We don't have a new episode this week, but we have an amazing conversation with Sejal Vaidya from August
We talked about
- Sejal's background
- Why transitioning to ML engineering
- Three phases of development of a project
- Why data engineers should get involved in ML
- Technologies
- Tips for people who want to transition
- Soft skills and understanding requirements
- Helpful resources
- ML checklist (https://twolodzko.github.io/ml-checklist.html)
- Machine Learning Bookcamp (https://mlbookcamp.com/)
- Made with ML course (https://madewithml.com)
- Full-stack deep learning (https://fullstackdeeplearning.com)
- Newsletters: mlinproduction, huyenchip.com, jeremyjordan.me, mihaileric.com
- Sejal's "Production ML" twitter list (https://twitter.com/i/lists/1212819218959351809)
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