Today we are unpacking the Kid-God line and as parents, we get the first and deepest opportunity to show our kids Jesus BUT it is not up to us to make the decision for them.
“What we want is for our kids to KNOW God, not just know about him - but really really know Him for themselves.” - Suz
“God wants your children to know Him MORE than you do! When we believe this, we get to partner with God and work within HIS plan for our child’s faith.” - Suz
This episode unpacks practical ways for you to sell Jesus to your kids without forcing a relationship on them – or worse – expecting and judging our kids into knowing God. Following Jesus is relational and when we focus on this aspect of Christianity, our kids are attracted to it. Even in middle school and on, they are wired and designed for relationships. When you show them a loving, present, gracious God – they will want to know more!
Lastly, we unpack the ALIVE method. This is a CCF acronym we fully explain in our Building Family Relationships Guide. If you want to learn more about the ALIVE method, buy the guides today!