Creative Flow: Thinkers and Change Agents
Our nineteenth episode of the Creative Flow: Thinkers and Change Agents Podcast Series features Carine Chisu, an Educational Innovation Advisor in Brussels, Belgium, and Christine Boyko-Head a Liberal Studies and Communications professor at Mohawk College based in Ontario, Canada. Carine owns her own business, and Christine is a playwright with a new book on arts-based strategies in higher education coming out soon.
Carine’s journey began when she realized old business models were coming to an end and decided to understand creativity better with an MS from the International Center for Studies in Creativity. Christine found creativity in arts education while teaching a Master’s level program on integrating arts across the curriculum at Leslie University.
Carine and Christine met in a Zoom session and the COVID pandemic brought them together as “a force of nature” from two different continents. Their collaboration includes workshops and writing a book together. In their Return on Risk and Return on Ritual workshop, Carine addresses risk and entrepreneurial Creativity, and Cristine discusses how rituals can help participants. Their relationship is based on a shared commitment to Creativity, a passion for the arts, and the belief in human potential.
Don’t miss this fascinating discussion of international experiences and how the COVID-19 pandemic has made global collaboration and distance learning more accepted. Carine and Christine are comfortable teaching online, have developed friendships, and enjoy their time together empowering learners to benefit from the virtual experience. This new reality helps learners find their voice and increases inclusivity.