155 avsnitt • Längd: 5 min • Veckovis: Onsdag
Feed your faith, starve your doubt.
The podcast Daily Manna is created by Dr. Barry Black, U.S. Senate Chaplain. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
In Matthew 5:13-16, the Bible refers to "salt and light" as a metaphor. As believers, Christ challenges us to add flavor and illuminate the darkness. Join Chaplain Black as he reminds us how salt and light can bring others to Christ!
Life may knock you down, but it doesn't have to knock you out. Listen as Chaplain Black shares insights on how to stay in the game of life!
We never give up because, in doing so, we share in Christ's sufferings. When we know the one who gave himself for us, we have fellowship with Him—even in our darkest moments!
When you are at the end of your rope, refuse to be at the end of your hope. Gideon, in Judges 7, faced an insurmountable challenge. He could have given up, but he didn't. Learn how Gideon made it through and how you can, too!
Mark 8:36 shares, "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his soul?" When compared to eternity, what can this world offer?
Holding onto your principles is always challenging and may cause you to lose popularity with people. However, holding onto these principles allows God to work a miracle as He did for David in 1 Samuel 17!
At what cost are you willing to protect what you value? As followers of Christ, you will lose something, but it doesn't have to be your soul. Join Chaplain Black as he reminds us what's at stake [Matthew 16:26].
There is a cross for everyone to bear if they are willing to give up their way. In this message, Chaplain Black reminds us that while bearing your cross is difficult, it will lead you to life.
We can easily deceive ourselves into trusting we are above committing certain sins. Join Chaplain Black as he examines Peter's self-delusion and remarkable comeback from something he vowed never to do.
How do you know which path leads to life when the one in front of you seems right? Learn what to look for in this practical teaching from Chaplain Black.
Sometimes, making a to-do list can be helpful. Have you ever made a list for God of what you need help with? Listen as Chaplain Black explains how creating a to-God list is beneficial!
The Bible encourages us to be persistent in what we want. Matthew 7:7 advises us to 'Keep asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you." Don't be afraid to be persistent in your conversations with God!
Today, make God's will the focus of your prayer, letting Him know that you are willing to play whatever role He wants you to play in this life!
1 John 1:9 says, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." All we have to do as believers is ask. In this message, Chaplain Black shares encouraging truths about prayer and forgiveness!
It's hard to forgive others sometimes. But if we want God to forgive us of our sins, we must forgive. Listen as Chaplain Black reminds us of the blessing of God's forgiveness and the importance of extending it to others!
How has God helped you in the past? The hymnist Isaac Watts puts it this way: "O God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come, our shelter from the stormy blast, and our eternal home." As you face today's challenges, know that God wants you to find hope in Him!
God doesn't want you to serve him out of duty but rather love. Join Chaplain Black as he teaches how the mercy of God, described in the parable of The Prodigal Son, is another reason we can be optimistic in a pessimistic world.
In this message, Chaplain Black highlights God's unconditional love even when resentment clouds our view!
God is ready to show you mercy and celebrate your return to Him! This unconditional acceptance, offered to all, is reason enough to shout for joy and share your optimism with someone else!
What should you do when despair and unworthiness cloud your spirit? Join Chaplain Black as he reminds you that God chose you first, and He seeks you even when you are still far away.
The story of The Prodigal Son, found in Luke 15:11-32, tells the story of a man and his two sons. In this message, Chaplain Black teaches what lessons we can learn from this redemptive story of a loving father who leaves the choosing to us!
One of the reasons we are often pessimistic is because we forget who God is. Psalm 46:1 shares, "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." Join Chaplain Black as he shares about a God who gives optimism in a pessimistic world.
With the election season upon us, feelings of uncertainty can be overwhelming. Listen in as Chaplain Black and special guest House Chaplain Margaret Kibben offer biblical insight on navigating feelings of uncertainty and who we can ultimately trust - even in a volatile political climate!
I hope you have enjoyed these podcasts as much as I have. We are taking a break for August, but I hope to return with fresh new episodes that feed your faith and starve your doubt. Be blessed!
