51 avsnitt • Längd: 65 min • Veckovis: Torsdag
What do weird fiction and folklore have in common? That’s what this giant anthropomorphic crow and fern flower (Yes, that’s a thing. A folklore thing!) are here to find out! Take a deep dive into horror, fantasy, and science fiction stories of the epic, the fascinating, and the bizarre from ancient history all up to modern times. We look into all the ooey gooey madness you never knew you were missing!
The podcast Crow and Fern’s Guide to Weird Fiction, Folklore, Mythology, and Everything in Between is created by Dr. Crow and Ms. Fern. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Have you ever watched the Witcher and wondered if it was actually ever a real job? What if the answer was yes, but in addition to casting out demons and other foul creatures, you could also control the weather, summon dragons and all manners of spirits, speak every language, and cure disease? The job description you just read is for the position of solomonar-- and there are still people alive today who met these strange wizards in their lifetime. So pull up and listen to some lore and firsthand accounts about one of history's strangest jobs.
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: crowandfernsguide
TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide
X: @Crow_and_fern
Tumblr: CrowandFern
Email: [email protected]
Poveşti cu solomonari by Catalin Manole
Samanism, Ayahuasca si alte...minuni
Welcome back, children! Yes, it’s been 3 weeks, and yes it was Crow’s fault, but we’re back, and this week we bring you: Philosophy, neuroscience, and androids! No, not the phones. The humanoid robots that would have been the best human companions if they’d just stop gaining consciousness.
HAL 9000, David8, Ava, to name a few. If there’s one thing Sci Fi loves to do, it’s to freak us out. And it often does this by asking the question: what if man-made creatures gained sentience? But what exactly is ‘sentience’? What defines being human? Do we really understand what makes us us enough to pass judgment on creatures we deem unworthy of our respect? In the first of many episodes to come on Androids, Crow discusses the philosophical and neuroscientific aspects of consciousness and how it was examined in, arguably, one of the most popular modern day movies examining human androids: Ex Machina.
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: crowandfernsguide
TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide
Twitter: @Crow_and_fern
Tumblr: CrowandFern
Email: [email protected]
Consciousness explained or described? https://academic.oup.com/nc/article/2022/1/niac001/6523097?searchresult=1#377634645
Scientific American: What Is Consciousness? https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/what-is-consciousness/
EX MACHINA (2014) EXPLAINED: THE EMPATHY QUESTION https://www.thehaughtyculturist.com/films/ex-machina-2014-themes-analysis-explained
A New Explanation for Consciousness https://neurosciencenews.com/consciousness-theory-21571/
Twilight Sleep https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twilight_sleep#:~:text=Twilight%20sleep%20(English%20translation%20of,of%20pain%20management%20during%20childbirth.
I (Fern) am really excited to share an absolute favorite of mine, the tale of Kiviuq from Inuit mythology. This fascinating story shares the tale of a man lost at sea, trying to find his way home in the unforgivingly harsh Arctic climate. He faces strange and magical dangers as he passes through a dreamlike world, all the while doing his best not to starve or freeze to death.
Michael Kusugak's Version:
Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: crowandfernsguide
TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide
Twitter: @Crow_and_fern
Tumblr: CrowandFern
Email: [email protected]
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
Skip to 6:10 to jump right into the episode.
Have you ever wondered what lay behind the chipper eyes of everyone’s favorite deep sea pineapple inhabitant? Why children make an appearance as harbingers of terror in so many horror movies? What makes someone take a look at a cat obsessed with lasagna and think ‘This cat is an eldritch god intent on the destruction of humanity’? Why are we so turned off by sluggish cartoons like Teletubbies and Moon and Me? What makes clowns and rabbits and dolls so scary when we grow up?
What makes clowns Welcome BACK, children, to another crow episode. This episode is full of experimental psychology theories and also a few of our own. We’re going to be looking into r/imsorryjon and the weird world of horror set in…children’s T.V shows? This isn’t your average nostalgic horror. This is the dark side of Spongebob that creepypastas insist exists. This is the terrifying ‘what ifs’ that explore corrupted innocence. And when works that explore lost innocence like Hereditary and Skinamarink do exist, you’ve got to wonder…why pick at 1990’s comics and cartoons meant to entertain children? What do we see as adults that we were so blind to as 8 year olds? Well, you’ll just have to listen to find out…
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: crowandfernsguide
TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide
Twitter: @Crow_and_fern
Tumblr: CrowandFern
Email: [email protected]
Vsauce: Why are Things Creepy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEikGKDVsCc
What’s so fascinating about weird children’s TV shows? By Linda Geddes. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20191206-why-children-find-weird-television-so-mesmerising
Science Daily: Children and adults see the world differently, research finds https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/09/100913153630.htm
On The Nature of Creepiness https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0732118X16300320
The Uncanny Valley: A Possible Explanation for Creepiness https://medium.com/@lutian_71494/the-uncanny-valley-a-possible-explanation-for-creepiness-5ce7361d777e
Children’s perception of uncanny human-like virtual characters https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0747563214002015
Today I fulfill my promise to Crow to "put her through hell" as we discuss one of her favorite phobias-- rabbits and hares. We'll talk about the folklore throughout the ages and across the world. Are rabbits kind and helpful, devious tricksters, or downright dangerous beings who will use their innocent appearance to put us at ease right before they destroy us? Topics today include the Hare in the Moon, Br'er Rabbit/Compère Lapin, Rabbits in witchcraft, Milk hares, the Bunny Man Killer, and yes, the one and only Easter Bunny and the history behind it. Come see if I succeed in scaring Crow with stories of hares and rabbits from folklore and mythology!
