324 avsnitt • Längd: 45 min • Veckovis: Tisdag
A weekly podcast with Isaac & Angie Tolpin on Biblical parenting. The raw truth on how to equip confident Christian kids during these unprecedented times. We cover parenting topics on things such as: self-control, obedience, discipleship, purity, relationships, education, pornography, Bible-time, marriage, and family. We hold nothing back and give the Biblical truth on relevant topics parents need today. You can get extra episode footage and participate in Q&A with the Tolpins about each episode at the Be Courageous App (download it from your app store). You can also find scriptures used, notes, resources, and video of each episode at courageousparenting.com. For all ministry resources go to becourageousministry.org.
The podcast COURAGEOUS PARENTING is created by Isaac & Angie Tolpin - CourageousParenting.com. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
We believe Intentional Christian parents need to be even more protective over their children today. We have a birds-eye view of reality; with over 5 million podcast downloads we hear tragic stories from believers all over the world about harm to their children in places and with people they thought were safe. Check yourselves as you listen to what Isaac & Angie are suggesting.
There’s plenty of messages about the dangers of screen time, the internet and pornography, but what about other children? What about older people around your children when you’re not with them? With 93% of boys and 62% of girls accessing pornography by age eighteen, we must be more diligent. Just because you are at church, with family, or those others are trusting, it doesn’t mean your children are safe.
The world has dramatically changed in the last decade, don’t you think parenting must dramatically change in response to it?
Be sure to subscribe to our channel, but also on your favorite podcast app too!
For all show notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to courageousparenting.com.
Companies we love who sponsor the show:
Voetberg Music Academy; the online music class that children actually love and make progress with! Get 20% off with code COURAGEOUS
Creating a Masterpiece; the preferred Art course by the Tolpin children creatingamasterpiece.com/courageous
Samaritans Ministry https://samaritanministries.org/becourageous
Don’t let greater comfortable times ahead for Christians become the enemy of your family thriving long-term. It appears we are entering into a a great season, due to the largest restoration of America that’s happening right now. We give ten things to consider to make wise choices for your marriage and parenting during these times. We believe God has given us a unique window to make the adjustments needed as to thrive in the future that encourages a faith-filled multi-generational legacy. It takes going against normally human tendencies.
Be sure to subscribe to our channel, but also on your favorite podcast app too!
For all show notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to courageousparenting.com.
Companies we love who sponsor the show:
Voetberg Music Academy; the online music class that children actually love and make progress with! Get 20% off with code COURAGEOUS
Creating a Masterpiece; the preferred Art course by the Tolpin children creatingamasterpiece.com/courageous
Samaritans Ministry https://samaritanministries.org/becourageous
The Covid era and the new MAHA movement has helped people realize how corrupt big pharma is and how at times our government doesn’t have the best interest of the people. We share our story of deciding against vaccines early on in our twenty-four year journey parenting nine children and what we did instead. While western medicine can be helpful when you truly need it, we have seen the fruit of growing in knowledge of how to treat things naturally. Angie Tolpin shares how she grew in knowledge, shares her favorite books on vaccines and natural health as well. Tips on how to build your team of health professionals you see eye to eye with and encouragement to advocate for your family without fear.
Be sure to subscribe to our channel, but also on your favorite podcast app too!
For all show notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to courageousparenting.com.
Companies we love who sponsor the show:
Voetberg Music Academy; the online music class that children actually love and make progress with! Get 20% off with code COURAGEOUS
Creating a Masterpiece; the preferred Art course by the Tolpin children creatingamasterpiece.com/courageous
Samaritans Ministry https://samaritanministries.org/becourageous
How you handle this will likely impact whether you have a multi-generational legacy of faith or not. If your children are resisting church, that's a vital indicator of either a problem with your church that needs to be fully discovered, or a heart issue in your child towards church and God. Isaac and Angie Tolpin give practical insights on what to do when your children show resistance to going to church. If you want your children to make being part of a church family a priority with their families in the future, they must see you making it a priority consistently in yours.
Be sure to subscribe to our channel, but also on your favorite podcast app too!
For all show notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to courageousparenting.com.
Companies we love who sponsor the show:
Voetberg Music Academy; the online music class that children actually love and make progress with! Get 20% off with code COURAGEOUS
Creating a Masterpiece; the preferred Art course by the Tolpin children creatingamasterpiece.com/courageous
Samaritans Ministry https://samaritanministries.org/becourageous
Most Christian Parents would openly agree that they deeply hope that their kids grow up and want to be an active participant in the Body of Christ and looking even further into the future they hope their children raise their grandchildren in the Church. But how do you teach the importance of that to your kids? THe answer may seem obvious, you model it, of course; BUT when we look generation to generation simply going to church faithfully doesn’t necessarily cultivate a heart for God’s Bride! In today’s podcast you will be challenged and exhorted to evaluate how your heart posture is towards God’s Church, His people, and possibly even be inspired to be more intentional in having conversations that matter to instill the heart of God in your kids. If we truly change and obey the Lord and view His Church the way He does and we choose to practice the spiritual discipline of prayer for those leading and serving, our hearts will grow more and more in alignment with God’s vision and will –AND THAT CHANGES LEGACIES.
Be sure to subscribe to our channel, but also on your favorite podcast app too!
For all show notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to courageousparenting.com.
Companies we love who sponsor the show:
Voetberg Music Academy; the online music class that children actually love and make progress with! Get 20% off with code COURAGEOUS
Creating a Masterpiece; the preferred Art course by the Tolpin children creatingamasterpiece.com/courageous
Samaritans Ministry https://samaritanministries.org/becourageous
If there’s anger in your parenting, it will likely continue through your children into future generations. You have an opportunity to establish a new legacy through your family. Get practical insights backed by the bible on how to overcome getting angry in those hard moments as a parent. Isaac and Angie Tolpin also talk about having a biblically sound discipline plan that your marriage is aligned on.
Be sure to subscribe to our channel, but also on your favorite podcast app too!
For all show notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to courageousparenting.com.
