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Crazy Cool Family

193: What Did God Say and Do in 2022?

32 min • 14 december 2022

It’s been an amazing year and we wanted to spend the last podcast talking about all God has done and spoken through this podcast in 2022. As we wrap up season 4 of the podcast, we wanted to reminisce on a few key things we’ve said this year (or that guests have said). 

Then we broke down the word FIGHT and here are the words we highlighted:  

F is for FAITH 

I is for INSPIRE 

G is for GIVE 

H is for HUGS 

T is for TEACH 

After we unpacked the word FIGHT, we brought in fight experts. People who are fighting for family and people we can learn from. 

Here are a few highlights from these episodes:  

In Episode 158, Julie Pierce joined us to talk about how LEADERSHIP IS WORTH THE FIGHT.  

“Every situation is a leadership situation. Every life lesson is a leadership lesson.” - Julie Pierce 

Ep. 161: Commit to Fight for Family (Don and Suz)  

We talk about vision, culture, and how to change your family from the inside out 

"I looked at the fight for family and I decided... I am not going to lose this fight." - Don 

Ep. 162: Fight for Energy 

The truth is, the kids do have more energy! "The reason kids have so much more energy is because they are carefree and have the freedom to play all day!" - Suz 

The heart of the FIGHT series culminated with Colleen Stickl joining us for Episode 163: Step into the Spiritual Fight. In a lot of ways, this is the main theme we hoped parents gained from this series.  

"Ephesians 6:12 says, Our fight is not against flesh in blood (or toddlers and teenagers), it is against the rulers, the authorities, the powers of this dark world... The biggest battle is not what we can see with our eyes but against satan and his forces." - Colleen 

As parents, we see the battle for our kid's hearts. The more we are equipped to fight the less the enemy can do! Our kids are warriors and their salvation is at stake. If they have salvation, then he goes after their hearts. If their hearts are secure, he goes after their everyday peace and joy. We are called to fight for our kids and help them fight against darkness! 

Ep. 164: Tim Hawkins – Being a Funny Family  

Talking about authenticity and how to be a joyful culture but not at the expense of identity and encouragement. Tim talks about how joking was a way to bond but sometimes pushed the boundaries of kindness... he has learned as a father how powerful his words are and how to use them for building up, not tearing down.  

Ep.165: Julie Parido - Parents who Fight for Truth 

She shared her book “Draw the Scriptures” and how to fight to keep the Word of God in our families.  

Ep. 166: Christy Gandy – Fight for Generosity  

She shared her company “Love Well Co.” and talked about how she builds her family’s culture by prioritizing generosity over everything else.  

Ep. 167: Anne Evans – Fighting for Marriage  

Anne shared her ministry, Real Life Ministries and how her marriage was marked by unity and building their marriage daily. “What starts with you and God will overflow into your family and marriage relationship.” - Anne 

The overall message of the FIGHT series is, IT’S WORTH IT!  

And the way we fight is often different than we think... Fight for family takes a different role when we do it with God and FIGHT His way.  

Summer Series: Who Knows Your Kids Best  

We interviewed each of our kids this summer and our hope was that as you got to know them, it would help you know your kids better!  

We heard so many people LOVE the series and gain insight into themselves and their unique children.  

It was a whole summer learning about our kid’s world and how they saw their upbringing.  

Fall Series: Parent to God  

There were so many guests who came on to share their perspective of parenting, marriage, and more. We unpack how your relationship with God directly affects all the other relationships in your life.  

  • #179: Pursuing God is Essential to Parenting 
  • #180: Fatherhood, Football, and a Family Crisis (Feat. Chad Hennings) 
  • #181: Pursuing God is a Delight 
  • #182: A Father’s Pursuit of God (Feat. Dan Luigs) 
  • #183: Teach Your Child to Hear God! 
  • #184: Pursue God + Pursue Unity in Marriage (feat. Kim Kimberling) 
  • #185: Q&A About Parenting + Hearing God 
    #186: Need a Fatherhood Refresh? (Feat. Larry Hagner) 
  • #187: Talk to Yourself the Way God Talks to You (Feat. John Stange) 
  • #188: Wrapping Up the Pursue God Series 

Final 4 episodes of the season:  

Ep. 189-190: AVOID the HOILIDAZE – real talk about the holidays and how we can have vision, declarations, and hope for the season. Great to listen to if you haven’t yet and there is a challenge at the end of the series, we think every family should do this week!  

Last two episodes of the year – both inspiring and great to listen to before the year ends!  

#191: Coaching Your Inner Self (Feat. Jill Hawkins) 

#192: Building a Crazy Cool Family (Feat. Chris Grainger) 

It’s been a wild year full of God’s voice, His wisdom through relationship experts, and practical next steps for families just like yours. We invite you to go back and listen to season 4 of our podcast and allow God to speak into your family as the year ends.  


Would you pray about supporting CCF through a reoccurring monthly donation or committing to a reoccurring yearly donation?     

Partners who commit to a reoccurring monthly donation of $20 or more (or a reoccurring yearly donation of $240 or more) will receive an official Crazy Cool Family t-shirt.  

Partners who commit to a reoccurring monthly donation of $50 or more (or a reoccurring yearly donation of $600 or more) will receive two official Crazy Cool Family t-shirts.

We would love for you to help us reach out to the families in your community. Together we reach families who desire to pursue God, build relationships, and create culture. We cannot do it without you. Help us reach other families by prayerfully considering supporting our ministry. 

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