Today on Crime & Entertainment, we have an absolutely bonkers tale of former Sandusky County Sheriff, Kyle Overmyer. Overmyer joined law enforcement following in his fathers footsteps and eventually became the youngest elected sheriff in Ohio's history at the age of 34 years old. However, the stress of the job combined with a diagnosis of arthritis led him down a dangerous path of addiction which eventually got the better of Overmyer. Throughout his time as sheriff, he was prescribed more than a 1,000 pills over a two-year period. The investigation into Overmyer began in December 2015 when police chief brought attention to the media that he had stolen drug "take-back boxes" filled with discarded drugs from various police departments in Sandusky County. He ultimately faced a 43-count indictment, including 38 felonies in 2016 while he was running for re-election. He chose to not go to trial and was sentenced to Allen Oakwood Correctional Institution in Lima, OH for 4 years. However, since his release he has used his life events as a cautionary tale to warn others of the dangers of addiction. As an individual who has lived on both sides of the law- a sheriff and a recovering addict, he has now found his true passion. This passion includes helping other in recovery, sharing his story as a motivational speaker, and advocating for first responders through KO Addiction, LLC, which is an organization he founded to help others. So, strap in for this amazing roller coaster ride with former Sherriff turned Inmate, Kyle Overmyer.
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