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Official audio podcast for Damon Thompson Ministries.
The podcast Damon Thompson Ministries is created by Damon Thompson. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Each week we’re honored to speak to our Union University Mobile students, this teaching is from a recent session.
The Homestead Mobile - January 14th, 2025
In the well known story of the prodigal son, or as we know him - the redeemed heir, we see one brother is getting a party based on the faithfulness of the father. The other saying I should be thrown a party based on my own faithfulness. However, there is a third brother - Jesus. The older brother that came in the middle of our mess and carried us back to the Father.
The Homestead Mobile - February 12th, 2025
The result of having a trinitarian vision of the cross is to see The Spirit as Lord. Seeing the Spirit as Lord removes the veil. With the veil removed we can now begin manifesting a resurrected life and become, as the scriptures declares, as He is in this world.
The Homestead Mobile - February 4th, 2025
Each week we’re honored to speak to our Union University Mobile students, this teaching is from a recent session.
The Homestead Mobile - December 17th, 2024
It’s not knowledge itself that transforms us, rather experience. The purpose of knowledge is to help usher us into the appropriate posture as well as the appropriate position. He’s positioning us as consequence of the right view of the cross to a greater level of openness and to enter into a deeper level of encounter with Abba.
The Homestead Mobile - January 24th, 2025
Jesus visits the home of Zacchaeus, a chief tax collector, and the home of Simon, a religious leader of the day. One seemingly at the top of a religious system and the other being completely dismantled by love. Two hosts, two different responses. How will we respond to the presence of Jesus? He’s calling us out of the trees of our own efforts and down to dine with Him.
The Homestead Mobile - January 10th, 2025
In Luke 19, we find the story of a tax collector by the name of Zacchaeus. Instead of his efforts climbing the tree being applauded by Jesus, He says something that would change his life forever. “Zacchaeus, make haste and come down”. This same call goes out to the hearts of people all over today. Come down out of the tree of your own efforts. He wants to abide with you.
The Homestead Mobile - January 3rd, 2025
Each week we’re honored to speak to our Union University Mobile students, this teaching is from a recent session.
The Homestead Mobile - December 3rd, 2024
Each week we’re honored to speak to our Union University Mobile students, this teaching is from a recent session.
The Homestead Mobile - November 19th, 2024
Jesus, and the kingdom he brought to the Earth, is by nature subversive. He is subversive in that He’s overthrowing an institution by peace not by force. In this we’re learning to be just like Him.
The Homestead Mobile - December 1st, 2024
The Lord is leading us out of the carefully, calculated and franchise modeled church and into the new era of a dangerous lifestyle. A lifestyle of love that makes us dangerous to the status quo.
The Homestead Mobile - November 22nd, 2024
In Luke 14, Jesus corrects the thinking of the individual, who in that measure of presence, still has a someday mentality. Many of us are being robbed from the glory of now because of the illusion of someday. But Jesus is calling us out of there and later and into the revelation of here and now!
The Homestead Mobile - November 8th, 2024
In this episode, we dive into a conversation with Apostle about his recent surgery and all that Abba has been showing him in the process.
We’ve learned that we’re moving away from focused determination and into utter fascination. Now we’re learning about having your imagination captivated by this utter fascination and the strength of how you frame your future through your imagination.
The Homestead Mobile - November 1st, 2024
Often it’s difficult to discern through all the still functioning periphery that our center has been lost. However when our center, Jesus, has been lost we’ve been completely immobilized and unable to accomplish what we’re actually designed to do. We’re releasing grace now to become so centered on Jesus that we’re able to effectively preach the finished work of the gospel of Jesus Christ!
The Homestead Mobile - September 27th, 2024
What is the principal mark of the individual under the lordship of the Holy Spirit? Love! The thing the Holy Spirit does principally above all else is He causes our hearts to be filled with love. A love that has been shed abroad in our hearts and that cannot be extinguished.
The Homestead Mobile - September 20th, 2024
Each week we’re honored to speak to our Union University Mobile students, this teaching is from a recent session.
The Homestead Mobile - September 10th, 2024
We are coming to understand that as the Holy Spirit shares with us His obsession with Yeshua, that obsession delivers us from the susceptibility of preoccupation. We become free from preoccupation when we yield to a superior obsession.
The Homestead Mobile - September 7th, 2024
Each week we’re honored to speak to our Union University Mobile students, this teaching is from a recent session.
The Homestead Mobile - September 3rd, 2024
In John 8, Jesus is giving us a window into what a measure of mercy looks like that is so scandalous that even early church fathers would debate on whether this story should be included. We’re being invited into not only accepting this radical mercy, but we’re being invited to operate in this level of scandalous mercy!
The Homestead Mobile - August 30th, 2024
In this episode of Kingdom Conversations, we take a deep dive into a discussion about Trans-Generational Consciousness and how that perspective frames how we view both life and ministry.
Jesus has forever reversed the fall of Adam. Eternally defeating the enemy. Yet, religion uses the blood of Jesus as a bandaid to keep us from eternal torment. The blood of Jesus is you being regenerated in such a way that you take the life of Jesus as the principle model of what a new human being should look like.
The Homestead Mobile - August 20th, 2024
The revelation of the victory of Jesus reveals to us that his victory is inside the truth that He has saved the world. The way that Jesus has saved the world is not in a repeated prayer. Rather it is in the repairing of our image of the Father. Jesus is precisely what the Father has to say about Himself. In this understanding we see Christus Victor!
The Homestead Mobile - August 3rd, 2024
Victory has already been given and it’s just waiting on you and I to unwrap the bow to what Jesus has so effectively paid for. The Lordship of the Holy Spirit has paved the way to become more obsessed with Jesus and allowed us to be more convinced of the revelation of the victory of Jesus.
The Homestead Mobile - August 2nd, 2024
We must now preach Jesus big enough that we begin to recognize that He did not come to put a bandaid on mankind's dysfunction. He came to redeem the innocence that was forfeited through the fall of Adam.
The Homestead Mobile - July 26th, 2024
You and I are neither called nor designed to finish the already finished work of Christ. However, we are most certainly called and designed to live life so filled and led by the Holy Spirit, that we partner with the Spirit to ensure that the consequences and intentions of the finished work of Christ are both realized as well as brought to their most mature expression.
The Homestead Mobile - July 12th, 2024
Emancipation from our agreement and subsequent partnership with our slavery to decay, is a crucial revelation required for us to manifest heaven's design for a victorious and indeed glorious eschatology. We can no longer reconcile being in His image while remaining slaves to decay.
The Homestead Mobile - July 5th, 2024
In the scripture we find Peter, full of determination and with a pure heart, in the presence of Jesus declaring his unwavering commitment to Him. But only one disciple learned to lean in more deeply, allowing himself to be fascinated rather than determined. John the beloved’s leaning more deeply into the chest of Jesus caused his fascination to turn into captivation. From that place, he received the secrets of the Father.
Camp Ascend - June 22nd, 2024
This special teaching with Matt Brown from The Homestead in Aubrey, Texas was spoken at our recent Camp Ascend gathering. Grace isn’t only forgiveness of sins, it’s holy empowerment. It’s empowerment to be authentically who you are and who you could never be apart from grace.
Camp Ascend - June 20th, 2024
The truth of the matter is the kingdom man should never know what it's like to be driven toward anything. Slaves are driven, sons are led. You and I, as sons, were not designed to be driven by a cause, rather we were designed to be led by the wind of the Spirit.
The Homestead Mobile - June 7th, 2024
Before we get the contrast of the Spirit and flesh late in Romans, we first get the contrast of Spirit and the law. Early in Romans, the Apostle Paul teaches us how to move out of the law and into grace. This teaching helps us understand that movement into the new is not possible without movement away from the old. The new is a covenant that is creating a new government!