Reference Links:
Eostre Archeology Paper (Cute bunny broaches pg 221): https://www.researchgate.net/publication/346357286_The_Shifting_Baselines_of_the_British_Hare_Goddess
Bunny Man Creepy Pasta (Forbes): https://www.castleofspirits.com/the-classics/the-clifton-bunny-man
Brian A Conley's Paper on the Bunny Man: https://research.fairfaxcounty.gov/local-history/bunnyman
Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: crowandfernsguide
TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide
Twitter: @Crow_and_fern
Tumblr: CrowandFern
Email: [email protected]
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
Welcome BACK, children. In today's episode, we're finally going to be taking a look into a genre that more or less introduced Weird Fiction to a wider audience: Cosmic Horror. Crow takes us abroad the S.S What's It, so we can sail to the island of Greater Marrow. In Dredge we play a fisherman who explores the oceans around the island to catch a wide variety of fish. This is no fishing simulator, however. Because when night falls, strange things start to happen...and our fisherman finds himself teetering on the edge of sanity the longer he spends in the midst of them.
What strange things, you ask?
Well, you're just going to have to listen and find out!
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: crowandfernsguide
TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide
Twitter: @Crow_and_fern
Tumblr: CrowandFern
Email: [email protected]
Cosmic Horror: A Study of the Unknowable
Fear of the unknown: One fear to rule them all?
A Short History of the Sublime
Meaning of awe in Japanese context: Beyond fear and respect
The world has always been fascinated with noxious nightshades. Visions, shape-shifting, contact with the dead-- these are just a few of the things associated with these toxic plants. This week we talk about both the science and the folklore surrounding belladonna and henbane, two of the old world's most important hexing herbs.
Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: crowandfernsguide
TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide
Twitter: @Crow_and_fern
Tumblr: CrowandFern
Email: [email protected]
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
After the birth of her daughter in 1885, Charlotte Perkins Gilman suffered from severe postpartum depression. This led her to Doctor Silas Weir Mitchell, one of the most prominent neurologists of his time and a pioneer of the once popular rest cure. Two years after her divorce and three years after the treatment, in 1892, Charlotte wrote one of her most well known works: The Yellow Wallpaper. A story about a woman led into madness after being prescribed the rest cure by none other than her physician husband.
Welcome back, children, to another Crow episode. Today we're taking a look at an important piece of horror and weird fiction: Charlotte Perkins Gilman's The Yellow Wallpaper. In doing so, we're also going to be taking a look at a rather difficult subject that many have struggled with. What happens when your medical concerns are dismissed by the medical community? What is the history behind this? How can we improve so that we don't keep slipping between the cracks? Buckle in, because we're in for a longwinded ride!
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: crowandfernsguide
TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide
Twitter: @Crow_and_fern
Tumblr: CrowandFern
Email: [email protected]
‘Why I wrote The Yellow Wallpaper? ’, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
The living of Charlotte Perkins Gilman : an autobiography
The diaries of Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Datura is somehow the nightshade that no one knows about. And yet, despite that it's been used throughout the world to connect with the divine and peer into the future. This deadly plant has a rich lore, both in modern horror stories and the mythology of the past surrounding the vivid hallucinations it produces and the deftness with which it takes the lives of its users. I guarantee, this is the most interesting plant you've never heard of.
Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: crowandfernsguide
TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide
Twitter: @Crow_and_fern
Tumblr: CrowandFern
Email: [email protected]
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
Welcome back, children, to another episode of 'are you guys ever going to stick to a proper release schedule?'. In today's episode, Crow and Fern wear a sardine suit and make their way through a pulsating fish processing planet. That's right, we're taking a look at How Fish is Made and what it truly means to choose. Are any of us really responsible for our choices? Are we significant enough to possess 'free will'? Does any of it really matter? Grab your Omega-3, because maybe this oily fish will shed some light on those questions for us!
