235 avsnitt • Längd: 35 min • Månadsvis
Podcast with Francis Chan, best-selling author of Crazy Love, Forgotten God, Erasing Hell, Multiply, You and Me Forever and Letters to the Church, and most recently Until Unity. For more resources from Crazy Love Ministries or to support the work of Crazy Love please visit our website at crazylove.org
The podcast Crazy Love Podcast is created by Crazy Love Ministries. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
What if the modern church is missing something so essential that without it, our faith becomes just another human effort? What if the power we read about in Scripture—the kind that heals, transforms, and emboldens—was meant to be normal for every believer?
In this sermon, Francis Chan confronts a pressing and uncomfortable question: If the Holy Spirit truly lives inside of us, why do so many Christians look no different from the world?
What if Jesus leaving this earth wasn’t a loss… but the greatest gift He could give us? That having the Holy Spirit inside you is better than having Jesus physically standing next to you? Do we actually believe that? Do we live like that’s true? In this teaching, Francis Chan challenges us to examine what we believe about prayer, longing for heaven, and the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit.
Have you ever wrestled with fear—fear of judgment, fear of not being enough, or fear of where you stand with God? In this powerful message, Francis Chan confronts one of the greatest struggles in the church today—the insecurity that keeps us from fully embracing God’s love. Why do so many believers live in doubt, questioning their salvation? And how can we break free from the lies that hold us captive? Francis unpacks these questions and reveals how God’s perfect love casts out fear and how we can find true confidence in Him.
As believers, we often find ourselves in a delicate balance between two perspectives. On one hand, we’re called to love the lost without compromising the truth. On the other, we must stand firm in the truth while avoiding self-righteousness. So, how do we navigate this tension? In this week’s teaching, Francis Chan dives into Paul’s message in 2 Timothy 4, painting a picture of a church where truth is never watered down, love and boldness go hand in hand, and the mission is clear: preach the Word, no matter the cost.
When you think about the end times, what comes to mind? Mysterious prophecies? World leaders? What if the Bible’s real focus isn’t on those details at all, but on something far more personal—and urgent? In today’s teaching, Francis Chan challenges us to shift our perspective on the end times. Instead of chasing signs and dates, ask yourself, “Are you living in a way that’s ready for Christ’s return?”
Listen to “Are You Ready? (The End Times Series, Pt. 4)” on the Crazy Love Podcast: https://www.crazylove.org/podcast
In this message, Francis Chan challenges the Church to live out true faith in a world full of deception and false teachings. He reminds us that faith is revealed by us through action, especially in difficult times.
Are you living in fear of a world spiraling out of control, or are you standing in the peace and power God promises? In this sermon, Francis Chan challenges believers to move beyond fear, superficial godliness, and self-centeredness by embracing the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, living with bold faith, and trusting God’s sovereignty and the hope of redemption.
In this message, Francis Chan examines the signs of the "last days" as outlined in 2 Timothy, shedding light on the dangers of self-love, materialism, and a superficial approach to faith. Francis challenges us to reconsider our priorities and live with a love that reflects Christ's sacrificial example.
Have you ever stopped to think about what it means that God wants to be with us? In the busyness of life, especially at Christmas, we can easily forget the simple, powerful truth that God is rich in mercy and desires to dwell with us. Francis Chan shares the incredible reality that the Creator of the universe isn’t just mighty and holy—He is merciful and wants to forgive us, empower us, and walk with us each and every day.
In this message, Francis Chan unpacks how true generosity is not a forced act but a natural byproduct of a life transformed by Christ. Drawing from Revelation and 2 Corinthians 8, he highlights the eternal promises of God that shift our focus from self-centeredness to God-centeredness, producing joy and selfless love.
This message was originally shared on December 9, 2018 at Garden Church.
Francis Chan delivers a profound and challenging sermon, addressing the cultural shift in the church toward self-promotion and performance. Using Scripture and personal testimony, he calls believers to restore sacred practices like communion and public Scripture reading while embracing the mystery of God’s love.
This message was originally shared at the Fire in Our Bones Pastors Conference on March 1, 2024.
In the final message of his Ephesians series, Francis Chan delves into Ephesians 6 to reveal the significance of the full armor of God. He explains how each piece—truth, righteousness, the gospel of peace, faith, salvation, and the Word of God—empowers believers to stand firm against spiritual forces and persevere in faith amidst the challenges of life.
Do you get it? Do you truly understand what it means to know God, to experience His love so profoundly that it transforms your entire life? In this message, Francis Chan asks us to reflect on whether we really grasp the depth of God’s love for us and how it should change us. When we understand this love, we will live with awe, humility, and radical love for others—just like the early church.
This message was originally taught in February of 2017 to We Are Church.
How can embracing servanthood transform your life? In this teaching on Ephesians 6:5-9, Francis Chan reveals how choosing humility and following Christ’s example of service can bring freedom, purpose, and deeper relationships.
Have you ever considered that your family relationships might be part of God’s plan to reveal His character? In this message, Francis Chan explores how honoring and guiding one another in the family goes far beyond duty—it’s a way to mirror God’s nurturing love and authority.
What comes to mind when you hear “Wives, submit to your husbands” or “Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church”? For many, this instruction from Ephesians can feel outdated or even uncomfortable in today’s culture. But what if we’re missing something crucial by viewing these words through a modern lens?
In this teaching, Francis and Lisa Chan show us how true biblical authority isn’t about control or power but about sacrificial love and humble service—modeled perfectly by Christ.
What if the secret to a thriving family life isn’t about getting everything right, but about being continually filled with the Holy Spirit? In this week’s teaching, Francis and Lisa Chan explore how being Spirit-filled can radically shape your home, your marriage, and even the future of your children. And they’ll share how following God’s design for marriage brings unity and strength in ways the world often overlooks.
What does it mean to truly live as God's temple? Not just in theory, but in every conversation, every relationship, every moment? In today’s message, Francis Chan will explore the deep, yet practical reality of being filled with the Holy Spirit. Drawing from the book of Ephesians, Francis shows us how our lives can be radically transformed by the Spirit—shaping how we connect with God and love others.
Are you living the life God created you for, or just going through the motions? In this powerful message, we’re reminded that God desires more than just our service or knowledge about Him—He longs for intimate interaction with us. Eternal life begins now, as we experience the joy of truly knowing and enjoying God. Let this sermon challenge and encourage you to press deeper into your relationship with Him. Take a step today to embrace the life you were created for: one that glorifies God through delighting in Him!
Francis Chan delves into the profound truth that God dwells among His people, transforming us from the inside out. Ephesians calls us to live as imitators of God, walking in love, and to reflect His presence in our daily lives. We are reminded that, through Christ, we have been made new and are called to be light in a dark world, rejecting the old ways of sin. As God dwells with us, He calls us into deeper unity, purity, and love, empowering us to live out His truth.
