We are back with the Littles, Middles, and Bigs conversation and the topic we are breaking down is – waiting!
There are so many scriptures that help us show our kids God’s way to wait. If your child struggles with patience or waiting well – then start by reading through these scriptures to equip yourself with TRUTH to teach your kids from.
- Ephesians 4:32
- Psalm 21:14
- Isaiah 40:31
- Psalm 37:7
- Galatians 6:9
“Waiting with God is a good thing and teaching our kids to wait is essential.” - Suz
How do you teach your Littles, Middles, and Bigs to wait? Here are a few practical tips for each age group. Check them out and apply them to your kids
- Share the plan and remind them why we are waiting/how long we need to wait
- Recognize the battle of wills and don’t allow it to generate anger
- Give them something practical to do while they wait
- Realize it’s more about emotional and spiritual maturity
- How we can come alongside them and expose them to the things of the world
- The goal is to be informed not permissive when it comes to things of the world
- Reminding your child that you are for them
- Realize they want to do things they are not physically ready to do
- Teach waiting by showing how you value them + a relationship with them
- Don't wait too long to be done waiting
No matter what season your children are in, waiting is part of their everyday life. As parents, when we learn how to steward the “waiting seasons” well, we build strong relationships with our kids.
So, go parents and practice waiting well with your kids! When done well, it will help your kids mature physically, emotionally, and spiritually!
“On the other side of waiting is goodness.” - Suz
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