Our Senior Content Advisor Q McCallum sat down with Otakar Hubschmann, Head of Applied Data at TransRe, to talk about ML/AI in the world of reinsurance. They take a deep dive into the insurance industry and the role reinsurance plays there, with a side-trip to show how this differs from the quantitative finance you see in hedge funds. Along the way, Otakar offers his favorite tips for hiring data scientists. (Whether you're applying for a job, or hiring for one, take note.) Near the end of the episode, Otakar and Q mention some of their favorite books on risk, machine learning, and taking a quantitative approach to businesses. Here's the list they promised:
Also, to learn more about the insurance industry, please check out David Wright's Not Unreasonable podcast. Otakar's interview on that show is the episode from November 02, 2020.