Dadhammer – A Warhammer Podcast
Warhammer 40k 10th first game impressions, new 40k app, rules drop for Boarding Actions and Combat Patrol and Leviathan Launch Party!
Hosts:David tha Warboss & Medicae Steve Show: (00:00) Introduction (02:54) Cocktail Recipe With Leviathan/10th launching officially this weekend, it’s important to start your day with a balanced breakfast.
"Fights First…Thing in the Morning" (Cubanada)
Combine ingredients together in a cocktail shaker with ice, shake and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
(05:52) First 10th edition game impressions - Orks vs Chaos Space Marines!
(16:07) Warhammer 40k App impressions - better, faster, but we do have some hopes/dreams for future enhancements (30:57) Boarding Actions & Combat Patrol rules are here for 10th edition
(50:08) Leviathan Launch Party - our plans and tips for you to maximize your experience
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