The Crit Club is traveling through time into the distant future of 2021 with the help of the 2003 film It’s All About Love by club-fave Thomas Vinterberg. This surreal, sci-fi-esque movie revolves around the disintegrating relationship between Claire Danes and Jaoquin Phoenix amid a world of people dying of broken hearts and gravitational distortions. All wrapped around Polish-ish accents and ice skating. Sound intriguing? Well give a listen and see if we were warmed up by this ice age tale.
Join us next week for a Coire pick, and our first doc in a while! We’ll watch the 1974 Vietnam War documentary Hearts and Minds.
You can follow the whole of our podcast, aided by this helpful spreadsheet which documents all the scores we gave to the movies we have watched.
And drop us a line! You can email us at [email protected] or find us on Instagram or Threads with the handle @critclubpodcast.
Crit Club's theme song and art were made by co-host Peter Allen Clark.