In the book of Ephesians, Paul instructs believers to put off the old self and to put on the new. But practically speaking, what does that mean? In this teaching, Francis Chan helps us see that our calling as the Body of Christ isn’t just behavior modification. It’s about becoming the kind of church that reflects the heart of God in every interaction.
If you look at the current state of the church in America, on a scale of one to ten, how would you rate our witness to the rest of the world? Francis Chan confronts the very things that do damage to the church and reminds us that we can embody the purity and love that God desires, through the power of the Holy Spirit.
We all know we’re supposed to grow in our faith—but how do we actually become mature in Christ? Francis Chan continues in Ephesians chapter 4, where Paul gives us the blueprint for spiritual maturity. Francis explores how Christ shapes us through the gifts He’s given, the role of the church in building us up, and what it means to truly grow into the fullness of Christ.
In a world where we constantly see the same patterns—division, selfishness, and striving for personal gain—it’s easy to fall into these habits without realizing it. In this teaching, Francis Chan explores the idea that, if we belong to Christ, we’re not just human beings. We are temples of the Holy Spirit, called to live selflessly and pursue unity as God’s people.
This message was originally taught on October 29, 2017 for We Are Church.
We live in a culture that gives value to those who are rich, famous, or powerful. But as believers, we need to see ourselves differently. Francis Chan helps us understand how each of us has been uniquely gifted by the Holy Spirit, not for our own personal recognition, but to build up the Body of Christ in unity and love.
As Americans, we’re used to having choices in every aspect of our lives – whether its our jobs, relationships, or even our leaders. But what happens when we come across the commands of God? Are we willing to embrace the idea that His words are more than just suggestions? In this teaching, Francis Chan challenges us to break away from this cultural mindset and seek to be a church that Jesus desires.
In Ephesians chapter 4, Paul urges us to “maintain the unity of the body in the bond of peace.” But how do you maintain unity in the church when the church starts to look like the world? Is there a time that you need to separate? In this week’s teaching, Francis Chan helps us wrestle through some of these challenging questions and points us away from seeking specific answers and points us towards the heart of Christ, Himself.
After studying the first 3 chapters of Ephesians and understanding the incredible blessings and promises that we’ve received from God, what should our response be? How should we live in light of these truths? In this week’s teaching, Francis Chan begins to unpack Ephesians chapter 4, highlighting God’s desire for the church, where everyone uses their unique gifts to build one another up in love and walk in a manner that is worthy of our calling.
Many of us come from a church background where our walk with God felt less like a like a relationship and more like a list of dos and don’ts. But if you read the actual words of Jesus, you get a much different impression. Francis Chan takes us to John chapter 15 and helps us see how a life of joyful obedience to God is a natural response to His overwhelming love.
When you read Paul’s letter to the Ephesian church and he prays that believers would be “filled with all the fullness of God,” do you think that’s possible for you? Francis Chan explores how the love of Christ isn’t just a concept that we try to grasp with our minds, but it’s something into which we grow deeper and deeper, impacting every area of our lives.
Sometimes in our walk with God, we can know all the right answers without experiencing the depth of relationship that’s available to us through Christ. Francis Chan reveals how embracing the profound love of Jesus can break us free from spiritual complacency and lead us to a life of strength, holiness, and unity within the church.
Have you ever wondered how the unseen spiritual world impacts our everyday lives? Francis Chan dives into the book of Ephesians to show how recognizing this hidden reality can reshape our priorities, guide our actions, and align us with God’s ultimate plan.
Often, it can feel challenging to evangelize — knowing where to begin or how to enter into conversations about faith. Dr. Vince Vitale explores how Christ's approach and dedication to conversation led people to the truth, and how we can do the same by following His model with the help of the Holy Spirit.
You can hear more from Dr. Vitale at kardiaquestions.com. Kardia is a ministry that seeks to broaden and deepen our understanding of apologetics - reconciling hearts not only to God, but also to others and even ourselves.
Dr. Vince Vitale was educated at Princeton University and the University of Oxford, and he taught philosophy and theology as a faculty member briefly at Princeton and then for several years at Oxford. It was during his undergraduate studies at Princeton that Vince was challenged to read the Bible by two soccer teammates and took an unexpected journey from skeptic to evangelist. He then completed master’s and PhD studies at Oxford, receiving a Daniel M. Sachs Graduating Scholarship (at the time awarded annually to one graduating Princetonian) and a Clarendon Scholarship (supported by Oxford University Press).
Alongside his work with Kardia, Vince serves as Faculty Scholar at CEO Forum and as a host of the Unbelievable? podcast. Previously, he served as Team Director of The Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics.
In our fast-paced modern society, it's easy to be tempted to build impressive things for ourselves, striving for personal achievements and recognition. We can lose sight of the deeper, more meaningful purpose for our efforts. As Francis continues to speak on Ephesians, he explores what it means for us to be built into Christ's temple, with Him as the cornerstone, rather than standing alone in our pursuits.
Have you ever felt a lack of excitement or awe about what God has done for you? For those of us who have been following Christ for some time, this can be a common experience. Francis Chan invites us to meditate on God’s incredible grace that takes us from being dead in our sins to being seated with Christ.
When you hear someone preach a powerful message, what is it that moves you? The personality of the speaker? Or maybe the illustrations or stories that were told? In this week’s teaching, Francis Chan pulls us away from these external motivations and brings our hearts back to the simplicity and true power of Christ and Him crucified.
There’s a tendency that many of us face when reading scripture to skip over those passages that may be difficult to understand or offensive to our modern-day culture. Francis Chan focuses on Ephesians chapter 2 and shows us how worshipping God for all of His attributes makes the Good News even better.
When was the last time you prayed for the members of your church? And do you remember what you prayed for? In this week’s teaching, Francis Chan continues his series through the book of Ephesians, and highlights Paul’s desire for the church to receive a deeper revelation of God’s eternal blessings.
For many of us that have grown up in the church, it’s easy to have all the right answers when it comes to our faith. In this week’s teaching, Francis Chan challenges us to examine our relationship with God to make sure what we believe is not just head knowledge but a deep understanding of the Father’s love and the grace He’s given to us in Christ.
We live in a culture that is filled with distractions and constant stimulation, and it’s easy to grow numb to the things that truly matter. In this week’s teaching, Francis Chan shares about the loss of a personal mentor and the importance of living a simple life with a heart that beats for the things of God.
Many of us were brought up with a mindset that says, “If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” But that mentality can also impact the way we read scripture. In this week’s teaching, Francis Chan combats the lies from the enemy that cause us to doubt the promises of God and the glorious inheritance that we have in Christ.
If you’re being honest, how much of your life do you prefer to have control? Most of us would probably say a good portion. In this week’s teaching, Francis Chan reminds us of the plan that God put into motion before the foundation of the world and how He chose us to be the objects of His grace.