The shortest verse in the Bible (John 11:35) is Jesus weeping. But it shows how the Lord is sympathetic to those around Him. This week, listen as Chaplain Black teaches how caring about someone else's affliction can increase your sensitivity and propel you forward on your journey to Christ-likeness!
God wants to heal your wounds and meet you in your grief. Listen as Chaplain Black provides more insight into mourning.
The blessing of some friendships can be refreshing to the soul. When you meet with a close friend and talk or think about how a friend has shown up for you or vice versa, you see how much of a blessing friendship can be. God has extended His offer of friendship to bring you peace and guidance and refresh your soul. May it bless you today and always!
While we were sinners, He died for us. He is our plan of salvation—made before the earth ever existed, and He chose you to be in his family, to draw you near, and to call you friend!
Join Chaplain Black as he continues the message, "Enjoying the Privilege of Friendship with God," and take advantage of all the blessings in store for you!
The greatest love comes when you sacrifice yourself for others. Join Chaplain Black and learn how to take the step of sacrificial living!
Join Chaplain Black as he continues to teach how loving others as Christ loves you will lead you to friendship with God!
God has offered you the gift of friendship, but first, you must decide: "Am I willing to accept it?" Join Chaplain Black as he shares the many benefits of true friendship with God!
You may know someone of high rank, or maybe you are that person. Regarding close friends, they have access to you. They don't have to "call the office." They have a direct line. Our friendship with God gives us direct access to the Lord of the Universe. Listen as Chaplain Black shares the privilege of friendship with God!
No one is always available 24/7. We may have a chosen few we can count on at any hour, but God? He's always accessible! Listen as Chaplain Black shares what you will receive when you set aside time to talk with God before your day begins!
Stress can have a high impact on the body, which is the temple of God. In this broadcast, Chaplain Black emphasizes the importance of maintaining good health.
As you endure hardships, Chaplain Black shares the guidance we receive from the Word that can help us stay optimistic even as we face our trials.
Continue listening as Chaplain Black shares how the Apostle Paul found peace during a shipwreck and how we, too, can hang on during life's storms.
The Bible reveals in Acts 27 that the Apostle Paul was in a terrible shipwreck, which reduced the ship to pieces. In this message, Chaplain Black looks into God's word to explain how to find peace when you're barely hanging on.
Worry is useless because it changes nothing. As you learn to live one day at a time, focus on Matthew 6:11: Give us this day, our daily bread—and know that God will provide us with what we need each day!
Sometimes, what is available outside the circle of God's will for our lives seems more satisfying. In this broadcast, Chaplain Black explains how Jesus helps us shift our desires from our will to His!
Many people fall into the trap of worrying, a natural habit we are all guilty of. But when you remind yourself that you have a supernatural Heavenly Father who can fix anything, that can dissolve your worry into praise!
God proves Hs is faithful even through nature. That's why the Bible asks you in Matthew 6:28-30- to take note of how carefully and beautifully he cares for something so fragile and be reminded that He can and will do more for you!
Worry cannot change anything in your life - it is useless. Part of God's plan and purpose for your life is to become like Jesus, who doesn't worry. In today's message, Chaplain Black explains why you shouldn't let worry win!
There are so many things to worry about. In this message, Chaplain Black discusses how changing your focus can help you become the warrior God wants you to be.
We can be warriors in the game of life. But worries often creep in and turn into anxiety. Ephesians 6:12 reveals what we are truly fighting against. Listen as Chaplain Black reminds you how to avoid worry and become warriors.
You can make heaven a happier place just by sharing your joy with someone else, being an example - shining a light that will lead someone back to Jesus!
1 Peter 2:9 encourages seeking out those in need: "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." Be encouraged as Chaplain Black shares that you are chosen to lead others to Jesus!
Jesus went on an impossible mission to save humanity. And as a believer, you can seek out those who have lost their way. Whom do you know that could use a friend, a helping hand, or some encouragement? John 20:21 shares, "Jesus said, 'Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.'" Share the hope found in Jesus. In leading someone to Him, you seek the lost and add to your joy in Heaven.