Companies we love who sponsor the show:
Voetberg Music Academy; the online music class that children actually love and make progress with! Get 20% off with code COURAGEOUS
Creating a Masterpiece; the preferred Art course by the Tolpin children creatingamasterpiece.com/courageous
Samaritans Ministry https://samaritanministries.org/becourageous
What if there was ONE THING you could do that impacts everything you’d like to see improved in your family life? Don’t let your reflections of the year discourage you but instead propel you forward. As parents we’re leaders in our homes and a vital aspect of leadership is to always be growing. What are the ways you plan to grow this year? Those will have a direct impact on your family. But to get the ONE THING make sure you watch or listen to the episode.
Be sure to subscribe to our channel, but also on your favorite podcast app too!
For all show notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to courageousparenting.com.
Companies we love who sponsor the show:
Masterbooks; Homeschool curriculum we love and use https://www.masterbooks.com/courageous
Voetberg Music Academy; the online music class that children actually love and make progress with! Get 20% off with code COURAGEOUS
Creating a Masterpiece; the preferred Art course by the Tolpin children creatingamasterpiece.com/courageous
Samaritans Ministry https://samaritanministries.org/becourageous
A compelling episode with wisdom, biblical truth, and a close call in the Tolpin family.
This is a moving episode where the Tolpin’s share encouragements for the Christmas season and also reveal a close call their family experienced this week that has brought them all closer together. At the core of this discussion is to really think about these questions: Do your children know that you love them? Do they know that you do no matter what they do?
For all show notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to courageousparenting.com.
Companies we love who sponsor the show:
Masterbooks; Homeschool curriculum we love and use https://www.masterbooks.com/courageous
Voetberg Music Academy; the online music class that children actually love and make progress with! Get 20% off with code COURAGEOUS
Creating a Masterpiece; the preferred Art course by the Tolpin children creatingamasterpiece.com/courageous
Samaritans Ministry https://samaritanministries.org/becourageous
You’ll struggle to create a new legacy through your family if you haven’t healed from your past wounds. But even if we’re healed, the past could have warped us away from sound biblical parenting principles if they were used on us in an unbiblical way. Listen and discover if you are a pendulum swinger in parenting. We all need refinement and the more we do the better parents we are. This is important for today, but even more important for decades from now by what it sows in the coming generations. If you love the episode please share it so more are impacted.
For all show notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to courageousparenting.com.
Companies we love who sponsor the show:
Masterbooks; Homeschool curriculum we love and use https://www.masterbooks.com/courageous
Voetberg Music Academy; the online music class that children actually love and make progress with! Get 20% off with code COURAGEOUS
Creating a Masterpiece; the preferred Art course by the Tolpin children creatingamasterpiece.com/courageous
Samaritans Ministry https://samaritanministries.org/becourageous
The Tolpins share exactly how to do one of their favorite family traditions. Having a visioneering meeting with their family which includes helping each person reflect on the major areas of life this year, areas they want to improve in the coming year, and presenting their plans to the family. They also discuss the importance of launching the family initiatives for the new year that influence the right family culture forward. There’s a lot of practical insights in this episode.
We encourage you to listen to the previous two episodes as well that give lots of insights on the marriage conversations to have prior to the meeting. We are living in a time where the enemy can cause greater confusion and distractions than ever before, this means parents must equip themselves and their children to keep focused on the things that matter. This skill will echo forward in your legacy.
For all show notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to courageousparenting.com.
Companies we love who sponsor the show:
Masterbooks; Homeschool curriculum we love and use https://www.masterbooks.com/courageous
Voetberg Music Academy; the online music class that children actually love and make progress with!
Creating a Masterpiece; the preferred Art course by the Tolpin children creatingamasterpiece.com/courageous
Samaritans Ministry https://samaritanministries.org/becourageous
If you don’t recalibrate your family's direction periodically, mediocrity grows and there will be repercussions over time. Isaac and Angie Tolpin give their secrets to making the best adjustments and plan of action to improve their family culture. See the culture of your family isn’t what you say or even think your family is about, it’s what it truly is; meaning the real behaviors and attitudes that are normal in your home and within the people in your family. Being honest about that is vital to know where to influence change. Get the inside secrets from this marriage of twenty-five years raising nine children.
For all show notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to courageousparenting.com.
Companies we love who sponsor the show:
Masterbooks; Homeschool curriculum we love and use https://www.masterbooks.com/courageous
Voetberg Music Academy; the online music class that children actually love and make progress with!
Creating a Masterpiece; the preferred Art course by the Tolpin children creatingamasterpiece.com/courageous
Samaritans Ministry https://samaritanministries.org/becourageous
Every family has its own unique culture to it; the real behaviors, heart attitudes, dynamics, and actions (especially those when no ones looking). Your family culture isn’t what you say it is, it’s what really exists. It’s vital to recalibrate it periodically and in this episode Isaac and Angie share the most important first steps to doing this which involve honest reflection, deep marriage conversations, and prayer. Make sure you subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts to be prompted of new episodes.
For all show notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to courageousparenting.com.
Companies we love who sponsor the show:
Masterbooks; Homeschool curriculum we love and use https://www.masterbooks.com/courageous
Voetberg Music Academy; the online music class that children actually love and make progress with!
Creating a Masterpiece; the preferred Art course by the Tolpin children creatingamasterpiece.com/courageous
Samaritans Ministry https://samaritanministries.org/becourageous
All Christian parents want to leave a legacy of faith. It’s hard because there is NO equation that will save your kids or guarantee they will walk with the Lord all the way to Heaven! BUT, God’s Word does exhort, command, and encourage us as parents very specifically that we should disciple and discipline our children in the Lord and in word and deed! Join Isaac and Angie, who have been parenting for 24 years as they share 5 Crucial Spiritual Disciplines to Leaving a Legacy of Faith! This is a MUST-listen to episode for every Christian parent. Get ready to get your Bibles out and go through about 12 different scriptures together and be edified!
For all show notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to courageousparenting.com.
Companies we love who sponsor the show:
Masterbooks; Homeschool curriculum we love and use https://www.masterbooks.com/courageous
Voetberg Music Academy; the online music class that children actually love and make progress with!