If someone were to ask you, “How has the Lord blessed you?” what would be your first response? In this week’s episode, Francis Chan continues walking through the book of Ephesians, urging us to value God’s ultimate gift - Jesus Christ, the Beloved - above all other blessings.
What do you treasure most in life? Where do you find satisfaction? Sometimes in the church, we can enjoy the temporary blessings and lose sight of the joy that’s only found in Jesus. In this week’s episode, Francis Chan begins a series through the book of Ephesians, helping us understand how the love of Christ is meant to dwell richly within us, transforming our lives from the inside out.
In our media driven culture, it can be very easy to get caught up in following specific Christian leaders rather than pursuing a deep, personal relationship with Jesus, Himself. In this weeks episode, Francis Chan helps us recognize the distractions of this celebrity-driven mentality and the pitfalls of comparing our faith with others. He challenges us to focus on Jesus, as the Author and Perfecter of our faith, rather than chasing personal glory within the Christian community.
In the heart of every sincere follower of Christ, there’s a desire to trust God and take bold steps of faith. But often the easiest choice is to play it safe. In this week’s episode, Francis Chan invites us to explore what it means to truly believe in the promises of God and live a life of radical obedience.
Have you ever tried fixing a problem in your life only to find that what you’ve been doing is the exact opposite of what was needed? Sometimes we do the same thing in our walk with God. In this week’s episode, Francis Chan reminds us that it’s not about fixing ourselves; it’s about fixing our eyes on Him—the Author and Perfecter of our faith—who invites us into a rest so profound, it changes everything.
When you read through scripture, it’s clear to see that the people of God are called to live differently than the rest of the world. But sometimes that’s easier said than done. In this week’s teaching, Francis Chan shares openly about how the Lord has been dealing with him regarding the Sabbath and helps us understand this wonderful gift of both rest and worship.
As Christians, it’s easy to sap[;ly that we believe the truths of the Bible. But how easily does God’s truth influence our actions? In this weeks episode, Francis Chan walks us through James chapter 1, and gives us time to come before the Lord, check our hearts, and make sure we aren’t just hearers of the Word, but also doers.
If you took a step back from your life, would you say that you’re truly seeking God's presence, or are you settling for less? In this week’s episode, Francis Chan challenges us to turn away from the things that steal our focus and simply be known as a people who hunger and thirst for the glory of God.
We all go through times when it’s a struggle to connect in our relationship with God. And often, we think that adding our own ideas or cleverness will fix the problem. In this week's episode, Francis Chan helps us discover the unique love Jesus offers and how simply prioritizing His Word and presence can change your life.
Imagine a reality where communion and God's Word actually transform your experience of worship. In this week’s episode, Francis Chan explores the sacredness of communion and the unmatched power of Scripture while sharing his personal journey towards a deeper reverence for God's Word.
Have you ever thought about how your lifestyle can reflect your values? Today, in part 2 of last week’s message, Francis and Lisa Chan share what the Scriptures teach on marriage and purity, stressing the importance of living a life that honors God. They also reminded us of the power of repentance, the promise of forgiveness, and a fresh start.
What would you consider the most effective way to transform your marriage? In this week’s episode, Francis and Lisa Chan walk us through their experiences as a married couple and as parents. They help unravel the secret to both a fulfilling marriage and joyful parenting by pointing us to the only place that matters, the heart of Christ.
Have you ever considered how a single moment of faith can shape decades of your spiritual journey? This week, in Part 2 of last week’s message, Francis Chan explores his journey of prayer and enduring faith while reminding us of the profound impact of realizing you are deeply loved by God.
Have you ever considered the immense power and grace of God in your life? In this week’s episode Francis Chan delves into the transformative experiences of sharing faith in the humblest places, from Myanmar's huts to the depths of personal prayer. He helps us discover the delicate balance between the awe of God's holiness and the assurance of His love.
Do you truly experience the fullness of God in every aspect of your life? Or do you just know about Him? In this classic sermon, Francis Chan takes us through Ephesians 3:14-19, revealing how the Holy Spirit's power is not just for doing tasks for God, but more importantly, for deepening our knowledge and connection with Christ.
“For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.” (Ephesians 3:14–19)
If you were to assess your faith right now, where would you say you are when set against the backdrop of Scripture. In this thought-provoking sermon, Francis Chan delves into Revelation 3:15-18, confronting the lukewarm faith that’s prevalent in the church today. He challenges us to ignite our spiritual passion and align our lives with the truth of God’s Word.
“‘I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth. For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked. I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen, and salve to anoint your eyes, so that you may see.” (Revelation 3:15-18)
Imagine a life where your most selfless acts are done in private, not for public acclaim but for genuine service. In this week’s message, Francis Chan encourages us to embrace the profound impact of quiet, unseen kindness, setting a powerful example of humility and true discipleship.
“Things don’t make sense as believers if we’re not suffering.” In this classic message, Francis Chan exhorts all of us to see suffering the way that Scripture portrays it: a means of fellowship with Jesus like no other.
Listen to full sermon “Share in His Suffering” on the Crazylove Podcast: https://www.crazylove.org/podcast
We will never know how selfish we really are until God shines His light into our hearts. In this classic message, Francis Chan calls us to take our eyes off of ourselves to worship God, and shows us the wonder of His light entering the world through Jesus’ birth.
How much confidence do you have that God hears and will answer your prayers? In today’s episode, Francis concludes this classic message by calling us to a life of faith and believing that abiding in God is all that we need.
Knowing God through His Word is vitally important, but how well do you know Him through the prayers He’s answered in your life? In this first part of a classic message, Francis Chan testifies to the incredible ways He has come to know God’s love more deeply through the gift of answered prayer.
When people look at you, do they envy the joy you have in Jesus? In this classic message, Francis Chan pulls out the riches of God’s life-giving commands in Philippians 4 and what it looks like to walk in the joy of the Lord.
When you look at heroes of the faith, do you ever think there’s no way you could ever be like them? Or look at those who’ve fallen away and think you’ve got no chance of making it? In today’s episode, Francis Chan takes all of our excuses to task and exhorts us to fix our eyes on our ultimate example in Jesus.
In a time when so many prominent Christian leaders have fallen into sin, it’s crucial that our faith not rest on a human leader, but in knowing God for ourselves. In today's episode, Francis Chan guides us through how to respond when we hear about moral failure in the church and how to prepare ourselves for the day when we will stand alone before God.
In these times of chaos and darkness, it's easy for our minds to get as full of turmoil and negativity as the world around us. In today's episode, Francis Chan exhorts us to put away the problems and excuses that clutter our thoughts and reminds us to practice self-control and dwell on the things of God instead.