The apostle John saw the new Jerusalem coming out of Heaven ..." like a bride beautifully dressed for her husband" (Revelation 21:2). One day, you will see it too. Chaplain Black shares why that opportunity is available to you in this message!
Jesus was often ridiculed for associating with the tax collectors, drunks, and other outcasts. In this broadcast, Chaplain Black shares how Jesus turned one man's shame into joy!
The parable of the shepherd who lost one sheep even though he had 99 in the fold (found in Luke 15) reveals God has abundant love for you. Listen as Chaplain Black shares the joy that erupts in heaven over the one who was found.
In the following several podcasts, listen as chaplain Black shares how much joy you bring to heaven and how special and loved you are to God. You can lead others to Him and make heaven happier!
In this message, Chaplain Black teaches the importance of completing life's race.
Thorns in the flesh are humbling and sometimes weakening. Maybe you feel like you would be more effective without it. Perhaps you've pleaded with God to remove it. In this message, Chaplain Black shares the beauty of 2 Corinthians 12:9, which states, "[God's] grace is sufficient for [us]," and that his "power is made perfect in weakness."
While uncomfortable, life's pressures and challenges are all opportunities for you to rise. Listen as Chaplain Black concludes this series on How to Get up When You Fall and discover a sure way to help you rise again.
Continue listening as Chaplain Black shares more insight on why getting up when you fall is necessary for your growth!
Listen as Chaplain Black continues sharing how you may endure and enjoy the blessed assurance you have in the power of Christ - enabling you to get up when you fall!
When you enter a race, you are ready to run, eager to finish, and hopeful to endure. But what if you grow tired, stumble onto an obstacle, or are thrown off course by a trial? In this message, Chaplain Black shares another reason you shouldn't stay down when falling.
When life knocks you down, it doesn't feel good. But what truly counts is that you get up again. But how? Listen as Chaplain Black shares some insights on how to get up when life knocks you down!
Listen as Chaplain Black continues with part two of the message entitled, Surviving Your Difficult Situation, and shares a surprising way you may navigate life's challenges.
Today, Chaplain Black talks about Peninnah, who taunted Hannah because she could not have children. Peninnah's taunting greatly affected Hannah. Listen as Chaplain Black shares how Hannah survived her difficult situation - you can, too!
When you cry out to God in frustration, it's challenging to maintain your faith. Unanswered prayers, left sitting in the queue, may cause you to feel forgotten. Today, Chaplain Black shares how Habakkuk, an Old Testament Prophet, felt similarly and how God enabled his frustration to flower into faith!
Trying to maintain control of our lives or other people's behavior is a fruitless, exhausting exercise that causes us to doubt God's power. Listen to Chaplain Black as he reminds us that God is in control.
Because you are valued, you can ask God anything, no matter how simple you believe the question to be. Because you are loved, you have a Savior who is interested and can answer your questions.
Listen as Chaplain Black shares some encouraging insights on what you should remember when God sometimes seems silent.
Have you ever cried out to God in anger? We can voice our frustrations to Him because He cares for us! Join Chaplain Black as he shares how Habakkuk dealt with his anger toward God.
Listen as Chaplain Black concludes the message about what living for Jesus ultimately looks like!
Have you ever thought about what identifies you as a Christian? In this message, Chaplain Black uncovers the telling marks of the Christian life and the importance of having them.
The devil, also known as the father of lies, often adds or subtracts from the simple truths of the Bible, usually complicating the simplicity of His word and salvation. Listen as Chaplain Black reminds you that your gift of salvation isn't complex and is yours for the taking!
While we live in a sin-filled world, we, as Christians, can tear down the walls between believers and the world with gentleness and respect. Listen as Chaplain Black explains how to share the reason for your hope!
Rest in the truth that God has a purpose for you that He alone promises to fulfill. Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Remember, you are too blessed to be stressed!
Do you know God has a plan and a purpose for you? In today's message, Chaplain Black explains that even if you are experiencing many difficulties, God can turn your circumstances around for your good!
