Today on Crime & Entertainment we dive into the mind of a high-end art thief, Joselito Vega, otherwise known as Picasso Vega. Vega, a 42 year old who worked for Zimmer painting Inc., allegedly stole three works of art in March of 2011 from a well-known art collection. Vega was facing up to 26 years in jail after being arrested for charges stemming from the art theft. The theft took place in the Schulhof estate, a Long Island mansion which houses over 300 twentieth century artworks valued at millions of dollars. When one of the pieces — Jean Dubuffet’s Armchair II — was sold at an auction, investigators traced the payment to a Brooklyn mailbox belonging to Joselito Vega, who had been hired to paint the home prior to the paintings’ disappearance. Police nabbed Vega in a sting operation when Vega was invited back for another paint job at the Schulhof house, where he was videotaped “scrutinizing” a crate full of paintings before placing three selections (one of which was a Picasso) in a black garbage bag. But Vega’s defense attorney says that prosecutors laid an unfair “trap” for his client. Further, his lawyer contended that Vega “‘couldn’t know much about art’ because he is accused of selling a painting ‘he was alleged to have stolen for $10,000 when he should have sold it for $50,000." The whereabouts of the other two stolen paintings — Frank Stella’s Tuftonboro (appraised at $25,000) and Norman Lewis’s Flower (appraised at $10,000) — are still unknown. A judge eventually determined that Vega was even more valuable than the art he stole and set his bond at $1 million. This crazy tale was recently made into a documentary called "The Picasso of Thieves." So, tune into this crazy tale of art theft turned documentary here on Crime & Entertainment.
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