When the chaos of the world begins to feel overwhelming, it's easy to get distracted by the drama of it all. We can get so caught up in the physical realm that we forget that our battle is not with flesh and blood. In today’s episode, Francis Chan reminds us of the reality of this spiritual warfare and encourages the Church to remain in unity in light of the Gospel.
In todays episode Francis Chan talks about the newest video release from Crazy Love called “The Israel Project.” He's joined by Rob Zabala and Sean Brakey to discuss the heart behind the film and his hope that the church understands the wider narrative that God has been writing throughout history.
Watch “The Israel Project” at crazylove.org/israelproject.
Has it ever sunk in for you that apart from Jesus, you were an enemy of God? In today’s episode, Francis Chan walks us through the first few chapters of Romans and unpacks the riches of our reconciliation and hope in Christ.
In our culture of independence and doing things our way, we don’t like to be reminded how helpless we really are on our own. In today’s message, Francis Chan calls us to fully embrace the reality of our total dependence on God and our deep interdependence on the Body of Christ.
Have you ever pondered how the Church can maintain its distinctiveness amidst a divided world? In this week’s episode, Francis Chan explores how God's people find unity, adopt the mind of Christ, forsake worldly security, and walk in unwavering faith.
Do you ever get insecure over the things others can do that you’re just no good at? In this classic message, Francis unpacks a passage that changed his life and exhorts us to internalize a weighty truth: Before God even made you, He knew exactly what He would make you for.
Do you ever read the Book of Acts and get frustrated at not seeing the same realities in the church today? In today's message, Francis Chan encourages and exhorts the church to believe that it’s possible for us to see what the Church in Acts saw as we devote ourselves to what they did.
It is a difficult time to be a leader in the church. In today’s episode, Francis Chan discusses what it means to lead well in the church: what Scripture says about spiritual leadership, leading in an anti-authority culture, and one of the most important lessons God has taught Francis in all his years of leadership.
Do you ever read stories of judgment in the Bible and feel like God is overreacting? In today's message, Francis Chan helps us grasp the concept of sacredness in Scripture and applies it to our everyday lives in a surprising, convicting way.
Do you find yourself drawing life from a Christian leader, the things God has promised, or a sense of accomplishment? Or do you just want Jesus? In this second and final part of his classic message on John 15, Francis Chan keeps pointing us back to the reality of our dependence on Christ and that nothing is worth wanting more than Him.
It’s easy to stress over why the things we’re doing for God aren’t working. In the first part of this classic message, Francis Chan brings us back to the foundational truth of John 15: Jesus is the vine, we are the branches, and we can do nothing apart from Him.
There is a sacredness to the ways God meets us and speaks to us in the dark valleys of heavy loss. In today’s episode, Francis Chan concludes his conversation with his good friend Ryan Takasugi, reflecting together on the lessons learned from the Lord in a season of deep grief.
Do you find yourself running on the hamster wheel of winning others’ approval to stave off insecurity? In today’s episode, Francis Chan shares the first part of a conversation with his long-time friend Ryan Takasugi on earning human approval over the frightening, liberating path of receiving the freely given love of God.
What’s the difference between the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and the filling of the Holy Spirit? In today’s episode, Francis Chan invites us to cast off all unbelief and seek our Heavenly Father for the good gift He promised to give when we ask as His children.
Does spending time with God every day feel like a burden or obligation to you? In this classic message, Francis Chan brings us into the mind-blowing reality of what it means to meet with God and calls us to fight to keep our minds relentlessly focused on being with Him.
Scripture commands us to eagerly desire the spiritual gifts, but it can be easy to start pursuing His good gifts in ways that are off. In today’s episode, Francis Chan encourages us to pursue the gifts of the Spirit, with a caution to stay fixated on what matters most to God.
Is grace something God came up with in the New Testament, or has it been His plan all along? In this fourth and final part of his series on Galatians, Francis Chan traces the incredible story of blood sacrifice throughout the entire Bible and helps us to see how the grace of God has been His design from the very beginning.
So many voices in our heads are constantly telling us what we need to do to be accepted by God. In this classic message from Cornerstone Church, Francis Chan helps clear away the fog that keeps us from seeing God’s grace and calls us back to the freedom that Jesus died to give us.
Have you ever let your mind be blown by the fact that God is in pursuit of you? In this second part of his Galatians series, Francis unpacks the story of God’s pursuit of the apostle Paul, and the same unbelievable grace that sets us apart from birth and pursues us today.
Is the Christian life all about the things we have to do? Or about what we get to do by God's grace? In this classic teaching, Francis Chan kicks off a series on Galatians exposing the arrogance of thinking we can work our way to God. Most of all, he calls us back to the core of the Gospel message: it's what God did in His grace, not what we do, that saves us.
Can you imagine anything better than sitting at the feast table in God’s Kingdom one day? Can you imagine anything more important? In this classic message from Cornerstone Church, Francis breaks down the parable of the great feast in Luke 14 and shows us why there is no valid excuse for declining the greatest invitation we could ever receive.
Too many of us feel vaguely guilty for not praying as much as we should – but do we have any idea how insane it is that through Jesus, we can talk to the Creator of the universe at any time? In this classic message, Francis walks us through the simple story of the persistent widow and the wonder of believing that we have God’s ear when we pray.
From our early years, we are shaped by a society and homes that often prioritize separation over togetherness. Sadly, this trend echoes within the Church itself. But in John 17, we encounter a profound prayer from Jesus. In today's episode, Francis Chan reminds us of the necessity for UNITY in today's culture and explores the significance of this prayer, diving into its profound implications for our lives and the Church today.
Have you ever asked yourself, “What is beautiful in God’s eyes?” In today’s episode, Francis and Lisa share about some of their struggles and failures in marriage, the beauty of a gentle and lowly spirit, and an unashamed declaration of what God says about marriage.
For those of us that have been married for a few years, you may have discovered that some marriage issues have nothing to do with your marriage. In today’s teaching, Francis and Lisa Chan share their greatest hope and a key to marriage that’s far more valuable than better communication skills or parenting strategies – it’s seeing God for who He truly is.
When you worship the Lord, how easy is it for you to forget about everyone else in the room and express yourself with all your heart to God without feeling self-conscious? For a lot of us, that can be difficult. In today’s message, Francis describes the depth of love that God has for His children and calls us to a joy that should blow our minds as we go and serve the Lord with gladness.
Do we really believe that God can do anything? Or do we make sure our strategies and resources are lined up just in case we need to fall back on them? In today’s message, Francis takes us through stories about the kings of Israel and Judah, and the power of the church in Acts chapter 2, to confront our hearts with a weighty question: Do we really believe that God will strongly support and do what only He can do through the one who fully trusts in Him?
In the New Testament, Jesus is referred to as “Lord” over 700 times. But even though that term is used so frequently in scripture, do we truly understand the impact of that name? In today’s episode, Francis explains the foundational reality of what it means for Jesus to truly be our Lord – and why we should want Him to be our King.
