchdorf's talk entitled "God Will do Something Unimaginable." Topics include: our destiny as children of God, the youth of the Church are an example for us, the Church is led personally by Jesus Christ, and how General Conference has blessed our lives as we study the talks.
On this episode, we discuss Elder Matthew S. Holland's talk entitled "The Exquisite Gift of the Son." We hope our reverent discussion of the Atonement of Jesus Christ will edify and bless your day.
On this episode, we discuss the talk entitled "The Culture of Christ" by Elder William K. Jackson of the Seventy! We discuss: following the Savior, doing what He does, and being in the world but not of the world.
On this episode, we discuss the talk entitled "There Was Bread" by Bishop W. Christopher Waddell. All commandments are spiritual in nature and prepare us for eternity.
On this episode, we discuss Elder Gerrit W. Gong's talk entitled "All Nations, Kindred, and Tongues." We had the opportunity to discuss our thoughts and testimonies concerning Elder Gong's talk and the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.
On this episode, we discuss the talk entitled "Finding Joy in Christ" by Elder Steven J. Lund!
On this episode, we discuss the talk entitled "Love Your Enemies" by President Dallin H. Oaks.
On this episode, we discuss Elder Todd D. Christofferson's talk entitled "Sustainable Societies."
On this episode, we discuss Elder Ronald A. Rasband's talk entitled "Recommended to the Lord"!
On this episode, we discuss Elder Quentin L. Cook's address from the Saturday morning session of General Conference!
On this episode, we discuss the talk entitled "Eyes to See" by Michelle D. Craig. We discuss the spiritual gift of discernment and the universal call to serve.
On this episode, we discuss President Nelson's opening remarks and Elder David A. Bednar's talk entitled "We Will Prove Them Herewith."
On this episode, we discuss Elder Scott D. Whiting's talk "Becoming like Him." Subjects discussed include: choosing to be like Jesus Christ, the next step mentality, conducting companionship inventory.
On this episode, we are joined by our friend Abrianna Rice for our first thoughts and takeaways from the 190th semi-annual general conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
On this episode, we discuss President Russell M. Nelson's concluding address entitled, "Go Forward in Faith." Subjects discussed include: temples, intent, and the Lord's plan to save all His people.
On this episode, we discuss Elder D. Todd Christofferson's talk entitled "Sharing the Message of the Restoration and the Resurrection"! Subjects discussed: flesh and mortality, Jesus Christ as the key to our redemption, the spirit world, missionary work in the spirit world, the importance of the Book of Mormon, and our testimony of General Conference.
On this episode, we are overjoyed to introduce our friend Samuel Raubenheimer and his guests as they discuss the talk entitled "The Finest Homes" by Elder L. Whitney Clayton! Enjoy!
On this episode of Conference Talk!, we discuss Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf's talk entitled "Come and Belong". We go down quite the rabbit hole, so expect a wide range of subjects including: Faith in Jesus Christ, fulfilling Church callings, and starting conversations about Jesus Christ and His Restored Gospel.
On this episode we discuss the talk entitled "Finding Refuge From the Storms of Life" by Elder Ricardo P. Giménez of the Seventy! Subjects discussed include: being subject to trials and a fallen world, developing faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, why we should follow Christ at all, and how we can help others 'find the way out'.
On this episode, we discuss Elder Quentin L. Cook's talk entitled "The Blessing of Continuing Revelation to Prophets and Personal Revelation to Guide Our Lives". We reference a video with Elder David A. Bednar throughout this episode, and you can find here:
On this episode, we discuss President Dalin H. Oaks' talk entitled "The Great Plan," which details and clarifies doctrines pertaining to premortal, mortal, and post mortal life for all of Heavenly Father's children.
On this episode, we discuss President Russell M. Nelson's preeminent talk entitled "Hear Him"! Subjects discussed include: the ongoing Restoration, the personal value of personal scripture study, the impact of one's personal righteousness, the new Church proclamation regarding the Restoration, and much more!
