Trapped in a hospital chair at 91, my grandmother's heartfelt story paints a vivid picture of an overlooked issue in our healthcare system. Her trauma-induced aggression, misinterpreted and mishandled, opened my eyes to the crying need for a more compassionate, trauma-informed approach. Together, let's challenge the conventional healthcare narrative and understand the profound links between the young and old, their reactions often misunderstood as misbehavior or aggression.
While we journey through stories that highlight the power and importance of emotional health, we also unmask the haunting prevalence of trauma, with an alarming 60% of individuals having experienced trauma before the age of 15. How can we change our perspective and see these behaviors not as "misbehavior" but as echoes of an often silent struggle? Let's shift our mindset and approach by reframing discipline, focusing on understanding what has happened to an individual rather than labeling them as "bad".
Finally, we tackle the issue of misbehavior in children. Digging deep into root causes, we converse on the importance of mindful parenting and the power of understanding.
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Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.