Today on Crime & Entertainment, we present our first installment of Behind the Gangster. On this show, we will deep dive into a particular gangster's life that has been portrayed on screen. As audience members, we often wonder about the validity of story lines within organized crime movies. Well, Behind the Gangster will allow you to get the answers. Today, we sit down with former Gambino family associate, Anthony Ruggiano Jr. Anthony grew up alongside many members of organized crime because his father, "Fat Andy", was a highly respected member of the Gambino's. One of the guys he grew up with was Lucchese mobster, Thomas DeSimone, whom we will be covering in today's episode. Thomas DeSimone was born May 24, 1950, and disappeared on January 14, 1979. He was an American criminal associated with New York City's Lucchese crime family who is alleged to have participated in both the Air France robbery and the Lufthansa heist. He also committed numerous murders, including killing William Bentvena in 1970. DeSimone went missing in 1979 and is believed to have been murdered. DeSimone's career in the Lucchese family is explored in the book, Wiseguy by Nicholas Pileggi, and inspired by the character of Tommy DeVito, portrayed by Joe Pesci in the 1990 film Goodfellas. So, strap in and listen as we go Behind the Gangster.
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