We are very excited to speak with returning guest E L U C I D, who recently dropped the challenging and excellent album I Told Bessie with a stellar cast of producers. We are huge fans of E L U C I D's work both solo and as part of the mighty Armand Hammer and we always want to interrogate his procedures and intentions as he crafts experimental (some might say psychedelic) underground rap music with intricate flows and incredible word choices and emotional resonance. In the opening segment we discuss the limits of abstract lyricism more generally, touching on the peaks and pitfalls of a more left field approach to rhyme writing. Beats this week were submitted by Ol' Gorilla Bones and The Dirty Sample and we appreciate the contribution. DBRP is a proud part of the Stony Island Audio podcast network, where hip-hop lifers decipher the culture without the interference of vultures.