In days of uncertainty and confusion, you can lean into what God has already done, remembering Romans 8:28, which says "All things work together for the good of those who love Him." Listen as Chaplain Black reminds us of these encouraging truths!
Spoiler alert: Exceptional leaders aren't born with superhuman capabilities - they work at it! Listen as Chaplain Black shares an essential quality that leaders possess and how you can cultivate this vital trait.
Edgar Guest's poem, Sermons We See, discusses one way to lead: living the gospel! In this broadcast, Chaplain Black teaches why letting your life shine is so important!
Exercising self-control is often challenging when you find yourself in a difficult situation. Still, you can do it! 2 Timothy 1:7 shares the precious gift available to you on your journey to becoming the leader God called you to be.
Do you know that God's call on your life includes leadership? Learn how to let your light shine at home with those closest to you on your journey to becoming the leader God has called you to be!
The Bible shares in Matthew 5:14-16 that you are the light of the world. As such, you can let your light shine so everyone can see and glorify God. Chaplain Black explains in this message how, as an aspiring leader, you can bring light to your world!
God is in the details - the small things. He knows the number of hairs on our heads and has even counted our steps! We serve an observant God who asks that we remain faithful in the small things because small things contribute to the formation of our character.
In Luke 9:13-17, Jesus blesses one boy's small lunch. Luke 21:1-4 talks about a woman who gave all she had. In this message, Chaplain Black explains if you are faithful, God can bless you no matter how little you have!
Faithfulness in the small things reveals your character. Genesis 37-50 describes how Joseph was faithful— even in prison. Strive to be faithful daily, even when it's difficult. Pray, and God will reward you!
In the Bible, perseverance is associated with many promises. James 1:3 states, "For you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness." Join Chaplain Black as he teaches that God wants you to keep asking—remain steadfast in your hope that He can and will answer your prayers.
The Lord's Prayer is one of the most common prayers in Christianity. If we reflect on each line, it can serve as a blueprint for prayer. Listen to Chaplain Black as he again reminds us of the necessity of prayer.
Aligning yourself with God means agreeing with His will, even when it's painful or seems impossible. Join Chaplain Black as he explains how to do this and change the course of your life.
Prayer is our time to talk to God. But you must believe that you can speak to Him and receive answers, "For the Lord will answer when you call to Him" (Psalm 4:3).
Listen as Chaplain Black concludes the final part of the message entitled; You are not lost in the crowd!
Your life will be transformed as you trust that you haven't been forgotten. God knows what your concerns are, and He is with you.
In today's message, Chaplain Black reiterates that you are not forgotten and may receive mercy and grace to help you in your time of need.
Jesus knew who touched him in the crowd even though everyone was pressing against him. Luke 8:46 shares, "Someone deliberately touched me, for I felt healing power go out from me." The woman with the issue of blood realized that she could not stay hidden. And neither can we. Join Chaplain Black as he continues with the message, You are not lost in the crowd.
If you've ever felt overlooked, you're not alone. We've all faced setbacks. Learn how to move through these feelings and discover you are not lost.
What does Jesus say when we feel forgotten? Luke 12:7 states that even our hairs are numbered. How do you know God hasn't missed you and your cries for help? Join Chaplain Black as he reminds you that God could never forget you—you are not lost in the crowd.
No problem, great or small, should keep us from Jesus. The woman with the issue of blood pushed through a rowdy crowd because He was her only option. You are not lost in the crowd; you are remembered. Make Him your first option, no matter what.
Do you know there is an antidote for despair? Join Chaplain Black as he concludes today's message and shares the antidote for our despair.
Prayer is how we communicate with our Heavenly Father. In this message, Chaplain Black examines our opportunity to pray to God and suggests ways to seize it!
The God of the universe has given us immediate access to him through prayer. We can pray at our desks, in traffic, or even while jogging. Join Chaplain Black as he teaches us how to seize the opportunity prayer brings!
Fear is not from God. Our Lord encourages us repeatedly in the Bible, 365 times to be exact, that we don't have to be afraid. We can dare to live fearlessly in the face of our fears!
