Dadhammer – A Warhammer Podcast
White Dwarf issue 490 is here, and with it a phenomenal section called “Bunker”. We’ll do a deep dive into all the new features and our impressions of each. The Warhammer 40k app Battle Forge feature is moved behind the this good for GW? Hobby Corner returns with some miracle working paint! Hosts: David tha Warboss & Medicae Steve Show: (00:00) Introduction (6:32) Cocktail Recipe "Marsh-pero Burns" (S’mores Cocktail)
2 oz Bailey’s Smores Irish Cream
1 oz Vodka
Chocolate syrup (a little dab will do ya here)
Shake with ice, strain into cocktail glass
Crumble graham crackers over top
Skewer toasted marshallows on top for garnish (optional)
(10:09) White Dwarf Bunker review (43:28) Warhammer 40k app Battle Forge moves behind paywall
(51:47) Miracle paint found! "Talent in a bottle" Web - Twitter - @dadhammerbb Instagram - @dadhammerpodcast Tiktok - @dadhammerpodcast