We talked about:
- Alexander’s background
- The role of Partner at Königsweg
- Being part of the data and AI community
- How Alexander became chair at PyData
- Alexander’s many talks and advice on giving them
- Explaining AI to managers
- Why being able to explain machine learning to managers is important
- The experimentational nature of AI and why it’s not a cure-all
- Innovation requires patience
- Convincing managers not to use AI or ML when there are better (simpler) solutions
- The role of MLOps in enterprises
- Thinking about the mid- and long-term when considering solutions
- Finding Alexander online
- Alexander's Twitter: https://twitter.com/hendorf
- Alexander's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hendorf/
- Königsweg: https://www.koenigsweg.com
- PyData Südwest: https://www.meetup.com/pydata-suedwest/
- PyData Frankfurt: https://www.meetup.com/pydata-frankfurt/
- PyConDE & PyData Berlin: https://pycon.de
ML Zoomcamp: https://github.com/alexeygrigorev/mlbookcamp-code/tree/master/course-zoomcamp
Join DataTalks.Club: https://datatalks.club/slack.html
Our events: https://datatalks.club/events.html