A quick fact check followed by an introduction to ALEC, the association of lawmakers and corporations working together to write bills. Fact Checking CD011 Conversation has been reported to be operating in the following countries Afghanistan Iraq Pakistan Sudan Bosnia Syria Somalia Egypt Saudi Arabia Yemen Algeria Mali Mauritania Morocco Niger Tunisia Turkey Kenya Tanzania United States Last week, a bill was rammed through the Virginia State Senate that redraws the maps for their State Senate races in a way that gives more votes to Republicans. Henry Marsh is a civil rights lawyer and Democratic VA Senator who went to Washington D.C. for the inauguration. The VA State Senate is a 20-20 split, so while he was gone, the GOP surprised the DEM's by bringing the bill up for a vote knowing they would be able to pass it with a DEM Senator missing. The House and Governor of Virginia are Republicans. The bill's chances look good. There is SEPARATE bill that addresses the Electoral College that was just born in Subcommittee. The electoral college bill's path to law looked good but the bill was defeated in committee Tuesday on an 11-4 vote after the Governor came out against the bill. ALEC Click on the above link to go to their website. They only barely hide the fact they the provide a way for corporations to write laws. "Works to advance the fundamental principles of free-market enterprise, limited government, and federalism at the state level" "Legislators welcome their private sector counterparts to the table as equals, working in unison to solve the challenges facing the nation." "ALEC provides the private sector with an unparalleled opportunity to have their voices heard and their perspectives appreciated."