Be encouraged as you continue to find out how you can live a life without fear!
When you are afraid, it's hard to focus on anything else. Thankfully, we can rely on God to help us navigate the valley of fear and become more than conquerors!
Prayer is how we communicate with God, but many don't know how. Chaplain Black shares how the Bible instructs us to pray and how it is a sure foundation for our lives.
Listen in as Chaplain Black concludes the final chapter of When Heaven is Silent!
While God doesn't give you a time frame on when your prayers will be answered, the Bible teaches in Galatians 6:9 that you will reap a harvest, if you faint not.
2 Corinthians 12:9 shares "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness". Have you ever wondered why God doesn't simply eliminate your weaknesses? Listen in as Chaplain Black sheds some light on this fundamental truth.
What can you do when God seems to hide himself? You pray and don't get an answer. You pray again and still, silence. The Apostle Paul, who wrote most of the New Testament, often experienced the same thing. Tune in and learn what you can do when heaven is silent.
Jabez prayed and asked God to cover him with favor, expand his influence, and be with him. Tune in as Chaplain Black concludes with the final petition in this series.
When you are experiencing difficulty, pray for the presence of God. Jabez made four petitions to God that ultimately turned his life around. Join Chaplain Black as he shares the third petition and how you can turn your pain into gain.
In this broadcast, Chaplain Black continues the message of turning our pain into something that honors God!
Jabez prayed with urgency and vulnerability. Despite his pain, he cried out to the Lord with boldness! You can defy hopelessness and dysfunction by believing wholeheartedly in the power of prayer.
When you stand up for what is right, sometimes the pushback can derail the confidence you need to keep going. In this broadcast, you'll learn what the Bible says about managing pain - if you want to turn it into gain.
How can we turn our life's pain into gain? Jabez did. His very name means sorrowful. He was not a prophet or a priest, and yet he dared to ask God for more. We can too!
God wants us to succeed in life. That's why we can lean confidently into His promises that encourage us to keep going, and not give up!
It is easy to become discouraged and want to throw in the towel. How can we stay motivated to keep going when life knocks us down? Find out how in this broadcast!
Do you ever feel like giving up? After fishing all night and not catching anything, Peter the Apostle felt similarly. When we find ourselves in the middle of fruitless toil, remember God can use our circumstances to encourage us to keep going!
Join Chaplain Black as he explains the final message on how valuable we are to God!
Negative thoughts often foster feelings of unworthiness. If the enemy can keep our minds rooted in lies, we won't believe our value to God! Chaplain Black teaches in this broadcast that we are valued, even when we may believe otherwise.
Anyone who stumbled upon a treasure would do everything possible to keep it because of its value. The same is true for us. We have worth in the eyes of God and are valuable to Him. Remember, we are all valued by God!
The good news is we belong to the Most High God. The bad news is we don't always realize how valuable we are to Him! Listen as Chaplain Black brings new light to this amazing truth.
Sometimes, we may forget how valuable we are to God. In this podcast, Chaplain Black shares just how valued and loved by God we are!
Do you know the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness? Romans 8:26 shares that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us with wordless groanings. In this message, Chaplain Black continues to teach about how we can permit God to use our mistakes.
Join Chaplain Black as he explains how God can use our mistakes by accepting that we might not always understand God's providence!
God CAN use anything to work together for His glory! Listen to Chaplain Black's reminder (found in Romans 8:28) that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.
We all mess up, but the good thing is God has already worked out our mistakes into His plan for our lives. Be encouraged to stay the course, and permit God to use our mistakes!
Join Chaplain Black as he shares the final segment in our series. If we are connected to Christ, we can expect a transformation!
Continue listening to Chaplain Black's timely message on how to become a brand new person.
Anyone who is in Christ becomes a new person. We can all become new if we believe in the Lord. Be encouraged by this message of renewal from Chaplain Black. We can all have a brand new start!
Similar to the metamorphosis of a butterfly or a moth from a caterpillar, God is also able to transform us into the new person we can become through him.