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: crowandfernsguide
TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide
Twitter: @Crow_and_fern
Tumblr: CrowandFern
Email: [email protected]
Free will and Determinism http://www.philosopherkings.co.uk/Freewillanddeterminism.html The clockwork universe: is free will an illusion? https://amp.theguardian.com/news/2021/apr/27/the-clockwork-universe-is-free-will-an-illusion Free Will, Determinism, and the Criminal Justice System
https://www.jgcrimlaw.com/free-will-determinism-and-the-criminal-justice-system.html For Whom Does Determinism Undermine Moral Responsibility? Surveying the Conditions for Free Will Across Cultures
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6848273/#:~:text=Since%20determinism%20implies%20that%20agents,responsibility%20are%20incompatible%20with%20determinism. The Public Health-Quarantine Model by Gregg D. Caruso
Today we dispel the myth that transgender people are a recent phenomenon by reaching deep into ancient mythology and discussing the stories of Caeneus and Iphis from Ovid's Metamorphoses. Ovid is one of the great Roman poets, and in this poem he made the bold attempt to record the entire history of the world up to his time, bringing together a wide variety of stories under the collective theme of transformation. The two stories I'm taking from his collection today take place in Greece and Crete and originated in Greek mythology. You will be amazed how real these characters seem and how familiar their struggles are, despite the fact that they were written thousands of years ago.
Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: crowandfernsguide
TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide
Twitter: @Crow_and_fern
Tumblr: CrowandFern
Email: [email protected]
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
Other Links: The Trevor Project: https://www.thetrevorproject.org/
In today's episode, Crow is late (once again) to bring us the story of Niki Junpei. Or, rather, Niki is here to bring us the story of Niki Junpei, because he's going to be our guide through Kobo Abe's desert of horrors in The Woman in The Dunes!
Abe has long been described as 'The Kafka of Japan'. Although, honestly, that's taking away from the brand of surrealism he brings to his stories, which we will be taking a look at as we follow Niki (an etymologist out to discover a new species of beetle) to a fishing village somewhere in the desert shores of Japan. Having long been abandoned by officials, its houses have fallen into despair, with villagers relying on what odd plants they can harvest in the arid environment and, presumably, fishing. As night falls, we're forced to take shelter in one of the odd homes of one of the villagers who welcomes us in with open arms. We'll be back by tomorrow this time, everyone, I promise! So grab your flap caps, your desert boots, your butterfly nets, and...pack enough water to last a while...
Just in case.
Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: crowandfernsguide
TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide
Twitter: @Crow_and_fern
Tumblr: CrowandFern
Email: [email protected]
Sound Effects and Music from Pixabay, SoundEffectsFactory, and a huge, huge shoutout from our itty bitty podcast to Michael Ghelfi Studios for letting us use their Desert ambience tracks for this episode.
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
A Study Guide for Kobo Abe's "The Woman in the Dunes" by Cengage Learning, Gale.
Kobo Abe info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C5%8Db%C5%8D_Abe
Fake Fish: The Theater of Kobo Abe by Nancy Shields
Ars technica (TRIGGER WARNING FOR PEOPLE WHO HATE BUGS) https://arstechnica.com/science/2018/09/gangs-of-beetle-larvae-lure-fathers-of-their-next-meal-into-sex-trap/
Love doesn't come as easily to some people as it does to others. For some of us, it just takes more time. In this fairytale we highlight a love that is hard won, but all the more beautiful for it. Join us as we follow Mannakin in his quest to win the heart of a princess who cannot love. This epic French tale includes a kingdom of adorable dogs, a fairy named after stinky cheese, and of course, and a formidable mountain with a palace made of ice. Wait, come back-- this isn't Frozen, I swear! One of my (Fern) all time favorite stories, this is a funny, sweet story with a surprising amount of heart behind it. (See what I did there?) Whether you want exciting adventure, quick humor, or a very genuine feeling love story, Heart of Ice is for you.
Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: crowandfernsguide
TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide
Twitter: @Crow_and_fern
Tumblr: CrowandFern
Email: [email protected]
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
Hello again, children! Boy, have we got a special episode for you. Today, Crow is going to be taking us on a tour of The Backrooms--a creative writing community that takes us through the backstage of our known universe. Where pools extended into infinity and stepping into the wrong elevator can take you to a whole of vast, endless, empty horror. Ask your moms for permission, pack your bags, and come along with us as we discuss the horror of familiar places.
Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: crowandfernsguide
TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide
Twitter: @Crow_and_fern
Tumblr: CrowandFern
Email: [email protected]
Sound Effects and Music from Pixabay, and Zapsplat
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
1) Super eyepatch wolf video on Liminal Horror
2) Wendigoon's Backrooms
3) Backrooms Wiki
4) Structural deviations drive an uncanny valley of physical places 5)Liminal Space :What Is It And How Does It Affect Your Mental Health?
Hi, it's me, Fern. I'm finally back. This episode is a little different from my normal ones. Over the course of this last month I've been dealing with the death of my brother, who took his own life. I've been compiling my thoughts on loss and grief and how to heal and the stories that have helped me feel a little peace. I wanted to put it all together into an episode to commemorate him, and also because there may be someone else out there that will find comfort in these stories, too. I'm putting a trigger warning on this episode for discussion of death and suicide. If this is too heavy for you, feel free to skip to the next episode. I understand, completely.