Creating a Masterpiece; the preferred Art course by the Tolpin children creatingamasterpiece.com/courageous
Samaritans Ministry https://samaritanministries.org/becourageous
Never sacrifice your children for keeping the peace, while at the same time find a way to communicate truth in a loving way that actually causes your relationships to go deeper and people to come into alignment with your intentional parenting efforts. One of the biggest questions we get is how to handle extended family when their influence isn’t in alignment with your parenting approach. The Tolpins answer this question giving three keys to having the hard conversations that are needed. You can’t “go along to get along”. Tune in to get insights into having effective conversations that communicate what’s needed while deepening your relationships with others you love. You are the most important leaders in your children’s lives, but others who have influence can derail the spiritual health and even safety of your children.
For all show notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to courageousparenting.com.
Companies we love who sponsor the show:
Masterbooks; Homeschool curriculum we love and use https://www.masterbooks.com/courageous
Voetberg Music Academy; the online music class that children actually love and make progress with!
Creating a Masterpiece; the preferred Art course by the Tolpin children creatingamasterpiece.com/courageous
Samaritans Ministry https://samaritanministries.org/becourageous
As Christians, how do we navigate evil when we see it? Do we ignore it or expose it? Isaac and Angie Tolpin give a strong biblical argument for exposing it. Christian passivity is actually dangerous to society and dangerous to a family's future legacy too. Get direction as parents in how to navigate this, hear powerful stories, quotes from our founding fathers and more.
For all show notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to courageousparenting.com.
Companies we love who sponsor the show:
Masterbooks; Homeschool curriculum we love and use https://www.masterbooks.com/courageous
Voetberg Music Academy; the online music class that children actually love and make progress with!
Creating a Masterpiece; the preferred Art course by the Tolpin children creatingamasterpiece.com/courageous
Samaritans Ministry https://samaritanministries.org/becourageous
“How do I handle people influencing my children in the wrong ways?” This is one of the most asked questions we get. It’s part of why we believe it takes more courage to parent in these unprecedented times than the last few generations of parents. Get the four steps Isaac and Angie Tolpin lay out for doing this well.
We want to evangelize, we want to be lights for Christ, and we want great relationships, but none of that should be at the cost of negatively impacting our children. The sad truth is too many Christian parents are sacrificing their children's long-term well being. While it’s not the intention, it’s a pervasive problem.
Perhaps we’ve been taught to avoid conflict at all costs, perhaps we are more of a people pleaser than we should be. Instead we should value training up our children in the way they should go, we should value sharing truth in a loving way that sharpen others and deepens relationships.
Perhaps in the moments that matter, it’s more self-preserving to not do anything when influences aren’t ideal, than trying to love others and your children well by sharing concerns. Avoidance of conflict to stay comfortable and preserve relationships is often the source of why this happens. This is an encouraging episode backed by the bible with practical insights to help you navigate these difficult waters as the world is increasingly swaying so many that are likely around your family.
For all show notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to courageousparenting.com.
Companies we love who sponsor the show:
Masterbooks; Homeschool curriculum we love and use https://www.masterbooks.com/courageous
Creating a Masterpiece; the preferred Art course by the Tolpin children creatingamasterpiece.com/courageous
Samaritans Ministry https://samaritanministries.org/becourageous
Courageous Parenting:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/courageous.parenting/
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/courageousparent/
Angie Tolpin:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/courageous.mom/
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CourageousMom
Isaac Tolpin:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/resolute.man/
-Twitter: https://twitter.com/IsaacTolpin
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheResoluteMan
Do you want less selfishness in your family? Do you feel like its a constant battle you can’t win? Children need to be both taught the importance and the biblical call to be selfless, have examples of what that looks like, be held accountable and reminded of what God calls us to, but you know what is even more impactful for your children? Exercises the muscle of serving others, thinking of others more than themselves, literally doing and being the hands and feet of Jesus! It’s an incredible experience for every believer, regardless of your age or spiritual maturity and it’s when we walk in obedience to the Lord and serve others, our hearts change!
Selfishness is the most common sin of all humanity; and the world, the enemy, and our flesh cries out to BE selfish, to be self-absorbed and think about ourselves first. We have to learn to “die to self” as Jesus said! And… so do our children.
In today’s episode, Isaac and Angie share practical tips for cultivating a servant heart in your child as well as share some amazing experiences they have personally had in serving alongside their family as they plant a church. Serving together, as family, regardless of what, taking a meal to a new mama, mowing a lawn for a widow, cleaning the toilets at church, or leading a bible study, whatever you do, do it heartily as unto the Lord… and teach your kids the same by living it out!
For all show notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to courageousparenting.com.
Companies we love who sponsor the show:
Masterbooks; Homeschool curriculum we love and use https://www.masterbooks.com/courageous
Creating a Masterpiece; the preferred Art course by the Tolpin children creatingamasterpiece.com/courageous
Samaritans Ministry https://samaritanministries.org/becourageous
Courageous Parenting:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/courageous.parenting/
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/courageousparent/
Angie Tolpin:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/courageous.mom/
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CourageousMom
Isaac Tolpin:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/resolute.man/
-Twitter: https://twitter.com/IsaacTolpin
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheResoluteMan
Who’s going to win the presidential election? With three assassination attempts so far, mass illegal immigration and perhaps more devious moves ahead in an effort to move America away from its constitutional framework, we must be prepared for the possibility that the America we know could further erode to satisfy the global initiatives. So how do we parent through this? Who do our children see that our hope is in? What are sound actions steps to be taking now in our parenting?
Isaac and Angie Tolpin answer these questions to help Christian parents be biblical strong examples in their actions; the balance between being activated citizens and standing for what’s right while also keeping our hope firmly in the Lord. Our children are watching and learning every day, so let’s do this well during these chaotic months ahead.
For all show notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to courageousparenting.com.
