Special 3 + hour Contain guide to the history of Leisure and Free Time...where did it go? when did it start? What can you do to Live Free...T*O*D*A*Y? Including:Benjamin Klein Hunnicutt's fantastic book Free Time: The Forgotten American Dream (2010), the Desert Island sound of Vini Reilly / Durutti Column, Democratic Vistas by Walt Whitman-a heavy examination of his promethean tendencies, Percy McKay's Community Theatre, "Communism is Free Time and Nothing Else" maxim of Damn Jehu, debunking the myth of the "Protestant Work Ethic", AFL-CIO psyop: how sectarian labor organizations ended up destroying the demand for shorter work hours, The Art and Craft of the Machine / Broadacre City that 'turns off by itself' by Frank Lloyd Wright, the db left's consent for degrowth/stagnation state control, The Arts and Crafts movement of 1901, the strange, suspicious anti-truster Herbert Hovenkamp's Science and Religion in America 1800-1860, Post-Marxist Volunteerist Jacques Ranciere's Saloonmaxxing, Goon Cave Reality, and how we can find ways to make the technology and productive forces work for us rather than against us.
Part 2 is up now on Patreon