Today, on Crime & Entertainment, we have Steve Nigg. Steve has had a storied past, to say the least. Starting off at juvenile prisons, then graduating to prisons like Arizona State in Florence, AZ. From that point, he was contacted by the Aryan Brotherhood and started prospecting. He would go to 3 different prisons before being released and then began the straight life. For over a decade, Steve lived a clean life, making good money and running a family business. However, after his father passed away, a series of unfortunate events sent Steve back to prison for another 15 years. This time, Steve came with an attitude, and guys like Jared Fogle felt his wrath. 20 others would also feel that wrath until Steve was released last year. Now, Steve is on a mission to not only live a better life but to help raise awareness on situations involving predators and try to keep children out of harms way. So, join us as this wild ride unfolds with the man himself, I call him a Hero, Steve Nigg.
Steve's charitable organization is called
Steve's Warrior Children.
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