Companies we love who sponsor the show:
Masterbooks; Homeschool curriculum we love and use https://www.masterbooks.com/courageous
Creating a Masterpiece; the preferred Art course by the Tolpin children creatingamasterpiece.com/courageous
Samaritans Ministry https://samaritanministries.org/becourageous
Courageous Parenting:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/courageous.parenting/
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/courageousparent/
Angie Tolpin:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/courageous.mom/
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CourageousMom
Isaac Tolpin:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/resolute.man/
-Twitter: https://twitter.com/IsaacTolpin
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheResoluteMan
There is a constant concerted effort by the enemy to tempt and desensitize children to evil and sin. Yes, it is October which means that it is necessary for us to tackle, once again, the important issue of evil, specifically with regards to October 31st when most Christians actually celebrate the pagan holiday of Halloween.
Join the Tolpins as they share some interesting facts and statistics regarding things such as the sheer amount of money spent on Halloween focused consumerism as well as the challenge parents have today to protect and preserve their children’s innocence to evil things. How does role-playing impact children in the future? What does God’s Word say about dabbling with darkness and what does the Church of Satan proclaim, practice, and delight in regarding families participating in Halloween festivities? All of this and more … join us for a fire conversation.
For all show notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to courageousparenting.com.
Companies we love who sponsor the show:
Masterbooks https://www.masterbooks.com/courageous
Join the Masterbooks Giveaway and you might receive some of our favorite curriculums
Creating a Masterpiece creatingamasterpiece.com/courageous
Samaritans Ministry https://samaritanministries.org/becourageous
Courageous Parenting:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/courageous.parenting/
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/courageousparent/
Angie Tolpin:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/courageous.mom/
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CourageousMom
Isaac Tolpin:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/resolute.man/
-Twitter: https://twitter.com/IsaacTolpin
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheResoluteMan
We believe the huge problem Christians are talking about in the next 5-6 years is that their children don’t want to have children. The Tolpins give a clear and sound warning for intentional christian parents on why this epidemic may be around the corner and all parents should be sober-minded about it. It’s more than the stronger influence of culture towards not having children; the biggest problem they discuss are the things Christian parents may be doing in their home that unknowingly become catalysts for their children not wanting to have children down the road.
For all show notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to courageousparenting.com.
Companies we love who sponsor the show:
Masterbooks https://www.masterbooks.com/courageous
Join the Masterbooks Giveaway and you might receive some of our favorite curriculums
Creating a Masterpiece creatingamasterpiece.com/courageous
Samaritans Ministry https://samaritanministries.org/becourageous
Courageous Parenting:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/courageous.parenting/
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/courageousparent/
Angie Tolpin:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/courageous.mom/
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CourageousMom
Isaac Tolpin:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/resolute.man/
-Twitter: https://twitter.com/IsaacTolpin
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheResoluteMan
Here are some of the main points from this episode:
No Marriage is Perfect!
We just celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary and one thing that hit us that oftentimes what people share is not the full truth or even fully close to the reality of the journey one has been on for ____ amount of years in their marriage!
We don’t want you to ever get the wrong impression that we think we have the perfect marriage, or that we would even portray that! We do have a thriving marriage, and for that we thank the LORD because it’s what He has done in each of our hearts that has brought us to this place!
But the reality is that relationships, particularly marriage, can be hard, people sin against and offend one another, get selfish, annoy each other at times, and so much more.
The reality is that two sinful humans enter into holy matrimony, which means there is a huge opportunity for hurt, sinning against one another, being selfish, being “real” with one another which can often times equate to “not trying anymore.” BUT, on the bright side that means there is equally an opportunity for each individual in the marriage to grow in grace, forgive, grow in understanding, love, serve, be more selfless, and ask for forgiveness and walk in humility acknowledging when they sin!
God deeply wants to do a powerful work in you and in your marriage. AND He has chosen marriage as the best avenue for refinement in all the godly character qualities He wants you to grow in!
Isn’t that exciting?
Our Sponsors Have Valuable Resources
Masterbooks https://www.masterbooks.com/courageous
Creating a Masterpiece creatingamasterpiece.com/courageous
Uthrive Academy https://www.uthrive.academy/parents
Samaritans Ministry https://samaritanministries.org/becourageous
Courageous Parenting:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/courageous.parenting/
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/courageousparent/
Angie Tolpin:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/courageous.mom/
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CourageousMom
Isaac Tolpin:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/resolute.man/
-Twitter: https://twitter.com/IsaacTolpin
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheResoluteMan
It can be difficult to navigate when to press forward with something good as a parent and when to stop. Getting this wrong is easy and getting it right is really hard. Unfortunately a lot of really good things get cut short once they get hard and sometimes really good things need to stop because it’s preventing something better to happen.
If you navigate this well, you will have more unusually good things happen way down the road, but that’s the challenge, we have to experience discomfort in doing the harder thing for fruit we can’t see yet.
Isaac and Angie Tolpin give their three steps to deciding if they should stay the course or make a change and it’s not what most people do. Don’t miss their unprecedented times tip at the end which you will never be able to guess but will keep you thinking.
For all shows notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to courageousparenting.com
Masterbooks https://www.masterbooks.com/courageous
Creating a Masterpiece creatingamasterpiece.com/courageous
Uthrive Academy https://www.uthrive.academy/parents
Samaritans Ministry https://samaritanministries.org/becourageous
Courageous Parenting:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/courageous.parenting/
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/courageousparent/
Angie Tolpin:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/courageous.mom/
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CourageousMom
Isaac Tolpin:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/resolute.man/
-Twitter: https://twitter.com/IsaacTolpin
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheResoluteMan
Have you ever over-parented by doing too much for your children? We have to find a good balance between taking care of our children and equipping them. Sometimes the best equipment is letting them struggle, learning from their mistakes, and growing through it. After All, this is how God’s relationship with us is right? I’m sure you’ve experienced the refinement God allows in our lives by letting us go through trials. Isaac and Angie bring up the possibility of creating the wrong expectations for launching into the world and their relationship with God if we do too much for them. Get their tip for Christian parenting in unprecedented times at the end too. You will surely be filled with more hope for challenging times by listening to this Courageous Parenting podcast episode.
