More Warhammer 40k 10th Ed. news including tougher tanks (tankier tanks?) and characters being real leaders finally. Lots of Unnecessary Crap recently purchased from both Games Workshop and 3rd parties. Hobby Corner discussions about that great feleing of "painted model/unit completed", and a recent Kickstarter backed.
The Warboss
Medicae Steve
1. Booze
Cocktail Recipe: The Spire Tyrant
1.5 oz. Bourbon (i.e. Woodford Spire)
1.5 oz. Cranberry Juice
2 oz. Lemonade
2 oz. Or more Unsweetened Iced Tea (optional)
2. 40k 10th Edition Rules Reactions
Tanks – stronger, tougher, tankier
Characters – leading units of models, granting abilities
3. Unnecessary Crap I Recently Bought
Platformer Large Set – Pegasus Hobbies (
Dice bags – Votann, Orks, Chaos from DicebagsStudio - Etsy
GW official tools
Citadel Water Pot | Games Workshop Webstore (
Citadel Tools: Mouldline Remover | Games Workshop Webstore (
Citadel Tools: Super Fine Detail Cutters | Games Workshop Webstore (
4. Hobby Corner
Finished projects - 700ish points of Dark Angels
Kickstarter – Villainy Ink Founder’s Campaign | The Grimdark Compendium
5. Wrap Up