Warhammerfest news aplenty: Leviathan box set announced (with a potential price leak??), reveal of the core rule book, mission deck, Age of Sigmar models, and Kill Team gets judge-y.
The Warboss
Medicae Steve
(00:00) Introduction
(02:12) Cocktail Recipe
Inquisitorial Mind Wipe
2 oz. vodka
2 oz. Kahlua
1 oz. heavy cream (or non-dairy substitute)
(04:48) Warhammerfest News
10th Ed.
Models: Tyranids are fire while Space Marines are...more space marines
Rule book thoughts
Mission deck looks like a great Tempest of War/Codex Secondaries combo; Gambits are crazy
Release date & rumored price point already?
(46:18) Other Warhammerfest Reveals
Age of Sigmar
Models - Nurlge, Gloomspite w/ squig skull, more Fyreslayer infantry, and great looking Ironjawz model
Kill Team
Is Kill Team reduced to just a cult following?
Inquisitorial models look amazing