For all shows notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to courageousparenting.com
Masterbooks https://www.masterbooks.com/courageous
Creating a Masterpiece creatingamasterpiece.com/courageous
Uthrive Academy https://www.uthrive.academy/parents
Samaritans Ministry https://samaritanministries.org/becourageous
Courageous Parenting:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/courageous.parenting/
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/courageousparent/
Angie Tolpin:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/courageous.mom/
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CourageousMom
Isaac Tolpin:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/resolute.man/
-Twitter: https://twitter.com/IsaacTolpin
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheResoluteMan
Do you have strong biblical community? Do you know the people you go to church with? Do you or they notice when someone is not there and follow up? Is there authentic knowing of one another or do you only see each other on Sunday, maybe? You may think your church awesome! I hope you do! I hope this episode only spurs you on in more appreciate of what you already have! But when we ask people about what makes their church so special, the first thing most people will say, is the people. Is your church representative of the “Family of God” in your life? Have you ever even experienced it? What I am asking is not about how “good of a sermon” you heard on Sunday, although that is an essential element and one worthy of changing churches over. But anyone can listen to a great sermon now with everything online.
The second greatest commandment Jesus left us with after “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. ” in Matthew 22:37-38 was v. 39, “ And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
Neighbor. Just think about that for a moment. Do you actually know your neighbors? People in your town? I am wondering if you have strong trusting relationships with others who live near you. People who will help when that time comes and who can trust you to help them. I hope you do! We know many amazing people in our community, but none of us fellowship together in Church!
Isaac and Angie Tolpin talk about why they are planting a brick and mortar church in the center of their home town and some of the changes they are making to the modern church model to go beyond Sunday attendance to a culture of real connection. Get practical insights that are sure to make you reflect on church, community, and perhaps strengthen your intentionality with people locally.
For all shows notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to courageousparenting.com
Masterbooks https://www.masterbooks.com/courageous
Creating a Masterpiece creatingamasterpiece.com/courageous
Uthrive Academy https://www.uthrive.academy/parents
Samaritans Ministry https://samaritanministries.org/becourageous
Courageous Parenting:
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Angie Tolpin:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/courageous.mom/
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CourageousMom
Isaac Tolpin:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/resolute.man/
-Twitter: https://twitter.com/IsaacTolpin
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheResoluteMan
Have you ever wondered what it would look like for your family if financial provision happened in a different way? Davy Liu was a top character designer at Disney working on many top films including The Lion King. But he saw the evil building within the organization and took a leap of faith to bring Disney quality imagery to Christian children’s books and movies. This is a powerful story of following through on the Holy Spirit’s conviction, risking financial security, to pursue his real calling that glorifies God.
Discover a new source of quality books that share biblical truth in a way that grabs your children's attention. Because of the way they are written, they are allowed to be sold in books stores in closed countries like China. You are sure to be inspired; we encourage you to think about ways God might be calling for change for your family too.
For all show notes, scripture references, and resources go to courageousparenting.com.
Checkout our sponsors:
Masterbooks https://www.masterbooks.com/courageous
Creating a Masterpiece creatingamasterpiece.com/courageous
Uthrive Academy https://www.uthrive.academy/parents
Samaritans Ministry https://samaritanministries.org/becourageous
Angie reflects on the past 24 years of her parenting journey with Christ and shares four key ways she has been and is being refined and sanctified. The best wisdom and encouragement she has received in her life was from women who had been mothering longer and were willing to share the hard humbling lessons learned. Join Angie as she shares how Motherhood has challenged her to face and repent of selfishness, surrender control, and how the Lord humbled her many times over and still continues to. This episode is full of encouraging scripture, stories, and biblical encouragement for Moms.
Get all show notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned at courageousparenting.com.
Checkout our sponsors:
Masterbooks https://www.masterbooks.com/courageous
Creating a Masterpiece creatingamasterpiece.com/courageous
Uthrive Academy https://www.uthrive.academy/parents
Samaritans Ministry https://samaritanministries.org/becourageous
Part of raising resilient children ready to thrive in a different world is ensuring they are self-disciplined and great at managing their time. If you do this well it will help them excel in all aspects of their lives. Whether they are an entrepreneur, work for a company, or a stay at home moms, these skills are more important than ever. Get practical insights and scriptures to help your children become great at managing their time and working independently in a strongerway.
For all shows notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to courageousparenting.com
Checkout our sponsors:
Masterbooks https://www.masterbooks.com/courageous
Creating a Masterpiece creatingamasterpiece.com/courageous
Uthrive Academy https://www.uthrive.academy/parents
Samaritans Ministry https://samaritanministries.org/becourageous
Courageous Parenting:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/courageous.parenting/
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/courageousparent/
Angie Tolpin:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/courageous.mom/
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CourageousMom
Isaac Tolpin:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/resolute.man/
-Twitter: https://twitter.com/IsaacTolpin
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheResoluteMan
A fascinating conversation with Jep and Jessica Robertson discussing their challenge in having their desired fifth child and the journey towards adoption. We hear how it took a bit for their marriage to get in alignment on it. Jep’s realization that they need to move forward and the testimony of how their adopted child has been a blessing to their family and taught them so much.
In an effort to help all families understand adoption and other adopted children they wrote a book with BRAVE books called, “Dear Valor”. A heartwarming story your children are sure to love that will likely help you prompt healthy conversations around the biblical concept of adoption.
Also discussed are tips to cultivating a Godly legacy, keeping your marriage strong, and a bit about Jep’s new TV show “Duck’s Family Treasure”.
Courageous Parenting:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/courageous.parenting/
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/courageousparent/
Angie Tolpin:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/courageous.mom/
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CourageousMom
Isaac Tolpin:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/resolute.man/
-Twitter: https://twitter.com/IsaacTolpin
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheResoluteMan
As believers, we don’t have to be overwhelmed and anxious about the world because we have an all-powerful God. However, we believe it’s important to be alert and aware of what’s happening to equip our families and make wise proactive decisions.
The Tolpin’s give their take on the Olympics opening that you may or may not agree with as they discuss hating what is evil and holding fast to what is good. But how does that play out in your life? This is another timely message for Christian parents that will encourage and equip you to parent in unprecedented times courageously. We also clarify why these times are unprecedented.
