New modes of play revealed for 10th, combat patrol, crusade mode! 10th edition faction rules: Necrons, Chaos SM, Astra Militarum, Votann. We’ll also provide some healthy casual dad perspective on the competitive vs casual topic and determining “what’s good” and how that plays into army selection. Finally we’ll round out the show with the Hobby Corner where we talk about our tips for staying motivated to finish your hobby projects even with a busy schedule.
The Warboss
Medicae Steve
(00:00) Introduction
(05:00) Cocktail Recipe
Barman Nashville - cocktail mixers
Warp Rift (aka. Tipsy Turtle)
½ oz. Light rum
½ oz. Dark rum
½ oz. Capt. Morgans spiced rum
½ oz 151 proof rum of choice or availability
½ oz. Vodka
½ oz. Orange juice
½ oz. Grenadine
4 oz pineapple juice
Quote from Warhammer40k Lexicanum “A warp rift is a point in real space that interfaces with the warp to form a stable exit and entry point so the use of warp drives is not required.” This mix will most assuredly achieve that goal, caution is warranted.
(09:39) News & Opinions
10th Ed.
Combat Patrol & Crusade modes revealed
Faction Focus: Chaos Space Marines, Chaos Daemons, Astra Militarum, Leagues of Votann, and Necrons
(54:58) Competitive vs Social
Rule of cool is still king! What is "good" competitively doesn't mean you pass over other models.
(01:04:35) Hobby Corner
3 Tips for staying motivated on your hobby projects despite busy schedules.