Have you ever noticed how empty the messages of the world are? In contrast, as God’s ambassadors, we are called to fill the earth with His eternal message of life and hope. In this second half of Francis and David Platt’s shared session at Biola’s 2023 Missions Conference, Francis and David build on the theme of unity by exhorting us towards what should unify believers: an unwavering, unashamed commitment to the Word upheld by God’s people since ancient times, spoken by God Himself.
There is a direct, crucial connection between unity in the Body of Christ and the spread of the Gospel in the world. In this first part of a shared session at Biola’s yearly Missions Conference, Francis teams up with David Platt to unpack the mind-blowing invitation of God from the Gospel of John: to enter the oneness Jesus shares with the Father, and then share that unity with one another, so that the world may believe.
When you pray, how do you address God? Do you really take the time to let who He is to you sink into the core of your being? In today’s episode, Francis walks us through meditating on what it means to really approach God as our Creator, our Father, and our Bridegroom. In this message, there will be a few times when Francis stops to give time to pray and address God as who He is. We encourage you to pause the episode at those points and take the time to really go before the Lord and be blown away by who He is to you.
Many Christians put a high priority on the church believing and teaching the Word of God – but can we really claim to be standing for the truth without confronting sin? In this message from his time at Cornerstone Church, Francis calls believers to both hold up and live out the truth of God’s Word and lovingly stand for the purity of the Body of Christ.
Does it ever seem like the older you get, the less faith you have? We start our walk with the Lord with such a childlike excitement, but it sadly can change over time. In this week’s message, Francis challenges us to believe in a God that – even today – reveals Himself to His creation. We pray that this message stirs your faith and builds an expectation of the supernatural.
Welcome to the Crazy Love Podcast. As each day passes, it can feel like time is slipping away faster than ever before. It's easy to get caught up in the busyness of life and lose sight of what’s most important. None of us know how much time we have left. In this week's episode, Francis brings us through several parables and reminds us that there is no better time than now to start walking with Jesus. We hope this episode will inspire and encourage you, giving you a renewed understanding of the incredible worth of Jesus.
You probably know that God loves you – but do you really, deeply believe that He loves you? In this teaching, Francis opens up about a way that his perspective on God’s love often gets twisted, and invites us to trust in the Love that is so infinitely beyond our own.
In all of human relationships, marriage is the one expression that God wants to be a picture of Christ and the Church. That’s a high calling! In today’s episode, Francis and Lisa Chan share some of the lessons that they've learned about their marriage at the Antioch Marriage Conference. We pray that this message encourages you and helps you to see your marriage through the lens of the mission and Kingdom of God.
When we focus on only one aspect of who God is, we get dangerously close to heresy by having a lopsided view of Him. In today’s episode, Francis highlights an attribute of God he feels he’s neglected his whole life, and invites us to join him in drawing near to an incredible reality: God’s throne of grace.
What’s the treasure in your life that you can’t stop talking about? In today’s episode, Francis shares about one of his greatest treasures – the fear of the Lord – and walks us slowly, meditatively through Hebrews 12 towards a greater reverence and awe of the God we worship.
When you read scripture, it doesn’t take long to come across ideas that seem to contradict our natural logic - - things like God’s power being perfected in our weakness or the least will be the greatest in the kingdom of God. In today’s teaching, Francis unpacks Scripture’s counter-cultural wisdom and why it’s better to be at the house of mourning than at the best party.
If I asked you to name a miracle that’s recorded in Scripture, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? The blind receiving sight, or the dead to life?
In today's episode, Francis calls the church to seek God for a miracle only He can give: godly sorrow. We encourage you to listen in as Francis directs our hearts towards repentance, weeping over what grieves the Lord, and being the kind of "progressive" church that He desires.
When gathering together for worship, it’s good to minister to other people. Scripture commands us to look after the needs of those in the Body, but how often do we focus on ministering to the Lord? In today’s episode, Francis points us back to making what the Lord desires our highest priority: preparing ourselves for the moment we see His face, unashamedly declaring his truth, and ministering to Him with true worship.
The New Year is well underway, and many of us have set goals or made resolutions for things that we want to see happen in 2023. But, as Francis teaches in today’s episode, the New Year is a wonderful time to take a step back from your life and ask yourself: “Am I living with a reverence for God?” “Am I willing to obey whatever He’s speaking to me this year through His Word?” Like Paul instructed in the book of Philippians, we pray that this teaching encourages you to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
In this, the final episode of the One Table Series, the Chans and Vitales share from personal experience of the lessons learned from pursuing unity in their own lives. How do you walk through the process of reconciliation when you’re the one who’s been hurt? Is repentance something that we just have to do when we’ve sinned, or is it a gift that God gives us to draw closer to Him and others?
In discussions about unity, it’s easy to get so caught up with side issues that we miss the very center of it all: Jesus, Himself. Today, as we continue the One Table series, Francis, Lisa, Vince, and Jo open their hearts to talk about who Jesus is to each of them, what they love about Him, and what it means for our unity when we move “beyond” Jesus to focus on other things.
Scripture clearly commands believers to pursue unity with one another - but what about those passages where it commands us not to associate with certain people? How do we discern if a potential point of division is a core doctrine or a disputable matter? Is it possible that our unity isn’t hindered by our differences, but actually requires them? Listen to Part 4 of the “One Table” series on the Crazy Love Podcast.
Join us as we continue with Part 3 of our “One Table” series where Francis and Lisa Chan along with apologists Vince and Jo Vitale unpack the topic of unity within the church. In today’s episode, Francis shares about his recent trip to Israel, the impact it made in his view of scripture, the beauty of what God is doing uniting both Jewish and Palestinian believers, and what it means to live with a longing to see the Lord’s return.
In the book of First Corinthians, Paul tells the church, “If anyone thinks that he knows anything, he knows nothing yet as he should know.” (8:2) In other words, if we think we know it all, we really don’t know anything. So how do you know whether what you believe is true? Is it because you discovered it yourself and trust your own opinion? Or is there a better way? Francis and Lisa Chan unpack these questions with Vince and Jo Vitale in today’s episode – the second discussion in our “One Table” series.
Join Francis and Lisa Chan for a series of honest conversations with Vince and Jo Vitale about a seemingly impossible dream: unity in the Church.
In this episode, the Chans and Vitales probe into some foundational questions around pursuing unity: How can we ask honest questions about what we or others believe, despite our fears of being judged by others or facing our own doubts? How can we walk in constant humility to learn from those different from us without compromising the essentials? Is it naive to hope that the Church could ever be united again around one table?
We are living in a time like no other in the history of the Church. In this message given at Antioch's World Mandate conference, Francis Chan shares his excitement over the things that God is doing in the earth, and exhorts this generation to leave aside the free-thinking of our modern world and anchor itself in the ancient truth of God that unites all believers.
