Lee Ann Mancini found us through our Guides (which you can purchase through the link below), and we’re thrilled to have her join Don for an insightful conversation on the value of depositing truth into our children. Early in her parenting journey, Lee Ann found herself searching for Biblical materials to teach her kids. When she couldn’t find as many resources as she had hoped, she took matters into her own hands and wrote her own. Today, we’re diving into her newest book, Raising Kids to Follow Christ, where she shares wisdom and practical advice for parents.
Raising Kids Amid Today’s Worldly Struggles: Lee Ann discusses the unique challenges parents face in a culture that often conflicts with Biblical values and how to navigate those struggles with intentionality.
Teaching Self-Motivation: Lee Ann shares strategies for cultivating self-motivation in children, empowering them to take initiative and develop a strong work ethic rooted in faith.
Role Playing Scenarios: One of Lee Ann’s practical methods is role-playing scenarios to help kids prepare for real-world challenges. This allows them to think critically and practice their responses before facing difficult situations.
Creating Critical Thinkers by Asking Questions: Instead of simply providing answers, Lee Ann emphasizes the importance of asking thought-provoking questions that help children develop critical thinking skills and deepen their understanding of faith.
Building Parent-to-Kid Relationships and Making Them Feel Safe: Lee Ann shares ways to strengthen the emotional bond with your children, fostering an environment where they feel safe, loved, and heard.
Controlling Behavior vs. Empowering Our Kids: Lee Ann explores the difference between controlling a child’s behavior and empowering them to make wise decisions based on their values and beliefs.
This podcast is packed with practical advice and valuable insights from Lee Ann. It truly feels like she’s sitting at our kitchen table, answering the burning questions that many parents face. If you're looking for wisdom and guidance to improve the relationships within your family, this episode is for you!
As Lee Ann wisely says, “Every adversity is an opportunity.”
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