Dan sits down with good friend and former Marine Sergeant Tyler Funk. Tyler enlisted in the USMC as an Air Traffic Controller in 2003. After some initial training, he volunteered for deployment, and later was selected for the MEU (Marine Expeditionary Unit), and an MMT (Marine Air Traffic Control Mobile Team), a small enlisted team trained to be dropped off by helicopter in the middle of nowhere, set up a dirt airstrip, and have aircraft landing on it with personnel and equipment within 30-40 minutes.
To prepare for this role, he had to go through extensive training before deployment, including the helo dunker and SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape) school.
Join us as Tyler gives us an intimate look into some pretty intense military training and his experiences in his time in the Marines.
WARNING: we discuss some simulated and not-so simulated “enhanced interrogation techniques” that are part of this military training.
Next Episode: Behind Enemy Lines (2001)
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