In the Old Testament, whenever the temple of God was mentioned, reverence, fear, and honor quickly followed. There was a great understanding that in the Temple, in the Holy of Holies dwelt the very real presence of God. Now, imagine you were there. How would you respond? In this week’s episode, Francis Chan, not only reminds of this truth but points us to 1 Corinthians 3 to reveal a truth about us, the body of Christ, that is often overlooked.
It is said that the average person speaks approximately 7000 words a day. Has it ever crossed your mind that if this is true for you, what percentage of those words were used for the purpose that God designed? In this week’s episode, Francis Chan, brings us through scripture to remind us of God’s heart for our words and the purpose for them.
When Jesus established the Church in the New Testament, He created it to be unstoppable, powerful, beautiful, and different from the rest of the world. But for many, Sundays have become more religion and tradition than a place of worship. When you gather with your local church, what do you look for? Is it Jesus? In this week’s episode, Francis Chan encourages our hearts to seek Christ, that He would be our lifeline, the center of church and the center of our lives.
In the book of Ephesians, the Apostle Paul prays that the church would be strengthened in the inner being, that God would do a miracle in their heart that would manifest itself in holiness and righteousness. In this week's episode, Francis Chan brings us through Scripture and reminds us how beautiful it is to know God and be known by Him.
One of the more beautiful Truths about God and man is that the Father loves us deeply, but the reality is, many people live as if this Truth wasn’t…true. In this weeks episode Francis Chan reminds us how deep the Father truly loves us and how this perfect love should be reflected in our gatherings as the Church.
When you read the story of the early believers in the book of Acts, what goes through your mind? The way they live amongst each other, the way they love one another, it seems beautiful but for many people, their experience of the Church looks like quite the opposite. In this week’s episode, Francis Chan takes through the story of the early Church in Acts 4 and encourages us to not only pursue living like the biblical church but to believe the Holy Spirit can do in us what He did in them.
For a lot of people, each day looks exactly the same. We wake up, we get dressed, we commute to work, we work, we go home, we sleep, and then it repeats all over again. When we live like that, it gets hard to see outside of our little bubble, and it’s quite easy to miss what God is doing everywhere else in the world. In this week’s episode, Francis Chan takes us to 1 Timothy 3 and shows us that there is a spiritual reality happening right now and if we pay attention, we’ll find our encouragement and bravery in the cross of Christ.
It’s not difficult to live a life in pursuit of our own dreams and ambitions and while those things aren’t bad in itself, when you consider the reality of who God is, it’s hard to know Him and walk away unchanged. In this weeks episode Francis Chan brings us to Ephesians 3:14-18 and reminds us to search our hearts and understand what it means to be filled with the fullness of God according to all the riches of His glory.
As human beings, it’s oftentimes much easier to talk about other people’s sin than it is to evaluate ourselves and assess our own lives in light of righteousness and holiness. In this week’s classic episode, Francis Chan reminds us to not flirt with disaster but to be diligent at taking every thought captive, addressing any sin, and bringing it to the cross.
When Jesus ascended into Heaven after His resurrection, He promised we would never be alone but rather, He would send His Comforter the Holy Spirit to indwell every Believer. In this week’s episode Francis Chan brings us back to 2 Peter and reminds us what it means to be led by the Holy Spirit in every area of our life.
If you took an assessment of your life - what would you say you work hardest at? For some, it’s your job or career, or raising your kids. Some would say its ministering to people, and while all these areas are important, the greatest thing you can do in your life is pursue Christ and His character. In this classic teaching, Francis Chan takes us to 2 Peter chapter 1 and reminds us what God thinks about holiness and character.
What does it mean to call Jesus your “Lord?” And what impact should that have on our lives? In this week’s episode Francis Chan reminds us of the reality of God and explains how the Holy God of the Universe desires us and loves us but is also our authority.
In a hyper-individualistic society, its easy to find answers in isolation and develop definitions for scriptural truths on our own. But have you ever thought about how you know what you know and whether it’s correct? In this week’s episode Francis Chan reminds us of humility in the church and how submission to authority is vital for unity in the body of Christ.
In this day and age, experts believe that there is estimated to be more than 200 Christian denominations in the U.S. and a staggering 45,000 globally. As astonishing as that number is, is this what Jesus had in mind when He established the Church? In part 1 of this week’s episode, Francis Chan reminds us of the power and weight of what it means to be the Church - The Body of Christ - as Jesus intended.
The Apostle Paul desired that the church “stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel.” But sadly, in this day and age, the Church seems more divided than it's ever been. Francis Chan exhorts us with a message reminding us that unity in the body of Christ is worth fighting for but it must begin with a proper perspective of the holiness of Christ.
When you read and study Scripture, what is your ultimate goal? Is it to find yourself in the story and focus on your needs? Or is it about something much bigger? In this week’s episode Francis Chan reminds us that Scripture isn’t about us. It’s always been about God from the very beginning. When we take a step back and maintain this perspective, it changes how we read and comprehend His Word, and ultimately how we give Him glory.
The prayer of many committed followers of Christ is simply, “Here I am, send me.” But in our desire to be used by God, Francis Chan explains that we need to make sure we don’t forget the most important things – to see Him clearly, to remain humble, and to tremble at His Word.
Walking with Jesus is the greatest joy of our lives. At the same time, we’re also navigating life’s challenges. But when you read the Scriptures you see people walking into adversity with courage and confidence. In this week’s episode Francis Chan takes us through Psalm 23 and reminds us what it truly means for the Lord to be our Shepherd.
When you’re studying the Bible, and you come across scriptures that just seem a little strange, what do you do? Do you just ignore it and keep reading? Or maybe try to rationalize it in the hopes that somehow it will make sense? In this week’s episode, Francis Chan explains how to approach those times when God’s thoughts just don’t line up with ours.
We live in a culture that celebrates independence. We love to hear stories of people who take on the world by themselves and overcome the odds to become a success. But oftentimes, that mentality can impact how we view the Church. In this week’s episode, Francis Chan shares from his heart how the Lord has convicted him of the importance of unity and the need to be built together, as living stones, into His temple.
For those of us that have been walking with Christ for many years, there’s a tendency to become so familiar with some portions of scripture that we are desensitized to their weight and urgency. In this week’s episode, Francis Chan brings us to Matthew 25 and reminds us how important it is to love the “least of these” in light of Jesus and eternity.
How do you respond when things get stressful? For a lot of us, we react with anger or annoyance. But what if there was a better way? In this week’s episode, Francis Chan points us to James 1:19. He reminds us what it means to slow down and show grace in situations like these and to approach things with the same grace and patience God shows us.
