New hobbyists, or veterans to Warhammer all need accessories for their gaming/hobby experience. This top 15 list caters to all! This is not just for new players wondering what to buy first, but also more experienced hobbyists looking to upgrade.
Hosts: David tha Warboss & Medicae Steve
Top Accessories
- Good sprue clippers - citadel ones are nice, but a little pricey
- Xacto knife with extra blades – generic from Walmart or any craft store
- Bright hobby light
- Glue - Tamiya Plastic Cement or Team Super Glue
- Paint- Citadel, Vallejo, ProAcryl (found at local store)
- Decent and garbage brushes - Cheap or Mid-price
- Wet pallet
- Water pot
- Hobby mat
- Citadel tape measure – small/light
- Magnifying goggles
- Sanding sticks
- Painting Handle or wooden blocks + sticky tack
- Paint tray – makeup holder
- Tweezers – decals, shrub/grass
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