We discussed monetization roles and the capabilities people need to move into those roles.
The key roles are ML Researcher, ML Architect, and ML Product Manager.
We talked about:
Vin's career journey
- What does it mean to "monetize machine learning"
- Important monetization metrics
- Who should we have on the team to make a project successful
- Machine Learning Researcher (applied and scientist) - background, responsibilities, and needed skills
- Developing new categories
- The best recipe for a startup: angry users + data scientists
- What research actually is
- ML Product Manager - background, responsibilities, and needed skills
- How product managers can actually manage all their responsibilities (and they have a lot of them!)
- ML Architect - background, responsibilities, and needed skills
- Path to becoming an architect
- How should we change education to make it more effective
- Important product metrics
And more!
- https://twitter.com/v_vashishta
- https://linkedin.com/in/vineetvashishta
- https://databyvsquared.com/
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