On this episode, we discuss Elder David A. Bednar's talk entitled "Let This House Be Built Unto My Name"! We absolutely loved this talk so we got carried away talking about temples. Enjoy!
On this episode, we discuss Elder Jeffery R. Holland's talk entitled "A Perfect Brightness of Hope." Subjects discussed include: hungering for spiritual experiences/knowledge, personal conversion, and establishing Zion.
On this episode, the have the pleasure to listen to our friend Abrianna Rice bear testimony and share some thoughts about Sister Bonnie H. Cordon's talk entitled "That They May See". We hope you enjoy it as much as we did!
On this episode, we are honored to have our friend and past podcast guest Edward Vissoni share his thoughts on Elder Ronald A. Rasband's talk entitled "Fulfillment of Prophecy."
On this episode, we discuss three talks: "He Goes before Us," "The Melchizedek Priesthood and the Keys," and "Opening the Heavens for Help," all delivered by the First Presidency of the Church! Subjects discussed range from Family History and the Spirit of Elijah to Priesthood responsibilities in the home and our testimonies of following prophetic counsel!
On this episode, we are joined by our friend Jenni Pheifer as we discuss Sister Jean Bingham's talk entitled "United in Accomplishing God's Work."
On this episode, we discuss the addresses given by the youth speakers in the Saturday evening session. The talks were entitled "How the Priesthood Blesses Youth". Topics discussed include: the importance of Priesthood ordinances to youth specifically, how the Savior is at the center of our discipleship, and how the temple is critical to our progression.
On this episode, we discuss the talk entitled "Hosanna and Hallelujah—The Living Jesus Christ: The Heart of Restoration and Easter" by Elder Gerrit W. Gong. We discussed the patterns of revelation and how it helps us become like Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father. Other topics include the sealing power of the priesthood and the fulfillment of prophecy.
On this episode, we discuss the talk entitled "A Good Foundation against the Time to Come" by Elder Gary E. Stevenson, an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ. We discuss a few incidents in Church history, such as the founding of the Salt Lake City temple and how we can receive revelation in our lives.
On this episode, we discuss Elder Benjamin M Z Tai, of the Seventy's talk from the 2020 April General Conference! Topics discussed include: Kevin's experiences while investigating the Church, the definition of "Doctrine", and some points from "The Continuous Conversion" by Brad Wilcox.
On this episode, we discuss Elder Dale G. Renlund's talk from the Saturday afternoon session. Topics we discuss include: remembering God, acknowledging the gifts we receive from God, and relying on God for all things.
On this episode, we discuss the address given by Bishop Gérald Caussé who is this presiding bishop of the Church. We discuss the need for a Savior, and that focusing on Jesus Christ will lead us to happiness.
On this episode of Conference Talk!, we discuss Elder John A. McCune's talk during the Saturday afternoon session! We discuss how we have come unto Christ, learned of Him and followed Him. We speak of enduring joy found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And, of course, we speak of gathering scattered Israel.
On this episode, we discuss the talked titled "The Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon" by Elder Ulisses Soares, an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ. We discuss the miracle of the Book of Mormon.
On this episode of Conference Talk!, we discuss President Henry B. Eyring's address in the Saturday morning session of the April 2020 General Conference. We discuss what we must do to prepare for the Second Coming of the Savior and how we can play a role in the ongoing Restoration.
On this episode, we record the fifth episode of our General Conference guided podcast! We discuss "Deep in our Hearts" by Douglas D. Holmes.
On this episode, we discuss Elder Neil L. Andersen's talk from the Saturday morning session!
On this episode, we are joined by Shelbi's sister Brenly Williams. We discuss the talk entitled "An Especially Noble Calling" by Joy D. Jones who is the General Primary President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
On this episode, we discuss Elder James R. Rasband's address, "Ensuring a Righteous Judgement." We explore the doctrines taught exclusively in the Book of Mormon, we discuss the Savior's role as Redeemer and Judge, and we share our experiences with repentance.
In our first episode of Conference Talk! we discuss "Shall we not go on in so Great a Cause", by President M. Russell Ballard during the April 2020 General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.