Guests on guests on guests!!
We have another amazing guest joining the CCF podcast this week. Shae Bynes joins Don to talk about how to be a Kingdom focused worker. Shae has a ministry called Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur and helps people find their purpose in alignment with God.
She has multiple “drop the mic” moments on the podcast and challenges the listener to MAKE A MOVE towards the things of God.
Here are a few of the topics from the podcast:
- Inspiration on how to take steps towards entrepreneurship and living intentionally
- How to process big life decisions with God
- Discovering your God-given assignments
- Signals on when to make a change
- How to have “Grace over Grind” in any job you are in
Her book, Grace Over Grind inspires people to do diligent work WITH GOD. We are not made to do this life on our own and that includes our jobs. He is our source of wisdom and peace. When we engage God throughout the day, it changes our perspective and helps us see His supernatural grace over our life which leads to diligent, hard work.
This podcast is jammed packed with wisdom and practical resources to help you live a life of grace and grind like Shae Bynes. Listen and share today!
Podcast Resources: