Is Kanye West a Masonic Illuminati puppet pretending to be a Christian in hopes of leading the church into a one-world religion under the anti-Christ? Are we witnessing the beginning of a pseudo-Christian cult produced by the world elite for the purpose of leading the church into apostasy? According to some corners of the body of Christ, and even according to some ministries, the answer to these questions is a resounding yes. Kanye is definitely a secret-society member working for Satan’s Kingdom, hiding his true agenda in plain site through symbolism. But are these charges rooted in objective, factual evidence that should hold up in God’s courtroom? And are those who bring these charges to the public abiding by God’s standard of due-process, fair trial, and righteous judgement from a presumption of innocence? Are we giving an answer before we hear (Pro. 18:13), and coming to a conclusion prior to cross-examination (Pro. 18:17)? In this episode, guest Steven Bancarz joins us to take a deeper look into the good, the bad, and the Cultish about Kanye West’s conversion. We will examine the Bibles standard of discernment, the Bibles standard of righteous judgement and due process, how we should interact with phenomena like this as a church, while also diving deep to cross-examine some of the charges that are being launched against him.