Creative Flow: Thinkers and Change Agents
Our twenty-fourth episode of the Creative Flow: Thinkers and Change Agents Podcast Series features Laura and Tim Switalski, a married couple who share a passion for using deliberate creativity in their lives and work. Originally from Milan, Italy, Laura met her husband in Buffalo, NY, at the Creative Problem Solving Institute (CPSI). They used creativity to find a way to be together despite the distance from Milan to Buffalo. Ultimately, they came to work together at Darwin Associates, the consulting business Tim founded, now celebrating its 27th anniversary. They both have an MS in Creativity and Change Leadership from the Center for Applied Imagination, SUNY Buffalo State, where Laura is also on the adjunct faculty.
Tim discusses a success story with the NYS Office of Mental Health, Division of Children and Families, teaching facilitators and conducting youth summits statewide. This work prompted real social, policy, and funding changes, and is being published in a book on Collective Intelligence. During the pandemic, they worked to help two private schools successfully merge into one. From dialogue sessions to action teams, they helped the new organization create a shared vision and strategy.
Another legacy of Tim and Laura is their work founding the CREA Conference in Europe, a multi-cultural event that has been held for over 18 years. Tim describes the creative flow he finds in musical harmony, and Laura discusses her flow when doing yoga, dancing, and walking in nature.
Don’t miss this entertaining discussion from a married couple who describes using creativity in their everyday lives together and the many successes they have achieved in their work with Creative Problem Solving.