Dadhammer – A Warhammer Podcast
Warhammer 40K Leviathan is here! We share our launch day experiences, Dadhammer crew (and friends) first games recap, and lessons learned from our casual/competitive launch party.
Hosts: David tha Warboss & Medicae Steve Show: (00:00) Introduction (03:50) Cocktail Recipe Continuing our shoutout to the Tyranids for Leviathan...
“The Shadow in the Warp” (variation of the Irish Car Bomb)
(07:35) Leviathan launch day highlights
(16:33) Game/party hosting advice for events like Leviathan/10th (22:02) Dadhammer games recap: Dark Angels v Thousand Sons
(38:01) Dadhammer games recap: Orks v T'au Empire (45:46) Lessons learned & general observations (52:12) Not-40K Preview
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