The Homestead Mobile - May 31st, 2024
In this episode of Kingdom Conversations, we go live into the Q&A session from our June 2024 Under The Oaks gathering.
Under the Oaks - June 8th, 2024
We’re moving away from personal lordship and we’re becoming a people that are moved by the impulses of the Spirit. The Spirit is Lord over everything that provokes appetite. Now that we’ve been liberated by the Lordship of the Holy Spirit, all of our appetites are under the governmental control of the Spirit.
The Homestead Mobile - June 4th, 2024
For years, the Holy Spirit has been nothing more than a depersonalized force that when we talked about Him, it was in reference to what happened in a corporate setting. However, we're now discovering that the Father and Jesus are interested in you and I coming into an intimate knowledge of the person of the Holy Spirit. More importantly, his lordship.
As essential as the Son is to teach us the nature of the Father, equally as essential is the Spirit to impart to us the revelation of the Son. The Spirit is the mystery and modesty of God. So now we're learning instead of looking at the depersonalized version of the Spirit as a force of wind, we now look at Him more appropriately as the ultra personal force of breath.
The Homestead Mobile - May 10th, 2024
We're beginning to move in a common revelation of Yeshua that is creating an interior enlightenment. An enlightenment that changes the world as you and I come together inside of the revelation that two are better than one. This coming together is bringing an understanding that we're pre horizoned, called to Him, made righteous and we are called to live outside of time. Through this we become splendorous together!
The Homestead Mobile - May, 3rd 2024
The regenerated man becomes both a principle witness as well as a force of provocation to the cosmos. From here, a mystery unfolds. The sons are not just learning how to live in the circle dance, but from this holy and sacred positional inheritance, the sons are saying to the cosmos, "may I have this dance."
The Homestead Mobile - April 19th, 2024
We are recovering a Patristic humanity that will indeed reform our ideas about what it actually means to be saved. Not simply what we have been saved from, but far more significant is whom we have been saved for.
The Homestead Mobile - April 12th, 2024
God did not just rescue humanity from sin. He rescued humanity from the root of sin, which is delusion. However now that our perspective is being repaired, exclusively through the lens of Jesus, the delusion that the Father is anything else other than love is beginning to fade away and we are returning to our original design. Becoming a heavenly humanity.
The Homestead Mobile - March 28th, 2024
The chief challenge of being designed for more is that you will not fit in places that are designed for less. Although everyone may have the language of being designed for more, few are willing to go through the transformation of their wine skin in order that their wine skin can hold the more it was designed to hold.
Under the Oaks - March 27th, 2024
We go live into the Q&A session from our leadership gathering, Under The Oaks. Over 500 leaders from all over the world gathered and it was amazing to sit and discuss the questions that could be in their hearts!
Under the Oaks - March 27th, 2024
The Father craves something wild and undomesticated. When He tastes it, He will bless it from His innermost being! That is to say there is a measure of blessing that the domesticated ones will never have access to. It's only the real, unmasked, wild and undomesticated you that the Father desires. Abba is revealing our original blueprints - wildly tender!
Under the Oaks - March 26th, 2024
An appropriate thematic interpretation of Romans, specifically Romans 8, is vitally important for this culture as we move forward. Unfortunately, Romans has been read, specifically in the West, as a book whose sole topic is about me and my salvation at worst, or us and our salvation at best. However, we're now recovering and unveiling the true meaning of this life-changing book!
The Homestead Mobile - March 22nd, 2024
The book of Romans is not a road map to the American version of salvation. Romans is an invitation to a kingdom demonstration of a new humanity, ruling inside of a new creation. Coming into this new reality is the result of a union where God can finally begin to show us new things inside of this revelation.
The Homestead Mobile - March 15th, 2024
Creation is pregnant and waiting on you and I to show her what she needs to deliver. Creation cannot produce what's in her until you and I unlock her by showing her you and I finally reformed back in the image of the one that created us. We're finally believing that we're predestined to be conformed into the image of the Son and it's bringing creation back into it's original intended form.
The Homestead Mobile - March 8th, 2024
We are recovering a patristic christology that will indeed reform our ideas of what it actually means to be saved. And ultimately what it means to be human. You are not primarily being prepared to do a task. But rather you are principally being prepared to become a pattern. An image bearer to the culture! Choose the ancient path and unlock the created order!
The Homestead Mobile - March 1st, 2024
What you and I are being invited into is not being equal to God, it’s about being light like God is light. John 17 declares to us that He’s sharing the union that creates the measure of light. And He wants us to have union the exact same way He has union, which means we’ll have light the same way He has light! We’re coming face to face and becoming the light!
The Homestead Mobile - February 23rd, 2024
After a brief time away, we are back for another time of powerful conversation in Episode 10! We discuss the increase of Presence and strength that is developing here locally in Mobile, the power of being intentional, what we sense coming in the future, the marriage of outpouring and theology, and Papa D answers one of the most often asked questions to us; What literature does he recommend/or what books have helped him in this progressing theological journey? As always, we sense the Holy Spirit calling leaders back to a place of home and wholeness during our time together. We pray this episode strengthens you and blesses you!
There is a measure of union that is inaccessible until we surrender to the mystical aspects of what union looks like. Devotion still has a semblance of being dependent on ourselves. This mystical life of union reminds us that it’s not about works, but about His radical goodness and the fact that I am beloved!
Special Teaching Session/The Homestead Mobile - February 13th, 2024
We felt compelled to share this raw recording from a recent staff meeting.
We are being called into an unwavering posture of being open and intentional. The light we have longed for is not something we inherit organically or even atmospherically. It only happens intentionally.
Considering these recordings are usually only for reference by our staff, the audio quality isn’t as high as we endeavor to share publicly. Our team has worked to make the dialogue as audible as possible.
Not only were we saved from darkness, but we were saved for real authentic God light! We're learning that like and light are interchangeable. So to be like God is light and to be light is to be like God. The love of Abba, and union with Him, is generating the likeness and light in us that we were designed for!
The Homestead Mobile - February 2nd, 2024
The creation of man was brought about through trinitarian union. So you and I understanding what we were spawned from is actually what we are now being called to return to. We're no longer afraid to traverse these dimensions knowing there is safety inside of knowing we are fully loved.
The Homestead Mobile - January 26th, 2024
We're learning to look like the Father not based on our morality or our spiritual disciplines, but through His love. He is loving us into looking like Him! We lay our spiritual disciplines at His feet and we say ravish us instead. We're becoming exactly what He intended us to be, a beloved burning bride!
The Homestead Mobile - January 5th, 2024
If our perspective can become braided with Abba's perspective, then you and I will begin to move into a level of breakthrough that is not based on what we know. It's simply based on who we've married. This is not contractual, it's covenantal. This is how we function in Theosis safely, by living in a constant state of being overwhelmed by intimacy.
The Homestead Mobile - December 30th, 2023
Beholding is the means of becoming. Now that our view of God is being viewed exclusively through the lens of Jesus, we not only see Him right, but we can also become who we really are. We are God’s beloved children right now. But being His beloved children is only the beginning! Get ready to become illuminative!
The Homestead Mobile - December 29th, 2023
Jesus came to demonstrate a life of divine fellowship, carry us back into that life of divine fellowship and share that life of divine fellowship until you and I became what were designed to be. We’re beginning to understand that the incarnation of the word of God was about fixing our broken perspectives of the nature of the Father.
The Homestead Mobile - December 22nd, 2023
We are back for our first conversation since September and this may have been our most honest, vulnerable, and powerful time yet. As we discussed the journey through the wilderness, the goodness of God, and His unrelenting grip on our lives, the Presence of the Lord filled our time together. To search for words can many times seem to cheapen the experience. So just go ahead and take a listen. We pray His grace and power fill you as you join in our Kingdom Conversation.