Join Chaplain Black as he concludes his message on training to become godly.
As we continue to practice spiritual fitness, 1 Peter 3:15 shares, "Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it." In this message, Chaplain Black explains how to sanctify God in our hearts and share the hope we have in Christ.
The training it takes an athlete to run a race and win requires much effort and training, every day. Discover God's strategy for us in maintaining our spiritual health to become godly.
To train in godliness, we must daily feed on God's word to help us. In this broadcast, Chaplain Black explores how to train in order to become godly.
Sometimes we may feel like our work is in vain, like we can't go any further. Find out how we may become revived and go from tired to inspired!
Starting a race is one thing, but finding the strength to finish is something else. Chaplain Black explains what is needed to make sure we can complete the race of life, and win!
One way we can face our fears is by releasing the power of our words. Are we speaking fear over a situation? The Bible shares the importance of our words in Proverbs 18:21, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit."
God can help us with any set back, he can be trusted to get us through to the other side! Chaplain Black teaches how we can keep our faith tank full so we can continue to grow.
Chaplain Black continues his message to show that we can face any giant in our life and take a major step forward in our faith journey.
When David encountered Goliath, he depended on God to deliver him from a literal giant. What are the giants in our lives? Join Chaplain Black as he looks at what to do when the odds are stacked against us and gain inspiration on handling our giants.
Did you know that each of us can do something with what God has given us? We have all been given spiritual gifts to use for the glory of God!
Join Chaplain Black for today's broadcast about walking in the confidence of God.
We can trust God. The Bible teaches us to consistently turn to him for help in every circumstance (Psalm 116:2). This allows our confidence in him to grow trusting that although our lives may not be perfect, He's promised to supply what we need in His perfect timing.
Think about what you are naturally good at. What do you come up with? Each of us has talents to use for God's glory! Join Chaplain Black as he shares the importance of using our God-given talents. Also, check out the parable of the talents found in Matthew 25:14-30!
Chaplain Black concludes his message on What to Expect from a Savior Worth Waiting For!
We can expect a Savior that has a connection with the Holy Spirit. In this message, Chaplain Black shares all that is available to us if we will only ask!
As the new year approaches, what can we expect from our Savior? Chaplain Black explains in this message we have much to hope for in Jesus!
Join Chaplain Black as he conclude his message on thriving in an unfriendly world.
One reason we may feel like giving up is because we don't know how to thrive when faced with difficulty. In this broadcast, Chaplain Black continues his message on the importance of learning how to thrive even in an unfriendly world.
Do you know that the Holy Spirit usually speaks through our conscience? We can choose to ignore our conscience, but the Bible shares with us in 1 Thessalonians 5:19 not to stifle the Holy Spirit. In this podcast, Chaplain Black teaches how we may strive for a conscience void of offense.
How can we guard our intellect? One way we can love God with all our minds is by walking in the truth of scripture and sharing that truth with others!
Paul wrote his letter to the church in Thessalonica during troubled times. While troubled times surround us still, the Bible has guardrails to help us thrive in this unfriendly world.
When life happens, the Bible is our blueprint for learning how to thrive in an unfriendly world. Join Chaplain Black as he teaches that we can succeed in this life, even when things aren't going our way.
When we are going through the trials of this life, if we can remember that we are not alone and God is with us, we are on our way to turning our setbacks into stepping stones.
Chaplain Black explains in this message what can provide us with hope during difficult times.
When we experience setbacks, our response might be to withdraw and push people away. But the Bible teaches us another way. Learn how to deal with setbacks and glorify God from Chaplain Black.
How can our setbacks push us toward victory? Is that even possible? It is when we have an eternal perspective. God can use our setbacks to set us up for the blessings He had for us all along. Join Chaplain Black as he teaches how God can turn our setbacks into stepping stones.
There is usually a gap between our longing and reality. Thankfully, we have a biblical strategy that can turn our setbacks into stepping stones!
We all have a race to run and win in life. But God has given us Heaven's best to ensure our victory!
Learn how to develop the discipline of a spiritual champion!
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