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-Join the Masterbooks Giveaway and you might receive some of our favorite curriculums
Creating a Masterpiece creatingamasterpiece.com/courageous
Uthrive Academy https://www.uthrive.academy/parents
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Samaritans Ministry https://samaritanministries.org/becourageous
In this episode Isaac and Angie discuss the very real need for parents to cultivate the kind of relationship with their children where they “tell them the necessary things” while also teaching the biblical approach to conflict resolution.
What does the Bible teach regarding tattling and gossip, how do the two go hand in hand, and how does a parent teach children at different ages how to learn this skill of truth-telling and caring for others while also being careful not to cross the line of gossip?
Parents must evaluate the spiritual maturity and emotional intelligence of their children, and teach biblical truth and how it applies to us as we live out our lives as Christ followers! What a powerful and much-needed topic to cover for parents of kids of all ages! This episode will be a favorite for a long time.
Get the show's notes, scriptures and resources mentioned at courageousparenting.com.
Master Books: https://www.masterbooks.com/courageous
Summit Ministries: https://www.summit.org/promotions/be-courageous-ministry/
Parenting Mentor Program https://courageousparenting.com/
Uthrive Academy: https://www.uthrive.academy/parents
Should you or should you not talk with your children about the attempted assassination of Trump? How do you talk about this and other challenging things happening in the world without creating fear? Isaac and Angie answer these questions and so much more.
Part of protecting your children is educating them on the world and what’s happening, but it’s vital to do so in a biblical way. Listen to the full episode to hear practical and helpful insights.
Get the show's notes, scriptures and resources mentioned at courageousparenting.com.
We believe in and use products from every one of our sponsors:
Master Books: https://www.masterbooks.com/courageous
Summit Ministries: https://www.summit.org/promotions/be-courageous-ministry/
Parenting Mentor Program https://courageousparenting.com/
Uthrive Academy: https://www.uthrive.academy/parents
The Tolpins share how doing meaningful and lasting projects together has been vital in strengthening their family over the years; for sibling relationships, the marriage, and forming the character of their children. Get the list of projects they’ve done together that have made a forever difference in their family and be encouraged with six reasons to do projects together as a family.
Regardless of how many children you have or their ages, this will make a difference. In fact Angie shares in this episode that they had five children seven and under when they planted their vineyard together. At the end they share a vital tip for parenting in unprecedented times you won’t want to miss.
Get the show's notes, scriptures and resources mentioned at courageousparenting.com.
Get the special deals mentioned in this episode from our incredible sponsors:
Master Books: https://www.masterbooks.com/courageous
Summit Ministries: https://www.summit.org/promotions/be-courageous-ministry/
Samaritan Ministries: https://samaritanministries.org/becourageous
Uthrive Academy: https://www.uthrive.academy/parents
Courageous Parenting:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/courageous.parenting/
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/courageousparent/
Angie Tolpin:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/courageous.mom/
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CourageousMom
Isaac Tolpin:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/resolute.man/
-Twitter: https://twitter.com/IsaacTolpin
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheResoluteMan
Many Christians have thrown out the baby with the bathwater so to speak when it comes to their local libraries. Join Whitney Newbie from Brighter Day Press and Angie as they discuss “How to Navigate the Library with Wisdom.” Our tax-paying dollars fund the library and we have a significant ability for influence over what kinds of books are in our libraries.
Learn how to request a book be reconsidered, removed, and purchased for your local library. Also, hear how those who have protested “defunding the library” and tried tactics to protect children from “bad books” might have actually made it harder to get those books out. Each book checked out is a vote– so vote wisely!
Here are links to resources mentioned in this episode:
Brighter Day Press https://brighterdaypress.com/
Masterbooks https://www.masterbooks.com/courageous
Summit Ministries https://www.summit.org/courageous
uThrive Academy https://www.uthrive.academy/parents
Courageous Parenting:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/courageous.parenting/
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/courageousparent/
Angie Tolpin:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/courageous.mom/
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CourageousMom
Isaac Tolpin:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/resolute.man/
-Twitter: https://twitter.com/IsaacTolpin
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheResoluteMan
Video games, social media, smart phones, and pornography are all issues the parents today must navigate with caution, wisdom, and foresight. This is potentially one of the most relevant topics facing parents today: how to parent in a technology world?
Not only do we as parents need to make some parenting decisions regarding how to navigate this touchy subject, we also need to equip our children and teach them WHY! There are a lot of opinions out there regarding when or if you should give a teenager a smart phone with internet, but what does the science say?
In this very important episode our guest shares her personal testimony of parenting a teen and young adult who struggled through an addiction to video games and how those lessons learned changed her parenting with her next three children and changed the trajectory of her family culture and her career. Join Angie as she, Melanie and Evan Hempe from Screen Strong discuss the scientific evidence of effects on the brain and some suggestions on how to navigate the teen years.
Today’s podcast episode is a lively, relevant, educational, and fun conversation between a Mom and her son and host Angie Tolpin. Screen Strong has developed curriculums for both parents and children alike to teach on “Kid’s Brains & Screens” as well as help parents navigate a detox if necessary. If you or someone you know is struggling with how to navigate parenting on these topics, please consider sharing this episode with them.
We do not need to parent alone. There is so much information out there, but to have two older moms share their hearts, experiences, failures, and lessons learned is truly priceless and they don’t leave you anxious about the potential harms, rather, Melanie shares some tips, tools, and resources to help you as you stand strong in culture that is shifting wayward like the tides of the culture.
To learn more about Summit Ministries and the online program go to summit.org/courageous
Courageous Parenting:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/courageous.parenting/
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/courageousparent/
Angie Tolpin:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/courageous.mom/
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CourageousMom
Isaac Tolpin:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/resolute.man/
-Twitter: https://twitter.com/IsaacTolpin
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheResoluteMan
Every parent has dealt with a child interrupting. Join Angie and Ginger as they talk about the heart issue behind interrupting, how it can be a temptation for parents to sin as well, how we need to watch our own hearts, and how important it is to teach our children to have a respect for all people.