We're finally beginning to believe that the Father is not angry with us, nor is He disappointed in us, but He is for us. He is coming to us with a level of love that changes the way we think about what we're going through and what we're going through is becoming the answer for what we cried out for in the secret place. We are encountering His eyes and they are full of love and light!
The Homestead Mobile - November 26th, 2023
Maturity finds the presence of Jesus and sits down. Once you find the presence, catch your breath and become fully seated in this rest filled life. You'll never operate in sustained breakthrough or multiplication until you learn to come into rest. Rest is our eternal posture!
The Homestead Mobile - November 3rd, 2023
Abba is calling us into a place of elevated theology. He's asking us to cast off old thinking so that we can finally rest in the finished work of Christ. We can finally say with full assurance that Jesus is exactly what the Father has to say about not only Himself, but about us as well. The Father is, and will always be, kind!
The Homestead Mobile - October 31st, 2023
Being seated is the antithesis of striving. When Jesus multiplies food in John 6, the first thing He’s does is have the people sit. Because being seated was a posture that Jesus knew was necessary to teach not only His disciples, but also to the people. He’s doing the same thing today. He’s calling us out of the pacing and frantic living and into His glorious rest.
The Homestead Mobile - October 20th, 2023
We live in a narcissistic western paradigm where it's all about personal destiny. However, the ancient followers of Yahweh never saw destiny through the lens of personhood, they saw it generationally. We are becoming a people who have laid down their obsession with their own personal destiny in order to see true generational legacy!
The Homestead Mobile - October 13th, 2023
We are the answer for the dark and we were born to shine as the brightest day. So what is preventing us from shining the way we were designed to shine? He has not been made fully apparent to us. If Jesus is exactly what the Father has to say about Himself, then we must change our view of the Father if we ever want to light up the dark!
The Homestead Mobile - September 29th, 2023
We are not becoming God's child, we are God's child. When we stop trying and simply begin being, we begin to realize it was never about striving. It was always about accepting who we really are. When we finally accept who we really are, Abba says "Now I am going to use you to light your world up". Not because you've earned it, but because you were never not what He designed you to be. You are His favorite!
The Homestead Mobile - September 8th, 2023
After almost a 4 month break, we are excited to be back! In this first episode of Season 2, we recap our very busy summer, Under the Oaks, Camp Ascend, the increase of Legacy Academy, and a very special trip to Africa for the Thompson family. Then our attention turns toward to the fall of 2023 with great anticipation as we believe the Lord is setting us up for something big in 2024. This preparation compels us to move with the Wind, adjust our schedules, and be willing to only do what we see the Father doing. We take time to discuss the freedom that comes with that approach to life and leadership, and sensed great grace that this same freedom is available for every leader and listener.
Thank you for listening and we hope these discussions continue to make impact in your life!
We're having to come to grips with John's conclusion that there is no more good cop - bad cop narrative that we inherited. If this is true, and we know that it is, then through this revelation, we're beginning to discover that in Him there is pure light and not a trace of darkness. And If we are intended to come into full union with the Father, we must come into agreement with the idea that there's also no trace of darkness in us.
The Homestead Mobile - September 1st, 2023
When we enter into the realm of confident rest, we become a vibrational match to the one who is never frantic. It was David's unsettled heart that caused him to lay down his harp and only ever swing his sword. In this realm of rest we're laying down our sword and finding our harp again. No longer restless, but fulfilled in His love for us!
This realm of confident rest is only accessible through becoming a vibrational match to the one who eternally sits on the throne. We're learning our position is face to face and our posture is rest. It's a calming of our interior worlds that brings us into consistent breakthrough and faith rest life.
The Homestead Mobile - August 11th, 2023
Restlessness can be seen as virtuous in the religious culture of "try harder". Yet for the kingdom man, born both from and for the superior realm of confident rest, restlessness becomes a thief of the vibrational energy that is necessary if we're going to live in face to face with the Father. Come out of striving and into being in this rest filled life!
The Homestead Mobile - August 6th, 2023
There's an intended position and an intended posture in this faith rest life. Both of which will not be sustainable if beloved identity does not pierce our hearts as deeply as it was intended. Beloved identity is not simply to give you a boost into what and who you already are. It's meant to give you a new seat!
The Homestead Mobile - July 28th, 2023
There is still a full or complete rest waiting for believers to experience as we enter into God's faith rest life. We cease from our own works and learn to celebrate just as God celebrates His finished works and rests in them. We must give our all and be eager to experience this faith rest life. So that no one falls short by following the same pattern of doubt and unbelief.
The Homestead Mobile - July 14th, 2023
He has called us to enter in the realm of a rest filled life. The only way we fail to experience or enter into this rest filled life is because of a bankrupt identity. But when you know you're loved with a fierce love, you don't strive, you simply become confident in the fact that He will not fail me. Do not delay your life filled with rest any longer. He is waiting for you!
The Homestead Mobile - July 8th, 2023
Knowing that we are treasures in the hands of a mesmerized merchant is the only way to enter into a life filled with rest. When shame is stripped of its potency through the revelation of perfect righteousness and a mesmerized merchant, we are liberated to soar into the throne room corridors of our original inception. Stop measuring progress and enter into this rest filled life!
The Homestead Mobile - July 7th, 2023
In the story of John 21, we find Peter in a state of disappointment, trying to return to who he was before. Much like Peter, we don’t quit on Jesus or even ministry. Yet by disappointment and her offspring restlessness, inevitably we move away from the radical obedience and the bold faith of our leadership journey. But now that God has healed the numbness and pain, we’re beginning to feel and dream again, giving us the boldness to drop our nets!
Under the Oaks - July 5th, 2023
We go live into the Q&A session from our leadership gathering Under the Oaks. As 400 leaders from all over the world gathered, it was amazing to sit and discuss the questions that could be in their hearts.
Under the Oaks - July 5th, 2023
He has called us to enter in the realm of a rest filled life. The only way we fail to experience or enter into this rest filled life is because of a bankrupt identity. But when you know you're loved with a fierce love, you don't strive, you simply become confident in the fact that He will not fail me. Do not delay your life filled with rest any longer. He is waiting for you!
Under the Oaks - July 4th, 2023
Epigenetics and Treasures in the hands of a mesmerized Merchant can seem like two independent revelations. Yet we're learning that they are actually extremely related to one another. Not understanding that we're mesmerizing will keep us out of the posture that's necessary for us to go through a transformation that happens by way of beholding. We behold Him as He's mesmerized by us.
The Homestead Mobile - June 30th, 2023
Religion taught us that Jesus was the treasure and we were the merchants that bought the whole field. Now we’re learning, through revelation, that Abba is the merchant and we’re the treasure that was buried that He paid the price to have. Don’t let religion fool you into the thinking of another “price to be paid”. The price has been eternally paid by the one who is mesmerized by us.
The Homestead Mobile - June 16th, 2023
Discovering and accepting just how mesmerizing we are to the merchant is essential if we are going to initiate the intended reclamation of the field. If we are convinced that we are set free from the slavery of decay, so is the earth. You and I are mesmerizing to the merchant and it's changing the cosmos and causing us to go from decay to life everlasting!
The Homestead Mobile - June 3rd, 2023
In the final episode of Season 1, we discuss the joys of the upcoming summer season and the overarching thought of our recent Homestead Ordination Service, that we are first called to be His friends. We are removing cause consciousness as our preeminent focus and replacing it with friendship consciousness. Our walk with God, and our friendship to Him is what we were born for.
This will be a “Summer of Friendship” with the Lord like never before!
