Laura interviews journalist and author Sheron Boyle, who lived in Yorkshire at the time PS was attacking and killing women. Sheron also covered the case extensively, interviewing many of the victims and police officers involved as well as John Sutcliffe, PS’s father. Laura and Sheron discuss other potentially linked offences and a letter PS wrote to Sheron, as well as Sheron’s interview with a number of the officers investigating the case and PS’s background, which sheds some light on his psycho/social development and the decisions that he chose to take in life. Sheron wrote the book entitled Working Girls and Their Men– a Candid Investigation into Prostitution in Britain. #VictimsMatter #TrueCrime #Podcast #CrimeAnalyst #TheForgottenVictims Sheron’s Book A Candid Investigation into Prostitution in Britain Articles by Sheron
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