Dadhammer – A Warhammer Podcast
New releases from NOVA Open. Was it all we were hoping for? Space Marines, Iron Jawz for AoS, new WarCry box, Horus Heresy Mk3, Warhammer the Old World model release and Primarch Fulgrim model. We give our impressions from the preview. Hosts: David tha Warboss & Medicae Steve Show: (00:00) Introduction (05:40) Cocktail Recipe The Komisar (Whiskey Tea)
1 cup boiling water
1 tea bag
1 (1.5 fluid ounce) jigger Irish whiskey
1 tablespoon milk
1 teaspoon white sugar
Pour boiling water into a mug, and place the tea bag in to steep for about 1 minute. Remove and discard the tea bag. Pour in the whiskey, milk and sugar as desired. Stir, drink, then relax.
(08:43) Nova Open overall impression + Space Marines reveals (19:07) Nova Open preview (33:26) New Warcry box set (40:02) AoS Ironjawz (Orruks) (46:33) Horus Heresy "Doritos", Warhammer Old World Lady Elisse Duchaard, Primarch Fulgrim Web -