Thank you for listening! We will be taking a summer break and will begin season 2 in early fall! We’ll see you then!
When we realize that we are the treasure in the story and Yahweh is the merchant, our minds can finally be set free from wrongful thinking. Religion would have you believe that Jesus is the treasure and you’re the merchant. But we’re discovering that it was never about us paying the price, it was always about accepting that He already did.
The Homestead Mobile - May 6th, 2023
In the eco system of the Kingdom, we’re understanding that there are things within us that have not become a reality yet because of inferior environments. And that it was actually the goodness of God that prohibited us from entering the production that we craved while still being in bed with dysfunction. Come out of the dysfunctional environment and come into who you really are, Beloved!
True North Revival / Edmonton, Alberta - March 18th, 2023
In Judges 3 we find the story of Ehud. Ehud was a left handed man in a right handed tribe. Gera, the father of Ehud, knew it would take his life being a seed so that his son could flourish and bring the nation of Israel into peace. Allowing our lives to become a seed so that the next generation can operate in authenticity and grace is what will bring peace to nations!
Wilderness Society - May 2nd, 2023
In this year of the wind, we’re learning that not only is the Holy Spirit wind, but He is Lord. Without the Holy Spirit, we remain under the governmental rule of the law. But under the rule of the Holy Spirit, we now know that we are God’s beloved child!
The Homestead Mobile - April 14th, 2023
In John's gospel we learn that the Holy Spirit is not just wind, nor is He just a feeling we feel. He is referred to as "our other savior." Through this text we are gaining an elevated honor for the Holy Spirit that transcends beyond Him being a feeling, but the Holy Spirit as Yahweh! We now understand that Jesus was the cosmic finisher and the Holy Spirit was the finisher in us.
The Homestead Mobile - April 7th, 2023
There were two things that identified the life of Joshua - his service to Moses and his hunger. However, there was one thing that Joshua failed to remember…the next generation. Joshua had no successor, and as a result, Israel would spend 396 years under judges instead of a presence obsessed leader. Until David came along. Beloved identity then brings back obsession with presence, recaptures lost territory and establishes strong leadership through worship. Beloved identity is taking back the high ground and making worship the principle of our existence.
Wilderness Society - April 4th, 2023
Worship is the primary way in which we both see and experience who Christ really is and thus we encounter His presence as our prototype. You're not supposed to encounter His presence so you can leave talking about what it felt like. You're supposed to encounter His presence so you can awaken what's on the inside of you, that actually changes what's produced by you in the next generation.
True North Revival / Edmonton, Alberta - March 17th, 2023
Fear can manifest in many ways in our lives. Fear of rejection, fear of being forsaken or fear of the future. But scripture declares that perfect love casts out all fear and there's a peace that passes all understanding. How do we get to that peace? We don't allow understanding to lead the way. We allow understanding to undergird peace. It may not always make sense, but it is always for my good!
The Homestead Mobile - February 24th, 2023
When the leaven of rejection begins to creep in, it taints every relationship that we have in our lives. But when you become fully assured that you’re fully accepted, that assurance becomes the answer to the spirit of rejection. You cannot be anymore accepted than you are right now. His perfect love casts out all fear, even the fear of rejection!
The Homestead Mobile - March 14th, 2023
In a recent chapel service for Legacy Academy, Apostle Damon Thompson reminded the students about beloved identity. Coming into the understanding of how beloved we really are changes not only how we see Him, but how we see ourselves. While it is true that we love Abba, it was first true that He loved us. Our love for Abba is the resulting action of perfect love loving you until there was nothing else to do but to love Him back. You are beloved!
The Homestead Mobile / Legacy Academy - March 8th, 2023
In this episode, we recap our Wilderness Society: Under the Oaks gathering, and then dive into the “Burst of Wind” that began to happen in Mobile on Valentine’s Day. As we discuss, a theme begins to develop that these moves of the Spirit are not simply momentary. The intention of God is that they become a “Passport to a New Existence”. We believe our time together today can be the spark that begins that in you.
In the garden, Adam and Eve eat of the fruit they were given instruction to never eat. Despite their disobedience, Abba shows up for the walk. In the middle of their mistake, He still calls their names inviting them to walk with Him in the cool of the day. Do not allow shame to keep you from His presence. No matter where you are or what you've done, He's still inviting you on the walk!
The Homestead Mobile - March 3rd, 2023
If you struggle with being fully accepted, then you have accepted being partially rejected. Yielding to more of the Spirit is seating us into full acceptance where we know not a single part of who we are is rejected. You are beloved!
The Homestead Mobile - February 4th, 2023
In this episode, we go live into the Q&A session from our leadership gathering - Wilderness Society: Under the Oaks.
As 400 leaders from all over the world gathered, it only felt right to sit and discuss the questions that could be in their hearts. What came out of this time together was a move of the Spirit that went way beyond simple conversation. It was a moment in time in which leaders were changed. We hope you are marked by this time together, and hope you will join us at the next Wilderness Society gathering.
When the people of Israel chose political leadership over prophetic leadership, Samuel only knew to do one thing - establish himself as a father in the prophetic. It was a small group of nameless sons, that Samuel fathered, that made the king of Israel fall to the ground and prophesy. Beloved identity is flipping the script on what importance really means and it's allowing us to see that significance in the next generation.
Wilderness Soceity: Under the Oaks - January 31st, 2023
Religion only has one message, try harder. Turn off the wrong cravings in your life through self effort. However we're understanding in this message of beloved righteousness, that it was never about turning off the wrong cravings, rather it was about turning on the right ones. Self cravings don't compare to the intense cravings of the Holy Spirit!
The Homestead Mobile - January 20th, 2023
In this expression of wordless worship, Abba is asking of us even more to trust the wind. Learning that leaning on the system produces slavery, but trusting the wind brings liberty. Our job is not to make it make sense, it's to trust and fall into it. We are beloved and all is grace!
The Homestead Mobile - January 13th, 2023
In the first episode of 2023 we sit down to recap the New Year’s Youth and ReUnion gatherings, favorite Christmas gifts, our meetings in Florida, and then look ahead to 2023: The Year of the Wind and our upcoming leadership gathering “Wilderness Society: Under the Oaks”.
We also conclude discussing our favorite Vacation spots!
We believe this year we will be under the conduction of the Holy Spirit in a way we never have before, and hope you will join us on the journey.
Abba has rescued us from the regime of the law of performance and has announced our true sonship in God. From this seated place of sonship, we can truly cry out Abba, our true Father. He's giving us the grace in this wind driven life to not only see ourselves as sons, but Him as Abba.
The Homestead Mobile - January 6th, 2023
We are designed to be pneumatic people. A people completely under the government of the wind of the spirit. When we expel the last pieces of the law and the mocking spirit, we can celebrate that we're finally ready to lift our sails and be led by the wind!
The Homestead Mobile - December 31st, 2022
It has always been the Father's heart to return to simply taking a walk. No other requirement is necessary and no other rule of measurement matters. For Jesus was and is the standard. All He wants from us is one thing... to take a walk!
The Homestead Mobile (ReUnion Youth Gathering) - December 30th, 2022
The finished work of Christ deals with any conflicting natures in our hearts. The gospel is not how to keep fighting, it's realizing Jesus has already won. So celebrate today that it was never your job to defeat the Jacob in you, because Jesus defeated the Adam in us all.
The Homestead Mobile - December 9th, 2022
Beholding is the means of becoming. We are designed to see Him and have a grace to see more of Him. How do we see more of Him? You draw closer. Come towards the Father today, He's waiting for you.
The Homestead Mobile - November 27th, 2022
In this episode, we discuss the success of Apostle’s hunting trip, the joy of the Holiday season, we take listener questions, and discuss the revelation of Beloved Righteousness. Throughout our time, there is a theme of calling leaders into their most authentic, secure, and seated place in the love of God.