As time moves forward it is quite easy to be frustrated, angry, and maybe even depressed at the world’s current state. You look around and things seem to be falling apart. You look inside yourself to muster up your own peace but can’t find it there either. In this classic teaching from Francis Chan, we’re reminded to look up, at God, and consider how the Scriptures describe Him, because having a high view of God changes our perspective of the entire world. We pray that your heart of worship is elevated towards God today.
Life is moving so quickly. We are constantly jumping from one thing to the other, balancing time between work and family and personal life. Have you ever thought to check where God is in the midst of all of it? Because oftentimes we forget to make Jesus our priority. In this week’s episode Francis Chan brings us through 1 Peter 1-2 in order to remind us how sweet it is to spend quality time with the One who loved us first - JESUS.
If you look at the current spiritual condition of America, I think we all would agree that our nation needs the Good News of Jesus now more than ever. This week, Francis Chan along with Andy Byrd of YWAM Kona and Jimmy Seibert of Antioch Movement in Waco, Texas discuss the heart and vision behind the 100 Cities Training – a new initiative to equip and send out missionaries to plant churches in the 100 most unreached cities in America. We pray that today’s episode inspires you to take action and obey Christ’s command of the Great Commission.
There are so many things in our modern world that pull for our attention – entertainment, media, our jobs. Even as Christians we can be so focused on doing good works that we miss the most important thing – falling in love with the person of Jesus and being known by Him. This week, Francis Chan challenges us to evaluate our hearts and truly make Jesus the central focus of our lives.
The Apostle Peter tells us in 1 Peter to “sanctify Christ as Lord in our hearts, and to always be ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in us.” In this week’s episode, Francis Chan sits down with Apologists, Vince and Jo Vitale. Together, they speak on what it means to not only love Jesus with our heart and soul and strength, but to love Him with our minds as well. We pray this episode stirs a passion for Jesus and aligns your heart to love others like He does.
In a world saturated with false teachings and a desperate craving for popularity and fame, it can be difficult to keep truth at the center of our lives. In this weeks episode, Francis Chan takes us through Second Corinthians 4 and reminds us not to rely on our own wisdom or strategies to draw people to God; but that the gospel of Jesus Christ is powerful in itself.
If you were to assess your life right now, what would you say is the primary focus? Is it success or achieving the "American Dream?" Or perhaps it’s something smaller like social media or tv? In this week’s episode Francis Chan reminds us that the best time to be fully committed to the mission of Christ is right now. We have no time to waste.
It can be argued that one of the greatest problems plaguing our churches today is pride and narccissm. 2 Timothy tells us that in the last days people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant and abusive which would take away from the command to love and serve others. In this week’s episode Francis Chan encourages us through Philippians 2 and reminds us how all-satisfying it is to gaze at the beauty of God instead of staring at ourselves.
For some people, the Great Commission can seem like a daunting task. Oftentimes, it turns into strategies that are more dependent on the flesh than the Spirit. But Jesus promised to always be with us. In this week’s episode, Francis Chan reminds us of this truth as he discusses 1 Corinthians 2.
When we think of God, it’s quite easy for us to worship Him for His faithfulness, goodness, and love. These are true of God and reason to worship Him. But how often do we consider worshipping Him as being a God of Wrath? In today’s episode, Francis Chan takes us through Deuteronomy 31 and 32 and reminds us of how worthy God is of praise and worship…even in His wrath.
In today’s episode Francis is joined by the Directors of the Church Intensive, Sean Brakey and Rob Zabala. The Church Intensive is a ministry of Crazy Love called to serve the global church and help train and encourage pastors, church planters, and leaders. Francis shares how the Church Intensive began and what the Lord is speaking to him regarding some of the current challenges facing the church. We pray that this discussion encourages you and helps ignite a passion to see the church be faithful to its Biblical calling.
In 1873 there was a man named Horatio Spafford and after the tragic death of his four children and two years after his four year old son’s death, he took pen to paper and wrote the words, “When peace like a river attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll, whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, it is well, it is well, with my soul. Horatio Spafford deeply understood that no matter his lot in life, the greatest dilemma with his soul was solved by the shedding of Jesus’ blood on the cross. In this week’s episode, Francis Chan takes us to Luke 23 and reminds us of this unspeakable joy that comes from Jesus’ death.
When you wake up in the morning, do you ever consider the most important thing you have to do that day? For most of us, our first thoughts focus on ourselves or crossing out items on our To Do list. In this weeks episode, Francis Chan helps us understand that the most important thing we can do in a day is make time to tell Jesus how grateful we are for the cross. He brings us through the scene leading up to the cross in Luke 23 and reminds us what Jesus really came to save us from.
For many people, we read the scene in Luke 22 and can quickly judge Peter in his denial of Christ, but have you ever thought about how many times we’ve denied Christ in our own lives. This week, as we draw nearer to Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday, Francis Chan continues to walk us through the scene from Luke 22. He helps us consider it’s not only thinking about the times we have denied Jesus, but like Peter, understanding the weight of our sin and prayerfully repenting. We hope that you find this episode especially encouraging and that you’re given a fresh revelation of the worth of Jesus Christ.
Since the beginning of the year, Francis Chan and Crazy Love Ministries have been led by God into incredible opportunities. In this weeks episode, Francis provides an update on how the Lord has been speaking to him through prayer and the Scriptures. He shares amazing stories from the 50 Days of Prayer Initiative and how God’s favor has been clearly felt throughout. We pray that you find this episode especially encouraging and that you’re given a fresh revelation of the worth of Jesus Christ.
As we walk into the Easter season it’s not hard for many to get distracted from the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. And while it’s easy to get lost in the chaos of the world, the greatest hope that we have comes when we keep our eyes on the cross. In this week’s episode, we revisit an old message from Francis Chan as he brings us through the scene in the garden of Gethsemane found in Luke 22. He encourages us to consider the lengths at which Jesus gave Himself over to in order for us to have an eternal relationship with Him. We pray that this message brings you nearer to Him and gives you a fresh revelation of the worth of Jesus.
To anyone with experience…raising children can have its difficulties, but even in those times, God’s immeasurable greatness can still be felt. In this week’s episode we continue with Part 2 of a question and answer session between Francis and Lisa Chan and members from YWAM Kona. The Chan’s share their experiences raising their 7 children, lessons they’ve learned individually and as a family and how the overwhelming goodness of God can be seen all throughout. We pray that this message brings you nearer to Him and gives you a fresh revelation of the worth of Jesus.
If you had the opportunity to ask Francis and Lisa Chan a question about relationships, what would it be? In this week’s episode we begin a 2 part message with Francis and Lisa as they answer a few unscripted questions from some of the young leaders from YWAM Kona. The Chan’s share their heart on dating, marriage, and how to keep Jesus at the center of it all. We appreciate you joining us this week. We pray that you find this episode especially encouraging snd that it brings you closer in your walk with the Lord.
