Today, on Crime & Entertainment, we present another installment of "Behind the Gangster." On this show, we will deep dive into a particular gangster's life that has been portrayed on-screen. As audience members, we often wonder about the validity of story lines within organized crime movies. Well, "Behind the Gangster" will allow you to get the answers. Today, alongside Anthony Ruggiano Jr. we will give a perspective of the Teflon Don himself John Gotti.
John Gotti is one of the most charismatic & polarizing mafia members ever in the history of LA Cosa Nostra. Gotti, alongside his brothers, grew up in poverty and turned to a life of crime at an early age. Gotti quickly became one of the crime family's biggest earners and a protégé of Aniello Dellacroce, the Gambino family underboss, operating out of the neighborhood of Ozone Park in Queens.
Gotta would rise through the ranks and become a full made member of the American Mafia. When long time Boss Carlo Gambino passed away many thought the job would go to Underboss Aniello Dellacroce, however the spot was given to Paul Castellano his nephew. The resentment of Gotti plus the fact that his brothers and members of his crew were dealing drugs only fuled the fire that was burning. Aniello died shortly after Paul became boss and FBI's would bring down indictment of members of Gotti's crew for selling narcotics, Gotti began to fear that he and his brother would be killed by Castellano for dealing drugs. As this fear continued to grow, and amidst growing dissent over the leadership of the crime family, Gotti organized the murder of Castellano.
At his peak, Gotti was one of the most powerful and dangerous crime bosses in the United States. During his era, he became widely known for his outspoken personality and flamboyant style, which gained him favor with some of the general public. While his peers generally avoided attracting attention, especially from the media, Gotti became known as "The Dapper Don", for his expensive clothes and personality in front of news cameras. He was later given the nickname "The Teflon Don" after three high-profile trials in the 1980s resulted in his acquittal, though it was later revealed that the trials had been tainted by jury tampering, juror misconduct and witness intimidation.
Gotti's underboss, Salvatore "Sammy the Bull" Gravano, aided the FBI in convicting Gotti; in 1991, Gravano agreed to turn state's evidence and testify against Gotti after hearing the boss make disparaging remarks about him on a wiretap that implicated them both in several murders. In 1992, Gotti was convicted of five murders, conspiracy to commit murder, racketeering, obstruction of justice, tax evasion, illegal gambling, extortion, and loansharking. He received life in prison without parole and was transferred to United States Penitentiary, Marion. Gotti died of throat cancer on June 10, 2002
Was John Gotti good for the Mob?
Was John Gotti bad for the Mob?
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