Despite what gurus, playlisters, and "promo" companies broadcast to the internet, there is no one size fits all strategy for growing a fan base! Proper music marketing strategies depend heavily on the artist in the driver's seat...
In this episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Ed talk through a variety of "what if" strategy scenarios that come up in discussions with IndieX artists to help you discover the starting point for your music marketing! Learn about how to drive new listeners to streaming platforms, reactivate a cold social media following, and convert fans into customers.
If you find yourself wondering what strategies might apply to your unique situation, this episode will set you up at the right starting point!
When To Focus on Warm and Cold Advertising
How To Activate Your Social Media Following
The Challenges With Converting Streams To Fans
Why Cobranded Content Can Bring You New Fans
How To Turn Fans Into Subscribers and Customers
Learn The $1/Day Traffic Strategy and The Buddy System Inside IndiePRO
Looking to expand your team or need marketing help in 2023? Apply to work with IndieX!
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