If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, please take advantage of the following resources-- and remember, there are people who love you and want to help.
http://www.sprc.org/ https://save.org/
Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741-741
Crisis Phone line: 1-800-273-8255
Chat Line: http://chat.suicidepreventionlifeline.org/GetHelp/LifelineChat.aspx
Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: crowandfernsguide
TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide
Twitter: @Crow_and_fern
Tumblr: CrowandFern
Email: [email protected]
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
We're playing with the big boys this week, children. Arguably, with one of the fathers of weird fiction, none other than: Edgar Allan Poe! Like in the Kafka episode, there's an endless sea of suitcases to unpack here so we're going to be focusing on one tiny shoebox in the pile. Guilt. Many of Poe's characters fit the profile of the tortured villain, and many of these stories are often superficially analyzed in the context of the murderer with the heavy conscience. But is that really all there was to stories like The Black Cat and The Tell-Tale Heart? In this episode, we will be dissecting two of Poe's most well known stories to understand just why this was such a recurring theme in his works...
TRIGGER WARNING for violence against animals in The Black Cat from 13:00 to 27:50.
Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: crowandfernsguide
TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide
Twitter: @Crow_and_fern
Tumblr: CrowandFern
Email: [email protected]
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
Murder in The Family: An Analysis of Two Poe Short Stories: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF00901034
Edgar Allan Poe’s Black Cat Forensic Psychology: https://muse.jhu.edu/article/561947/pdf
Make room, make room! The world's overpopulated and authors, artists, screenwriters alike are trying to think of solutions to save us from the consequences of our hubris. Crow's talking environmental dystopias this week as she dissects a weird favorite: Soylent Green! Grab a cup of hot cocoa and huddle up as the world burns around us, children, as we look into a genre that's become more relevant than ever--its origins, how it developed throughout the decades, and whether or not Soylent Green might come to a grocery store near you!
Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: crowandfernsguide
TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide
Twitter: @Crow_and_fern
Tumblr: CrowandFern
Email: [email protected]
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
Clutch your pearls, children, it's another Crow Episode. Yes, it's true, ten million years later Crow has crawled out of her pile of decomposing leaves and blueberries to bring us the harrowing tale of a bunch of frenemies who join forces to teach us everything about killing your darlings.
Today we're talking Nothing But Blackened Teeth by Cassandra Khaw, a book with an eye catching premise and stunning descriptions. Yet--something wasn't sitting quite right with Crow as she worked her way through it. As these descriptions stacked up, a nagging piece of writing advice that Crow had long since packed into the furthest corners of her mind came crawling back: Kill Your Darlings. Should we really gut our writing of everything that makes it special to us? Should we trim our favorite characters, the descriptions we're most proud of, the scenes that give our novel life? Tune in as Crow and Fern revisit this controversial piece of writing advice along the fusuma of Heian era mansion, and the bones of a jilted bride and all her ghostly servant girls.
Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: crowandfernsguide
TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide
Twitter: @Crow_and_fern
Tumblr: CrowandFern
Email: [email protected]
Word Painting: A Guide to Writing More Descriptively by Rebecca Mcclanahan
Today's story comes from India, where a series of very real attacks on sleeping people led to terrifying tales of a truly bizarre and horrifying cryptid. Join us as we try to discover what really happened in New Delhi on those dark nights where the Monkey-Man attacked.
Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: crowandfernsguide
TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide
Twitter: @Crow_and_fern
Email: [email protected]
Crow is BACK and ready to unleash all the post-exam frustration in this in-between episode. We're talking possessed hands from outer space and Stanley Kubrick references as she and Fern discuss Alien Hand Syndrome. When hands develop a mind of their own, and when parts of the brain fail to communicate properly, we end up with body parts that start fighting with each other, grabbing things off the shelf, or even attempting to harm the body they're attached to. Strap in to find out more about the causes of this curious neurological disorder, some documented cases, and whether or not there is a cure...
Case report 1: https://jnnp.bmj.com/content/65/3/366
Case report 2: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneur.2021.718706/full
Case report 3: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4059570/#:~:text=It%20can%20be%20classified%20into,performs%20goal%2Ddirected%20activity%20not
Anatomy and Neurophysiology: https://www.bps.org.uk/psychologist/anarchic-hand
Info about Corpus Colostomy: https://www.gosh.nhs.uk/conditions-and-treatments/procedures-and-treatments/corpus-callosotomy/
Personal story of man with AHS: https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2018/02/09/583633358/invisibilia-the-otherworldly-alien-hand-syndrome-animated
Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: crowandfernsguide
TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide
Twitter: @Crow_and_fern
Email: [email protected]
Fat-Frumos's adventures continue in this week's episode as he tries to perfect the art of abduction, fights an old lady over a horse, and tries to reverse his fiancee's self-induced blindness. The antics only get more bizarre as this time Fat-Frumos tries to help his pal the emperor find a true lady love of his own. Will there be wedding bells or death knells in our hero's near future?
Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: crowandfernsguide
TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide
Twitter: @Crow_and_fern
Email: [email protected]
What's a hero to do when his father sends him off to end a 50-year-old feud, his feral mother-in-law chews through all the chains he uses to restrain her, and all the food at his bestie's party is actually made of stone? Fat-Frumos attempts to tackle all these issues in Mihai Eminescu's classic tale of adventure, tradition, and... textiles?
Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: crowandfernsguide
TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide
Twitter: @Crow_and_fern
Email: [email protected]
History and folklore intersect in today's story about an African magic mirror and what happens when colonialist invaders decide that it should be theirs. Fern shares a dark tale that combines the mystic and impossible with very real, very tragic events in Mozambique. We'll discuss the disturbing past this tale preserves and the messages those who told it hoped to pass down.
Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: crowandfernsguide
TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide
Twitter: @Crow_and_fern
Email: [email protected]
For this week's slice of folklore we venture into the rich world of cryptids, albeit in a place you might not expect to find one-- Ohio. Along the muddy banks of the Little Miami River (yes, that's still Ohio) lurks a strange yet fascinating creature known as the Loveland Frogman. Over the course of nearly seventy years the frogman has been sighted four times. This story captures everything from terrifying nighttime glimpses to alleged hoaxes and a supposed dead cryptid in the trunk of someone's car-- and even a little Pokémon Go!
Also, feel free to check out the video captured of the Loveland Frogman here!
You can also see a (somewhat) better image of the frogman posted on our Instagram and Twitter! Speaking of which...
Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: crowandfernsguide
TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide
Twitter: @Crow_and_fern
Email: [email protected]
We've all know that scene in Harry Potter where poor Neville faints as the mandrake screams. But what is the real story behind the fabled mandrake plant? Is it as dangerous as we've all been told? Why is it said to scream when uprooted? And what is the history that led to the rich sense of lore that clings to this strange, oddly human root? Mandrake is a very real plant with potent properties that only add to the stories told about it. Join us this week as Fern explains the folklore, the history, and the science behind the mysterious-- and actually quite dangerous-- mandrake.
Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: crowandfernsguide
TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide
Twitter: @Crow_and_fern
Email: [email protected]
Do ferns flower, I hear you ask? Not from a strictly scientific perspective, no. However, if you indulge in a little belief in the magical and are willing to traipse into the darkest part of the forest in the middle of the night then you might be fortunate enough to get the opportunity to fight a witch for one of these enigmatic and purely fictitious flowers. And will it all be worth it if you beat the odds and manage to best whatever fearsome supernatural creatures want to kick your unkempt trash for this glowing treasure? That's a solid maybe! Join us this week as Fern tells the story of her namesake, fern flowers, and the dangerous power that they wield.
Charities to Support Ukraine:
Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: crowandfernsguide
TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide
Twitter: @Crow_and_fern
Email: [email protected]
See you all in the second half of February (and in Fern's episodes!)
As you watch the fat snowflakes fall all around, have you ever wondered what dark spirits lurk beyond the veil of frost? We associate white with purity and snow with beauty, but when we look beyond the surface, there is a cold heaviness that comes with it. And there is a mystery in a world obscured by the brightness of the snow. Death and beauty, love and light-- Winter is many things. See how they all come together in this one enigmatic yokai as we explore the phantom waiting within the storm.
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on Youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: crowandfernsguide
TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide
Twitter: @Crow_and_fern
Email: [email protected]
What kind of music do you think plays in our dreams?
Echoey, whimsical, with a healthy dose of creepy, hypnagogic pop emerged from the depths of the unconscious realms to drag us back to times not so long past. In today's episode, Crow takes a look at one particular artist, the animator behind such wonders as Cooking With Abigail** and Lima Bean Man and songs like the the tiktok famous Buttercup and Oh Klahoma: Jack Stauber. Who's the 'saddest little baby in the room', and how exactly do we 'electrify' someone's heart without, you know, going to jail? We take a look at a couple of reddit theories, and take a deep dive into Stauber's intriguingly weird style to see what it really means to write songs in this dizzying genre!
**It’s not Angela’s Kitchen who the heck is Angela I JUST got my license back.
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on Youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: crowandfernsguide
TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide
Twitter: @Crow_and_fern
Email: [email protected]
Ticking sound effect: https://pixabay.com/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=music&utm_content=37729
We've all heard of Krampus, the terrifying creature that goes bump on Christmas night, specifically. But did you know that there are many other terrifying evil Christmas characters? From the zombie Christmas horse of Wales to the belly-slitting goddess of cleanliness and the evil child-eating scarecrow man, join us this week as we explore anti-Santa figures in folklore. Get ready for Christmas by learning all the horrifying stories you can tell your friends and family to keep them up on Christmas Eve.
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on Youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: crowandfernsguide
TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide
Twitter: @Crow_and_fern
Email: [email protected]
It's five days to Christmas, so gather round the fireplace, children! Crow's dug through the Victorian archives and dug out the weird Christmas tradition that gave us Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol: Christmas Ghost Stories. Possibly dating back to when Christmas was still known as The Winter Solstice, families and friends used to gather round the fire and tell ghostly tales to ward the darkness away and celebrate the rebirth of the sun. This was then adopted into Victorian Christmas traditions and, soon, writers started spending their autumns perfecting ghost stories to sell around Christmas time. In this week's episode, Crow tells us one such story just in time for the holidays. So grab your hot cocoa, eggnog, mulled wine, or what have you, and sit your butts down for a tragic, phantasmic tale!
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on Youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: crowandfernsguide
TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide
Twitter: @Crow_and_fern
Email: [email protected]
Today's story masks dark subjects such as colonization and the horrors of serfdom with a fantastical story of flying horses, benevolent fairies, and epic adventuring fit to stand with any classic fairy tale. Join us as Fern demystifies the symbolism and powerful message of Ion Creanga's beloved tale of Harap Alb and his quest for freedom from a cruel and cunning master.
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on Youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: crowandfernsguide
TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide
Twitter: @Crow_and_fern
Email: [email protected]
Flapjack....Hey, Flapjack! Come with me, we'll go and see, a...Candied Dystopia???
In this week's episode, Crow's sick again so she's decided to smack us with another weird comfort show: Thurop Van Orman's The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack. The show follows the titular Flapjack, a little boy who journeys through murky oceans and the splinter, rust, and plague infested floorboards of Stormalong Harbor, in order to find the mystical Candied Island. But Crow's not really interested in streams of sodie pop, lollipop trees, or lemonade seas--she's focusing a lens on something a bit more sinister. Past the Candy Barrel and Teehee Tummy Tums' Etsy comb shop, there's a Victorian nightmare that our young adventurer can't seem to comprehend. A nightmare you might even describe as...dystopian. Crow explains the difference between false utopias and candied dystopias, with references to all time favorites in the genre such as We Happy Few, Brave New World, and more. And, of course, a whole barrel of weird as always. So hold on to your buttcheeks, grab a bucket of candy, and apologize to your dentist before tuning in!
(Also, yes, we realize we're pulling a switcheroonie on you guys this week, but we will further make up for it with Fern's episode on Saturday, because it's going to be a good one!)
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on Youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: crowandfernsguide
TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide
Twitter: @Crow_and_fern
Email: [email protected]
SAM AND MAX! Freelance Police.
Get ready for a drive down the weirdest lane in memory town, children! Crow's favorite childhood buddy cop duo serves us bizarre on a silver platter, with a trip to a pest infested moon and a quest to stalk the (S)FDA into putting their favorite snack on the shelves. But, as usual, that's not all Crow's got in store! Sam and Max also show us how you (Yes, YOU!) can draw your readers in through the power of friendship and incredibly entertaining character dynamics. Romance is cool and all, but we'll do you one better in this episode: how to write dynamic duos that make your readers coo over them as they encourage one another to stomp on machine gun wielding cockroaches, terrorize healthcare officials into agreeing with your questionable food choices, and carry one another's remains in paper bags. This is Sam and Max, and The Dynamic Duo!
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on Youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: crowandfernsguide
TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide
Twitter: @Crow_and_fern
Email: [email protected]
Join us for the final, satisfying episode of the Ion Rimaru case as we see what happens when real life catches up to a folkloric phantom and he's made to face the consequences of his actions. The trial of Rimaru sparked a whole new set of mysteries, some of which are still hotly debated to this day. You will be shocked at the new developments in the case, and Ion's almost feral behavior right up until the very end.
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: crowandfernsguide
TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide
Twitter: @Crow_and_fern Email: [email protected]
Alternative title: The cursed episode that took us 5 weeks and 2 attempts to get through, children.
Crow wades through the depths of coughing and a lot of mucus to bring you the infamous American Psycho and just one of its many, many controversies. How eyebrow-ripping-ly boring it is. We aren't here to ask whether it is or isn't, because boy howdy is it one of the most painful reads for most human beings. The question we're asking is why? Why did Bret Easton Ellis choose to write American Psycho in a way that made the majority of its readers put it down before they'd absorbed its dangerous message? Well, Professor Julian Murphet and the late Elizabeth Young are here to shed some light on that for us. Tune in and please send Crow all your cough drops.
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on Youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: crowandfernsguide
TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide
Twitter: @Crow_and_fern Email: [email protected]
Bret Easton Ellis’ American Psycho by Julian Murphet
The Beast in the Jungle, the Figure in the Carpet from Shopping in Space by Elizabeth Young and Graham Caveney.
Repetition and the Ethics of Suspended Reading in American Psycho by C. Namwali Serpell
In part 2 of the case of Ion Rimaru we discuss the spiraling behavior ofthe vampire of Bucharest as he prowls the streets, his behavior becoming more and more like that of a wild animal. Will the highly dysfunctional communist militia be able to get their act together to stop him? Or will Ion be free to enact his darkest fantasies on the innocent people of Bucharest?
