Lots to talk about today! Evicting a few REITs from the taxable account for tax purposes, loads of buys and a few option plays covered. Let's get to it!
Tickers mentioned in this episode - MMM, MCD, O, DUK, PRU, CUBE, CVS, JNJ, PEP, KMB, ABBV, ED, GOLD, MO, IBM, T, MET, FB. (Full Disclosure - I am long MMM, MCD, O, DUK, PRU, CVS, JNJ, PEP, KMB, ABBV, ED, GOLD, MO & IBM.)
Song of the show - "Born, Raised, passed away" by Los Difuntos
Disclaimer- I am not a licensed financial adviser and this is not financial advice. These are my thoughts and opinions shared for fun and entertainment.