The importance of keeping communication lines open with our kids is a major goal of every parent, but how we respond to our children can greatly impact that line of communication.
If a parent ignores their child while talking to another adult, it can speak that their opinions or needs are not as important as the conversation they are having. We don’t want to communicate that our children are being annoying, rude, and not worth listening to with our actions. It could be a root cause for children feeling as though the parent doesn’t value their thoughts and feelings. This is very foundational in our relationships with our children– fragile ground if you will. But at the same time, we don’t want to cultivate a selfish, self-centered heart in our child by always attending to our child’s every whim at the cost of minimizing the value of others. There is a balance of teaching how to respectfully notify the parent that they need something without interrupting and also taking a moment away from adult conversations at a time that is appropriate and respectful of the other person you were speaking with.
Go to our website for the show notes, tips for correcting your children biblically, perspective shifts necessary for parents, and scripture references.
Courageous Parenting:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/courageous.parenting/
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/courageousparent/
Angie Tolpin:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/courageous.mom/
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CourageousMom
Isaac Tolpin:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/resolute.man/
-Twitter: https://twitter.com/IsaacTolpin
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheResoluteMan
Christian parents are feeling more alone than ever as they navigate equipping their children in unprecedented times, but it doesn't have to be this way! There's a growing parallel economy of Christian conservative resources. At the forefront is BRAVE books! We went to their headquarters to discuss with their CEO and founder, Trent Talbot, what's behind one of the most compelling Christian children's book publishers helping parents today.
It's an incredible story of Trent leaving the safety of his career to obey God in starting BRAVE books. His bravery is helping to shift culture with 36 books (so far) by conservative celebrity authors, a movement to fix the library system, and an upcoming TV show with Kirk Cameron that gives parents a better option.
There's a power in using good stories to impact the next generation. It's vital for parents to proactively address the hot-button issues that are influencing children toward waywardness. The challenge is, that it's hard for parents to know how to communicate with their kids about these complex issues that are oftentimes hidden in the media they consume. Finally, a new children's book can arrive every month that your children will love; and the bonus is that it also helps you, the parent, to equip your children in sound thinking with a conservative and biblical perspective on the issues of today.
A biblically minded and thought-provoking episode on navigating pride month as a parent. Isaac and Angie Tolpin give bold perspectives on the importance of proactive communication with your children on the biblical viewpoints on pride month standing firm in the faith while also loving others well.
The importance of voting with your dollars and sharing with your children why you are doing so. Get practical insights and scriptures you can share with your children. All show notes, scripture references, and resources mentioned are found at courageousparenting.com.
This episode will inspire you to be more courageous in the areas that matter most to your family. It’s vital that parents model for their children courage in the small and big things, as their future will require even more of it. Hear examples of times Isaac and Angie had to be Courageous with the big and small things too. They give a call to action to be courageous within their Christian community to inspire more courage and strengthen their community. They discuss that there’s likely something bigger coming, so it’s vital to work the muscle of courage now.
If you have children, then you’ve experienced the challenge of handling a defiant heart towards you at times. While there’s no quick fix, there are the right things to do that over time make a huge impact on your children and you must do so. Too often parents correct behavior but fail to respond to defiant heart attitudes. Be encouraged by this episode to be a more heart-focused parent. Also, get the list of scriptures in this episode to use with your children when they have a defiant heart. All show notes, scripture references, and resources mentioned are found at courageousparenting.com.
Biblical roles in marriage don’t have to be hard, and living it out well in your relationship is essential for a strong multi-generational legacy. It’s more important than ever to make good decisions as parents while being unified in marriage for effective teamwork. Often the best decisions will be in contrast to what most are doing and are harder to make, but important for thriving in unprecedented times. Isaac and Angie talk candidly about embracing biblical roles in marriage and how this impacts decision-making as a married couple. They take a deep look at what scripture says and give practical examples and insights into how to make sure both spouses feel respected and valued. All show notes, scripture references, and resources mentioned are found at courageousparenting.com.
Overwhelmed, anxious, or stressed about launching kids into the current state of the culture? Christians have been living in chaotic times for centuries and bringing restoration to their families and ultimately culture around as you put a few spiritual habits into practice. As parents, we must not parent from a place of fear, regret, or worry about what our kids might do based on what we did or what we see in the world. Jennifer shares some insights from her new book, “Habits for a Sacred Home.” You don’t want to miss this lively, inspiring episode as the veteran homeschool moms share about the struggles they had and encourage all to mother courageously and consistently and not from a spirit of fear.
“If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.” If you are walking through a season of hardship or are struggling to see the light at the end of the tunnel, this episode is for you. If you are married and wondering how to encourage your husband and what NOT to do when they are overwhelmed or struggling to believe or knocked down by the harshness of this world, listen in.
This week’s podcast episode is a special one with guest Helen Smallbone, who is the Mum of Joel and Luke of the Music group “For King and Country” as well as the Mum of Rebecca St.James as well. She was recently portrayed in the hit movie Unsung Hero and today we are talking about walking through life hardships, being transparent with your kids, and how that can massively impact your legacy.
For all show notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to courageousparenting.com
In this episode Isaac and Angie discuss what a Pharisee is and the characteristics to look out for in your kids to see if they are becoming a modern-day pharisee. It's also a good check to see if you embody any of these characteristics yourself.
The biggest turn off to young people are hypocrites which is a major Pharisee characteristic.
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Here's info about the transformational Parenting Mentor Program
Also for show notes, scripture references, and video of this episode click here.
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Five ways parents paralyze the spiritual growth of their kids are discussed in this episode. Unfortunately, too many kids leave the faith once they launch from well-intentioned Christian homes. This is a crucial conversation to have with your spouse if you want to launch confident Christian kids in today's uncertain world.