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: crowandfernsguide
TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide
Twitter: @Crow_and_fern Email: [email protected]
Saucy Jack is at it again, and this time he's taking a step beyond the 19th century. Robert Bloch immerses us in a world of science fiction, supernatural creatures, and fantasy on his quest to find out the true identity of one of the most famous killers in modern history--which, coincidentally, works well into our topic, the Frankengenre known as Weird Fiction. Ann and Jeff VanderMeer tell us what constitutes the genre, and we break down one of Robert Bloch's most popular earlier works to understand how this genre came to be, what constitutes it, and how we can take a crack at it if we wanted to. Join Crow and Fern as they take a peep into the adventures of two totally un-ship-able best friends as they follow Jack the RipRip through Chicago, and then a more cautious peep into the world of Juliette who really should have just gotten into fanfiction and spared us the horrors of the second story.
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on Youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: crowandfernsguide
TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide
Twitter: @Crow_and_fern Email: [email protected]
The Weird: An Introduction https://weirdfictionreview.com/2012/05/the-weird-an-introduction/
Four Words: Communist Vampire Serial Killer. Join us as we explore the strange case of Ion Rimaru and the sensational folklore that built up around this communist era serial killer. It's terrifying enough to imagine living in a city with an active serial killer, but what if everything you know about this danger that stalks the streets comes from whispered gossip and the distorting voice of communist propaganda? When you know there's something murderous in the dark, but you don't know where to turn for the truth, what do you do? How do you cope? In this episode we'll explore the twisted, seldom-told facts of Rimaru's crimes, as well as the dark rumors that spread in their wake.
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: crowandfernsguide
TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide
Twitter: @Crow_and_fern Email: [email protected]
You are about to enter another dimension. A dimension of serial kill glorification, bad marriages, and *drum roll, please* another unsympathetic character! Thought Crow was done talking about characters we so love to hate? Think again! In today's episode, she takes us back to the past, to a wax museum exhibit crafted by Jerry Sohl and Charles Beaumont. We borrow the eyes of Martin Lombard Senescu, the curator of the Murderers Row in Ferguson's Wax Museum. Martin introduces his to his bestest buddies of all time Albert W. Hicks, Burke and Hare, Henri Desire Landru, and everyone's favorite serial killer bud--Jack the Ripper. "To murder," He says "To take a life with your hands again and again and not be able to stop oneself--can you begin to imagine the horror of that?". Well, Martin, why imagine when you can have yourself a go at the real thing?
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: crowandfernsguide
TikTok: crow_and_ferns_guide
Twitter: @Crow_and_fern Email: [email protected]
Podcast mentioned in the Episode: The Twilight Zone Podcast with Tom Elliot
In this week's addition to Serial Killer month Crow and Fern tackle one of the toughest cases yet-- Peter Stumpp. Accused of 16 murders and all manners of werewolfery, Peter was put to death in the late 16th century. But did he do the crime? Fern gives us the facts in this shocking case filled with twists and turns you won't see coming. Even if you think you know the story of Peter Stumpp, this retelling will surprise you. Listen to the facts and decide for yourself what you think happened-- and then let us know your thoughts on our social media!
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
Social Media Accounts:
Further Reference:
1) A True Discourse. Declaring the Damnable Life and Death of One Stubbe Peeter, a Most Wicked Sorcerer Original English Pamphlet, 1590 (There was a German one, but it did not survive) https://www.faculty.umb.edu/gary_zabel/Courses/Phil%20281b/Philosophy%20of%20Magic/Arcana/Witchcraft%20and%20Grimoires/weredoc.html
2) Truthful and Frightening Description of the many Sorcerers or Witches: An English Translation https://danarehn.com/2022/01/02/truthful-and-frightening-description-of-the-many-sorcerers-or-witches-an-english-translation/
3) Historical Analysis of Peter Stumpp by Dana Rehn https://danarehn.com/2022/05/04/werewolf-petter-stump/
4) Broadsheet - talking paw https://danarehn.com/2021/05/22/the-execution-of-werewolf-petter-stump/
5) Confession Broadsheet https://danarehn.com/2021/05/23/franz-hogenberg-petter-stump-broadsheet/
What's the difference between 'unlikable' and 'unsympathetic'? How can you tie your readers to your villains without giving them a sob story that drives even the most righteous of us to writing coffee shop AU fanfiction? Mia Nolan makes the distinction as clear as crystal in today's episode. Crow breaks down, the bad, the ugly, and the atrocious in today's episode, and tells us how we can write characters that, although we'd still like to see them tossed off a cliff, are still characters whose stories we want to follow to the very last page (or minute of screen time. Fight me).
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
Social Media Accounts:
Further Reference:
Memory engrams: Recalling the past and imagining the future: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7577560/#:~:text=In%201904%2C%20Richard%20Semon%20introduced,this%20engram%20induces%20memory%20retrieval.
Join Fern and Crow as they attempt to separate fact from folklore in the remarkable story of Gilles de Rais. Was he the inspiration for the infamous Bluebeard? Did the death of his beloved Joan of Ark send him spiralling into madness? Did he summon the devil with alchemy? And most importantly-- is he really responsible for the deaths of hundreds of innocent children? In this episode we'll learn which pieces of his lore have evidence to back them up. The answers may surprise you.
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
Social Media Accounts:
There's no character growth quite like growing to love an artist you dunked on because you didn't understand their work.
