Kirsten Vossler is a mom of many- 9 to be exact (ages 14-to almost a year old). She is just delightful. You will hear the joy radiate from her. Kirsten has a heart for moms. She believes that motherhood is valuable and holy.
She created a ministry/podcast called, Rejoicing in Motherhood to encourage moms to embrace the season of raising children as an incredible time of becoming who God has created you to be as person leaving the selfish old way behind by constantly having a chance to die to self with the everyday tasks required by little people.
Kirsten shared one of her favorite things to do is to LDL- to have a low delight level. Find pleasure, satisfaction, delight in the little things, like the green grass, the sprinkler in the morning, jam on your toddler’s face. When we can get filled up with little delightful things throughout the day the messes of life don’t seem so big.
She has a free resource with 4 more practical tips to maintain a rejoicing attitude which she will share with you if you email her at: [email protected].