In this episode we are joined with Astrologer and Yoga Nidra guide, Jana Roemer, for a juicy and provocative conversation about the themes in 2024 and the New Paradigm.
Key Takeaways:
- Jana’s upbringing with her nervous system attuning to nature.
- Why Astrology is a pattern of nature.
- Using Astrology and Human Design as an expansive tool that liberates you instead of confines you.
- How life is a simulation and program, and how our emotions and vibration create our reality.
- The correlation between the Human Design New Paradigm and Astrology’s prediction for the upcoming years.
- Saturn in Pisces, Pluto is Aquarius, Jupiter in Gemini, and what these energetics mean for our collective.
- Holding space for duality within ourselves, our collective, and extending compassion and our personal resources to uplift where we are meant to help.
- Adaptability and being your own authority with social media and the most important themes to navigate in 2024.
Jana Roemer:
Retreat: March 21st - 26th, 2024
Insight Timer: Jana Roemer
Instagram: @jana_roemer
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