For show notes, scriptures, and video of this episode go to https://courageousparenting.com/
You will also find more information about the Parenting Mentor Program
A teachable heart makes parenting easier, but it's not easy to cultivate a teachable heart. It's one of those few worthy constant efforts every parent needs to make. If you want obedient kids, if you want a peaceful home, if you want kids who want to learn about God, then they better want to learn from you. Get ready for another episode where Isaac and Angie hold nothing back to help you equip confident Christian kids in an uncertain world.
For show notes, scriptures, and video of this episode go to https://courageousparenting.com/
You will also find more information about the Parenting Mentor Program
Surprising reasons men are passive in leading their families spiritually.
There is an attack against masculinity and it is impacting the confidence of men and negatively impacting God's purposes for the family.
An important discussion for every marriage, as it is crucial we model for our children what we want for them when they are married. Find out the two key questions to ask your spouse and encourage God's design in your marriage.
For show notes, scriptures, and video of this episode go to https://courageousparenting.com/
You will also find more information about the Parenting Mentor Program
Do you want your kids to replicate your marriage? Encouraging the gifts & dreams in your spouse is part of modeling what you want your kids to create in their own marriages. Your marriage health defines your parenting health. Listen in and get practical insights and stories in how to encourage the gifts and dreams of your spouse, with warnings too.
For show notes, scriptures, and video of this episode go to https://courageousparenting.com/
You will also find more information about the Parenting Mentor Program
In this episode, we discuss how to prevent ageism by raising your kids who love, respect and enjoy doing life with their closest friends; their siblings.
You will learn how to parent towards cultivating strong relationships and teamwork within your family
No matter how old your kids are, this is a must listen for every parent. It's best to start young, but it's never too late to influence this with your kids.
For show notes, scriptures, and video of this episode go to https://courageousparenting.com/
You will also find more information about the Parenting Mentor Program
We have 18 years to help our kids experience God, yet so many still fall away when they leave home. This episode gives you practical ways you can help your kids experience God.
The desires of the world have a stronger pull than ever on young people, but it's still nothing compared to the power of God, but He put you in charge of Discipling your kids towards knowing and loving God.
This episode gives you five areas you can help your kids experience that God is real with tons of practical examples.
For show notes, scriptures, and video of this episode go to https://courageousparenting.com/
You will also find more information about the Parenting Mentor Program. We would love it if you gave us a 5-star review and shared this podcast too!
God says children are a blessing, while the world views them as a burden. Where do you stand and why? While God has a different plan for every family, Isaac and Angie cover 9 reasons why so many Christians don't want to have any more kids.
Whether you are done having kids or not, this is an important episode as you think about your legacy and what you communicate in front of, or to your own children. Someday your kids will ask you about the "why" behind the decisions you've made and this discussion will be helpful.
God is the ultimate designer of every family and there is no judgment or condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. There is truly beauty in His unique designs of each family.
For show notes, scriptures, and video of this episode go to https://courageousparenting.com/
You will also find more information about the Parenting Mentor Program. We would love it if you gave us a 5-star review and shared this podcast too!
This message does not speak to those who are struggling with infertility and loss. Our hearts go out to those who have struggled for years to have children and have suffered greatly. We have lost a baby of our own and know the deep pain and heartache that brings. If you have suffered loss, Angie has written a lot on miscarriage and even shares her miscarriage testimony here on CourageousMom.com.
Do you feel like you are running the parenting race alone? It will be almost impossible to launch confident Christian kids without real Biblical community.
If you aren't proactive in doing this well, your kid's peers will likely cause them to veer off course.
Isaac and Angie discuss what real Biblical community looks like with the practical tips on how to cultivate it where you are.
Who you spend time with, directly impacts who your kids spend time with. In their formative years and this matters big time!!
Also covered in this podcast episode is:
--How to choose biblical friendships and community
--Why trust is so important
--What biblical community looks like
--Why most people fail to be vulnerable
--Peer to peer relationships are powerful
--How to model the right friendships for your kids
--How to take your friendships deeper
--The three kinds of friendships
This episode gets super personal as Isaac and Angie share the intimate struggles of parenting through miscarriage, almost losing their house, and a business failure with over $500,000 of debt following them.
They warn parents to reject the philosophy, "Let Kids Be Kids," as they share counter-cultural, Biblical wisdom in how to parent through trials.
This is essential wisdom, with nine Scripture references for all parents.
You can tune-in wherever you listen to podcasts; as well and find this video and the show notes with Scripture references at https://courageousparenting.com/episodes/
Please share this to further the Courageous Parenting movement in equipping 1 million families to raise confident Christian kids in an uncertain world.
Do your kids respect you? Do they roll their eyes or refuse to obey you? How you are parenting when they are young is either cultivating respectful or disrespectful kids. It doesn't just happen. In fact, it won't happen if your parenting looks like the majority.
The great news is, this isn't difficult, but it does take doing the right few things consistently over a long period of time.
In this episode, Isaac and Angie cover three practical and Biblical keys to raising kids who will respect you.
There's some counter-intuitive wisdom even the most experienced parents are likely to glean from.
You should expect your kids to obey and respect you because God expects it of them, but have you taught them what the bible says on this?
You will be encouraged and get several powerful Scriptures you can teach your children as well.
We begin to answer one of the most asked questions in parenting; how to raise obedient kids. Isaac & Angie discuss two vital and foundational aspects of training up obedient kids.
Without these two keys, everything else you do will likely fail over-time.
They speak from experience having 8 kids, from 3 months to 18 years old, and are seeing the fruit from their experience following the biblical parenting model.
You will get the raw biblical truth and practical wisdom you need in this episode on parenting that's relevant no matter how old your kids are.
Culture is the invisible force that drives behavior. There are a few important things you can do to establish and influence the right family culture that will have a big impact on your kids behavior this year and beyond.
Find out the 3 steps you can take right now as parents to establish a breakthrough year in the areas of growth you see vital for your kids and family.
As the new year is upon us, learn from Isaac & Angie who have 8 kids 3 months to 18 years and have seen fruitfulness following the biblical parenting model.
For more biblical truth that's relevant to today's uncertain world, go to CourageousParenting.com.
If you are a parent, vision is required. Isaac and Angie discuss the importance of being a visionary as a parent and practical steps to take as we approach the New Year.
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