Whether it be from experience or theoretical, we all have some understanding of courage and cowardice. Webster defines a coward as “a person who lacks the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things.” Scripture on the other hand takes that to a new level and shows us numerous examples of spiritual courage both for the Church and the individual. In this week’s episode, we go back to a classic sermon from Francis Chan as he unfolds what courage (and cowardice) looks like according to God and the Bible.
Charles Spurgeon once wrote, “Whether we like it or not, asking is the rule of the Kingdom.” If you were to examine your own prayer life, what are you asking for? What are you asking for others? In this week’s episode, Francis Chan looks at the prayer of Paul found in Ephesians 3 and challenges us to desire the deeper things of God: to be strengthened in our inner being, to know the love of Christ, and to be filled with the fullness of God.
From Noah to Moses to David, from cover to cover, the story of the Bible is about more than the character on the page. It’s about God and His plan for all creation. But sadly, for many Christians, we read the Bible and look at our lives thinking it’s all about us. While our lives do play a part in the story, we are far from being the main character. In this classic teaching, Francis Chan reminds us that there is a greater Story and at the center of that Story, there is a King, Jesus upon whom everything depends. When we view our lives with a proper Biblical perspective everything begins to change.
If you were to ask someone right now, “Are you a good person?” what response would you expect to hear? For the vast majority of people in America, we would determine how “good” we are by comparing ourselves to others rather than to Jesus, Himself. In this classic teaching, Francis Chan confronts the sin of pride by taking a look at the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector found in Luke 18. He reminds us that, in order to guard against over confidence and self-righteousness, we need to remember who is ultimately our final Judge.
Imagine someone offers to pray for you, what would be the first thing you’d request prayer for? Many times, the focus of our prayers is on our physical needs or our relationships. But how often do we pray with the depth and fervor of the Apostle Paul? In this this week’s episode, Pastor Francis Chan expounds on the prayer of Paul found in Ephesians chapter 1. We pray that you would be inspired to pray like Paul for all the saints and the local churches across the globe. This message was taken from Forerunner Christian Church on November 27, 2021.
How do you know that God loves you? And what is the proof that His love is alive in you? In this week’s message, Pastor Francis Chan reminds us that the evidence of God’s Spirit in our lives is fruit – outer works that reveal the Father’s love overflowing to those in need around us. When we become doers of His Word, and not just hearers, we will find true joy. This message was taken from Forerunner Christian Church on June 12, 2021.
If you watch the news and consider the current state of the world, it’s obvious that we are in desperate need of the Spirit of God. But what is it that creates an atmosphere for His Spirit to move? Is it a perfectly manicured church service or a clever sermon? Is it a big budget and a large campus? Or do we need something deeper? In this week’s episode, Pastor Francis explains the powerful change that can take place as we receive the love and mercy of God and extend that love to others. This message was taken from Forerunner Christian Church on May 1st, 2021.
In this week’s episode, Pastor Francis Chan poses a sobering question to all Christians. Do you believe the truth of Scripture above your own thoughts and feelings? And if so, do your actions reflect it? In a culture that is drifting further and further away from God, Pastor Francis reminds us that now is the time to simply, and lovingly, speak His truth to the world. This message is from the Azusa Pacific University Chapel on December 9, 2019.
When we read scripture, there is a clear difference between when man is speaking and when God is speaking. Hebrews 4:12 describes the Word of God as living and active. While good sermon messages from powerful preachers can be helpful and encouraging, it is only God’s words that have the ability to change us in a way that far surpasses the thoughts of man. In this week’s episode Paster Francis Chan shows us how abiding in His Word has the power to change how we see the world and our role within it.
When you think of God, what comes to mind? Does it align with how the Bible describes God? AW Tozer said, “The most important thing about you is what you think about when you think about GOD” In this week’s episode, Pastor Francis Chan encourages us to look at God through the lens of Scripture with reverence and a holy fear. We learn that an accurate picture of what God is like can change not only the way you pray, but also your entire way of life.
Last week we started a two-part sermon series from our friend in the ministry, Andy Byrd of YWAM Kona. In this week’s episode, Andy continues his message on the current state of evangelism and missions in the 21st century. In this powerful teaching, he explains that the way to see the next spiritual awakening in the US and around the world is when the strategy of the Great Commission connects to the heart of the Great Commission.
During the last few weeks, Crazy Love was honored to welcome Andy Byrd of YWAM Kona. In this week’s episode Andy discusses the current state of evangelism and the Great Commission in the 21st century. He explains a few of the challenges he seen as well as the opportunities facing today's church. Andy has been with YWAM for over 15 years, traveling to numerous countries with a heart to ignite this generation and the future to go nation to nation fulfilling the Great Commission.
As many of you know, near the beginning of 2020, Pastor Francis Chan and his family followed God's lead and moved to Asia to work with the local church there. In this week's episode we sit down with Pastor Francis Chan as he provides us with an update on what's been going on this past year from his time in Hong Kong to his transition back into the US. He also shares with us a few of the things God has put on his heart along the journey he's currently on regarding unity in the church across the greater Body of Christ.
When you woke up this morning, did you come to God with an expectation for Him to move in power today? In this week’s episode, Pastor Francis Chan shares the importance of approaching God with expectation and faith. He explains how he believes there is a new season at hand for the Church in America where faith is tested and worship is elevated. Now is not the time to compromise on our worship towards God. He deserves and expects our very best, wanting to see unity in His body. This message was taken from Forerunner Christian Church on May 8th, 2021.
When you think about “church”, how do you imagine it looking like? What do you actually believe about “church” and the body of Christ? Have you ever thought about how you’ve reached those conclusions? Is it based on what you were taught or maybe your own prior experiences? Or is it founded on what we see in the Word of God? In this week's episode, Pastor Francis Chan challenges the Church to not settle for an unsatisfying imitation of the real thing, but rather to pursue unity and Christ's vision for his bride. This message was from the We Are Church gathering at the FOX Theatre on October 17.
There is a deep intimacy that takes place when we come together, in unity, at the Lord's table. God's desire is to commune with His Body, not just a collection of individuals. When we put aside our differences and join together to receive the Body and the Blood, something very special occurs.
For many Christians, the sacredness, holiness, and presence of God is thought to be more intense in the Old Testament compared to how one might assume God is in the New Testament. In this weeks episode, Pastor Francis Chan confronts this misconception as he continues on the topic of Communion. We learn that we have greater access to the power and presence of God today by our participation and partaking of the “Lord’s Supper”. He explains how we desperately need the Church body to come together for the institution of this holy sacrament. This message was from the We Are Church gathering at the Fox Theatre on October 3rd.
For the early church, communion was the main reason to gather. Pastor Francis Chan speaks on the importance and the power that takes place when we partake in the Lord’s supper. Our hope and prayer is that communion would no longer be an afterthought in the church, but the presence of Christ and the breaking of bread would be central.
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