***Also, we encountered an audio issue at the end of our time together, but wanted to get it to you even with the difficulty!***
Worship is a primary way in which we both see and experience who Jesus is, thus we encounter our prototype. Worship is where we change and our genetic makeup is crying out to be exposed to His presence.
The Homestead Mobile - November 18th, 2022
We're being invited on the walk of all walks with Abba. Logic and reason has made us believe that He's after anything but our hearts. He's whispering through those lies saying "Come on a walk". Trust in Him and take a walk that will change the world.
The Homestead Mobile - November 4th, 2022
The glory Jesus shared with the Father, He is now sharing with us. We've received this glory and now we're called to grow it. How? Honor! It is the key to growing this level of glory well. It is the protocol of the kingdom.
The Homestead Mobile - October 28th, 2022
How do we respond to His presence? Is it with a common gaze? Or is it with an uncommon level of honor? What you do with presence will determine the qualification of what you experience. It's for our benefit that He hides from us what we approach casually. Open your heart and engage His presence with a fresh level of honor!
The Homestead Mobile - October 21st, 2022
In this episode, Bryn Waddell sits down with Damon Thompson to discuss his upcoming hunting trip, the importance of theology, and what gives leaders the power to make courageous decisions. We also answer a few listener questions! Our time is filled with laughter, rich fellowship, and concludes with a powerful prayer for leaders. Thank you for listening!
The Spirit filled man is the man so filled with wind that he is like what he’s filled with.. Wind.. You don’t know where he comes from, and you don’t know where he’s going. When living by the wind, it can often look like you're living under the control of something that appears out of control. As long as your life is kissed with the governmental control of the wind of the Spirit, the wind will not blow you anywhere but where the Father wants you to go.
The Shepherds Tent - October 16th, 2022
Kingdom Conversations w/ Bryn Waddell & Damon Thompson
Welcome to the inaugural episode of a brand new podcast from Damon Thompson Ministries… Kingdom Conversations. In this and upcoming episodes, Bryn Waddell sits down with Damon Thompson to discuss life, the Kingdom, ministry, family, and an array of other topics. These times together will be filled with hope, laughter, strength, and wisdom as we discuss all things pertaining to the Kingdom of God. We believe this is the start of something special.
Beloved identity and the message of righteousness is being married to bring us into what we're learning as Beloved Righteousness. Out of this understanding comes a new wine. All of the gospel was supposed to be kissed with wine. Live in the oil so that you can be stretched without bursting.
The Shepherds Tent - October 15th, 2022
In this walk with Abba, we're learning that logic and reason can make us stop shy of the promise. Regardless of how inconvenient the move may be, don't allow anything to stop you one river shy of the promise He has prepared for you. So re-dream the dream, because you were born to cross one more river.
The Homestead Mobile - October 7th, 2022
We are being called into a new age as we come into agreement with God's perspective on who we really are. We are Hephzibah! The Father's delight is in you. When we accept this revelation, the land becomes beulah and the builder sons will come to marry the land!
The Homestead Mobile - September 30th, 2022
God is pure light! Darkness only comes when the heart is closed. There's no dealing with darkness, you simply need to open up and let the light in. When you open up, it automatically deals with darkness. We are the first fruits of a family opening our hearts to let the light in.
The Homestead Mobile - September 23rd, 2022
As we're growing in our understanding that we are the righteousness of God, we're also learning to live in the posture of an open heart. Understanding that when our hearts are open, His light can flood in. His light will always eliminate any delusion that we have about the Father regarding His heart towards us.
The Homestead Mobile - September 16th, 2022
You don't have an attention issue, you have an intention issue. What you truly want is what will determine what matters. We're understanding that the only thing that truly matters is face to face. If it's true that you become what you behold, then becoming who you are designed to be is a consequence of knowing who you were designed to behold.
The Homestead Mobile - September 11th, 2022
The love of God is the absolute commitment to come after anything that is not of love's kind. If you know He loves you and you know He is for you and not against you, you begin to understand that His wrath is not anger but it is His fierce love on display. You are the beloved of the Father!
The Homestead Mobile - September 9th, 2022
In this message of righteousness we’re learning to not only deal with the presence of Ishmael, but we’re learning that He wants to deal with the after affects of Ishmael having ever been there. We’re finally free from the last pieces of “try harder” and we’re believing we are the righteousness of God.
The Homestead Mobile - September 2nd, 2022
You are the righteousness of God. If something feels contrary to your identity, do not participate in it. Do not come into agreement with the lie that you’re anything less than beloved. The Gospel is not try harder the Gospel is welcome home!
The Homestead Aubrey, TX - August 13th, 2022
We are discovering there’s a fusion between revelation and devotion. Religion taught us it begins with behavior. Believing we are the righteousness of God leads to becoming and becoming leads to correct behavior.
The Homestead Mobile - August 19th, 2022
We are sons born to be in the wind. We must learn how to yield to the wind of the Spirit, taking us from experiencing His presence to carrying His presence.
The Homestead Mobile - August 6th, 2022
We are called to make the shift away from fundamentals and make the shift toward being spirit lead and presence driven. It’s not possible to be seated by principles, you’ll have to be placed by the wind!
The Homestead Mobile - August 5th, 2022
The Holy Spirit is to the superior covenant what the law is to the inferior covenant. You and I are no longer governed by the whip of religion, rather by the leading of the Holy Spirit.
The Homestead Mobile - July 29th, 2022
1 John 4 tells us the light of God’s love shines in us. From this we know the Father loved us long before we loved Him. This revelation brings freedom knowing that there’s nothing we could ever do to ignite His love for us, but we can absolutely control how high it burns. You are fully loved!
Camp Ascend 2022 - July 9th, 2022
What perspective of God the father do I still have that is inconsistent with who Jesus revealed his Abba to be? What perspective of myself do I still have that is inconsistent with how I know Abba feels about Jesus? These two questions are the foundation to the message of righteousness! You are the righteousness of God!
The Homestead Mobile - July 15th, 2022
The glory of God is to be fully alive. You, fully alive, is being an illumination of glory without effort. We must stop measuring our righteousness by our productivity. We are made perfectly righteous in a moment.
The Homestead Mobile - July 3rd, 2022
Jesus heals ten lepers on their way to see the priest but only one returns to Jesus, the ultimate high Priest to give thanksgiving. We must get into a posture of thanksgiving and worship that is an appropriate expression of what the Lord has done.
Sunday morning service from our new ministry home in Mobile, AL.
The Kinsman Redeemer
Sunday morning service from our new ministry home in Mobile, AL.
Damon Thompson speaking at The Shepherd's Tent in Covington, GA on Sunday, May 1st, 2022.
Damon Thompson speaking at the church in Mobile, Alabama that our ministry is in the process of moving and transitioning to.
Damon Thompson speaking at The Shepherd's Tent in Covington, GA on Sunday, March 27th, 2022.
Damon Thompson speaking at Hope Chapel in Batesburg, SC on Friday, March 25th, 2022.
Damon Thompson speaking at The Shepherd's Tent in Covington, GA on Sunday, March 13th, 2022.
Damon Thompson speaking at the Shepherd's Tent in Covington, GA on Friday, March 11th, 2022.
Damon Thompson speaking at Redemption to the Nations Church in Chattanooga, TN on Sunday, March 6th, 2022.
Beloved identity comes by way of Grace. Self-effort is the offspring of the Law. You will know the Law is gone when self-effort can no longer mock or speak to you anymore.
Damon Thompson speaking at The Shepherd's Tent in Covington, GA on Sunday, February 27th, 2022.