In this episode, Crow tackles the works of her arch nemesis: Franz Kafka, an author whose works she's always struggled to understand the literary art behind. Why is he revered as one of the fathers of absurd fiction? What is this dream like feeling he manages to create through the written word? Above all else, though, how does he create a sense of anxiety that no author has since been able to replicate in his stories? Crow talks to us about Cognitive Dissonance, Tone, and the inescapability of the absurd to help us understand just a few of the techniques Kafka implements into his works, that have made him the weird-fiction genius we all know today. Join her and Fern as they take a look at the world through the eyes of Gregor Samsa, the smol bug boy who just wanted to make his family happy, and hop on a ride of collar tightening anxiety!
NOTE: Hypnogogic hallucinations happen as you're falling asleep and hypnopompic hallucinations happen as you're waking up. Crow sincerely apologizes for her mistake and has since had her license revoked, shredded, and fed to her in the hot pot soup base she's obsessed with.
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
Social Media Accounts:
Tumblr blog with different metamorphosis translations: https://petitchou.tumblr.com/post/225168928/various-translations-of-the-first-sentence-of
Wikipedia page for The Metamorphosis translations: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Metamorphosis
Christine W. Sizemore: Anxiety in Kafka: A Function of Cognitive Dissonance: https://www.jstor.org/stable/3831182
Understanding Franz Kafka by Allen Thiher.
Essential Novelists: Franz Kafka by August Nemo.
Have you ever considered all the different ways a tree could murder you? Fern has! And in this episode she will tell you all about them, from the yokai vampire tree Jubokko to the Man-Eating Tree of Madagascar or the Vampire Tree of Guadalajara, join us for tales from around the world about both real and fictitious trees that might try to take a bite out of you!
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
Social Media Accounts:
What if humans were made of layers, like trees?
In this episode, Crow introduces her to one of her many horror obsessions and a master of surrealism, existentialism, body horror, and even the occasional cosmic horror: Junji Ito. No one can transmogrify mundanity into works of abject terror quite like Ito. Whether it's dreams lasting a little longer than they should, an annoying lack of privacy, or the annual growth rings in trees, he somehow manages to leave us paranoid and examining corners for the possible horrors lurking just around them. But how, exactly, does he do that? In Layers of Fear we examine Ito's method of disconnecting us from his characters, and contrasting the normal, the beautiful, the mundane with the terrifying to create grisly stories like no other. This is the story of Reimi, a retired child actress whose life is turned on its head when she, her mother, and jaded sister Narumi get into a gruesome car crash. Join us to find out what it is exactly that Reimi's been hiding...
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
Social Media Accounts:
In this episode we discuss how vampires changed from energy-stealing, disease-giving, carnivourous rascals to posh, sparkly aristicrats. Join us as we dive into the lore of strigoii, moroii, and the surprising (and somewhat scandalous!) birth of the modern vampire. Fern will break down the dark mythology with macabre stories of the living dead that will keep you up all night.
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
Social Media Accounts:
Out of the toilet bowl and into the rabbit pen. In today's episode, Crow comes face to face with demonic lagomorphs to bring you the story of the titular Cursed Bunny.
What do we do when the punishing hand of capitalism descends upon our loved ones and starts tearing families apart? That's right, children! We head over to our friendly neighborhood cursed fetish vendor. And no, before anyone gets excited, we don't mean 'those' fetishes, but more like talismans or charms. Bora Chung continues to wow us with her ability to disconnect the reader from her characters, and immerse them instead in the bizarre worlds she's crafted. Tune in to the story of one CEO who decided to mess around and find out.
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
Social Media Accounts:
In this episode we explore the different types of Romanian vampires! We'll cover varcolaci, pricolici, and strigoii in part one! From vampiric werewolves that bite the moon to legends of what is basically Vampire Fight Club TM, we'll take you through the stories and lore of the vampiric creatures that preceded that sanitized, sparkly version we have today. And don't worry, Fern will let you know all the things you have to do to both ward off and avoid becoming a vampire!
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
Social Media Accounts:
It's a snake! It's a rat! It's--calling you mom and watching you do your business. In today's episode Crow takes us through the first story in Bora Chung's Cursed Bunny, a collection of short stories that take the 'weird' in weird fiction to the max, catching us in a whirlpool of Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Horror. The very first story in the book 'The Head' starts us off with a bang. Or, should we say, splash. Hold on to your guts because we're about to take a look into one unfortunate woman's toilet bowl, where bits and pieces of her have taken on a life of their own and demand to be heard. Join us as we try to figure out more about this woman, her toilet habits, and, perhaps most importantly, what is this thing and it's creepy obsession with watching people poop!
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
Social Media Accounts:
How does an Ancient Dacian tale connect to the origins of Dracula? In this episode Fern tells the tale of The Great White Wolf, the real world history that inspired it, and how the story morphed over time until it connected in an unexpected way to the very real historical inspiration for Dracula, Vlad Tepes. Join us on this wild ride for dragons, Romans, and a bunch of sexy, shirtless farmers!
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
Social Media Accounts:
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.