We talked about:
- Adrian’s background
- Freelancing vs Employment
- Risk and occupancy rate in freelancing
- The scariest part of freelancing
- Adrian’s first projects
- Freelancing 5 years later
- Pay rates in freelancing
- Acquiring skills while freelancing
- Working with recruitment agencies and networking
- Looking for projects and getting clients
- Freelancing vs consulting
- Clarity in clients’ expectations (scope of work)
- Building your network
- Freelancing platforms
- Adrian’s data loading prototype
- Going from freelancing to making your own product (and other investments)
- The usefulness of a portfolio
- Introverts in freelancing
- Is it possible to work for 3 months a year in freelancing?
- Choosing projects and skill-building strategy (focusing on interests)
- Freelancing in Berlin
- Clients’ expectations for freelancers vs employees
- Working with more than one client at the same time
- Adrian’s freelance cooperative on Slack
- Other advice for novice freelancers (networking)
- Finding Adrian online
- Github: https://github.com/scale-vector
- Slack Community: https://join.slack.com/t/berlindatacol-szn7050/shared_invite/zt-19dp8msp0-pP4Av3_fVFBbsdrzPROEAg
MLOps Zoomcamp: https://github.com/DataTalksClub/mlops-zoomcamp
Join DataTalks.Club: https://datatalks.club/slack.html
Our events: https://datatalks.club/events.html