Damon Thompson speaking at The Shepherd's Tent in Covington, GA on Saturday, February 26th, 2022.
Happy Progress. How do you get the voice of Ishmael out? Get pierced by the revelation of righteousness. Our works do not bring God's acceptance and we must stand on the faithfulness of Jesus.
Damon Thompson speaking at Redemption to the Nations Church in Chattanooga, TN on Sunday, February 20th, 2022.
Damon Thompson speaking at The Shepherd's Tent in Covington, GA on Saturday, February 19th, 2022.
Damon Thompson speaking at The Shepherd's Tent in Covington, GA on Friday, February 18th, 2022.
Damon Thompson speaking at Redemption to the Nations Church in Chattanooga, TN on Tuesday, February 15th, 2022.
Damon Thompson speaking at Redemption to the Nations Church in Chattanooga, TN on Sunday, February 13th, 2022.
Righteousness means "to be as we ought to be." We have to get free from not knowing who we are.
Legalism rises in direct proportion to our diminished emphasis and dependence on Holy Spirit.
Pierced by the revelation of righteousness and permission to be weaned. Isaac and Ishmael represent "Law vs. Grace" and they were not designed to coexist. Righteousness is not academic or confusing; it's an experience.
Faith's foundation is love. Your faith never fails when it's established in love. Don't empower the enemy by coming into agreement with lies. We were born for great exploits in the Kingdom but we must first know that Jesus is the exact mirror image of the Father.
Do not fight to hold on to what Abba is trying to unbraid you from. My perspective braided with the Father's perspective produces a light and a love like the world has not ever seen.
We are required to know how much we are loved if we are going to demonstrate discipleship effectively. Being rooted in understanding how He loves you determines how you love others.
You becoming convinced you are beloved is going to cause you to have an incarnational luminescence that is literally going to affect the culture around you. Instead of insulating from the outside culture we are actually going to begin to dare to believe that you can invade it with the same Spirit that raised Christ Jesus from the dead.
You mystically in union shared the cross and its nails. You shared the burial and its grave. You shared and share in the resurrection and its new life. Now you share the throne and its perfectly intended union with the Father, Son and Spirit.
Luminescent Anthropology. If you had any idea about the Light that is in you it would deal with the darkness. We have to allow our perspective to be intertwined with Abba's.
Luke 11. Don't let a dark thread inside of you keep you from the measure of light you were designed for.
What the first phase of Carolina Revival re-gathering together corporately will look like. We are in the seventh year of this expression of revival and it is amazing how the Father will take this unique season we have been in and put His fingerprints all over it. We can let the field rest for an entire year and trust that He provides.
Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
What is birthed on the other side of restriction? When your eye is not single you will strive to earn affection through production. Production will never bring satisfaction. Return to your original passion and allow this shutdown season to refine your focus on the One thing lifestyle.
Lean into the grace to let go of the illusion of control. We are fathering a culture where people are given permission and grace is released to live the lifestyle of singular focus. Grace for fidelity in the quest for One thing.
Prioritized Focused Affection. Revivals that have centered around the corporate gathering have been short circuited throughout history, but what if this one is centered around the "one thing" focused priority of affection. Say "yes" to a focus that lets us burn out of control again.
All things, good or bad, work together for our good. He takes the broken pieces of our stories and forms them into something that gives us the ability to be the reflection of Jesus to the culture. I believe in an Abba who is nothing other than good.
The Assumption of Separation: Reflecting on 2020.
The assumption of separation fuels the anxiety concerning abandonment. If you are struggling with beloved identity then the first step is to learn to trust that Abba does not abandon and He does not walk out on you.
He doesn't just sit with you in the darkness; He brings light with Him every time. Let go of doctrinal certitude and find that God is nothing other than the God revealed in Jesus. Do not fight to defend a fractured perspective because you feel unsafe with not having answers.
Jesus at the center of it all. I have never met anyone that got anything of consequential value by way of striving. The handful of people I know who have something worth emulating got there by way of absorption. Jesus is defeating the myth that God is anything like Adam thought that God was when Adam ran away and hid.
How are the decisions that I am making and the life I am living going to impact future generations? Our field is being given a sabbath season because we are going to need the field to be here for generations.
There are no "non-sacred" moments because He lives in me the same way the Father lived fully in Jesus.
In the waiting and in the stillness you have the opportunity to accomplish a strengthening of union. You being obsessed with having everything just right is going to keep the children from playing the way that they were designed to.
Damon Thompson speaks at the Women of Fire Conference at Redemption to the Nations Church in Chattanooga, TN.
September 17th, 2020
Abide, Remain, Life-Union. There is nothing God will not do to get our union back. Yahweh causes our road to converge with His road.
We are being immersed into the assurance that the love that the Father has for me is the exact same love that He has for His sinless, beloved Son. We were designed for union and our union is chasing out the last shreds of darkness that have kept us from the place of rest.
You have believed the lie that you have cost yourself your destiny. Do not look at your future through the lens of your past sins or mistakes. Abba is asking you to re-envision your future in light of beloved identity.
Damon Thompson at the "Freedom Rally" conference at Abba's House in Hixson, Tennessee on September 16th, 2020.
Damon Thompson at the "Freedom Rally" conference at Abba's House in Hixson, Tennessee on September 15th, 2020.
I am at rest because I have been arrested and astonished by the love of God. We are being immersed in the assurance of beloved identity. The reality of the love of Abba is made manifest in the person of Jesus. Jesus is precisely what God has to say about Himself.
The hands of Love have never been tied. He loves because He can be nothing other than Love. His unrelenting love is coming after the lie that you are alienated and the disease of displacement.
You were born for the circle dance and to know the fellowship and love that exists between Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God is not your Father in an abstract or symbolic sense. You have been born of God.
You are not loved because you are perfect. You are loved because you have been adopted by One who is perfect and He covers you with perfect love. Let the love of God come after every table that needs to be turned upside down in your world.
You are precious to Abba and this is a necessary piece to sustaining Hephzibah. Dare to believe that He sees you as precious as He sees His Son. We are getting caught up in a perfect love that is casting out all fear of punishment.
The love of God conquered my wanderings and changed my name. Your past does not define you and you are not the sum of your mistakes. You are beloved. The Father looks at your failures and still wants you more than you could ever possibly know.
Being impulsive is essential in the Kingdom and is actually a sign of maturity. Look back over your journey with the Lord and ask yourself how much fruit are you currently experiencing because you made a decision that made no sense in the natural.
Six years of the rain of the Spirit here in Carolina has changed how I see God. The God I worship today is passionately and furiously in love with me and His jealous eyes come after me. The gospel of the Kingdom is such good news that it is offensive. Let the love of God offend you today.
If you keep giving up and surrendering your beloved identity every time you have a struggle then you are always going to have a struggle. Jesus dealt with the voice of the accuser. You do not earn the silencing of the voice of accusation by your own behavior. You are given the gift of the silence of the accuser because of the behavior of Jesus.
"Beloved" is the core of all that identifies who you are. Refuse to accept the lie that you are anything other than His favorite. The grace of God is coming to heal the wounds of accusation. Jesus came to deal with the effects of the accuser. Divorce every inferior identification keeping you from beloved identity.
Beloved identity is the hinge on which the kingdom of God swings into the culture. We are going to disciple nations and restore ruined cities when people dare to believe they are loved and delighted in by the Father.
Hephzibah becomes an agent of maturity that will bring us into a place of union, connection and glory. Maturity is a willingness to be moved by the impulses of the Spirit.
The answer to what we are dealing with as a nation is the love of God shed abroad in our hearts by Holy Sprit and also the revelation of the long path. Hephzibah is our new name and Yahweh is wanting to make a covenant with our land.
Hold confidently to the courageous hope of who Yahweh designed us to be. Rest gives you permission to inherit the land and rest is the graduate level of beloved identity. We are called to carry presence and leverage hope.
Inherit a measure of rest in this season so that you come out on the other side saying that His presence is enough for you. The delight of the Lord is so extreme that you will have to be seated and wait upon the Lord to encounter it the way you were designed for.
Hezekiah. Can I burn hotter at the age of 45 than I did at the age of 25? As leaders we must inherit a trans-generational consciousness and come out of ambition and self-promotion to live a true Kingdom lifestyle.
Our dear friend Bryn Waddell joins us to discuss what we believe the Spirit is saying during this time of quarantine and social distancing.
Entire regions are impacted by those willing to come out of a place of restlessness. Surrender you anxiety, stop your striving and come into a place of interior stillness. We are crossing over to the other side.
Interior rest and trust is leveraging change concerning the storm. Speak from a place of rest and authority and leverage peace concerning what is happening in the world today. The Father is causing the ark of His covenant to come into homes for a 90 day period. The next great manifestation of revival is not going to require a church building. We are going to have home fellowship revivals.
We are being prepared for global revival. When darkness and gloom covers the earth the light in you cannot be ignored. This is a time to sit alone and give the King your captivated heart. Joseph came out of a season of lockdown with greater authority than ever before.
Luke 19. What you do with the weight of the glory you have been given determines if you can be given authority over cities. Do not try to hide and guard what He wants you to grow.
The favor available within the revelation of beloved identity requires another degree of sacrifice (and there is grace for that sacrifice). Abba wants a people that will open themselves up and let His light shine through them.
If you have an open heart there is no secret of the Kingdom that can be hidden from you. If you can dare to believe The Father is sovereignly watching over your progress it is going to change your pace.
Become a witness that "Hephzibah " is your new name. The greatest gift we can give a fractured culture is a whole person. Mature in Hephzibah and become "Sought Out."
Delighting yourself in the Lord comes as a consequence of realizing that He delights Himself in you. His fascination with me gives me grace to be fascinated in Him. Desire is awakened in us when we begin to see ourselves as desirable. We are being re-oriented by way of being re-identified.
Isaiah 62. Your new name is "Hephzibah" which means "The Lord takes delight in you." The Father delights in showing mercy and His kisses will re-identify you.
Genesis 12. Canaan was a land waiting on a covenant man convinced of his authenticity to come in and see transformation.
We were designed to sparkle and flow together and let our unity be a witness that Jesus is who He said He is. People don't flow together because they refuse to honor one another's sparkle.
Isaiah 60. My light is connected to His glory. Me being dim actually robs Him from glory. You leverage what is available in this new day by using your new name. The Father loves me with the same passionate love that He loved Jesus.
What you do with the presence of Jesus determines your access to transformative glory. It's a new day and you must be willing to change your name. Jacob found a new land and he received a new name.
John 5. Revival's essence is a manifestation of the person of Jesus. Are you convinced that you have already been made whole? Are you ready to abandon how you see yourself and become who you already are?
Honoring what the Lord is doing in another will actually expedite your own entrance into favor. If you will gaze at His goodness, you will begin to see yourself as loved. Breakthrough is supposed to come by way of fire not formula.
John 15. Abba is giving us a new standard of beloved identity. In order to re-engage the realm of Zion we must be convinced of our beloved identity.
Proverbs 13:12. When He becomes your focal point, He changes your desires. Allowing Him to deal with your disappointment makes you whole and causes you to begin to desire the way He designed you to desire.
Revival is granting us re-entrance into an authentic and orthodox Christianity. Divorce yourself from inferior things you have focused on and receive the grace to live distraction free.
Your thirst doesn't lead you to a stream, it causes you to become one. Be thirsty enough that you actually become a river in the desert.
We never see the power of faith because of beloved identity issues. If you come into beloved identity you can move a mountain with a mustard seed of faith. Faith is a witness you have been established in beloved identity.
The purpose of revival and also the purpose of the apostolic is to send you to the feet of Jesus. In the middle of questioning and confusion open up and surrender like you never have before.
Reconciling Revival and Rest. Being forgiven means you cease to be identified as one who had previously failed.
Disappointment initiated the cage most people are trapped in. In revival God will make you stare at the place inside of you that hurts the most and then will deliver you by way of His kindness. The first phase of an oak of righteousness is that there is no longer a broken heart. Finishing the exchange means that there is no longer even a hairline fracture present in you heart.
Finishing the exchange looks like surrendering the last part of me that fails to see Him as good and that fails to see myself as beloved.
Finish the exchange. What hand have I kept hidden behind my back just in case He isn't kind? What has the Father hidden for you that you cannot access because of what you have hidden from Him?
In His sovereignty, God has decided to reveal Himself to us as kind. The Father in His kindness wants to cause the most callous places in your heart to become the most tender.
Can you experience renewal without first being emptied? Is it possible to renovate a house without making a mess? If He is emptying you it is because He is making room for new wine.
Romans 2:4. Kindness could be the most important evangelistic tool the church has ever been given. His forgiveness is kind and tender hearted. Pleasing a kind God trumps trying to appease a bitter God.
Will you ever fully give yourself to seeking someone you do not fully trust? Living in authentic trust generates diligent seeking. Trust has a significant impact on the way we seek Him.
Matthew 8. His desire is much stronger than my feelings that I am undesirable. He is giving you His perspective instead of a leper consciousness.
Matthew 8. He finds us desirable and He chooses to love us even when we feel like everything in us is falling apart. Come out of agreement with every lie that says, "I know He can but will He?"
What is the purpose of the wilderness? Abba ensures that what you used to be a slave to will never chase you again. There are aspects of His countenance reserved for the man that would dare to be still. Vulnerability may be more valuable to leading others into beloved identity than every other leadership quality and gifting combined.
God wants to overwhelm you by the kindness and goodness of His love. There is an intimacy we are being invited into in the year 2020 that is going to test everything we think we know about beloved identity. He is going to put us in the oil of beloved identity and we are going to experience a renewal that never ends.
Begin to experience a lifestyle of renewal that gives you permission to never have to be resuscitated back to life again.
Learn to live in a state of renewal by continually yielding to submersion in the oil that brings tenderness.
Hebrews 4. I am resting from the futility of my own efforts. Nothing in your life can legally be called "success" if it was not accomplished through rest. Come into a degree of trust that believes He cares for you and then you will come into a place of confident rest.
What if "caring" is as significant a part of Yahweh's nature as His omnipotence is? Few struggle with believing that He "can" do something or has the ability to accomplish something, but many struggle with believing that He actually cares. What if He cares to the same degree that He can?
Finish the Exchange.
The vulnerability of fathers holds the key for future generations to live in liberty and exclusivity. Leaders often try to project an image rather than be a reflection of an image. Projecting an image of success is keeping us from an alignment that can actually transform the darkness of the culture around us.
Five Year Anniversary of Carolina Revival. What I have experienced in the past is of such immense value that I am unwilling to stop with the measure I am currently in possession of.
The principle role of fathers in our day is to create cultures and environments that permit a degree of expression that is equal to the story.
Ezekiel 47.
Damon Thompson Ministries
Damon Thompson Ministries
The Altar Conference in Fresno, CA, April 2019.
Camp Ascend, Marengo, Ohio.
Romans 8
The Obligations of a Kinsman Redeemer.
Matthew 6. Jesus talks about money more than He talks about heaven and hell combined. All of His teaching about money is actually trying to teach us about faith. It may be that what you do with your money, how you think about your money and how you worry about money tells you a lot about where you are at with your faith.
Isaiah 35. Psalm 1. Daniel 6. If you are going to re-identify the world around you, Yahweh is going to re-identify the world within you.
The reality of being co-resurrected. When God's glory raised Jesus from the dead He raised me too.
First Wednesday at Celebration Church in Clovis, California.
Do you feel fully accepted by Abba? We must believe we are so accepted by the Father that there are no restraints when it comes to pursuing spiritual realities. The fear of never measuring up is being swallowed up by the Abba reality.
Yahweh will make you identify yourself based on what He says about you even if you cannot see it. Beloved identity generates impossible dreams.
We manifest a measure of light that is a witness that we have inherited an unheard of definition of life.
Begin to live your life in light of the impact that should be had on future generations. Saul experienced authority that lasted throughout his lifetime; David established a dynasty and throne that the Christ sits upon forever. When you understand the difference between destiny and dynasty you will begin to live to leave something that lives far beyond yourself.
We enter into His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise.
Colossians 2. If you do not understand that you are complete in Christ you will end up striving for perfectionism and call it holiness.
Luke 22. Right before Peter uses his sword to cut off the ear of Malchus, which was contrary to the will of Jesus, he fails in the place of devotion. When we are losing in the place of devotion we demand to use our swords and consequently cut off the ear of people who need to experience the love of God.
The Father is calling you out of delusional thought processes and is releasing a grace for you to disagree with inferior realities that you have agreed with in the past. Refuse to be offended over the stories in your life where it looks like He wasn't just.
2 Kings 6. Necessary transgenerational consciousness. Rather than using a single life-time as a unit of measurement for both planning and success, what if we let Yahweh teach us His plan that promotes a way of thinking where we begin to make decisions based on the impact those choices will have on future generations.
John 9. Who you are is more important than what you are called to do. Jesus wants you to see everything through the lens of beloved identity. His name is not "Judge" and you are not in a courtroom. His name is "Abba" and you are home. The Father is calling you out of fatherlessness.
Take heed therefore how you hear. What we do with what we hear in 2019 is going to determine what we see in 2020. When we hear a word from the Lord like this we have to be cautious because the first thing He says to you might be the last thing you wanted to hear. Often the last thing you want to hear is the very thing that is necessary for you to inherit vision.
How many Christians in America have a consistent space of time in their day where they simply sit in the presence of the Lord? I think we would be disappointed at the percentage. Motion is easier than stillness. Many have called being still lazy but in reality it is actually far more difficult to be still and remain than to be in motion.
The North Gate, Streetsboro, Ohio. January 13th, 2019
The North Gate, Streetsboro, Ohio. January 12th, 2019
The North Gate, Streetsboro, Ohio. January 11th, 2019.
The Triumphal Entry. Matthew 21. Jesus chooses to allow Himself to be carried by the wild and peculiar ones into unprecedented degrees of victory and triumph. Yahweh needs generations that will together allow themselves to be untied from systems by the apostolic.
City Revival Church, Kannapolis, North Carolina. December 30th, 2018
City Revival Church, Kannapolis, North Carolina. December 29th, 2018.
City Revival Church, Kannapolis, North Carolina. December 28th, 2018.
Philippians 4. Anointing, Presence, Glory.
Luke 15. How many years have we wasted believing our job was to keep our own robe clean? You are being re-identified. You have seen yourself as failing to keep your own robe clean when the goal all along was really for you to simply say, "yes" to the Father's robe.
Romans 14:17. For the Kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
A flood of a revolution of righteousness is coming to us this fall season. Fathers are becoming conscious of generational legacy rather than personal destiny and as a result are coming into a place of rest on a mountain called "the curse reversed."
Our issue is not storms, our issue is drought. Storms reveal the rainbow that re-roots us in the promises of God, but drought will keep you from ever being rooted. When you really begin to believe the promises of God, you begin to dance in the rain of the storm you used to be afraid of.
Noah was a righteous man and as result he walked in close fellowship with God. He spent around 80 years building an ark that only 8 people would end up being on when the flood came, but those 8 people carried within them everything necessary to establish a new culture in the earth.
Luke 14. The poor were invited to the great feast because they were void of an inferior definition of prosperity. The blind were invited because they were void of an inferior definition of vision. The disabled were void of an inferior definition of might and production. The lonely were void of inferior relationships and the hurting were void of an inferior definition of wholeness. To end up at Yeshua's great feast requires an admittance of the poverty we have outside of His Presence.
Put on the full armor of God. I do not want any armor on me that isn't on Him. He is giving you grace to let the old armor melt off and to quit seeing yourself as susceptible and to surrender to being vulnerable.
What if the great feast Jesus spoke of in Luke 14 is actually an invitation into a currently accessible and intended Biblical Christianity rather than a teaser for a far off and futuristic heaven? What if joy unspeakable and full of glory is available in the King's presence RIGHT NOW?
The earth was designed to shift by people encountering the Christ, not by people encountering your church. The disastrous result of the franchise-based current church growth model is that there is no where for people to go when they need a Bible-sized encounter. I believe God is raising up small companies that are by way of honor being permitted to steward an atmosphere that embraces a degree of presence ideally suited for the poor, outcast, handicapped and blind. Our children are beginning to be exposed to Bible-sized encounters and are growing up realizing that nothing is impossible.
A revelation of righteousness carries within itself the ability for us to live as the antithesis of who we were before being planted as an oak of righteousness by the Lord. Righteousness essentially means "poor no more." We are no longer broken hearted and we have been liberated from every prison. Righteousness is an official end to a life of mourning and despair. Your ashes do not glorify God and they insult your crown.
Part Two. We have spent four years saying, "yes" and we are going to spend the next ten years watching what it looks like when Yahweh says, "yes" to us. The Lord spoke to me on 8/8/18 and said, "Today it begins." Between 8/8/18 and 8/8/28 will be the greatest ten years for the advance of the gospel of the Kingdom in the Americas that we have ever seen in history. A decade of outpouring has begun.
Part One. We are stewarding an atmosphere that releases an encounter that permits an authority for reclamation. When you have a significant enough encounter with His presence, it answers your questions concerning His nature. His nature is the guarantee that your future is secure.
The glory has overwhelmingly convinced us of His goodness. For 4 years now He has been teaching us in revival about His goodness. He has been hiding us in the cleft of the rock and letting new dimensions of His goodness pass us by. Are you asking Him for a goodness that veils you from people in order that you may get as fully connected to Him as you were designed to be?
Isaiah 35. This past week I surprised my wife with a trip to the Magnolia Market at the Silos in Waco, TX. For those of you that do not know, there is a couple named Chip and Joanna Gaines that have a popular TV show about flipping houses in Waco, TX. While on this trip I had no idea the Holy Spirit was going to show me some significant things about the culture of the Kingdom we are cultivating here in Carolina.
In Acts 3 Peter and John went up together to the Beautiful Gate and encountered a man crippled from birth. This story is a prophetic picture of a what happens when people have a collision with a revelation of beloved identity. When a revelation of who Jesus is comes together with a revelation of beloved identity disabilities become abilities.
Religion creates a culture of methods and as a result we have exchanged manifestations for these methods. Genuine transformation must be authenticated by way of having at its foundation a devotional ascent. Behavior modification is an inheritance of permission to ascend in devotion and devotion will modify behavior 100% of the time. If modified behavior comes as a consequence of methods or strategies you will live the rest of your life trying to maintain your modified behavior. Jesus never came to simply modify your behavior; He came to give you permission to murder the person that used to behave that way.
What if every moment is sacred? What if just me breathing is holy? I am so exclusively His that everything I do and everywhere I go is holy, holy, holy. Me laughing is worship. When I used to think of honoring my Presence encounter, I thought that it meant don't lose it. But remember the parable of the talents? Steward the One you have encountered to such a degree that you now actually generate encounters.
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